Kenny Ortega on BBC Radio1 in 10 minutes. Send him questions 81199

Thank you so much for posting. I'm glad we'll see his humor, too. I need to see him happy.
That made me cry! Im looking forward to the movie so much now! But i just no im going to be a wreck, i couldnt even hold back the tears in that interview!
I was late for a meeting listening to the interview this morning! I was pleasantly surprised, and thought that Kenny sounded as if he really cared about Michael.

(P.S. I didn't make this one -- can't remember who did in the macros thread.)

That was me who made that! :D:D

P.s thanks everyone for the Transcripts:)
sounds like a Great interview! Thanks Kenny!

Oh Michael:wub:
That was me who made that! :D:D

P.s thanks everyone for the Transcripts:)
sounds like a Great interview! Thanks Kenny!

Oh Michael:wub:
LOL, cool. Didn't want to sort through 270 pages over there ;) I changed "dolphin" to "penguin", hope ya don't mind. It totally cracks me up :hysterical:
Thanks for the transcript. It's sweet how he speaks about Michael, I do believe he really cares a lot about him.
LOL, cool. Didn't want to sort through 270 pages over there ;) I changed "dolphin" to "penguin", hope ya don't mind. It totally cracks me up :hysterical:

thats ok, its just when i made it, people were either calling it the Penguin or the agressive dolphin! :lol:

and im glad it cracked you up ! :D
He considered Stranger In Moscow?!?! :swoon: Aww...Human Nature his favorite....if I have a hard time listening to any song than it's Human's so emotional, so pure, so...oh I miss him.:cry:
Love the interview, Kenny seems to be really caring.

Thanks for the transcript!
It is sick, youj look at the picture and he is happy and healthy and now he is dead! NOO!!! :(
Q:Will film show MJs humour?
Q: Did MJ have new moves that he was practising.
K: Mj throws down some great moves. Music takes over his body. He does a casual version of BJ which is brilliant. Genious. We didn't have a Penguin dance, it didn't exist, he was just jamming. We were all "What is THAT?!"

Just like my initial reaction. :hysterical:

Q: which song MJ enjoyed performing the most?
K: The fans voted on the material. He loved Human Nature. He considered Stranger in Moscow and alternating it once in London. I would have to say Human Nature was his favourite.
