Katt Williams freaks out in motel; ordered for mental evaluation; latest episode in mental hickups

^ the man pisses all over muppets like Williams.

and i never understood these sudden discussion-board moments of compassion or sensitivity towards ailing, dying or of course recently dead celebrities - especially those you don't know that well, or indeed never liked very much before. and neither do i get the whole "karma" or "wishing" someone ill bs.
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^ "Karma" has grown to be one of my least favorite words now. It seems that whenever person A has a problem with person B, any time something bad happens in the life of person B, person A will claim it's karma. But here's the thing: bad things happen to everyone, and eventually, something tragically bad is probably going to happen in their life too, no matter who they are. What a sad, miserable way to find closure by calling it "karma" the next time something bad happens to whoever you dislike.

It's basically gloating in the face of someone's hardship, though I'm sure most of them will claim that's not the case and that they're just "telling it like it is." Wow.
Karma doesn't make sense unless it's people you know that you personally hate, lol. Why would I feel karma for a guy who talk sh*t about one of my favorite musicians? What for?
^ the man pisses all over muppets like Williams.

and i never understood these sudden discussion-board moments of compassion or sensitivity towards ailing, dying or of course recently dead celebrities - especially those you don't know that well, or indeed never liked very much before. and neither do i get the whole "karma" or "wishing" someone ill bs.

It's called being "politically correct", lol. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, actually, especially when deep down you know those same people are probably smiling about it.
Exactly, lol.

His jokes aren't meant to be taken intellectually , obviously. Some of his jokes are funny, though. His DMX joke had me in tears.
well by definition, intelligence would be inherent in all good comedy - even acts who like to portray themselves as "unintelligent" in the general 'geeky' notion we have of it. many would probably say that Chappelle isn't supposed to be taken intellectually, but it's his method which is very intelligent in the area he specialises in, which is comedy. Grand Master S pretty much nailed it on what takes the funny out of entertainers like Williams. at times, you think it's a fascist rally, not a show.

wannabestartinsomethin said:
It's called being "politically correct", lol. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, actually, especially when deep down you know those same people are probably smiling about it.
yeah, i mean i understand to publicly refrain from your frank comments with regards to someone who has either died or is ill of some sorts, and obviously to not revel in such situations or use the highly illogical "karma" argument - but to expect some sort of newly-found compassion or sympathy for celebs with similar background to Williams.. that's just not on for me.
This guy called Michael and his children niggers. It wasn't a term of endearment like we do somethimes. He meant it the way people meant it in the 60's. and that's how he offended me.

NO respect at all. Not for our people. Not even for himself.

He's trash. I hope this ends his career.
Right. But some people just get so mad if you even just say "I'm not sorry for them" or whatever. They act like you just bitch slapped their grandmother. It's so fake. That's what pisses me off about it.

Most truly funny comedians don't resort to the easy tactic of ragging on celebrities anyway. You look at the funniest of them, and truly intelligent comedians, they make observations about human nature and things we all can relate to and turn it in to a joke. Take Sam Kinison, for example. I've never seen a funnier comedian then him, and he never talked about celebrities, but about social and human conditions. Ellen DeGenerous is another one. Talking trash about celebrities is a cheap trick in making people laugh. And when the joke turns cruel or personally mean, then that's not funny at all.
Its always interesting to see people jump all over a person that just may not like Michael the way they do. Thats a sad thing to do. They have an opinion just like anyone else, if its funny or not is up to the viewer but its amazing how personal people take it for Michael himself.

There are people out there and I'm not saying anyone here in particular that hate Katt for the pure fact he mocked Michael. Why? In that case you would probably hate the vast majority of comedians including; Chris Rock, Cedric the Entertainer, Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphy, Steve Harvey...and the list goes on and on. I mean I know some people weren't making jokes anywhere near what Katt himself was saying. But Chris Rock had some interesting things to say. And I really dont care if Katt was serious or not (he was) because its his opinion and I won't hate him for it or hold it againist him.

As Chris Rock once said "I'm not saying he should have done/said it...but I understand." I hope he gets the help he needs...if he does in fact have a problem.
People here care about Michael and its only natural for them to be defensive over him. When you care about him on a personal level, then it hurts to see other people say degrading things about him. You can't expect people not to get angry over that. Katt Williams opinion is based in total ignorance and that's a dangerous thing. It's not acceptable, in my opinion. I have a problem with comedians who attack Michael is a vicious or cruel manner, based on nothing but blind hatred and ignorance. Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphey, Steve Harvey, whatever, have never done so, to my knowledge. You can tell they're joking. I don't have a problem with Eddie Giffith, even though he's said some weird things about Michael. But he didn't mean them. Williams does, he's an ignorant fool, and it pisses me off when he says crap like that because I care about Michael. There's nothing wrong with that. And I genuinely don't find him funny either way. Chris Rock is the same thing. Keep that shit to yourself and don't try to pass it off as "part of your routine". You would get mad if someone mad fun of you like that, or mad fun of a family memeber or friend. Well, just apply those feelings to how some here, a lot here actually, feel about Michael. He means a lot to a lot of people and it sucks to see him get shit on all the time. I'm not asking anyone to be a fan like I am. I'm asking for some amount of personal respect towards a person who's done a lot of good in this world.
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Re: Katt Williams freaks out in motel; ordered for mental evaluation; latest episode in mental haiku

People here care about Michael and its only natural for them to be defensive over him. When you care about him on a personal level, then it hurts to see other people say degrading things about him. You can't expect people not to get angry over that. Katt Williams opinion is based in total ignorance and that's a dangerous thing. It's not acceptable, in my opinion. I have a problem with comedians who attack Michael is a vicious or cruel manner, based on nothing but blind hatred and ignorance. Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphy, Steve Harvey, whatever, have never done so, to my knowledge. You can tell they're joking. I don't have a problem with Eddie Griffith, even though he's said some weird things about Michael. But he didn't mean them. Williams does, he's an ignorant fool, and it pisses me off when he says crap like that because I care about Michael. There's nothing wrong with that. And I genuinely don't find him funny either way. Chris Rock is the same thing. Keep that shit to yourself and don't try to pass it off as "part of your routine". You would get mad if someone mad fun of you like that, or mad fun of a family member or friend. Well, just apply those feelings to how some here, a lot here actually, feel about Michael. He means a lot to a lot of people and it sucks to see him get shit on all the time. I'm not asking anyone to be a fan like I am. I'm asking for some amount of personal respect towards a person who's done a lot of good in this world.

Very well said wss, Katt Williams 's career has been short relative to Michael's and Katt has been driving to his gigs just because he can't carry a fire arm, and lose his drugs. But for someone as perfect as he is, has no room to judge. Weather is called"karma" or not, it's gonna come back on him, not just once but several times because he is so hateful. Now his personal shortcoming are being put on BLAST!!! or would you call it an "act" too???"
And no, I am not hating on him because of his drug addition, to each their own, but he too needs help.
Theres no question about the amount of respect I have for Michael. But that does not mean that I don't have any for Katt Williams or anyone else that jokes about Michael or absolutely hates his guts. At the end of the day I really don't care what people feel about Michael. They can all have their opinions of him but I won't dislike them anymore because of that. Just like I wouldn't expect people to think I'm wrong for liking Michael Jackson as a person and a artist.

I can respect anyone that may be bothered about what was said but to take it personally, no I won't ever understand. Because no one on this board (To my knowledge) really has any true affiliation with Michael so they have no idea who he is or what he is about. We would all like to be able to say "Oh I know Michael and how he feels or thinks" or whatever, but no one does and I don't think anyone has a right to say that. Being angry is one thing and its respectable as a fan, but to take it personally to the point that when someone doesn't like Michael that you get angry or mocks their shortcomings, then no, I dont understand it. Especially since some appear happy that Katt is suffering. Which sounds hypercritical.

Again at any rate, at the end of the day regardless of how Katt Williams feels about Michael, that should not be the issue here. The point is hes a human being and he may very well be going through somethings personally so I would hope that people could look past his opinions and feel for him as a person. That doesn't mean respect the man.

Let me say once more, that I'm not talking about anyone on particular. Just in general.
I'm not happy that Katt Williams is having issues. I just don't care. Nor do I "hate" him. I don't really hate anybody. I just dislike him and find him to be disrespectful and ignorant towards a person I really care about. I don't have any issue with you liking Katt Williams, so you really shouldn't have an issue with me disliking him. I don't like him for his attitude overall. Anyone who would attack and belittle a person on the level he does to Michael is autmoatically questionable to me. There's people who have dissed Michael who I still like very much. Cher is one example and I'm going to see her in March of next year in Vegas. But Williams whole attitude and the way he treats others rubs me the wrong way and I don't like him for it. Bottom line. It's not even about taking it "personally", its about careing about another person who is being attacked and not liking it. It's human nature to feel angry or hurt over seeing someone you care about attacked.

It doesn't matter if anyone here knows Michael on a personal level, the point is, they feel a connection to him regardless and care about him. The reality is, no one really knows anyone other then themselves. That doesn't stop you from caring about them on a personal level. It hurts to see people saying really vile things about Michael and it's completely bogus when its based in so much ignorance. I don't like people who are so hateful for no good reason. Bottom line. If you have a problem with that, okay, but its how I feel, and how a lot of people feel.
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Nope, no issue from me. Anyone can like or not like whoever they please. I just don't like how so many MJ fans get worked up over something someone says and then when that person has problems going on its a good thing and they get what they deserve. Wasn't referring to you in particular or anyone in this thread for that matter...or even this board. Its just fans period. Its your right to not care about his situation and its clear that you at least stem your dislike for him beyond what he said about Michael which is good. Thats what I'm trying to get at.

I don't have any problem with his comedy or what he says about people, again I thought it was funny. And I have friends that are fans of both MJ and Katt and found it hilarious. It all depends on ones sense of humor, or what they believe in. Thats what comedy is basically, making fun of people, they all do it. I just cant take that stuff seriously no matter how serious they are. I'd rather laugh than be angry.

Basically I can see everything you are saying right now. Cept for the whole "connections" thing and taking things personally. I can not take something someone says but I can't take it personal when I don't personally know him. I can't say I have a connection with him to that extent, I dont have a connection with any celebrity in regards to that. But that comes down to personal beliefs. Which theres no use in debating that.

So lets leave it on that note because its very clear we won't see eye to eye on this :agree:. And I'm probably minority here on this situation anyway and we'll just keep going back and forth lol. I do respect your opinion though.
That's fine. We just disagree. But like I said, I dislike when someone attacks someone I care about. It's the way I would feel over anyone I care about being attacked. I admire Michael as a person as much as I do him as an artist and I get really tired of seeing people shit all over a man who has given his entire life to a very public service and has done more good in one year then most people do in their whole lives. I would appreciate some respect. Comedians who make fun of people on a personal level, and don't make it a general observation about humanity, I don't find them funny. It's cheap to me, especailly for a target as easy as Michael is. I especially can't find any humor in it when it isn't meant to be humor. Calling Michael a child molestor and saying he hates his race and things of that nature isn't funny, not at all. A lot of people feel a connection to Michael, whether you agree with whether they should or not, they do, and they care about what happens to him and want him to be healthy and happy because he affects their lives in a positive way.
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Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphy, Steve Harvey...

You cannot compare these men to the clown known as Katt Williams. These men never went there with Michael. They never made a joke about a man who was falsely accused of a crime. They never called him the n-word for no damn reason. They never belittle the man. Their jokes about Michael were funny but in some ways true. The issue with Katt was that he was trashing the man based on lies and false allegations. Why? For laughs. That is not right. Period. You can be funny and never trash a person you never met. Look at how Bill Cosby did his comedy routine - he was classy, funny and on point. Same with Richard Pryor. He was very funny because he talked about life. They did not trash famous people for laughs. Why? Because the are famous themselves and anyone can false accused them of some kind of crime. Eddie Murphy said one time that the comedians of today are even nastier. Why is that? Katt Williams, like a long host of unfunny, laughable, pathetic losers, make fun of people who are going through or were going through troubles. Why kick someone that is down? Why do that? What is up with him? Why trashed a person just because you hate that person? Why even go there? That is what I am getting at. I find it ironic that this fool is now going through his own troubles. I am not saying that he deserves it, but you have to admit, what is happening to him is almost like karma in a way. (Yeah, I said, KARMA. Deal with it.) How would Katt like it if someone stated, because, from what I understand, he is a single man with eight children, falsely accused him of child abuse? Would it be funny then? I do not think so. So, whatever he is going through now, I just find interesting. I really could careless what is happening to him and I feel bad for his children. I am a bit distrubed that fans who know the truth about Michael would even feel any amount of sorrow for a man who trashed MJ and assumed that he was this "pedophile" just for laughs. I am distubed by that and please do not give me this nonsense of "well not everyone thinks that MJ is not a pedophile" because this discussion is not about that but about some "comedian" known as Katt or Kitt Williams. And he did meant what he said about Michael.
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Hmm... this is a long thread and I have no time to read everything but I do want to say this.

People need to stop effing with Michael. LOL! It's lame and immature or whatever you want to call it, but that's how I feel. I heard some of Katt's jokes. Horrible and hurtful stuff...whether he meant it or not. Totally uncalled for. Pedo jokes are never cool...EVER. Anyway, tis all I have to say. I DO wish him well tho. Maybe when he's done having his head checked he'll be a better, kinder and less insensitive man.

Peace. :flowers:
Wow Bee did you bother to read what I wrote or picked and choose what I wrote?

I said that those comedians did not go on the level that Katt went. My point is, where do you draw the line at? Thats the point I was getting at. By the way there is no reason to answer that now because its been said several times in long drawn out paragraphs.

All I can say is everything I've wanted to say has already been stated. I understand everyone's opinion, I just hope people can at least see where I'm coming from as well. If not thats fine. I've heard the same argument through this whole thread...I think I've gotten it.

Some people take what Katt says as jokes believe it or not just like jokes by any other comedian. He crossed the line, sure but apparently not to many people feel that way considering his success. Once again, its all a matter of taste and opinion.

Again, I really dont care if Katt likes Michael Jackson or meant what he said or not. This conversation is nothing but a back and forth repeat of what has already been said. And besides what he said about Michael should be irrelevant. So let me hopefully end this again by saying:

I wish Katt the very best. Hes one of my favorite comedians, and he deserves all the help he can receive. Karma or whatever. Which its funny people keep stressing that when I actually believe in Karma itself.
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Okay, so it's okay to bash and talk down about someone else, but when people do it to Michael then off with there heads? lol. Now thats not nice. There are tons of people who don't like Mike, and what? But dont be so little and just out right hate who ever doesn't like him. That's there right. Katt is very good at what he does. What he said about Mike was out there but I mean thats how he feels. Just because you don't agree with what he says doesn't make what he said about Mike "karma". If thats the case people can easily say the reason Mike was arrested was because his house is a shrine to children..."karma"... idk it can go both ways. Not trying to step on anyone's toes but thats just how I feel
Nobody said anything derogatory about WIlliams, just that they thought he was an ass and they didn't like him. It's one thing to talk trash about Michael, who treats everyone with respect and kindness, and another thing to call someone like Williams a jerk, who doesn't respect people and routinely treats them as less then dirt.
People here care about Michael and its only natural for them to be defensive over him. When you care about him on a personal level, then it hurts to see other people say degrading things about him. You can't expect people not to get angry over that. Katt Williams opinion is based in total ignorance and that's a dangerous thing. It's not acceptable, in my opinion. I have a problem with comedians who attack Michael is a vicious or cruel manner, based on nothing but blind hatred and ignorance. Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphey, Steve Harvey, whatever, have never done so, to my knowledge. You can tell they're joking. I don't have a problem with Eddie Giffith, even though he's said some weird things about Michael. But he didn't mean them. Williams does, he's an ignorant fool, and it pisses me off when he says crap like that because I care about Michael. There's nothing wrong with that. And I genuinely don't find him funny either way. Chris Rock is the same thing. Keep that shit to yourself and don't try to pass it off as "part of your routine". You would get mad if someone mad fun of you like that, or mad fun of a family memeber or friend. Well, just apply those feelings to how some here, a lot here actually, feel about Michael. He means a lot to a lot of people and it sucks to see him get shit on all the time. I'm not asking anyone to be a fan like I am. I'm asking for some amount of personal respect towards a person who's done a lot of good in this world.


I could'nt had said that better!
Well I never really cared for this little man even before he made those jokes about MJ, but I definitely disliked him a lot more after I saw that special he did where I thought he was just being downright nasty about Michael. It wasn't even like he was trying to be funny really, I got the feeling it was a personal thing with Katt and that he really hated MJ, which is fine, he doesn't have to like Michael and I don't have to like Katt either. People need to respect that on here and stop acting like this is something unique to MJ fans. If you went on any celebrities fan board, they would react the same way many MJ fans are acting. Just like WBSS said, we are fans of MJ on here so of course a lot of people aren't happy about what Katt said about Michael. His jokes about Michael weren't funny for the most part imo, he was just mean spirited and a total a**hole. . I would feel that way about almost anyone really. I mean I was equally disturbed when Sarah Silverman made those jokes about Britney Spears at the VMA's last year, I didn't find that funny at all. I just don't like seeing people being humiliated or being made fun of like that, so it's not even about Michael only.

With all that said though, I do not wish Katt Williams any ill will or anything. I am certainly not a fan but I do hope he gets help for whatever issues or problems he may be having right now, mainly for his children's sake.
People need to respect that on here and stop acting like this is something unique to MJ fans. If you went on any celebrities fan board, they would react the same way many MJ fans are acting.

On point. Kudos to you. Britney fans do not even like Perez Hilton because of all of the nasty comments he said about her.

BTW, if Katt Williams hates MJ, then he needs help like the rest of the nobodies that hate Mike for no damn reason.
He talked about Mike like Mike was a piece of $hit. Excuse me for not feeling sorry at all for Katt Williams...
Wow now I receive personal messages from "respected members" here about how I "trash Michael" and how I write "bullshit" and that I'm from some "KOP Board".

Thats a real shame. So for anyone else that is confused and too the person that sent me that. I am not from this "KOP Board"...I dont even know what that is but thanks. Since MJNO went under or whatever happened (never found out) this is the only MJ Board I post at. If that person or persons don't believe that then thats cool.

And if anyone can honestly sit there and say that I have been "trashing Michael" then I feel sorry for you and I must say you couldn't be anymore wrong. Why would I be on an MJ board if I didn't like and or respect Michael? Hello? I invite you to read some of my other posts regarding him. I really don't have to explain myself to anyone.

I respected everyone's opinions and came to an understanding with quite a few. At the very least came to understand one another. And I would have hoped to have recevied the same amount of respect back.

I am not trying to "fool" anyone. These are my opinions, and this is where I stand. I'm not quite sure what you want from me.

I would expect much more. After all my opinion is as good as anyone else here...I would hope at least. This is what I am referring to about taking things "personal" and "out of hand". But I'll just end it with that. Anyone else have any questions or concerns regarding my point of view? I thought we were at an understanding but I guess not.
On point. Kudos to you. Britney fans do not even like Perez Hilton because of all of the nasty comments he said about her.

BTW, if Katt Williams hates MJ, then he needs help like the rest of the nobodies that hate Mike for no damn reason.

wow u really think there's NO REASON for mj hate? honestly? so if peopledon't like mj they need help....actually, liking mj should be the last question during a 5150 hold interview...if they don't like him, lock them down! amazing

Nobody said anything derogatory about WIlliams, just that they thought he was an ass and they didn't like him. It's one thing to talk trash about Michael, who treats everyone with respect and kindness, and another thing to call someone like Williams a jerk, who doesn't respect people and routinely treats them as less then dirt.

can we say CONTRADICTION? we're being nice but he's an ass? mj treats EVERYONE w/ respect and kindness? do we know mike now? or is this th eIMAGE that we're talking about....same as katt....he treats people like a jerk and doesn't respect them? he's a comedian...that's his job and he doesn't like mj so the reason y his mj jokes are so out there is b/c people are so shocked that he's saying them cuz....other comedians wouldn't dare go there. the man got laughs for a reason, nicole..i w onder y? it's a 2 hr set that we all 'know' katt from and that's not how the man lives his damn life...or maybe it is cuz hell, he sure did rise to fame pretty quickly.....

Okay, so it's okay to bash and talk down about someone else, but when people do it to Michael then off with there heads? lol. Now thats not nice. There are tons of people who don't like Mike, and what? But dont be so little and just out right hate who ever doesn't like him. That's there right. Katt is very good at what he does. What he said about Mike was out there but I mean thats how he feels. Just because you don't agree with what he says doesn't make what he said about Mike "karma". If thats the case people can easily say the reason Mike was arrested was because his house is a shrine to children..."karma"... idk it can go both ways. Not trying to step on anyone's toes but thats just how I feel

i agree, cept w/ the neverland thing..dammit! lol people are so quick to be upset when someone bashes mj but once the shoe is on the other foot...oh it's amazing. from bashir being sick to maureen orth'shusband passing on the verdict aniv., to people involved in 'bringing mj down' passing away, and others being fired....some of y'all love to rub that in their faces and then say it's karma for this and for that....can't it just be LIFE? and a stupid action? not b/c he messed w/ mj he went down and it's karmic. it's pathetic that he took a risk like that and lost....wasted talent BUT it was his choice.

Wow Bee did you bother to read what I wrote or picked and choose what I wrote?

I said that those comedians did not go on the level that Katt went. My point is, where do you draw the line at? Thats the point I was getting at. By the way there is no reason to answer that now because its been said several times in long drawn out paragraphs.

All I can say is everything I've wanted to say has already been stated. I understand everyone's opinion, I just hope people can at least see where I'm coming from as well. If not thats fine. I've heard the same argument through this whole thread...I think I've gotten it.

Some people take what Katt says as jokes believe it or not just like jokes by any other comedian. He crossed the line, sure but apparently not to many people feel that way considering his success. Once again, its all a matter of taste and opinion.

Again, I really dont care if Katt likes Michael Jackson or meant what he said or not. This conversation is nothing but a back and forth repeat of what has already been said. And besides what he said about Michael should be irrelevant. So let me hopefully end this again by saying:

I wish Katt the very best. Hes one of my favorite comedians, and he deserves all the help he can receive. Karma or whatever. Which its funny people keep stressing that when I actually believe in Karma itself.

i dig what ur saying....

and i hopehe gets help w/ his issues...regardless of who he likes, what he says, and what his stance is on anything....

wishing someone unfortunate things only throws more bad karma on u if you're a beliver in it....so um...yea lame