Katt Williams freaks out in motel; ordered for mental evaluation; latest episode in mental hickups


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Damn, he looks f***ed up. Also looks like he cut his hair a bit, I almost didn't recognize him. Of course that's a grainy video so you can hardly see him but he is acting real odd tho.
Medical evaluation?

I'm sorry is it too obvious that he was high. I mean he looked intoxicated to me.

I love Katt so I hope all is well. But if you ask me..he was just high. Sure we'll hear about it in his next act either way.
I read this on the local Philly metro paper last night. This is interesting to me. After the nasty stuff that he said about Mike, the irony of it is so.... interesting to me. I was gonna make a thread. Anyway, interesting.
I dont like him at all, and at the same time dont wish any bad will on anyone, but one statement, what goes around comes around.
well w/ the same notion, i won't bash on him just b/c he bashes on mj and every other person he don't like....he won't ruffle my feathers like that...
Hmm. I've heard he's been acting crazy, though I'm not sure what was so odd about this video.

I agree though, he does love to take the sh*t out of others, so he'll have no problem with people doing the same here. Although he's said in videos he's adopted children, not sure this is good for them.
was he caught with a gun the other week, do you think the fame is getting to him? I dont think the drugs will be helping his state of mind, carrying out a gun makes me think he is a little paranoid or insecure about something and weed contributes heavily to that.
this mofo loves to put other people's suffering on public display, so i guess he wouldn't mind the same being done to him.


dude's been acting weird as of late. a few weeks ago he was arrested on gun charges and now this and today they said he's been ordered to seek medical attention.

no, this is not "karma" and i do not wish him ill. i just get the irony..

Duh meth ??? lol
IDK, he's most likely high off his a&&. I Like Katt, yea he's poked fun at Mike, but who hasn't? He's still good at what he does
IDK, he's most likely high off his a&&. I Like Katt, yea he's poked fun at Mike, but who hasn't? He's still good at what he does

Exactly. The man is one of the funniest comedians out at the moment. Just because he made fun of Mike I should hold a grudge against him?

No, I actually thought it was hilarious. Doesn't mean I agree with it at the end of the day but humor doesn't kill anyone.
na, there's comedy and there's being serious with your petty hatreds. forget Mike (or any other celeb he targets) for a second, but you look at his 'style' and the likes of Carlos Mencia, and it goes beyond trying to be funny and just being programmed to destroy jokes, racial equality, and all intelligence.

of course, he has his funny moments. but then again so does Mencia, lol.

if you want to perfect the inclusion of proper hate into comedy, go look up George Carlin.
I find that when it comes to Katt Williams people either hate him or they love him. Mencia, not really funny, don't really watch. But honestly I understand where your coming from Arx.

Katts someone that a lot of people can relate too. He has a humor that not to many people have
i won't bash on him just b/c he bashes on mj and every other person he don't like

Well, I bash him regardless. I do not see any humor in someone who went through something for no reason. I do not find Kitt or Katt (whatever his "name" is) funny at all. He is not a comedian to me, he is more of a bully. Now, he is going through his suffering, the irony is something else. I feel sorry for his children.

if you want to perfect the inclusion of proper hate into comedy, go look up George Carlin.

It's obvious that Katt Williams isn't "just kidding around" in his comments about MJ during stand-up. I don't know why anyone would think that after listening to them. He's dead serious.

Of course that doesn't mean I'm going to rejoice in his suffering or anything like that, but I'm just pointing out that his MJ remarks aren't the same as "having a good sense of humor" for those who believe it comes down to that. I have a near limitless sense of humor, and I can see that Williams isn't joking, because you can feel the passion when he talks about it. It comes down to how you feel about his opinion, and my thoughts are that he's an ignorant assclown.

It's not as if you can spread any genuine belief through the guise of a stand-up routine and it automatically becomes a case of "you either have to respect this or you have no sense of humor!". That's dumb.
Re: Katt Williams freaks out in motel; ordered for mental evaluation; latest episode in mental haiku

I remember when we were on MJJF and there was a thread where he was hatin on Michael. It pissed me off so much I called him to express my feeling and he apologized. I don't watch him either but soon after that episode, he got caught in the LAX airport with a weapon,(gun). That's karma! if he is truly having mental problems, what goes around will come back to bite you in your ass. LOL
It's obvious that Katt Williams isn't "just kidding around" in his comments about MJ during stand-up. I don't know why anyone would think that after listening to them. He's dead serious.

Of course that doesn't mean I'm going to rejoice in his suffering or anything like that, but I'm just pointing out that his MJ remarks aren't the same as "having a good sense of humor" for those who believe it comes down to that. I have a near limitless sense of humor, and I can see that Williams isn't joking, because you can feel the passion when he talks about it. It comes down to how you feel about his opinion, and my thoughts are that he's an ignorant assclown.

It's not as if you can spread any genuine belief through the guise of a stand-up routine and it automatically becomes a case of "you either have to respect this or you have no sense of humor!". That's dumb.

Bingo. Screw Katt Williams. His ass ain't funny either way, dumb as a two X four. I don't care about him or what happens to him, but it won't stop me from calling him the ass hole that he is.
only small people rejoice in the suffering of others.

sorry but not everyone believes mj is innocent. we know cuz we know the truth. so blame others cuz they're listening to the media? that'salll they know...not like the dude's met mj and still talked crap.

so to hate on someone is really lame IMO. just stick w/ the positive cuz even hateful people don't deserve pain
I didn't say I was happy about what happend to him. I don't care. I said that. I don't care. He's an ass hole, and its just me stating an opinion, not wishing a bolder rock falls on his goofy looking ass or anything. I never wish anything bad on anybody, even the worst people. But I also don't feel bad for people like Katt Williams when something nasty happens to him either, or people of his ilk.
It's a sad situation regardless of how we feel about his comedy. Me personally, I didn't like much of the MJ joke since obviously that's how he REALLY feels. On the other hand, he WAS funny in that special.

"Don't go drinkin' with yo white friends!" And that part where he said "smoke something and go to the club and make up your own dance" was funny to me.
i mean, take it from the perspective of someone who really thinks mj did it and got off....it makes sense that he feels that way. he would say the same thing to mj's face unlike a lot of haters who talk crap then kiss ass....

i'd rather know wher ei stand w/ someone instead of wondering if they're true or not

and not caring is better than wanting hurt inflicted on someone.
Well being judgemental in ignorance is a bad quality, especially about something that serious. So, like I said, screw Katt Williams.

And yeah, being indifferent hurts worse then hating, lol.
It's a sad situation regardless of how we feel about his comedy. Me personally, I didn't like much of the MJ joke since obviously that's how he REALLY feels. On the other hand, he WAS funny in that special.
Exactly, lol.

His jokes aren't meant to be taken intellectually , obviously. Some of his jokes are funny, though. His DMX joke had me in tears.

I'm not going to automatically hate someone because they don't like MJ. Chris Rock is often hated for that reason by MJ fans.
Anyway, Katt evidently isn't too informed when it comes to MJ and that's fine. He's entitled to his opinion. I'm not fan of Katt, nor do I like the majority of his comedy, but I'm not going to completely dismiss all his jokes b/c of his opinion on MJ, or any celebrity for that matter.
only small people rejoice in the suffering of others.

sorry but not everyone believes mj is innocent. we know cuz we know the truth. so blame others cuz they're listening to the media? that'salll they know...not like the dude's met mj and still talked crap.

so to hate on someone is really lame IMO. just stick w/ the positive cuz even hateful people don't deserve pain

It's a sad situation regardless of how we feel about his comedy.

Instead of me going on and on on how I feel on the matter I'll just say that this sums up my feelings on the entire situation. Thank you both.
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This is the same dude who said MJ sodomised Emannuel Lewis right? That shit is life ruining and goes beyond comedy. First it was Bashir now Katt? Karma is a bitch aint it? Sorry people, I dont wish this clown well!