Katherine video statement thanks VoicePlate and Fans for Michael Jackson Tribute

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no matter how you look at it, it feels so weird that that guy came into the frame and held up that book, and gave it such weird hard sell feeling hype. he gave me the feeling of a vulture swooping in...i just can't shake it.
I am speechless...I dont know what to say...:( ....With the..if Michael was here he would say..I love you more...:(..
Michael Jackson's mother Katherine Jackson posted a video showing gratitude to her late son's fans, just days before the one year anniversary of the King of Pop's death.

"I know Michael would be very pleased and very honored that fans from all over the world are coming together to celebrate his life," Katherine says, while seated in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. In particular, the music legend's mother thanked those of the hotel and Voice Plate for putting together a tribute called "Forever Michael" on Friday, June 25, marking the day of his passing.

She adds, "I'd also like to thank friends all over the world for their love and support that they have given my family this last year. ... We all love you."

On June 25, Katherine will also be promoting her new book Never Can Say Goodbye: The Katherine Jackson Archives at the Beverly Hilton. She ends her video, saying, "If Michael was here he would say, 'I love you more.'"



I believed that she and the kids would be out of town this week?
I have this feeling she doesn't want to be in a place she is. But maybe it's just me.
God bless you, Mrs. Jackson.

I also got a small feeling if she really wanted to do that herself, or if someone kinda 'pushed' her to do it. Who knows. Anyway it's nice since she's already there, making a video she also takes time to thank the fans and friends for all the love and support they have gotten since Michael's passing. Mrs. Jackson is a very lovely lady indeed and Mrs. Jackson, there's even more love and support coming you and your family way all the time :heart:
I have the upmost respect for Katherine but I felt a bit sick watching that.. i think it was just sad,
All I see is pure sadness in Katherine's eyes. The light that she had in her eyes is gone. Poor woman. Bless her and Michael's kids.

It doesn't look like she really wanted to do this video message. Seems forced :(
No way will I ever speak out of term or against her. Michael meant the universe to her and vice versa.

But don't be publishing or promoting your book on the 1 year anniversary of your sons death. :(
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something is very wrong here, she doesn't look comfortable at all. I pray god gives her more strength. :(
Is this about that party they are having on June 26? This guy in the video is the company in it with Joe. Nah going to have to skip this one
Pearl Jr interviewing the organiser of the event on June 26th:
i know going to buy that book my mother say looks like this is going to be good cause is by katherine :yes: cause is all her heart say :yes: :heart:
I pray she is not force to do this... something just not right return soon with some kind of source :popout:
That was nice of her to thank the fans, she is trying her best for michael bless her.
MFG....I'm not gonna watch this mess......I only hope they won't use the kids like this in the near future..yeah i know the belts but the jacksons know no boundaries when it come to a quick buck...well...at least they didn't use a stripper to hold the book...
I presume you have a Mother and Grandmother(s) somewhere in your lineage, or else you wouldn't exist. Bearing this in mind, why don't you think about them the next time you chose to demonstrate your ice-cold nature & approach towards Katherine Jackson.

This issue is very much beyond a message board and recycling of responses...It's personal. I mean, really! There are various family members who frequent this board and that should come as a suprise to noone. So imagine the affect these constant, unchecked, verbal assaults are having on those who have reason to care for her. This very beautiful person should NEVER be subjected to such foolishness. NEVER--EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER----Dammit---EVER. Especially on a forum that ONCE stood on principle and supported Michael by also RESPECTING the ones he LOVED the most. Mr. Taylor, you should aknowledge that Michael would never have associated himself with any forum demeaning his mother. AT ALL..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quite frankly, I could give 2 _ _ _ _ _ about an opinion regarding different ventures and issues of money. Relegate that opinion to a gas can and set a match to it! Perhaps Levin will "report" it.

I've continiously warned that this repeated lambasting of Katherine will end in regret. 24/7 Pressure, do you know what it feels like? After losing a Son nearly a year ago, you're reminded of just how fragile any element of life can be. Then you find yourself facing the fact that your youngest Son just had a medical scare. Do you know what that feels like? That being compounded pressure. Do you?

Imagine anyone questioning the character, sincerity, competence and motivation of YOUR Mother.

What would you do?

Unfortunately, for me, I think resolution to this issue will only happen face-to-face.

Pleading has only fanned the flames!

Keep WATCHIN'.......
the ones MJ respected the most were his kids,and now they are being used to sell belts,sold out to tabloids to promote books by gamblers...tipped to paparazzi...MJ would kick some ass...
Bless her heart I think she's getting pulled left right and centre by people using her son's memory to make a quick buck. My prayers are with you Mrs J. And the last part of the video really broke me :(