Katherine to keep kids, Debbie gets visitation rights


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
This just in from TMZ and some other news reports:

TMZ has learned Debbie Rowe has settled her custody issues over Michael Jackson's children and it doesn't involve a single penny ... but it does involve a shrink.

Sources tell us, Rowe has agreed that Katherine Jackson will be the guardian of Michael's children, subject to the judge's approval.

Rowe will get visitation of the two children she had with Michael.

But here's what's interesting -- Rowe wants and will get a psychologist who will visit the children and help them adjust to her being in their lives on a meaningful basis.

Rowe will maintain her parental rights. We're told the agreement does not specify the amount of visitation.
This just in from TMZ and some other news reports:

TMZ has learned Debbie Rowe has settled her custody issues over Michael Jackson's children and it doesn't involve a single penny ... but it does involve a shrink.

Sources tell us, Rowe has agreed that Katherine Jackson will be the guardian of Michael's children, subject to the judge's approval.

Rowe will get visitation of the two children she had with Michael.

But here's what's interesting -- Rowe wants and will get a psychologist who will visit the children and help them adjust to her being in their lives on a meaningful basis.

Rowe will maintain her parental rights. We're told the agreement does not specify the amount of visitation.

"help them adjust to her being in their lives on a meaningful basis" ???

I think what they meant to say, is: "to help the children understand why their mom didn't give a flying f.uck about them (even saying on international television that she didn't want them), and now all of a sudden wants to 'be there' for them".
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I wonder about Blanket... will she have anything to do with him, too? The agreement of course mentions only her 2 children.
"help them adjust to her being in their lives on a meaningful basis" ???

I think what they meant to say, is: "to help the children understand why their mom didn't give a flying f.uck about them (even saying on international television that she didn't want them, and now all of a sudden wants to 'be there' for them".

Exactly. I really feel for those kids. :( As if they're not going through enough right now, I think they should wait a while before she has anything to do with them.
I'm glad it's settled that they stay with Katherine though, it's what Michael wanted. As for Blanket, I doubt she'll have much to do with him.
Good, and great news with the psychologist. I wouldn't say that Debbie didn't care about her kids and it is her right as a mother to want to know that they're ok even if she hasn't been around (and that could be due to choice or circumstance, we will never "really" know). Either way I'm glad they will have someone to help them adjust.
I don't think she didn't care for her kids. But I'm wondering if she loved Michael more than her kids so that she eventually agreed to give up her rights to Michael only. I think that's what Michael wanted according to family and some friends, to be a single father. Anyway, it does sound like a very good agreement.
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This sounds good i think. The psychologist is thoughtful, Katherine is what Michael wanted for the children, and with the visitation rights, i guess that's OK. Their relationship will be kind of weird though.
Well, I'm glad they have all come to an amicable agreement on this. I just wonder how Blankets gonna feel realizing that his two older siblings now have a mom and he does'nt? Someone's gonna have to deal with his emotional issues on this point.

Also glad the media won't get the 'custody' battle they were hoping for.
some of y'all confuse teh shit out of me. she didn't take them, she could've. she didn't ask for money, she could've. hell, she could've taken blanket if she wanted.

some of u guys complain and whine for teh sake of whining.

wtf? she wants to be re-introduced to her children as theiir mother and y'all got issues. ever wonder that maybe it wasn't an issue back thenb/c they had....A FATHER? now they don't so at least this way they don't feel like they're ORPHANS.


Rowe Settles Custody Issues Over Jackson Kids
Posted Jul 30th 2009 8:15AM by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Debbie Rowe has settled her custody issues over Michael Jackson's children and it doesn't involve a single penny ... but it does involve a shrink.

Sources tell us, Rowe has agreed that Katherine Jackson will be the guardian of Michael's children, subject to the judge's approval.

Rowe will get visitation of the two children she had with Michael.

But here's what's interesting -- Rowe wants and will get a psychologist who will visit the children and help them adjust to her being in their lives on a meaningful basis.

Rowe will maintain her parental rights. We're told the agreement does not specify the amount of visitation.
It's ok, I guess, as long as she doesn't force herself upon the children.

And I agree, right now they don't need "new people" in their lives, they should have their peace for a while at least.

^^ All the above, assuming TMZ are right.
Well, I'm glad they have all come to an amicable agreement on this. I just wonder how Blankets gonna feel realizing that his two older siblings now have a mom and he does'nt? Someone's gonna have to deal with his emotional issues on this point.

Also glad the media won't get the 'custody' battle they were hoping for.
Debbie will probably tell Blanket "I will be your mommy too" .

I agree with you SoSoDeaf on the point that they are now orphans basically which is OF COURSE very sad. And with 'ordinary' children I would say your are completely right.....but do you really think Prince and Paris are better off with Debbie in their lives?

Also......Debbie has worked for one of the doctors that prescribed Michael drugs that eventually may have killed him. Nice link.
This should be in the TMZ Reports only and TMZ Chatter only threads. (Unless someone other than TMZ report it such as the AP.
Well, I'm glad they have all come to an amicable agreement on this. I just wonder how Blankets gonna feel realizing that his two older siblings now have a mom and he does'nt? Someone's gonna have to deal with his emotional issues on this point.

Also glad the media won't get the 'custody' battle they were hoping for.
i think that this is just the deal on PAPER b/c katherine can't agree to allow deb in the life of a child that's not biologically hers. i don't think they'll keep prince (blnkt) removed from this. especially if u can remember what deb said...she'd take all three! lol

so i think this is just what's being written on paper. it extends a lot more than just this. that's prolly y it took so long to finalize and agree b/c they may have an agreement outside of this.
Really guys its a very good deal! its saved the children from a huge custody battle and at least they will get some contact with a mother so that they dont feel like an orphan :( really be more sympathetic, this deal could have gone really really wrong but fortunately its seems very sensitive to the children's needs.
This should be in the TMZ Reports only and TMZ Chatter only threads. (Unless someone other than TMZ report it such as the AP.
no this deserves it's own thread. the actual debbie thread has been buried under loads of pages so this shouldbe out here.

especially since it's so important
Well, I'm glad they have all come to an amicable agreement on this. I just wonder how Blankets gonna feel realizing that his two older siblings now have a mom and he does'nt? Someone's gonna have to deal with his emotional issues on this point.

Also glad the media won't get the 'custody' battle they were hoping for.

That's what I'm wondering too :(
Well, when it comes right down to it Debbie is the one who gave Michael his first 2 kids, and then literally gave them to him again. It's not like she abandoned them, they were with their father. Like I said choice or circumstance may have kept her away. I don't feel like she's "forcing" herself on the kids, but wanting to know they're ok is a natural instinct and one she rightfully deserves to have. As far as Blanket is concerned, if she wants to show him love too then really what's "wrong" with that, you can never have too much love IMO and I'm sure that both Katherine nor Debbie are about to tell these kids anytime soon that she's their mother (assuming the kids don't know) hence the psych, but in time we don't know how things will play out. Bashing Debbie and loving the kids are pulling in two different directions, if you love the kids then pray for the best with them and their future relationships because NO ONE is going to replace Michael and I think they all know that, but building a support system for these kids is the right way to go, why shouldn't Debbie be a part of that support?
I think this is probably a good arrangement. As some of ye have said, though, I do worry about Blanket. But I'm sure among Katherine, Janet, Rebbie, Debbie and the psychologist, they'll make sure that he's not at a disadvantage.
i think that this is just the deal on PAPER b/c katherine can't agree to allow deb in the life of a child that's not biologically hers. i don't think they'll keep prince (blnkt) removed from this. especially if u can remember what deb said...she'd take all three! lol

I'm sure they won't exclude him.. no way. But it's going to hurt him when he finds out that his 2 older siblings will know who their biological mother is, and not Blanket.
Debbie will probably tell Blanket "I will be your mommy too" .

I agree with you SoSoDeaf on the point that they are now orphans basically which is OF COURSE very sad. And with 'ordinary' children I would say your are completely right.....but do you really think Prince and Paris are better off with Debbie in their lives?

Also......Debbie has worked for one of the doctors that prescribed Michael drugs that eventually may have killed him. Nice link.

she worked for klien. she's a nurse, u can't questoin a doctor. if the family felt she had anything to do w/ this i doubt they'd be working it out. also, she went to the dr but didn' tdefend klien. that's not deb. so she may be freaking out right now that her longtime friend and former boss helped to kill her ex husband and the father of her children. don't throw that in her face right now

don't u think the whole reason for the shrink to to allow her to ease back into a nice and gentle transition? and she won't force herself on blanket.

everyone has such a negative view of her. she could've taken so much from mj. she settled for 8 million and it'sbeen ten yrs. she still hasn't gotten it all...so where's the all 'millions' she's supposed to have spent?

i DO think they're better off w/ her in their lives. sorry but randy and jermaine and joe make me scratch my head in amazement....their selfishness when mj was alive is raring more so after his passing.

so YES, im glad she's there tomake sure the kids are ok. she loves them, she never left them. they were w/ their father and if people can't put two and two together, then that's on they ass.

notice that mj has severely benefitted from having her as the 'mean ex-wife' especially in court and take II. deb isn't as (shamika!) callous as people want to think.

step back a bit, realize what she did, and then step back in. she was married to the biggest star in the world and had his kids. u really th ink she would've had custody andmj visitation? REALLY?:doh:
I'm sure they won't exclude him.. no way. But it's going to hurt him when he finds out that his 2 older siblings will know who their biological mother is, and not Blanket.
well that's not deb's fault, don't u think?

she can be his mother or a mother figure in his life. so long as he has one. u got kids who are adopted and u wouldn't know, looking at them, that their parents aren't really biologically there.

genetics at this point don't matter for shit. these kids are orphans and now they have a woman coming into their lives who is a mother and wants to mother them.
Michael Jackson's mother will retain custody of his children
5:26 AM | July 30, 2009
The mother of Michael Jackson will retain custody of his children, and the biological mother of the two elder children will visit and maintain her legal parental rights under an agreement reached by both sides, The Times has learned.

Katherine Jackson, 79, the late pop icon’s mother, and Debbie Rowe, 50, who bore Jackson’s two older children, also agreed to mutually hire a child psychologist to advise them on how, when and where Rowe’s visits should take place, a knowledgeable source said.

The agreement will go before a Los Angeles judge Monday, and both sides expect the judge to approve it, the source said. Rowe did not ask for custody. “Debbie is really happy” about the arrangement, said the source, refusing to be identified because the agreement has yet to be announced.

You know....Debbie is human, has feelings and Michael once cared about her, so I trust on these facts that it is all gonna be fine. She won't split up the kids and Katherine would never allowed if so. I'm sure the whole family will look after the kids, and Michael will be watching them every step of the way.
Glad this isn't going to be the custody fight the media wanted so badly indeed...:)
Michael Jackson's mother will retain custody of his children
5:26 AM | July 30, 2009
The mother of Michael Jackson will retain custody of his children, and the biological mother of the two elder children will visit and maintain her legal parental rights under an agreement reached by both sides, The Times has learned.

Katherine Jackson, 79, the late pop icon’s mother, and Debbie Rowe, 50, who bore Jackson’s two older children, also agreed to mutually hire a child psychologist to advise them on how, when and where Rowe’s visits should take place, a knowledgeable source said.

The agreement will go before a Los Angeles judge Monday, and both sides expect the judge to approve it, the source said. Rowe did not ask for custody. “Debbie is really happy” about the arrangement, said the source, refusing to be identified because the agreement has yet to be announced.

don't u think the whole reason for the shrink to to allow her to ease back into a nice and gentle transition? and she won't force herself on blanket.

everyone has such a negative view of her. she could've taken so much from mj. she settled for 8 million and it'sbeen ten yrs. she still hasn't gotten it all...so where's the all 'millions' she's supposed to have spent?

i DO think they're better off w/ her in their lives. sorry but randy and jermaine and joe make me scratch my head in amazement....their selfishness when mj was alive is raring more so after his passing.

so YES, im glad she's there tomake sure the kids are ok. she loves them, she never left them. they were w/ their father and if people can't put two and two together, then that's on they ass.

notice that mj has severely benefitted from having her as the 'mean ex-wife' especially in court and take II. deb isn't as (shamika!) callous as people want to think.

step back a bit, realize what she did, and then step back in. she was married to the biggest star in the world and had his kids. u really th ink she would've had custody andmj visitation? REALLY?:doh:
I think we just have to agree to disagree. I'm entitled to my opinion and so are you.