Katherine released a statement about the tribute show


explains perfectly and eloquently why some fans (incl myself) are suspicious of Jermaine.... noone is saying Jermaine killed MJ.. just that he may have been a negative influence in his life. and the people he brought into MJs life seem shady as HELL.. and hold culpability re: MJs death

also.. where did all the nation of Islam people suddenly appear from and infiltrate MJs camp?

why was jermnaine constantly plugging on about MJ converting to Islam?? why not target the rest of the family.. it was always in the press that MJ was going to convert and these stories always used Jermaine as their source

whys JERMAINE calling the lesters and saying that MJs kids are bein "ISOLATED" when 2 of jermaines kids have to be looked after by katherine too as Jermiane claims he cant afford it

very minor and silly point.. but in every interview ive read/ watched of jermaine.. he is always saying he was the closest sibling to MJ.... ok if thats true.. but is it? .. and why at the memorial is he saying"i was his voice.. i was his backbone"... isnt that a bit OTT?.. yes i realise this is a weak point... but its just an observation that makes me feel uneasy. i didnt think siblings should take credit for being "closer" than others after a death.. i wonder how randy.. janet etc etc feel about this.. ah well

**takes deap breath**

U need to stop trippin as well.

If U bleev ONE WORD out of the Lester's mouth then there is no point arguing with ya.
U need to stop trippin as well.

If U bleev ONE WORD out of the Lester's mouth then there is no point arguing with ya.

no i dont believe one word out of lesters mouth to be honest..

but the links between jermaine, thome, colony...neverland.. nation of islam.. I mean... we can all agree thome was a very shady character... why did jermaine hook them up?

im not saying jermaines the devil.. im just asking questions.. just wondering

i dont want to offend anyone :no:
Sorry to Jermaine "fans", etc., but I am always put off by him and have been for years. While Michael was alive, any time Jermaine got face time on TV he was promising J5 reunion tours to include MJ. He did that for YEARS. Seemed like he was always trying to use Michael because without him there would not be the interest. After Michael's death - well, I guess there should be some slack because of grief, but I HATED it every time he said he was Michael's backbone - as if Michael had none of his own. Just came off so wrong to me. Not saying he didn't have love for his brother and not saying Michael didn't have love for him - but you can love family and still hate what they say and do.

Now I would never say Jermaine would force Katherine to say whatever. The thing is, though, she is his mother. Michael was not her only child, and of course she loves all her children and I can see why she would speak out for him to help him succeed, especially if Jermaine asked her to help him by doing that, which is entirely possible.

Unfortunately, the place for the tribute, while a beautiful idea, is not a good one because of the distance for many fans. Then the fact that there have been no definite performers. Added to all that, the outrageous pricing. I can't see how this could succeed. It should just quietly be cancelled before it becomes an embarrassment.
why do you people find it surprising that Kate released that statement or some suggest he forced her to do this, you forget one fact kate had a history calling mj to do shows with his brother or asking him for money for joe and the brothers , she is a mother , she will do anything for them even if that means exploiting MJ's death . they exploited him in life when he was providing for them , why do think they won't do the same in death ?
Sorry to Jermaine "fans", etc., but I am always put off by him and have been for years. While Michael was alive, any time Jermaine got face time on TV he was promising J5 reunion tours to include MJ. He did that for YEARS. Seemed like he was always trying to use Michael because without him there would not be the interest. After Michael's death - well, I guess there should be some slack because of grief, but I HATED it every time he said he was Michael's backbone - as if Michael had none of his own. Just came off so wrong to me. Not saying he didn't have love for his brother and not saying Michael didn't have love for him - but you can love family and still hate what they say and do.

Now I would never say Jermaine would force Katherine to say whatever. The thing is, though, she is his mother. Michael was not her only child, and of course she loves all her children and I can see why she would speak out for him to help him succeed, especially if Jermaine asked her to help him by doing that, which is entirely possible.

Unfortunately, the place for the tribute, while a beautiful idea, is not a good one because of the distance for many fans. Then the fact that there have been no definite performers. Added to all that, the outrageous pricing. I can't see how this could succeed. It should just quietly be cancelled before it becomes an embarrassment.

:clapping: :clapping:
So, by this your implying that Jermaine had something to do with his death..


This is too much even for rabid fans.

Excuse me, but that is my opinion - I'm not criticising yours and I only put mine as someone asked why I felt that way. I personally don't like him for introducing Tohme to Michael and insisting on a Neverland burial.
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very minor and silly point.. but in every interview ive read/ watched of jermaine.. he is always saying he was the closest sibling to MJ.... ok if thats true.. but is it? .. and why at the memorial is he saying"i was his voice.. i was his backbone"... isnt that a bit OTT?.. yes i realise this is a weak point... but its just an observation that makes me feel uneasy. i didnt think siblings should take credit for being "closer" than others after a death.. i wonder how randy.. janet etc etc feel about this.. ah well

**takes deap breath**

I don't know who Michael was closest to (it appears to me that the "babies" of the family - Janet, Randy, Michael - kind of stuck together, but that's just speculation), but it always seemed to me that his relationship with Jermaine was the rockiest. Jermaine left the group and my impression up until Motown 25 was that they were almost rivals - except Michael didn't play along. I still to this day cry when Michael and Jermaine hold hands and sing "I'll Be There" together from Motown 25. They're brothers, and I do believe they loved each other, but it was hard for Jermaine, I think, to be in Michael's shadow.

I don't really think Jermaine was purposely trying to harm Michael by bringing in Tohme - I think he believed he would help him. I don't believe his motives were all about helping Michael, but I don't believe he was trying to hurt him. Jermaine's apparent opportunism turns off a lot of fans. I mean, has that charity of Jermaine's ever been verified as a real charity? There are serious questions about the event and Jermaine's motives - that is not tantamount to accusing him of murder.
I'm not surprised that Jermaine thinks it's ok to charge fans extortionate amounts for tickets (in some cases for just a view of a castle) but I'm quite surprised and disappointed that Katherine would agree that it's fair to charge Michael's fans on average a couple of hundred to attend his tribute. Of course, I don't know her but from what I know of her, it just doesn't seem like something she'd condone.
To me it sounds like Jermaine is pointing a gun at her making her write this very positive statement about the concert.

She is nearly too positive about it for it to be truely belived.

Maybe not many has bought tickets and therefore Jermaine wanted focus on the concert and made her make a statement.

Funny thing is, that's the first thing that came to my mind after reading her statement. I guess Jermaine realized many of us aren't happy with him so he used Katherine to encourage the fans to buy the tickets...I'm not saying he forced her to release it, I don't know about that - but I'm pretty sure it was his idea.
I don't know who Michael was closest to (it appears to me that the "babies" of the family - Janet, Randy, Michael - kind of stuck together, but that's just speculation), but it always seemed to me that his relationship with Jermaine was the rockiest. Jermaine left the group and my impression up until Motown 25 was that they were almost rivals - except Michael didn't play along. I still to this day cry when Michael and Jermaine hold hands and sing "I'll Be There" together from Motown 25. They're brothers, and I do believe they loved each other, but it was hard for Jermaine, I think, to be in Michael's shadow.

I don't really think Jermaine was purposely trying to harm Michael by bringing in Tohme - I think he believed he would help him. I don't believe his motives were all about helping Michael, but I don't believe he was trying to hurt him. Jermaine's apparent opportunism turns off a lot of fans. I mean, has that charity of Jermaine's ever been verified as a real charity? There are serious questions about the event and Jermaine's motives - that is not tantamount to accusing him of murder.

Feed the Children is a well known charity.

But the crazy up in here is ROTTING!

I have to say that I agree with what you just said. There are many people in the public that are suspicious of Jermaine's sudden frequent appearances into the spotlight. Of him saying that he tried to get Michael to convert to Islam. He has been on that course for years. Truthfully, I don't believe Michael ever committed to this religion. I believe he studied about it as he did many other faiths around the world. But he and his children have always celebrated Christmas and other holidays. Plus has anyone ever heard Michael himself confirm this? No! It was always some story in the media.
I do not believe that Michael and Jermaine were that close in the last two decades of his life. That probably started in the late 80s when Jermaine put out that song "Word to the Badd" where he trashed Michael for changing his appearance. Then there is still the matter of that book that Jermaine was working on with Stacy Brown where Brown makes some horrid accusations about Michael's alleged drug use, personal life, that he was a liar and a thief. Jermaine has denied that he ever said any such things. He has said it was to be a biography about the family. As big a sleaze as I think Stacy Brown is, something keeps nagging at me. I believe that Jermaine may have indeed collaborated on a tell all book about Michael. What better way to get back at his little brother for "stealing the spotlight". True Jermaine and MJ loved each other yes. But Jermaine has been jealous of Michael since they were kids. Michael got all the adoration, the glory, the fame, the success, the money while Jermaine's career dwindled.
Michael has always been close to his sister Janet and trusted her the most. She never betrayed him like Jermaine or LaToya did out of spite and jealousy. Sometimes your greatest adversaries are those closest to you....even family.

explains perfectly and eloquently why some fans (incl myself) are suspicious of Jermaine.... noone is saying Jermaine killed MJ.. just that he may have been a negative influence in his life. and the people he brought into MJs life seem shady as HELL.. and hold culpability re: MJs death

also.. where did all the nation of Islam people suddenly appear from and infiltrate MJs camp?

why was jermnaine constantly plugging on about MJ converting to Islam?? why not target the rest of the family.. it was always in the press that MJ was going to convert and these stories always used Jermaine as their source

whys JERMAINE calling the lesters and saying that MJs kids are bein "ISOLATED" when 2 of jermaines kids have to be looked after by katherine too as Jermiane claims he cant afford it

very minor and silly point.. but in every interview ive read/ watched of jermaine.. he is always saying he was the closest sibling to MJ.... ok if thats true.. but is it? .. and why at the memorial is he saying"i was his voice.. i was his backbone"... isnt that a bit OTT?.. yes i realise this is a weak point... but its just an observation that makes me feel uneasy. i didnt think siblings should take credit for being "closer" than others after a death.. i wonder how randy.. janet etc etc feel about this.. ah well

**takes deap breath**

Agreed. :mello:
And one more comment, NO ONE makes Mother do or say anything. She's running the show. Jermaine may have asked for her input. But as you know, Katherine is not going to say anything negative about her children. She's a mother and loves all of her children. Even with all the grief she's been put through over the years. She's a good mother and I wish people would stop saying she's after money. Michael was the one who took care of his mother's finances. She has the right to have say so over what and where money from his estate is being spent. I know Michael left his attorneys in charge. But I don't like that fact that his mother has little or no input. She should be kept advised of what is going on with the business dealings. I"m afraid of her and the kids being railroaded out of their inheritance. Many, many people have been after Michael's estate.
Feed the Children is a well known charity.

But the crazy up in here is ROTTING!

Not Feed The Children. Earth Care. And not earthcare.org - they have nothing to do with Jermaine (ask them) and were established before he started touting his Earth Care Foundation, which is a big red flag, as is the fact that there is no real information about it or link on the Tribute 2009 web site, as is the fact that still no one can seem to find any legit info on it (if you can, please share it).

I have to say that I agree with what you just said. There are many people in the public that are suspicious of Jermaine's sudden frequent appearances into the spotlight. Of him saying that he tried to get Michael to convert to Islam. He has been on that course for years. Truthfully, I don't believe Michael ever committed to this religion. I believe he studied about it as he did many other faiths around the world. But he and his children have always celebrated Christmas and other holidays. Plus has anyone ever heard Michael himself confirm this? No! It was always some story in the media.
I do not believe that Michael and Jermaine were that close in the last two decades of his life. That probably started in the late 80s when Jermaine put out that song "Word to the Badd" where he trashed Michael for changing his appearance. Then there is still the matter of that book that Jermaine was working on with Stacy Brown where Brown makes some horrid accusations about Michael's alleged drug use, personal life, that he was a liar and a thief. Jermaine has denied that he ever said any such things. He has said it was to be a biography about the family. As big a sleaze as I think Stacy Brown is, something keeps nagging at me. I believe that Jermaine may have indeed collaborated on a tell all book about Michael. What better way to get back at his little brother for "stealing the spotlight". True Jermaine and MJ loved each other yes. But Jermaine has been jealous of Michael since they were kids. Michael got all the adoration, the glory, the fame, the success, the money while Jermaine's career dwindled.
Michael has always been close to his sister Janet and trusted her the most. She never betrayed him like Jermaine or LaToya did out of spite and jealousy. Sometimes your greatest adversaries are those closest to you....even family.

STANDING OVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i agree with this 100 percent! Jermaine and Michael obviously loved each other, but Jermaine was indeed jealous of Michael because Jermaine probably thought HE should have been the one to be remembered and made it. If HE would have had the spot light, he thinks he could have achieved everything michael has achieved.
Katherine is lovely and she's trying to help Jermaine.
but for me Jermaine has nothing to do with Michael. Tribute shows? what for? to remember Michael? i dont need Jermaine on stage to remember Michael. i just need to put on a DVD with Michael to remember Michael. all these tributes organised not by fans are so fake
a greedy family , that's all i'm gonna say , I have no doubt they are telling Prince, Paris and Blanket now how much they are obligated to provide for the others in the family like they used to do with MJ .
Katherine is lovely and she's trying to help Jermaine.
but for me Jermaine has nothing to do with Michael. Tribute shows? what for? to remember Michael? i dont need Jermaine on stage to remember Michael. i just need to put on a DVD with Michael to remember Michael. all these tributes organised not by fans are so fake

I totally agree!