Katherine Jackson -- This Isn't It

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oh please, tell me where it's proven there are no body doubles? i suspect and expect body doubles and a lot of digital editing from this film. either that OR they took all the footage from the initial rehearsals and not the last two wks.
cant everyone just wait and see? I'm sure that there not stupid enough to use body doubles coz fans would spot it in a sec
cant everyone just wait and see? I'm sure that there not stupid enough to use body doubles coz fans would spot it in a sec

Thank you!!

And it is a sad day, when people put more weight into what a conniving man like Joe Jackson has to say.
I don't see why there wouldn't be a body double. I'm personally not seeing the movie. After that stint Sony pulled with This Is It (the song) it just confirmed to me, none of this is being thought over. AEG is only concerned about making the money they lost. The first thing that popped in my mind after body doubles were mentioned, was Karen Faye. I'm not her biggest fan, but she did admit someone ( I can't remember who it was) was literally feeding Michael. AEG is still getting crap because of the confusion of 10 concerts or 50 concerts, they could have used doubles to show he was healthy, or to make it look like he was good enough to do all the concerts. It has been said by many, many people who were not getting paid that his body could not handle all the shows. And after the coroners findings, with the arthritis It would have been hard.
joe is doing nothing more than saying this to attack AEG. from the get go hes blamed them and will no doubt sue them with other family members hence why hes prepared to use his own son as a part of the plan. all this does is hurt mj by making such claims and saying the films will be attacked by the media. yeah joe would rather have that if it means he can use it against AEG. just another case of using his son to get $
joe is doing nothing more than saying this to attack AEG. from the get go hes blamed them and will no doubt sue them with other family members hence why hes prepared to use his own son as a part of the plan. all this does is hurt mj by making such claims and saying the films will be attacked by the media. yeah joe would rather have that if it means he can use it against AEG. just another case of using his son to get $

Maybe *if* this is true, Katherine can't cope with seeing her son so full of life and performing this soon after his passing...

Most of us fans are worried about how we'll cope with seeing This Is It... imagine if it was your SON! :(

I agree!!
here's a great example...the footage of him doing human nature that was shown on okrah. u see footage from early rehearsals, him conceptualizing and talking w/ kenny while doing it...then u see a far away shot of a semi-dress rehearsal where he looks gaunt but it's not a close up.

so either they do body doubles to mask his frame in certain shots or they give him the whitney effect that was done for the msg concerts...make him look fuller w/ digital effects.

y would someone lie about that? cuz u can see the difference in his frame and face from april-june...if they show that in the movie, it will show something was wrong and no one did any thing. so they wont show it. lol
Body doubles? I highly doubt it. MJ got them to record over 100 hours of him rehearsing. I'm thinking there'd be enough of him in that to make a movie less than 2 hours long.
When the kids see it they should be watching it privately, not at a premiere. Its going to be very hard for them watching it and seeing their dad on a big screen, they dont need all those people and the paps watching their every move. The paps have followed them around too much, did they really need to publish that picture of Paris crying her little eyes out in the car when she went to see her dad before the memorial?

Agree in 100%:clapping::clapping:

And what about Katherine... It`s her son. Seeing my child just after his passing would be too hard. Just think.. It`s too hard for her to see him.
Body doubles? I highly doubt it. MJ got them to record over 100 hours of him rehearsing. I'm thinking there'd be enough of him in that to make a movie less than 2 hours long.
actually they recorded on their own volition. he wanted his own cameras but since tii is owned by them, it was their cameras, not his.

and tmz, ive said from teh beginning of this mess, has sources in the family. they've been had sources. since june 26th. who do u think came up w/ the demerol rumor? they mistook it for diprivan but tmz was a way for thefmaily to get their words and feelings out w/o actively being obvious about it
I have a hard time believing this. Even one of the guys from SMAP (Nakai) was invited to the LA premiere all the way from Japan.

No way they would do this premiere without inviting the family...

SMAP was invited? aww... I still remember the dude telling Michael -- "I love you!" aww. good for them :)
Randy has full control over katherine along with joe , we sure know from Oxman what Randy exactly think of mj's kids , let us not lie and pretend we don't know . It is becoming more than obvious . God knows what those kids will be fed about their father .

what does Randy think of MJ's kids?!
I doubt Katherine will keep the kids from seeing the movie. If they want to see it, they will. It will probably be a private screening. The kids don't need to go to a fancy premiere and have paps all over them while watching their daddy rehearsing, which will be very emotional for them.

yeah, the memorial was enough. let them see it in private. the entire world needs to stop obsessing about MJ's kids.
DO NOT GO THERE OR THIS THREAD WILL BE CLOSED. this is all speculation and if we continue w/ the kids discussion, this thread will be shut down and infractions will be given. im tired of going there w/ some of y'all....

this is aboutkatherine and the mj3 wanting to see themovie...according to the source.
DO NOT GO THERE OR THIS THREAD WILL BE CLOSED. this is all speculation and if we continue w/ the kids discussion, this thread will be shut down and infractions will be given. im tired of going there w/ some of y'all....

this is aboutkatherine and the mj3 wanting to see themovie...according to the source.

a pill?

No one said anything about the kids Goodness Gracious!

Originally Posted by indranee
then we need to stop talking about body doubles as well cos THAT'S OT AS WELL.

You have a valid point.
Why would the family invent the Demerol rumor?
What does Randy think about MJ3?
DO NOT GO THERE OR THIS THREAD WILL BE CLOSED. this is all speculation and if we continue w/ the kids discussion, this thread will be shut down and infractions will be given. im tired of going there w/ some of y'all....

this is aboutkatherine and the mj3 wanting to see themovie...according to the source.

I won't :D
Where have you been these pas 4 months? not only do they talk to tabloids, but they get paid for it to.

You are giving the Jacksons far too much credit.

With the exception of Katherine, Rebbie & Janet, all the jacksons had sit down interview with the TABLOIDS (and the worst of them in the UK). Joe has done it. So has Latoya. Jermaine. Tito. Marlon.

The only one that I cannot confirm is Jackie.

Randy does talk to TMZ, but I don't have the impression that they pay him. He released his last statement through TMZ on wednesday.

From the outside, it seems the family is fractured into camps. Randy's camp...Jermaine's camp...and the others. This will get ugly...real ugly.

I just pray that the 3 kids is kept out of it. Knowing their history...I highly doubt it.

MJ knew his family better than any of us....And him leaving them out of his will says a lot. Because he is, at his core, a very giving person.

I was speaking SPECIFICALLY about TMZ . Regarding this story, coming from RANDY PHILLIPS own mouth , he said he gets along with the brothers and Katherine VERY WELL. And Michael also has a family TRUST. I'm not talking about the WILL that was made public. None of us knows what was in it, and we will never know. I find it HIGHLy unlikely he didn't live anything for his family especially his nephews and necies that he was very close too.
First off why would would ANY of us acknowldege Joe Jackson. He is douche and only cares about making money through Michael's name. And second can we stop with teh conspiracies about Michael's health before he died, the coroners said he was in good shape for a 50 year old male dancer.
Good lord people get ridiculous.
Why would the family invent the Demerol rumor?
What does Randy think about MJ3?

the family has been trying to spread rumours about mj's addiction the day MJ left to Bahrain . remember all those articles from Roger about sources telling him mj was high all the time because of Grace and his family could not contact him , then rumours about an intervention in 2007 and katherine had no access to him whatever . that was the time mj was suing Randy's team of accountants and lawyers . and it seems the code was "addiction " , so mj would know his family want to contact him or were mad because he did not speak to them.

after he died , and because they redicted they would not be included in his will , their spokeperson went wild spreading allegations about him being injected with demerol and his long time addiction to other painkillers .

they continued with this stories , sold interviews to the tabs for $$$ where they talked about his addiction and people close to him taking advantage of him and being kept away from his family , all that to justify why HE CHOSE NOT TO ALLOW THEM NEAR HIM . they did not want to be blamed for the rift , they did not want the public to believe they were free loaders who were also taking advantage of him .

and after the will was known and they were ket out , they want to challenge it and their only way is by saying MJ was not in a stable state of mind for the last 12 years , an addiction would support these claims .
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