Katherine Jackson: The $500 Million Woman? Why Dileo underestimates MJs asset???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Judge Mitchell Beckloff approved a $60 million dollar movie deal between the Michael Jackson's estate and the promotor of a concert planned before his death, which features footage of the singer's final performances.

The decision was made during an ogoing hearing today concerning the singer's estate.

The administrators of Jackson's estate are exploring all kinds of deals to benefit the pop star's estate, including distribution rights to Michael Jackson-branded products, that could help compensate for Jackson's legendary debt and any losses by concert promoter AEG Live. AEG paid $30 million for a series of concert Jackson was scheduled to play in London later this year.

Under the terms of the proposed contract, the film will have to be screened for Jackson's estate and cannot include any footage that puts the superstar in a bad light, according to The Associated Press.

Columbia Pictures paid $60 million for rights to the film, and the contract states Jackson's estate is slated to receive 90 percent of its profits.

Katherine Jackson did not object to the film, but her attorneys have raised questions about other agreements concerning AEG Live and merchandiser Bravado, according to the AP.

Lost in the paperwork surrounding Jackson's death and estate is the remarkable resolve of Katherine, the family's 79-year-old matriarch.

Last week Beckloff awarded her permanent custody of Jackson's three young children, with whom she will share 80 percent of Jackson's estate.

As insiders debate Jackson's true worth, Katherine is also putting in place plans for who will get custody of Jackson's children when old age inevitably keeps the family's matriarch from being able to care for them.

The executors of Jackson's will estimate that the king of pop's fortune is worth more than $500 million, but it remains to be determined just how much he is really worth. "You know there's a tremendous debt. There's a lot of misinformation as to whether his estate is $2 billion. It's not. It's $400 million in the hole. So it's going to take a little hard work and tact and people with knowledge to get it out of that. It's possible," said Jackson's manger Frank Dileo.

The Los Angeles coroner has yet to release a toxicology report officially determining Jackson's cause of death, but investigators have said drug use played a major role.

How Jackson died raises questions about whether the insurance policy taken out on Jackson by AEG will pay for a death related to what the policy calls "illicit use of drugs."

While Dileo claims Jackson's debt cancels much of his worth, the Jackson family believe the singer's estate is worth billions of dollars and wants more control of it.

Katherine's attorney Londell McMillan told CBS that the estate "is worth, in my estimation a couple of billion dollars. You hear $500 million. Don't buy it."

Dileo disputes that math. Even with Jackson's ownership of the Sony/ATV catalogue that it includes rights to Beatles' songs "he's still in debt. If you sold it and subtracted the $400 million you still will come out with $300 million maybe… There's a way to work your way out of it."

Regardless of the true size of Jackson's estate, most of fortune will go to Katherine and the children.

With so much money on the line and lives of three children at stake, many have wondered what will happen if Katherine gets sick or dies.

At 79, Katherine Jackson is considered the family's rock.

Born in Alabama, but raised in Chicago she suffered from polio as a child which left her with a noticeable limp. She was pregnant or caring for young kids from 1950 until 1966 in which time she gave birth to 10 children.

Times were tough as the Jackson family made ends meet in Gary, Ind., in the years before the Jackson 5 signed with Motown in 1969. After they hit the big time with four successive No. 1 hits the entire Jackson family moved to California, settling into a gated mansion in Encino. They called the mansion "Havenhurst" where Katherine lives to this day.

According to court papers filed in order to get an allowance to care for Michael's three children, Katherine was described as " financially dependent upon Michael Jackson and that other than extremely modest social security benefits, Mrs. Jackson has no independent means of support."

Longtime family friend Steve Manning says Katherine is "a healthy, strong woman of great faith."

Katherine and Joe have had their share of problems. Katherine acknowleged as much in her memoir "My Family" published in 1990. The couple remain married but Joe spends most of his time at his Las Vegas home.

Sources close to the family confirm that the family matriarch is a very healthy woman. Katherine has often spoken of her faith -- she is a Jehovah's Witness -- as a guiding force. Katherine has said she wishes her children were more religious.

But Rebbie Jackson, Katherine's oldest daughter and probably the most private member of the family is the one exception.

She, along with her husband Nathaniel, are devout Witnesses. The couple are considered to be the most stable and reliable members of the family, according to insiders close to the Jacksons.

plans for them to move from Las Vegas to California. In what may be one of the silver linings of Jackson's 2005 criminal trial, the Jackson children actually got to know their aunts and uncles in a way they probably wouldn't have.

Michael never spent a great deal of time with his family in the last 10 years of his life, outside of talking to his mother, but the entire Jackson family came to court to support him and spent time at Neverland with the kids during the five month trial. While Rebbie didn't appear in court much, she did spend time at Neverland according to sources and got to know Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket.
The thing is how can Dileo know how "deep" Michael was in his debts, or how "big" is his estate, if he wasnt his manager, his lawyer..., his nothnig... until the negotiations for concerts last october... and even that negotiations he tried to twist... in his favour...
I am so suspicious of Frank Dileo. He JUST came back to work for Michael. Londell was one of Michael's lawyers for the last 3 years and helped Michael with the legal troubles with the Prince of Bahrain and other stuff. I read an article on what Londell worked on with Michael.

Michael has a lot of assets, though he was probably strapped for cash. I think MJ's estate is worth more than Frank is saying. Maybe AEG, Frank, Branca and who knows who else are ALREADY siphering off cash and assets from the estate, therefore lowering the worth of it!
I don't think Frank is b*llsh*tting here. I always believed that Michael had some debts. It was only some fans (if not the majority) that didn't wanna believe it.

Hopefully, the people behind the Estate will help recover it, and it will sill be able to keep the Beatles Catalogue and make millions for the children :)
Look, its reported that Michael has beaten Elvis in highest-earning income with £60 m. this year, only for the last 7 weeks...

there is so much money out there....
I don't think Frank is b*llsh*tting here. I always believed that Michael had some debts. It was only some fans (if not the majority) that didn't wanna believe it.

Hopefully, the people behind the Estate will help recover it, and it will sill be able to keep the Beatles Catalogue and make millions for the children :)

there are debts but its not a simple math, 2+1=1, or ,5+1=1.5...
dileo is full of it. always has been, always will be. he wants it to be undervalued so um they can try to cheat katherine out of money for the trust.
Dileo talks too much.

They've been saying he's 400 million in debt for like 15 years already. I'm not disputing that he was in debt, I think he was, but for teh figure to not budge after all this time is ludicrous. And 500million sounds like a very modest figure.
I'm mad that DiLeo actually said "If they sold it" regarding the catalog. The catalog in it self is worth 1.7 billion dollars. Michael's half is what? 850 Million? How much is the MiJac catalog worth? How much do you think the catalog will be worth by the end of the year? Michael's estate is worth waaaaaaaaay more than his debt and if Branca and McClain continue to be aggressive, that debt will be wiped away very soon.

Is this the reason why he wishes to sit on the board of Sony/ATV? To sell it maybe? We know Raymone sits on the board and was appointed by Michael Jackson. I wonder if she has been voted off or removed from the board yet? DiLeo said he received a letter claiming that he would be placed on the B.O.D. @ Sony/ATV straight from Michael but I wonder if Sony will honor it ... I hope not. At least Raymone protected the friggin' catalog.

Hell, maybe he meant nothing by it. I'm just suspicious of everything these days......
I wonder who he owes that 400 million (or no 500 mill, no 300mill or whatever). Who are these creditors?
i think 2 billion is closer to the truth!and dileo should step back,he isnt involved in this any more!
I'm mad that DiLeo actually said "If they sold it" regarding the catalog. The catalog in it self is worth 1.7 billion dollars. Michael's half is what? 850 Million? How much is the MiJac catalog worth? How much do you think the catalog will be worth by the end of the year? Michael's estate is worth waaaaaaaaay more than his debt and if Branca and McClain continue to be aggressive, that debt will be wiped away very soon.

Is this the reason why he wishes to sit on the board of Sony/ATV? To sell it maybe? We know Raymone sits on the board and was appointed by Michael Jackson. I wonder if she has been voted off or removed from the board yet? DiLeo said he received a letter claiming that he would be placed on the B.O.D. @ Sony/ATV straight from Michael but I wonder if Sony will honor it ... I hope not. At least Raymone protected the friggin' catalog.

Who is 'Raymone'?

The thing is how can Dileo know how "deep" Michael was in his debts, or how "big" is his estate, if he wasnt his manager, his lawyer..., his nothnig... until the negotiations for concerts last october... and even that negotiations he tried to twist... in his favour...

Good point. I wonder how he knows all these details. Its interesting that he is still talking.
I wonder who he owes that 400 million (or no 500 mill, no 300mill or whatever). Who are these creditors?

OK, more and more people are quoting the debt at $400 million. It's been reported that Michael took out a $350 million loan from somewhere (I don't know who or what loaned him that much money!) The other $50 million is from Colony Capital, which owns half of Neverland. The loan basically saved Neverland from foreclosure.

I thought Branca said the estate was solvent like 2 weeks ago. There was no mention of any sale of anything either.

I hate saying this, but now that I think about it. . . maybe all the proceeds from the tribute concerts and what not should go towards paying off Michael's debt FIRST! Once that is all figured out, things will be a lot clearer to how much the estate is worth and is making.
First of all, Michael's debt is not $400 million as Dileo exaggerates. It's $331 million

Michael had a debt of $90 million in 1999

He refinanced the loan and borrowed more for business, making it $200 million at that time.

He was going to release an album and do other projects which would pay off the debt and we know what Sony did

Then Myung Ho Lee began leaking info about Michael's $200million loan and Michael's team released a statement thinking it was Sony doing so

Then 2003 came around and to cope with the situation when Bank of America foreclosed on Michael in 2004 to try and help Sony seize the catalog, Michael went into this loop of finding other financiers, that drove the debt to $300 million because of more money he borrowed and higher interest rates

Michael has been paying off his debts
He had sorted out the Neverland ranch debt with the deal he did with Barrack, and had the option to buy the other share back with time on a downward profit scale for Barrack

He then sorted out some of the debt on Mijac and had recently returned some music to Mijac after paying off a $5 million loan.

The $331 debt was about to disolve away with the tours, and now that about $100 million has been rasied, that now means the debt is already going to below $300

In one or two years, Michael's debt will be cleared.

Meanwhile, SonyATV was valued at $1billion at the turn of the century
It has definitely appreciated in value in the last 9 years
Michael and Sony purchased 2 catalogs in 2007, one at $450 million and another at $200 million

That gives the catalog a minimum of $1.65 billion value
And that is without mentioning the songs and hits added to it by artists signed with Sony from 2000 to date, which pushes the value to a minimum of $2 billion

Michael in 2007 also bought back from Branca the 5% he had given him
So Michael owns 50% square

Michael's Mijac was valued at $180million in 1999 and this is 2009
Media has tried to misreport this as $75 million

And Mijac has greater value now that Michael has passed and will continue to rise with new music released which is added to the catalogue and brings income for many decades to come


$1 billion minimum 50% SonyATV
Over $200 million Mijac
Michael's share of Neverland
Michael's stocks and shares
Michael's name value merchandising and new music release

And Londell is right that Michael's value is worth $2 billion

If SonyATV and Mijac are worth over $1.2 billion

Michael's merchandising, new music, film and the rest worth $800 million

And that's not even mentioning the potential of turning Neverland into a Graceland type

For Dileo to then claim $400 million of a falling debt that is now below $300 million is wrong

As Londell says, Don't buy it
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Yep, brilliant post by rsw22!

I've tried and failed so far to find it since but I found a great thread on a music industry forum on the subject of music catalogues, royalties and in particular about the Sony/ATV one. I'll keep trying to find it again.

Anyway I'd say thats the least that he's worth. Not sure if this is right but I did see somewhere it being mentioned that his restructured loan was repayable over five years - so we're already into the second year of that. Its supposedly why he was so short of ready cash - the annual income he received from the catalogue was purely being used to pay off that loan and that was part of the whole loan deal done at the time. If that is correct then the income from the catalogue he was getting would be at least $60 million per annum.

On the other hand the Encino home loan was taken over thirty years so who knows. I'd imagine the Encino loan was that long strategically for tax purposes though.
I am so suspicious of Frank Dileo. He JUST came back to work for Michael.

Michael has a lot of assets, though he was probably strapped for cash. I think MJ's estate is worth more than Frank is saying. Maybe AEG, Frank, Branca and who knows who else are ALREADY siphering off cash and assets from the estate, therefore lowering the worth of it!

That's what it sounds like to me. I wouldn't put it past them.
$400 mil is a lot of debt( which seems to be the fixed number) for most people but it's all relative to his wealth. Everybody has some kind of debt. Even trump has debt. He doesn't build hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate with his own money, he uses other peoples money to make profit and then pays back later.

Everybody is always concentrating negatively on every aspect of his life, that's they think he was broke. But I don't think MJ was stupid and probably kept his stuff in different places.


Judge Mitchell Beckloff approved a $60 million dollar movie deal between the Michael Jackson's estate and the promotor of a concert planned before his death, which features footage of the singer's final performances.

The decision was made during an ogoing hearing today concerning the singer's estate.

The administrators of Jackson's estate are exploring all kinds of deals to benefit the pop star's estate, including distribution rights to Michael Jackson-branded products, that could help compensate for Jackson's legendary debt and any losses by concert promoter AEG Live. AEG paid $30 million for a series of concert Jackson was scheduled to play in London later this year.

Under the terms of the proposed contract, the film will have to be screened for Jackson's estate and cannot include any footage that puts the superstar in a bad light, according to The Associated Press.

Columbia Pictures paid $60 million for rights to the film, and the contract states Jackson's estate is slated to receive 90 percent of its profits.

Katherine Jackson did not object to the film, but her attorneys have raised questions about other agreements concerning AEG Live and merchandiser Bravado, according to the AP.

Lost in the paperwork surrounding Jackson's death and estate is the remarkable resolve of Katherine, the family's 79-year-old matriarch.

Last week Beckloff awarded her permanent custody of Jackson's three young children, with whom she will share 80 percent of Jackson's estate.

As insiders debate Jackson's true worth, Katherine is also putting in place plans for who will get custody of Jackson's children when old age inevitably keeps the family's matriarch from being able to care for them.

The executors of Jackson's will estimate that the king of pop's fortune is worth more than $500 million, but it remains to be determined just how much he is really worth. "You know there's a tremendous debt. There's a lot of misinformation as to whether his estate is $2 billion. It's not. It's $400 million in the hole. So it's going to take a little hard work and tact and people with knowledge to get it out of that. It's possible," said Jackson's manger Frank Dileo.

The Los Angeles coroner has yet to release a toxicology report officially determining Jackson's cause of death, but investigators have said drug use played a major role.

How Jackson died raises questions about whether the insurance policy taken out on Jackson by AEG will pay for a death related to what the policy calls "illicit use of drugs."

While Dileo claims Jackson's debt cancels much of his worth, the Jackson family believe the singer's estate is worth billions of dollars and wants more control of it.

Katherine's attorney Londell McMillan told CBS that the estate "is worth, in my estimation a couple of billion dollars. You hear $500 million. Don't buy it."

Dileo disputes that math. Even with Jackson's ownership of the Sony/ATV catalogue that it includes rights to Beatles' songs "he's still in debt. If you sold it and subtracted the $400 million you still will come out with $300 million maybe… There's a way to work your way out of it."

Regardless of the true size of Jackson's estate, most of fortune will go to Katherine and the children.

With so much money on the line and lives of three children at stake, many have wondered what will happen if Katherine gets sick or dies.

At 79, Katherine Jackson is considered the family's rock.

Born in Alabama, but raised in Chicago she suffered from polio as a child which left her with a noticeable limp. She was pregnant or caring for young kids from 1950 until 1966 in which time she gave birth to 10 children.

Times were tough as the Jackson family made ends meet in Gary, Ind., in the years before the Jackson 5 signed with Motown in 1969. After they hit the big time with four successive No. 1 hits the entire Jackson family moved to California, settling into a gated mansion in Encino. They called the mansion "Havenhurst" where Katherine lives to this day.

According to court papers filed in order to get an allowance to care for Michael's three children, Katherine was described as " financially dependent upon Michael Jackson and that other than extremely modest social security benefits, Mrs. Jackson has no independent means of support."

Longtime family friend Steve Manning says Katherine is "a healthy, strong woman of great faith."

Katherine and Joe have had their share of problems. Katherine acknowleged as much in her memoir "My Family" published in 1990. The couple remain married but Joe spends most of his time at his Las Vegas home.

Sources close to the family confirm that the family matriarch is a very healthy woman. Katherine has often spoken of her faith -- she is a Jehovah's Witness -- as a guiding force. Katherine has said she wishes her children were more religious.

But Rebbie Jackson, Katherine's oldest daughter and probably the most private member of the family is the one exception.

She, along with her husband Nathaniel, are devout Witnesses. The couple are considered to be the most stable and reliable members of the family, according to insiders close to the Jacksons.

plans for them to move from Las Vegas to California. In what may be one of the silver linings of Jackson's 2005 criminal trial, the Jackson children actually got to know their aunts and uncles in a way they probably wouldn't have.

Michael never spent a great deal of time with his family in the last 10 years of his life, outside of talking to his mother, but the entire Jackson family came to court to support him and spent time at Neverland with the kids during the five month trial. While Rebbie didn't appear in court much, she did spend time at Neverland according to sources and got to know Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket.

This is the reason he was murdered. I said it before this is why Branca(the fixer) "must be executor of this forged 2002 will" They are stealing the cream off of the top. Dileo along with the Media are a apart of this.

This is why the "debt" stories were printed fro the last 15 years it is by design.
First of all, Michael's debt is not $400 million as Dileo exaggerates. It's $331 million

Michael had a debt of $90 million in 1999

He refinanced the loan and borrowed more for business, making it $200 million at that time.

He was going to release an album and do other projects which would pay off the debt and we know what Sony did

Then Myung Ho Lee began leaking info about Michael's $200million loan and Michael's team released a statement thinking it was Sony doing so

Then 2003 came around and to cope with the situation when Bank of America foreclosed on Michael in 2004 to try and help Sony seize the catalog, Michael went into this loop of finding other financiers, that drove the debt to $300 million because of more money he borrowed and higher interest rates

Michael has been paying off his debts
He had sorted out the Neverland ranch debt with the deal he did with Barrack, and had the option to buy the other share back with time on a downward profit scale for Barrack

He then sorted out some of the debt on Mijac and had recently returned some music to Mijac after paying off a $5 million loan.

The $331 debt was about to disolve away with the tours, and now that about $100 million has been rasied, that now means the debt is already going to below $300

In one or two years, Michael's debt will be cleared.

Meanwhile, SonyATV was valued at $1billion at the turn of the century
It has definitely appreciated in value in the last 9 years
Michael and Sony purchased 2 catalogs in 2007, one at $450 million and another at $200 million

That gives the catalog a minimum of $1.65 billion value
And that is without mentioning the songs and hits added to it by artists signed with Sony from 2000 to date, which pushes the value to a minimum of $2 billion

Michael in 2007 also bought back from Branca the 5% he had given him
So Michael owns 50% square

Michael's Mijac was valued at $180million in 1999 and this is 2009
Media has tried to misreport this as $75 million

And Mijac has greater value now that Michael has passed and will continue to rise with new music released which is added to the catalogue and brings income for many decades to come


$1 billion minimum 50% SonyATV
Over $200 million Mijac
Michael's share of Neverland
Michael's stocks and shares
Michael's name value merchandising and new music release

And Londell is right that Michael's value is worth $2 billion

If SonyATV and Mijac are worth over $1.2 billion

Michael's merchandising, new music, film and the rest worth $800 million

And that's not even mentioning the potential of turning Neverland into a Graceland type

For Dileo to then claim $400 million of a falling debt that is now below $300 million is wrong

As Londell says, Don't buy it

Thank you great post and more factual than the media's propaganda. Now ask; Why is the Media and all MJ's "friends" trying reinforce this debt and are actively working against Jackson family interests?

Also had not MJ not paid nearly 200 million of this before the tour

MJ's debt -all included -3/4years ago was 300million. He and the bank he refinanced with Fortress
then CITI then Barclay's Bank set up a payment schedule as follows.
3 trusts were set up:
Horizon I = Sony/ATV MJ's 50% share (was collateral for 200mil from BOA)
Horizon II = MIJAC catalogue (was collateral for 75Mil line of credit from BOA + 25 mil given to MJ
from the refinancing)
Horizon III = Combined dividends/royalties/profits etc from Horizon I and Horizon II were all
channeled to this trust.
Horizon III then channeled ALL the money but 20% of it to paying the down the debt with the bank.
An independent company was assigned these trusts to manage (independent of MJ and Sony) to
ensure there was always 25million left in the trust at the end of every year and the rest of any of the
money (from Sony/ATV and MIJAC) was sent to pay the debt. MJ was given a minimal amount (2mil
a year) to live on from it and he made money from other sources to support himself.
Since this set up was done, 200million has been paid off. He only still has 100mil to
pay off, if he didn't perform he could continue to live as is (with cash flow probs but the debt being
paid off well) with the deal and pay the rest of in 1-2 years.
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Last year I reported on my blog that Michaels debt was only 200 mill., based on my sources that I consider relevant.

The point is what caused the debts!??? Its was not a shopping spree, It was not paying for hotels, gifts..., travelling the world..., it was something special, some secret investments, but... media-reporters/journalists do not know that!!!
The key value here as far as the estate is concerned is the net value at the point of MJ's death. Because that's what they'll have to pay tax on. In cash. Within nine months (I think).

The higher the estimated value of the estate, the more tax they'll have to pay.

I would be amazed if the administrators were anything other than extremely conservative in their figures.
Didn't Raymone release a statement some years back saying secret documents had been sent to MJ detailing how His former attorney's and advisors were working together to force him into bankruptcy?
And MJ then launched an investigation?
Does anyone else remember that?

My question is was John Branca one of those attorney's?
And if so I don't blame Katherine for objecting to him and Mcclain being the sole executors
Something is not right IMO with Branca having a 7 year old will for a former client in his safe.
Wouldn't he forward the will to MJ's current attorney's once the attorney-client relationship was terminated?

Something doesn't sound right and Frank is lying about the debt.
No, Michael was not forced into bankruptcy, I personally dont believe these "tabloid speculations"... as well as Branca could be one of the lawyers who would want Michael to be ... what? without money or without Sony/ATV...

I still trust Branca and McClain..., I dont trust Katherines lawyers..., they are doing just a mess mostly because of crazy lawyering ... IMO!!!
I don't think Frank is b*llsh*tting here. I always believed that Michael had some debts. It was only some fans (if not the majority) that didn't wanna believe it.

Hopefully, the people behind the Estate will help recover it, and it will sill be able to keep the Beatles Catalogue and make millions for the children :)

He had debts, but the value of his assets FAARR outweighs the debts.


And future earning....fuggaaboutit
Yes Michael was in debt but I do think the amount has probably has been inflated. Michael's net worth is a lot more than $500 million, his shares of Sony/ATV is worth at least a billion and then there's the Mijac catalogue which will have increased in value by a large amount, then there's other investments that Michael has etc. The upcoming movie that is being released will net hundreds of millions of dollars as well as its release on DVD.