Kanye West Compares Himself To Michael Jackson

Kanye posted this 2 months ago, after the fish sticks incident on South Park.
I don't what to say... his whole way of carrying himself has always been disgusting to me. I'm sad that he has this side, especially now days when obviously has "made it".

"South park murdered me last night and it's pretty funny. It hurts my feelings but what can you expect from south park! i actually have been working on my ego though. Having the crazy ego is played out at this point in my life and career. I use to use it to build up my esteem when nobody believed in me. Now that people do believe and support my music and products the best response is thank you instead of "i told you so!!!" it's cool to talk shit when you're rapping but not in real life. When you meet little wayne in person he's the nicest guy for example. I just wanna be a doper person which starts with me not always telling people how dope i think i am. I need to just get past myself. Drop the bravado and just make dope product. Everything is not that serious. As long as people think i act like a bitch this type of shit will happen to me. I got a long road ahead of me to make people believe i'm not actually a huge douche but i'm up for the challenge. I'm sure the writers at south park are really nice people in real life. Thanks for taking the time to draw my crew. That was pretty funny also!! I'm sure there's grammatical errors in this... That's how you know it's me!"

Well, there you go. His ego allowed him to get where he is. It helped with his self esteem. Even tho he thinks it's played out, the fact that he still kinda uses it may mean something is going on that we don't see which makes him feel he still needs it as a boost. It may be the only thing really motivating him. And I think had he been a real jerk, what Southpark did to him wouldn't have hurt his feelings at all. It shows the man is still human and despite what you see and hear him say, he hurts. The ego may be his protection. I say, let him have it until he no longer needs it as a crutch. The ppl in his life who really know and understand him won't be detered by it.

Maybe MJ can teach him how to have rhinocerous skin and smile thru pain and insults and ppl trying to tear him down...and still be gracious. It's not an art everyone can master, I think. Give him time tho. He is talented, imo, and maybe at some point he'll work it all out...or not. Maybe having MJ as a role model will be good for him. From the bit you posted, it's obvious Kanye is not oblivious to how ppl see him. I think it's just something he has to work out for himself. Ppl taking shots at him tho doesn't exactly help the situation imo. That's why I say I feel he's misunderstood. I could be wrong tho cuz I don't know him. Maybe at the core he is an arrogant prick. Time will tell as he accomplishes more....or not.
Kanye talks nothin but s***
Last month he said Lady Gaga is the new Madonna, Lil Wayne is the new Hendrix, Jay Z is the new Sinatra and Justin Timberlake is the new Michael Jackson.
Only artist up there thats compared to a legend that has longevity(sp) is Jay Z n hes gone down the drain with his music.
Sick of defending Kanye West, his music is good, but theres no chance hes on top of rap right now.
I need to change my username LOL
Kanye talks nothin but s***
Last month he said Lady Gaga is the new Madonna, Lil Wayne is the new Hendrix, Jay Z is the new Sinatra and Justin Timberlake is the new Michael Jackson.
Only artist up there thats compared to a legend that has longevity(sp) is Jay Z n hes gone down the drain with his music.
Sick of defending Kanye West, his music is good, but theres no chance hes on top of rap right now.
I need to change my username LOL

lol, he says crazy things.

i have no respect for him after he jumped up on someone elses acceptance speech. hes too conceited and rude. and taking someones moment away.
:no:Not so funny..Kanye is also nothing more than garbage just like Akon

they are pretty much all the same to me lol
usher, akon, kanye, lil-whatsoever *rofl*
they all make the same music and the videos are so bad and im really bored of them all. so kanye stop comparing urself with REAL artists..
It must be when Kanye was a little kid, no one gave him any attention. That's all.
I love Kanye West! A lot of what he says is tongue in cheek. It rubs a lot of people up the wrong way this thread is a perfect example. It's a public persona he puts on, although I do believe he has a big ego anyway. So what...there's worse things a person can do. Most of you didn't even read the quote properly anyway, lol.
^^ Agree.

And everybody says stupid stuff every now and then. lol Even celebrities who should know better. It's not the end of the world. Anyway, I'm done with this thread. *throws up hands in frustration* I surrender :lol: Ya'll are HEARTLESS! (had to do it :p ) and this isn't a Kanye board so....bash away.
Kanye is a great producer, ok rapper. College Droput is a great album, Late Registration also up there but Graduation came up short compared to the other two. 808s & Heartbreak is hopefully just a one off and was ok because of the timing of it because of what he was going through in his personal life.

No explanation would be ok for him to compare himself to Michael though.
just last week he said justin timberlake was the new michael jackson,jay z was the new frank sinatra,and beyonce was the new tina turner. hes clearly addicted to some type of strong drug or something
just last week he said justin timberlake was the new michael jackson,jay z was the new frank sinatra,and beyonce was the new tina turner. hes clearly addicted to some type of strong drug or something

:lol: :lol: never heard sth so stupid. especially beyonce compared with tina turner :rofl:
hahahahah oh Kanye...I needed a good laugh. So funny.

Lyrics right now, they're awes-mazing. They're basically untouchable.
:hysterical: yeah keep dreaming

Hey does he still has that blog/site or whatever he had...I remember him posting a photo of MJ on skateboard once.
Kanye posted this 2 months ago, after the fish sticks incident on South Park.
I don't what to say... his whole way of carrying himself has always been disgusting to me. I'm sad that he has this side, especially now days when obviously has "made it".

"South park murdered me last night and it's pretty funny. It hurts my feelings but what can you expect from south park! i actually have been working on my ego though. Having the crazy ego is played out at this point in my life and career. I use to use it to build up my esteem when nobody believed in me. Now that people do believe and support my music and products the best response is thank you instead of "I told you so!!!" it's cool to talk shit when you're rapping but not in real life. When you meet lil wayne in person he's the nicest guy for example. I just wanna be a doper person which starts with me not always telling people how dope I think I am. I need to just get past myself. Drop the bravado and just make dope product. Everything is not that serious. As long as people think I act like a bitch this type of shit will happen to me. I got a long road ahead of me to make people believe i'm not actually a huge douche but i'm up for the challenge. I'm sure the writers at south park are really nice people in real life. Thanks for taking the time to draw my crew. That was pretty funny also!! I'm sure there's grammatical errors in this... That's how you know it's me!"
Well apparantly it doesn't feel all that played out to him if he's still talking about how dope he thinks he is.
Kanye, Kanye :smilerolleyes:

Don't take him too seariously.
i think he's a great rapper, but i'd never buy one of his albums...because he's so up himself and damn arrogant. If any of his songs sound catchy, i'll download them but that's the extent of it.
Never one to put himself down, Kanye West has compared himself to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

The 'Heartless' rapper was being interviewed by MTV, when he revealed he is working on his next album.

"I kill that rap s***, that's what I do," West said of his new material. "Lyrics right now, they're awes-mazing. They're basically untouchable."

"I'm about to take it to a whole 'nother level. I'd be scared if I was not me."

As for comparing himself to other celebrities, Kanye added: "As far as rapping goes, how can I say this? Jordan, Michael Jackson - it's what I do."

West is not only working on his own album, he's also producing tracks for Jay-Z's 'Blueprint 3'.


haha!!! i think kanye's attitude is a good match for some of those here, maybe he could find himself a date on the forum.

Do you like putting fishdicks in your mouth?

I usually can't stand celeb egos but his outbursts are pretty funny. Maybe because he's the only one calling himself a genius. Seriously, it's not like someone said it once and he got a big head, he just randomly started praising himself.:rofl: But he's one of very very few rappers that I like, so I'll just sit back and watch him have his one man party. As long as he keeps releasing good music, I'll let the baby have his bottle.
you know, if you are cocky and can back it up fair enough, but Kanye West sucks! the big one, my god he is so over rated and most so by himself! MY GOD, i cant even think of one decent record, American Boy was okay but he played a small part in that song! He has no longevity whatsoever!
Do you like putting fishdicks in your mouth?

I usually can't stand celeb egos but his outbursts are pretty funny. Maybe because he's the only one calling himself a genius. Seriously, it's not like someone said it once and he got a big head, he just randomly started praising himself.:rofl: But he's one of very very few rappers that I like, so I'll just sit back and watch him have his one man party. As long as he keeps releasing good music, I'll let the baby have his bottle.

that's usually the case. if the music is strong, people let things slide.

his latest song 'knocks you down' is a lot of fun. and he has a lot of talent. and his rants just don't seem to have a malicious spirit attached. and people keep wathching his vids. so...lol..there u go...

MJ worked with him, long after Kanye's big ego was well on display, so i guess MJ doesn't have a problem with him. lol