Kanye West Compares Himself To Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Saudi Arabia
Never one to put himself down, Kanye West has compared himself to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

The 'Heartless' rapper was being interviewed by MTV, when he revealed he is working on his next album.

"I kill that rap s***, that's what I do," West said of his new material. "Lyrics right now, they're awes-mazing. They're basically untouchable."

"I'm about to take it to a whole 'nother level. I'd be scared if I was not me."

As for comparing himself to other celebrities, Kanye added: "As far as rapping goes, how can I say this? Jordan, Michael Jackson - it's what I do."

West is not only working on his own album, he's also producing tracks for Jay-Z's 'Blueprint 3'.

Michael says that he will never be like without James brown.....
But for me Michael is the best than no other and this Kayne west just talking now if it's true what he said in interview because sometimes the press add things.
Hes saying he is the Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan of rap.........
to be honest I dont rate this guy or his music, but thats just my personal opinion. Yes, Kanye might at the top of his game, but he has a VERY long way to go before he can campare himself to michael or accomplish anywhere near what MJ has! Success has got to that BIG head of his
Hes not comparing himself directly to Michael Jackson!

He's saying he thinks he is the Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson of rap!
it's because he didn't know how to make difference as himself, he has to compare to others but it's nice he compares himself with a great person that is Michael...
Ye's got jokez.

:lol: :lol:

thats embarassing kanye :rofl:
in no single way he can compare himself to michael o_O if in music or only rap or lyric writing or whatever.. *rofl*
thats so ridiculous -.-
No shocker there, Kanye has lost his mind for some time now
Kanye, keep talking. It just makes you look like a fool.
not really, it just makes everyone like us talk about him more. mission accomplished.
i wont deny he got skills.


does he know about the amazing late great lyricist tupac as well right ?:crazy_grin:

Hes not comparing himself directly to Michael Jackson!

He's saying he thinks he is the Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson of rap!

it's because he didn't know how to make difference as himself, he has to compare to others but it's nice he compares himself with a great person that is Michael...

That's how I saw it as well. I see nothing wrong with someone having confidence in themselves or aspiring to be on the same level as someone higher whether they actually get there or not. And let's face it, sometimes you have to believe in/validate yourself in order to accomplish some things. If you wait around for other ppl to validate you, you may never get it (not becuz you don't deserve it but becuz they refuse to give it to you for their own reasons). And for some ppl, waiting for validation they will never get means they never accomplish anything.

I like Kanye West. :)

So do I. :flowers: And I like him even more now cuz he said "Awes-mazing"! lmao! I think he's just "misunderstood" and very funny but everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course.
Kanye: "I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation"
Kanye: "I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation"

This isnt a diss Kanye West thread, why would you go out and find a Kanye West quote like that? This topic is of him comparing himself to Michael Jackson.
This isnt a diss Kanye West thread, why would you go out and find a Kanye West quote like that? This topic is of him comparing himself to Michael Jackson.
you don't see a connection between comparing oneself with two legends like Mike and Mike, and to hyping yourself up to be a "voice of a generation"?

or do you want a more flattering quote?

it was also partly in response to Wendy's "i think he's misunderstood" remark above.
Kanye: "I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation"

Well, who knows. He just might be for some reason we don't see just yet. :worried: If I remember correctly (may have to go find the quote) but Michael, too thought Thriller was going to be a big deal and I'll be damned if he wasn't right about that. And this was either right before it was released or after the first single (not sure). So, sometimes having a little faith and confidence in yourself or your abilities isn't so much a bad thing...especially if you can back it up or back it up eventually. Ten years from now, we might look back on this and think "WOW, who woulda thunk?!" :lol:
Kanye posted this 2 months ago, after the fish sticks incident on South Park.
I don't what to say... his whole way of carrying himself has always been disgusting to me. I'm sad that he has this side, especially now days when obviously has "made it".

"South park murdered me last night and it's pretty funny. It hurts my feelings but what can you expect from south park! i actually have been working on my ego though. Having the crazy ego is played out at this point in my life and career. I use to use it to build up my esteem when nobody believed in me. Now that people do believe and support my music and products the best response is thank you instead of "i told you so!!!" it's cool to talk shit when you're rapping but not in real life. When you meet little wayne in person he's the nicest guy for example. I just wanna be a doper person which starts with me not always telling people how dope i think i am. I need to just get past myself. Drop the bravado and just make dope product. Everything is not that serious. As long as people think i act like a bitch this type of shit will happen to me. I got a long road ahead of me to make people believe i'm not actually a huge douche but i'm up for the challenge. I'm sure the writers at south park are really nice people in real life. Thanks for taking the time to draw my crew. That was pretty funny also!! I'm sure there's grammatical errors in this... That's how you know it's me!"