I love Kanye..and regardless of what people say...i think he's a good guy
Hel...... yeah :yes: Kanye. I think he is one of the most talented artists out there. Ever since 2004 when i saw Through the wire became impressed by his honesty and the freshness of his lyrics. The man is fantastic and i can only give him props. It's quite true that BJ remix could have been better *ducks* but his own work is full of gems.
I never thought i'd see the day where Kayne West and Appreciation are in the same sentence lol
LOL I know how bad a rap he's got about his perceived lack of humbleness. Humility is very important indeed. Of course not at the same scale, but there are those who think my modesty is not my forte, so i suppose i'm a lil' female version of Kanye in that sense.
What many don't realize is that when people try to put on the puffed up act they are actually being quite insecure and it is their self-defense mechanism tryin' to deflect the attacks of others. Of course it would be better to let other people find out how 'wonderful' we are, but at times we need to believe that ourselves more than anybody out there. Don't know if that's how it is for Kanye, but it sure is so for me.
The Christian in me knows and regrets when i overstep those boundaries and although there is no justification for certain episodes of unkindness and disrespect, the imperfect human being in me seeks to rationalize episodes of anger and frustration because they are rooted in the most extreme possible circumstances often made of confusion and some times despair.
And btw of this whole issue, Kanye's contribution to this1 from Bee is more than wonderful.
Cause I can back it up
Well truth be told, there ain't that much to back up these day cause i ain't as ShaBUlycious as before, but i'll get back in shape soon enough lol
Kanye's cool! I like him...
At first, I thought he was being mean but now I realize he was only telling the truth.
His music is probably the most innovative in hip hop right now. I respect that!
Keep on doing your thing, Kanye! Let the haters hate...and watch your money pile up!
Do ur thang man and don't let no1 get you down unk:
P.S. Oh, just in care any1 cares - dat ego love is mutual cause i also love....his big ego, and i don't mean Kanye's h34r:
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