Just how good Invincible is


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Invincible is an incredible album, and I think Michael's work on this has been underrated and almost disappeared into oblivion - Just 1 music video, singles unreleased, album not promoted as it should have been (Sony screwed him).

I think MJ did a lot of venting on this album, and came up with some grating tunes that to some possibly sounded like space fillers. But for me, tracks 1-7 are 'genius at work', and Whatever Happens is so delicately crafted I love it. They're all good but some take time to grow on you. If this album was promoted properly these songs would've reached many more people.

So, for an album that's kind of been swept under the rug (I never hear any discussion on it even from fans) What are your thoughts on Invincible, and favorite tracks?
I love Invincible and although it told 11 million copies, i agree, it's been very underrated.

My favourite songs are Whatever Happens, You are my life, Unbreakable, Invincible and Privacy.
absolutely superb album,i love whatever happens ,speechless is one of my favourites,oh and butterflies,
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No not really its all over the place, Even Teddy Riley said that and well over produced.

Not an album i fell in love from the start and dont play it now.
i think invincible is a incredible album...my favs are dont walk away ,speechless,privacy, heaven can wait
I think that some of the problems with Invincible are:
- It doesn't flow as an album, it seems like a random collection of new songs
- It is not soulful at all (in the music genre sense)
- With the exception of YRMW, the uptempo tracks aren't club bangers
- It's too angry for the general public (who had enough of the bitter MJ on HIStory)
- Some songs sound dated already because of flavor-of-the-month producers
- Threatened seems like someone's idea of a bad joke (not a Thriller)
- Whatever Happens isn't much an improvement over the original demo
- Sony drama and lack of original music videos
... etc, ad nauseam
for all the criticism Invincible received..this has to be the umpteenth thread dedicated to the cd. so...there you go..lol

by the way...it's an excellent album.
Well, I think Invincible has some cool songs: You rock my world, Speechless, Thretened, Hearthbreaker, Cry, 2000 Watts, but other songs, especially Privacy and Butterflies to me are the worst MJ's songs ever. I can't listen to that. To me it's just noise.
Vince would have been much better if songs such as Escape, One more chance, On the line made it on the album.
And the music video for YRMW was nothing original. A copy of Smooth Criminal.
I think Mike needs to learn/invent some new cool moves (for his upcomming videos) and create original videos just like he used to in the past
Invincible is a good album with some hidden classics, and not rubbish like the media say's. But it's not an excellent album in my opinion.
Over the last few weeks i've been listening to Invincible non stop. Such a good album, I love it. The first 3 songs are amazing, MJ's angry voice when he sings them is great.
I'm sticking to my opinion that it's his weakest album to date.

The BEST album to come out in 2001 (again, my opinion) was 8701 by Usher :)
- Some songs sound dated already because of flavor-of-the-month producers

That might be the same reason for his next album being a failure, I'm not to found of most the producers Michael has been working with lately.
Me personally think the tracks that are most "timeless" are tracks Michael has done himself, or at least the most part of the song.
The Teddy stuff is also incredible, because Teddy really doesn't sound the same on the records he has given Michael. (Except for the swingy mood).
I mean, I could've never in a million years have guessed that Teddy has produced "Heaven Can Wait", "Don't Walk Away" and "Whatever happens" after hearing the stuff he did on Dangerous and Blood on the dancefloor.

Regarding Invincible...
Was a terrible album? No.
Was it better than most stuff out there at the time? I really think so _now_..
Did I like Invincible after the first listen? No.

This is an album I learned to like, and I can't really understand why because it has some really great tracks, "Heaven Can Wait" is on all time top5 and those 3 first tracks are slamming. The first verse on "Invincible" is incredible.
Butterflies & Break of dawn, I like those two.
I think Threatened is a really complex and experimental song, technically wise.
Heavily underated album, that never got the place in history it deserved, purely down to poor promotion.

Poor choice of first single (I think Sony chose it) - it should have been Unbreakable.

Really only one single released - Cry was released with minimal pro-mo and no proper video.

Butterflies supposedly released, in America or something, no video, no nothing. MJ clearly did not have the same support he had with Dangerous & History.

I do dissagree with the weakest album theories and think that there were literally 1 or 2 songs on the album that weren't MJ's strongest music and they were both produced by Rodney Jerkins.
I've said it before, Invincible was the album that made me into a fan. It's a great album.
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I hope he sings whatever happens on his upcoming tour
that album never really hit me. I have try to like it, and listen to it many, many times, but I really think it´s crap and overproduced. Dangerous is a amazing
I've been listening to Invincible more recently and I have to say its grown on me. I don't think it's MJ's best album but they are some good songs on there that get overlooked. Speechless is just amazing, his voice is incredible on that song. I love You Rock My World and Whatever Happens. Break of Dawn and Heaven Can Wait are beautiful ballads to me. I know not everyone likes Heartbreaker and 2000 Watts but to me I think they are great songs to get you moving, I especially like the breakdown part of Heartbreaker when MJ is beatboxing.
theres only one or two that i really like but i do listen to it but not often.
I think ''Invincible'' is a good album, just not 'perfect' 'timeless', Michael Jackson wise. There some really good tracks on it, but a lot of the beats sound too much like each other. I think 'Invincible', 'Heartbreaker' and 'Unbreakable', just sound too much like each other to be on the same album.

Vocal wise, I think he could do much better. It seems like, uhm how am I going to explain this, like he was screaming a little bit. You know that thing you get in your voice when you cough a lot (sorry, dont know the English name), so that cough thing in combination with screaming, while he can still pull it of to sing in a more 'flowy' (oh god, I feel stupid now :p), just listen to 'Hold my hand', he can still pull it of. He just doesn't sound that 'fresh' on Invincible.

I also think that Invincible wasn't really re-newing. A lot of tracks are R&B style. If you listen to other popular R&B artists around that time (Usher, Destiny's child, ect), they sound very similar to 'Invincible'. It's not like Michael made a new breaktrough in music wise, it wasn't really re-newing I think. Instead of setting a new trend, it looked like he was following the trend.

I think 'Heaven Can Wait', 'Speechless' and 'Whatever Happens' are some great songs, which deserve more attention.Speechless is vocal wise really good, this sounds like a track that could be featured on the 'Dangerous' or 'Bad' album, the song just has this timeless effect.
It is also one of the few songs on the album, Michael wrote himself.

There are some killer songs on this album, but I don't think the album is very original, since there are so many things that sound the same, it also sounds a bit ''over-produced''.

About the lack of promotion, well (I think a lot of fans are going to hate me on this one) I think Sony did enough promotion. When this album came out, it was everywhere. I mean, Michael even stood on Time square promoting his album, which I think is quite humiliating for an artist like Michael. Yes, more videos could be released, but when it came down to ''hyping'' the album, I think Sony didn't do a that bad of job. This album was in VH1, Trl, ect. I mean Michael Jackson does not have the same impact in my country as he does in America, UK, ect. His music is hardly played on the radio, so when this album came out I remember seeing it EVERYWHERE, which is quite rare. Every recordstore had these big posters and these huge cupboards standing outside with Michael head on them. When other albums were released from other artist, they would only hang up the poster somewhere in a dodgy corner. 'You Rock My World', was played on every radiochannel and was constantly on MTV. So, I don't really think you can blame it all on the ''bad promotion''.

I think Invincible is a good album, but its not memorable.
Its a great album that grew on me but I still fell that there are too many ballads and I wish 'Shout' was on there.
Its a great album that grew on me but I still fell that there are too many ballads and I wish 'Shout' was on there.
Agree, shout should've been on the album too.

I don't know if I have a post in this thread or not :p But Invincible is one of my favourite albums, love absolute ALL the songs.
Can someone explain to me the logic behind "Unbreakable, Heartbreaker, and Invincible sound the same"? Cause they don't at all. Unbreakable is an upbeat dance song. Heartbreaker is even faster and has a totally different instrumentation. Invincible is slower than both and sung much differently than the first two songs. The instrumentation has a sort of softer sound to it as well.
I love the album Invincible. I like all music. Until today I could not find anything wrong with this album as most people are. For me it is perfect and the other albums. I love to see Michael singing live "Unbreakable", I love this song. She would make a great choreography. Each album is a stage, it is a time for Michael, a different inspiration and I always respect that. Michael should always follow his heart. And always know that the result will be wonderful.​
Can someone explain to me the logic behind "Unbreakable, Heartbreaker, and Invincible sound the same"? Cause they don't at all. Unbreakable is an upbeat dance song. Heartbreaker is even faster and has a totally different instrumentation. Invincible is slower than both and sung much differently than the first two songs. The instrumentation has a sort of softer sound to it as well.

mmm i can kindof see how they are similar. i mean, they all have a verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, bridge then rap.
Each song is pretty unique though.
I like the album - I use to work out to it heaps and it's awesome for that :p
fave songs would have to be unbreakable, YRMW, speechless and whatever happens.
def. not his best work, but nonetheless, a paramount album amongst all the talentless crap out these days.
I'm sticking to my opinion that it's his weakest album to date.

The BEST album to come out in 2001 (again, my opinion) was 8701 by Usher :)

Agreed that was a good album by Usher - a lot of the songs on that album were written by Pharrell Williams and were intended for Jackson but he turned them down. .
I think that Invincible is a good album, not great, but good. Its definatley not of the caliber of his past albums...but then again, and this is something MIchael himself has said before, he's competeting with himself. That's a very difficult thing to do and as many here have said, and it seems to be a general consensus, the album had some beautiful songs like Break of Dawn, Heaven Can Wait, etc, but again when your competing with yo'self its not Michael Jackson standard. Weakest album, definatley, but not a bad album altogether.

Personally, I never understood the hubbub over Butterflies, floetry had one "hit" for crying out loud...and that song got old quick and to my knowledge tho' their song got airplay it wasn't a smash...Butterflies sounds very much like their record, its not all that different. I personally found that very annoying.