June 2 News & Mentionings - Jarvis Cocker regrets!

What's even worse is that Jarvis Cocker pulled his pants down in front of all those children.

I'm surprised he wasn't arrested for that. But it's interesting how people did forget about his music in the UK. It was about him embarrassing himself in front of Michael Jackson. Once you get involved in MJ in anyway, your career is over, lol.
I don't remember seeing this part of the show.

The video I remember seeing was at the end of a performance of Earth Song, Jackson--dressed all in white--stood in the middle of the stage with his arms spead wide while the people on stage went up to hug him. Jarvis Cocker--or maybe it was someone else--ran onstage and pulled his pants down. He later said it was because he was offended by Jackson fashioning himself as Christ.

Now I saw all this on ET. They claimed that Jackson had not seen what happened and that the children were crying and upset. I remember Howard Stern making jokes about it because he saw the video as well.

Was this someone else? Was what I saw a separate performance?

Jarvis and another guy was on the stage, the other guy dropped Jarvis' pants. Both were drunk, I doubt they were doing it to protest Michael, they just did that to be a$$holes. Anyway it's too late to get sympathy for showing your junk in front of underage kids. :mellow:
That's what happens when you screw with Michael Jackson. 1 minute your making millions of dollars, the next, you're working at a burger joint asking "would you like fries with that?"
lol The only job he got after that ordeal was having a spot in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He was in the band playing at the Yule Ball.

I saw that bit of footage. And was completely shocked that a man of a respectable age disrespected himself,the children on that stage and Michael all in one fail swoop. I couldn't believe my eyes when i seen him come up there. If i was Michael i would have gotten down off that crane thing and beat the living piss out of him. Its one thing to make an ass out of yourself but to do it in front of kids and the world is something totally different.
That's what happens when you screw with Michael Jackson. 1 minute your making millions of dollars, the next, you're working at a burger joint asking "would you like fries with that?"
Yep! When you mess with MJ in a negative way, it's like throwing a boomerang out at top speed and forgetting to duck when it comes back to smack you in the head!