June 12 - 14 News & Mentionings

personally i hate seeing all those clips etc. nothing but horrible memories id rather foget about

I also agree with you. We need not be reviewing all these videos and reading all these horrible reports that bring bad memories. :( It is page turning and part of the past. But, of course that was also a very important day, because he was innocent and so is not no remember the day June 13. We look forward to the future, for good things to come ahead of the career that Michael will bring many joys. :yes:​
Tearjerker Commercials: Love 'em or hate 'em?
Jun 13, 2009, 04:29 PM | by Marc Bernardin

I'm sitting there, idly watching Paula Deen on the Food Network -- hey, I like butter; don't judge me -- and this State Farm commercial comes on. Almost as soon as Michael Jackson's angelic young voice starts belting out "I'll Be There," water starts leaking from my eyes.

Now, I don't mind a well-made commercial, but the last thing I expect to do during a commercial break is try and hold back tears. I almost resent this kind of emotional sneak attack: I should get some kind of warning...

Tearjerker Commercials: Love 'em or hate 'em?
Jun 13, 2009, 04:29 PM | by Marc Bernardin

I'm sitting there, idly watching Paula Deen on the Food Network -- hey, I like butter; don't judge me -- and this State Farm commercial comes on. Almost as soon as Michael Jackson's angelic young voice starts belting out "I'll Be There," water starts leaking from my eyes.

Now, I don't mind a well-made commercial, but the last thing I expect to do during a commercial break is try and hold back tears. I almost resent this kind of emotional sneak attack: I should get some kind of warning...


lol...oh pishaaa. lame complaint. especially since there are so many lame ads. it's nice to have an effective one, once in a while. lol
lol...oh pishaaa. lame complaint. especially since there are so many lame ads. it's nice to have an effective one, once in a while. lol

Funny thing is, the writer is a guy LOL! :smilerolleyes:
McCormick in his blog: "Michael Jackson's Choir Is Not News"

But there was one music story that ran in all papers this week (ours too, unfortunately) which was, in my opinion, a complete non story, involving Michael Jackson and a children's choir. Or rather, according to the pernicious wording of most reports, 'Troubled Superstar demands children's choir' (troubled being the obligatory adjective when discussing Jackson these days, and 'demands' a much more urgent verb than 'requests'). The essence of the story appears to be that Jackson's concert promoters AEG have sent out a call to casting agencies for children to appear as part of his 50 London shows, specifying "young adults, clean-cut and of mixed ethnicity", to be made up of "exactly equal" numbers of black, white, mixed-race and Asian children, and to include six marching snare drummers who must be actually able to play their instrument. And (reported everywhere as if this was a final sign of madness), all the participants had to be able to do "sign language" (which, as any parent knows, school children are routinely taught these days).

Now, forgive me if I look at this and wonder what is so unusual about a singer wanting a children's choir to sing along in a big production of one his saccharine peace and love anthems (quite possibly 'We Are The World', which would make sense of an exactly equal mixed race line up), in which the universal message will be broadcast for the hard of hearing. With some marching drummers. I am sure equity gets stranger requests than that every day. How does it differ from, say, Take That, who presumably had to send out a casting call for tightrope walkers, clowns, female hula hoop fire dancers and men on stilts for their Circus production (currently wowing their fans in stadiums around the country). Have we reached the point where just the proximity of the words 'Michael Jackson' and "children" in the same sentence sends everyone into a panic? I even had Channel 5 news come around to talk to me about his "unreasonable demands", as if he had asked for the choir to be put on his backstage rider, along with bowls of smarties with all the red ones taken out.

Clearly, there is a lot to be said about Jackson and his mooted comeback, but 'Famous Singer Requires Choir To Sing Backing Vocals' is not a news story, even on a slow news day.

Source: Telegraph

What shall I say? The papers/ tv channels are full of non stories. Who cares for the starving, the sick, the dying?
Nothing much going on in the news world of Michael Jackson so I shall just be posting mentionings for today. Update coming soon.
Michael Jackson Mentionings for Sunday, June 14, 2009:


Recently Whitney Houston’s photos for her official album photo shoot leaked on the Internet which is for her comeback album first titled “Undefeated,” but now seems to be untitled and actually available for pre-order even before carrying an official title.
Now, video of the leaked photo shoot with Whitney Houston behind the scenes posing and having a good time dancing to Michael Jackson’s late 1970’s, early 1980’s hit song “Workin’ Day and Night,” has surfaced on the Internet as well.


I spend a lot of my time listening to Gloria Estefan, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson and George Michael. They're all a big part of me.


Because HIV/AIDS was misunderstood at the time, White's lengthy legal battle to get back into school became a cause celebre. The effort made the teenager a national celebrity heralded by Elton John, Michael Jackson and talk-show host Phil Donahue, and turned him into a spokesman for AIDS research and public education.


Michael Jackson's glove for his upcoming London tour, Martha Stewart's horsehair mattress, Edie Falco's tricycle and electroplating for the Hubble telescope - all are made in New York City

Jackson, a notoriously picky shopper, picked La Crasia Gloves on Broadway at 28th St. to make the gloves for his upcoming July tour.
"They sent us a tracing of his right hand and we're making some samples for him to choose from," said Jay Ruckel, the firm's master cutter.
La Crasia makes and sells 60,000 pairs a year for the general public, in addition to custom-made items for stars like Jackson, Madonna and Kate Winslet, who wore their white above-the-elbow debutante glove in "Titanic."

Michael Jackson HIStory for Sunday, June 14, 2009:
1995 - Michael and Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson were interviewed on "Prime Time Live" by Diane Sawyer.

2002 - In London, Michael Jackson was given a tour of the Houses of Parliament.

McCormick in his blog: "Michael Jackson's Choir Is Not News"

But there was one music story that ran in all papers this week (ours too, unfortunately) which was, in my opinion, a complete non story, involving Michael Jackson and a children's choir. Or rather, according to the pernicious wording of most reports, 'Troubled Superstar demands children's choir' (troubled being the obligatory adjective when discussing Jackson these days, and 'demands' a much more urgent verb than 'requests'). The essence of the story appears to be that Jackson's concert promoters AEG have sent out a call to casting agencies for children to appear as part of his 50 London shows, specifying "young adults, clean-cut and of mixed ethnicity", to be made up of "exactly equal" numbers of black, white, mixed-race and Asian children, and to include six marching snare drummers who must be actually able to play their instrument. And (reported everywhere as if this was a final sign of madness), all the participants had to be able to do "sign language" (which, as any parent knows, school children are routinely taught these days).

Now, forgive me if I look at this and wonder what is so unusual about a singer wanting a children's choir to sing along in a big production of one his saccharine peace and love anthems (quite possibly 'We Are The World', which would make sense of an exactly equal mixed race line up), in which the universal message will be broadcast for the hard of hearing. With some marching drummers. I am sure equity gets stranger requests than that every day. How does it differ from, say, Take That, who presumably had to send out a casting call for tightrope walkers, clowns, female hula hoop fire dancers and men on stilts for their Circus production (currently wowing their fans in stadiums around the country). Have we reached the point where just the proximity of the words 'Michael Jackson' and "children" in the same sentence sends everyone into a panic? I even had Channel 5 news come around to talk to me about his "unreasonable demands", as if he had asked for the choir to be put on his backstage rider, along with bowls of smarties with all the red ones taken out.

Clearly, there is a lot to be said about Jackson and his mooted comeback, but 'Famous Singer Requires Choir To Sing Backing Vocals' is not a news story, even on a slow news day.

Source: Telegraph

fantastic article.
McCormick in his blog: "Michael Jackson's Choir Is Not News"

But there was one music story that ran in all papers this week (ours too, unfortunately) which was, in my opinion, a complete non story, involving Michael Jackson and a children's choir. Or rather, according to the pernicious wording of most reports, 'Troubled Superstar demands children's choir' (troubled being the obligatory adjective when discussing Jackson these days, and 'demands' a much more urgent verb than 'requests'). The essence of the story appears to be that Jackson's concert promoters AEG have sent out a call to casting agencies for children to appear as part of his 50 London shows, specifying "young adults, clean-cut and of mixed ethnicity", to be made up of "exactly equal" numbers of black, white, mixed-race and Asian children, and to include six marching snare drummers who must be actually able to play their instrument. And (reported everywhere as if this was a final sign of madness), all the participants had to be able to do "sign language" (which, as any parent knows, school children are routinely taught these days).

Now, forgive me if I look at this and wonder what is so unusual about a singer wanting a children's choir to sing along in a big production of one his saccharine peace and love anthems (quite possibly 'We Are The World', which would make sense of an exactly equal mixed race line up), in which the universal message will be broadcast for the hard of hearing. With some marching drummers. I am sure equity gets stranger requests than that every day. How does it differ from, say, Take That, who presumably had to send out a casting call for tightrope walkers, clowns, female hula hoop fire dancers and men on stilts for their Circus production (currently wowing their fans in stadiums around the country). Have we reached the point where just the proximity of the words 'Michael Jackson' and "children" in the same sentence sends everyone into a panic? I even had Channel 5 news come around to talk to me about his "unreasonable demands", as if he had asked for the choir to be put on his backstage rider, along with bowls of smarties with all the red ones taken out.

Clearly, there is a lot to be said about Jackson and his mooted comeback, but 'Famous Singer Requires Choir To Sing Backing Vocals' is not a news story, even on a slow news day.

Source: Telegraph

What shall I say? The papers/ tv channels are full of non stories. Who cares for the starving, the sick, the dying?

indeed, articles like this should be stickies, lol, so we can be reminded that there still are some sane people out there, working in the media.
I'm a lil late but Happy belated Vindication day. Yes, it sucks to relive that stuff, yet seeing it makes me appreciative that it's over with and thankful that correct outcome was reached. Without it, July 13th and everything great we've had up til now wouldn't have been possible. Wish it hadn't happened at all...but it did and it's done. :angel:

As for the I'll Be There commercial, everytime that thing comes on it's a warm and fuzzy moment. You can't help but be taken in by the purity of that voice. That commercial is definitely on it's way into the classic commercials hall of fame...if there is one.

Thanks for posting the McCormick bit. Totally agree with it. It's ridiculous how the slightest thing becomes wierd/odd/crazy cuz MJ is involved. I don't know if the story is true or not, but if it is, so what? If I'm not mistaken, I think the drummers may be needed becuz even those who are hearing-impaired can feel the rhythm and beat of the drums. They get to FEEL the music as opposed to hearing it? I'm sure I saw that on TLC...or something like that...so maybe?

Thanks to all for the news and mentionings. :flowers:
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Although we never want to relive that awful time, it makes me appreciate the 02 event even more, who could have guessed on that day that 5 years on we would be on the verge of the comeback we have been longing for.

I wonder what the Arvizo's are thinking, probably bitterly regretting what they did and assuming that if they hadn't, they would be a part of this, with ringside seats.