July 30, 2008: Michael Jackson attended the performance of Mystère by Cirque du Soleil in LV

Sure, just because they took a photo next to him doesnt mean they are dating, obvious...but the fact that they stated that he arrived there with hot babes around him...that is already disrespectful enough, he doesnt have to go to bed with them to be a disrespectul thing...
wheter that was what happened or just the way they wanted to sound like when they said "arrive in a stretch limo with a swarm of young, female admirers Velcroed all over him" - thats not appropriate for a married man, thats what I said, and I guess thats what Pua meant too.
Even if they were just fans who took a photo and thats it, that would be ok...but that statement makes it look a lot worse than it is...thats all.
But lets not drag this into an endless argument on Joe's behavior cause as some said, we're way pass due that... :)
Sure, just because they took a photo next to him doesnt mean they are dating, obvious...but the fact that they stated that he arrived there with hot babes around him...that is already disrespectful enough, he doesnt have to go to bed with them to be a disrespectul thing...
wheter that was what happened or just the way they wanted to sound like when they said "arrive in a stretch limo with a swarm of young, female admirers Velcroed all over him" - thats not appropriate for a married man, thats what I said, and I guess thats what Pua meant too.
Even if they were just fans who took a photo and thats it, that would be ok...but that statement makes it look a lot worse than it is...thats all.
But lets not drag this into an endless argument on Joe's behavior cause as some said, we're way pass due that... :)

So when did the media become the authority worth quoting for MJ fans.? is it when they write about Joe Jackson? Would you be quoting the media if they wrote about MJ with the same respect? Did you see female velcrowed over Joe Jackson? Oh, I forgot, the blessed media said so.:(
truth is..joe shouldn't be even appearing like that for any reason..

even the appearance of impropriety, however 'innocent'. it just doesn't look good.

would any other married man get away with a photo like that? it really doesn't matter what the caption is..or the circumstances are...
truth is..joe shouldn't be even appearing like that for any reason..

even the appearance of impropriety, however 'innocent'. it just doesn't look good.

would any other married man get away with a photo like that? it really doesn't matter what the caption is..or the circumstances are...

Wow~~ All the man did was posed for some pictures, just like Michael does when he meets fans. Nowonder poor MJ gets into trouble all the time, if people with attitudes judge everything others do according to their standards. Did Michael stop posing with female fans after he got married?:(
Re: 30 Jul08...mentionings..better late than never..


Is Joe Jackson 80 or is this a typo? :lol: I don't wanna have to go back to Wikipedia and edit! :lol:

Yes, I was thinking the same thing, Didn't he just celebrate his 78th birthday last year? I don't know...
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Ok, Mayor Villaragosa of Los Angeles just welcomed a new $55 mil Madame Tussaud's was museum to be located next to Grauman's Chinese Theatre. The first two wax figures will be Jamie Foxx and Beyonce. There will be 80 more added later. This will make the 9th museum in the world. The others are in London, Amsterdam, Las Vegas, New York, Hong Kong, Shanghai, DC and Berlin.

Now as far as I know, Michael is in ALL of the other 8 museums I have listed. Do you think he will be displayed in this one as well?

I think he needs to be tying to do something to lower the gas prices instead. $55mill? when the economy is bad and there are no jobs?!?
I hear that Joe and Katie have lived separate lives and have had for some time but because of Katie's strong religious beliefs, she refuses to divorce him but the way they are, emotionally they've been divorced since 1979, lol.

yeah, they are up in age and going through a divorce would be way to stressful dealing with assets. So, in a sense, they are divorced. Maybe it's best the way it is, especially if they have an agreement. Just let it be.
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^^ Thanks so much for posting all those new signings Rasta! I checked out most of them through their MySpaces and a lot of it is quite good. I can see how a lot of it might be popular in the club scenes of London. Ironically, one of them call out MJ (sorta) in one of their songs in what can be called a cute little assertion, I guess.


In the bit of the "Rolex Sweep" song this guy, Bless Beats, has up he has a few lines that go like:
50 Cent can't dance like me/
Soulja Boy can't dance like me/
Michael Jackson can't dance like me/

It's a fun little club song, and those lines might be fun to say, but I'm just surprised at the grouping there. Can you sing "one of these things is not like the other?" :cheeky: A very silly thing to notice & point out, I know, but I can't help it. 50 Cent & Soulja Boy SUCK so I feel compelled to point out the difference. Yes MJ can dance like you and in fact he can dance better LOL. :rofl:
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^^ Thanks so much for posting all those new signings Rasta! I checked out most of them through their MySpaces and a lot of it is quite good. I can see how a lot of it might be popular in the club scenes of London. Ironically, one of them call out MJ (sorta) in one of their songs in what can be called a cute little assertion, I guess.


In the bit of the "Rolex Sweep" song this guy, Bless Beats, has up he has a few lines that go like:
50 Cent can't dance like me/
Soulja Boy can't dance like me/
Michael Jackson can't dance like me/

It's a fun little club song, and those lines might be fun to say, but I'm just surprised at the grouping there. Can you sing "one of these things is not like the other?" :cheeky: A very silly thing to notice & point out, I know, but I can't help it. 50 Cent & Soulja Boy SUCK so I feel compelled to point out the difference. Yes MJ can dance like you and in fact he can probably dance better LOL. :rofl:

Not probably dance better, lol. I don't even have to see this fool to know Michael could out dance him by just completely half-assing it, lol.
And of course I am hearing about 'Cirque du Soleil' everywhere all of a sudden.. Just by chance.. Heard it once yesterday on TV and twice today.. Even on 'King Of Queens' lol!
its not like they're dating or anything :doh: they just took a pic with him. behind them u can see a couple of guys too. maybe they're dating him too ? :lol: anyway what i find disrespectful is the comments by some fans on this thread. if some dont agree with what they see they should keep their comments to themselves. joseph is michael's father and he HAS TO be respected by the fans. whether its humiliating and disrespectful towards katherine or not is not our business since we are not members of the jackson family.

I totally agree Roxanne ,respect should be spoken always torwards michael's parents ,regardless of one's personal feelings on a matter ...