Joe Jackson visits MJ for Paris' Birthday over weekend

riiiiiiiiiight mj was waiting for his father to give him news on the auction, not his lawyers...hmmmmmm nope. lol rickd, that man! lol
Only one reason joe and majestAK hanging outside michaels gates and you don't wanna hear it but...

i know that mag is a bit concerned and i'll say that mj's in the area and it looks like mag ain't in lv and is chillin w/ joe in la so y not stop by? what i don't understand is how so many can go to his house w/o being seen but his father can't.

sort of like they knew he was showing up...just ugh i don't like thinking like that. i hope the party was good.
I think Joe was there to discuss the law suit againest Julian auction with michael , it is friday,the same day of Paris bday

You are right , I dont see any present for paris in his hand, although its nice of him to take fans presents for paris and give those to her.
Wow, is he really 79? Looking good! :yes:
I hope Paris had a great day, sweet of Joseph to come by. But how I wish Michael would have made an appereance outside :wub:
lol that is cool...the Xmas deco is still on....Easter is on next weekend :)
At Neverland he had some interior Christmas decorations up year-round and when he lived at one place in Vegas in '07 he reportedly kept a Christmas tree up through June... So that doesn't surprise me :lol:

(On a related note, two Christmas wreaths also hung on the actual gates of Neverland through the end of 2008).


"Blanket really loves Christmas..."
Thanks for posting. Awww that's cute about Blanket. I hate having to take down my Christmas decorations, too. If I could find a way to convert my tree into something that twould fit the normal decor of my living room it would stay up all year round as well. :fear: My new neighbors have kept a wreath on their door ever since this past Christmas. It's like every month they put up a new "non-Christmasy" one. Maybe MJ can convince Blanket to at least change the colors in the outdoor wreaths so it's still very festive. Put some pastels in them for the Easter Bunny?? :p
I'd have to revise that ^^ and say a Magician friend of the family - he's closer to the family then he is to Michael.
Only one reason joe and majestAK hanging outside michaels gates and you don't wanna hear it but...


You know it!!! lol

But wasn't Mikey in Vegas all weekend??? :cheeky:
Parents always try to help there kids ,they do this for no reason only for love .Joe was holding Michael's hand and sometimes his umbrella when Michael was sick almost broke and about to go to jail...going to the court every day in the morning for nothing but for his son. I don't think It is a crime to try his best to help his son or at least try to make sure that he is doing ok.
I understand that MJ was in LA last Friday and I think Saturday AM - left for Vegas on mid-day on Saturday. So if those photos of Joe were taken on Friday, he should have been able to make contact with Michael.

Majestik is a friend of the Jackson Family, who also assists Joe & Katherine as needed.... I have actually known him for over 15+ years.