Joe Jackson hospitalized after reportedly suffering a stroke on his 87th birthday (link included)

I'm sorry but I can't really be worried about Joe's feelings should he read on here that I don't care for him. I normally never speak ill of people, famous or not, but this is a man who would abuse his children so severly that one of them, as an adult even, would throw up out of fear just by the sight of him. Why should I care about Joseph's feelings when he can't even extend the same curtesy to his own children?

And you know this how? By reading about some of it (like the rest of us)? You know 100% about their family's complete relationship, what was said amongst them out of the public eye? This is what's the problem with some fans; in their admiration/love/appreciation for an artist, they go that extra mile to fanaticism, fighting battles that isn't theirs to fight. Mike's relationship with his father, with his family goes deeper than what he himself let us fans know and quite frankly it isn't our business how deep it went. Don't get it twisted; Joe has many faults as a father, husband, human being, but guess what? We ALL do!

I listened to what Mike said in his Oxford speech and when he spoke of how being a father made him reflect on his relationship with his own, he surprised me with his ability to FORGIVE and seek to renew that relationship. If he could do that, why should I, a FAN hang onto the bitterness, the hate? It doesn't make sense to, either. Joseph's not my dad and he doesn't have to make amends to me nor to anyone on this site or anyone that is a fan of his children.

That said, I don't wish him ill will. Ain't nobody got time for that... :hysterical: :crackingup:
You're proving my point, Bubs. Since when is wishing someone well hypocritical, unless you wished illness and/or death on them previously? There is no legitimate reason to keep hanging onto Joe's failures as a father if his own SON didn't. It's wasted energy for one, plus none of us were privy to the total dynamics of Mike and Joe's relationship, since none of us knew them personally.

As for Mike not allowing some relatives to visit him unannounced, I myself don't allow people to drop in on me without calling me first and I'm not famous, LMFAO!

Sorry Sheila, but it would be hypocritical from me to start acting like I care about Joe now that he had a stroke. I have never cared for Joe or family, only Michael and why on earth should I even care for them? That mantra or 11th commandment "MJ loved his family, thou shall not speak ill of his family" is seriously disturbing. Since when the rule came up that if you are fan of someone, you must love the whole family?
That is something that I have come across only MJ fan sites :scratch:
And you know this how? By reading about some of it (like the rest of us)? You know 100% about their family's complete relationship, what was said amongst them out of the public eye? This is what's the problem with some fans; in their admiration/love/appreciation for an artist, they go that extra mile to fanaticism, fighting battles that isn't theirs to fight. Mike's relationship with his father, with his family goes deeper than what he himself let us fans know and quite frankly it isn't our business how deep it went. Don't get it twisted; Joe has many faults as a father, husband, human being, but guess what? We ALL do!

I listened to what Mike said in his Oxford speech and when he spoke of how being a father made him reflect on his relationship with his own, he surprised me with his ability to FORGIVE and seek to renew that relationship. If he could do that, why should I, a FAN hang onto the bitterness, the hate? It doesn't make sense to, either. Joseph's not my dad and he doesn't have to make amends to me nor to anyone on this site or anyone that is a fan of his children.

That said, I don't wish him ill will. Ain't nobody got time for that... :hysterical: :crackingup:

The only reason I even replied to this topic to begin with is because you see fit to call other fans bitter, hateful and now fanatical all because they don't share your view on Michael's father. Had you not started going on about that I never would've replied. I wasn't replying to anything about Joseph as I'm extremely indifferent towards him, much in the same way I am with most of Michael's family.
I'm however not indifferent towards being judged by other fans because they believe they know better and act better than me. But go on believing you're better than myself and others. It must be great to know that you're acting properly where as the rest of us are all wrong.
The only reason I even replied to this topic to begin with is because you see fit to call other fans bitter, hateful and now fanatical all because they don't share your view on Michael's father. Had you not started going on about that I never would've replied. I wasn't replying to anything about Joseph as I'm extremely indifferent towards him, much in the same way I am with most of Michael's family.
I'm however not indifferent towards being judged by other fans because they believe they know better and act better than me. But go on believing you're better than myself and others. It must be great to know that you're acting properly where as the rest of us are all wrong.

Same here, well said :clapping:
I don't believe Michael really made his peace with Joseph. He may have said he had, but sometimes people say one thing and feel differently. I had always believed that there was more to be told about the realationship Michael had with Joseph, at the same time I didn't expect it to happen in Joseph's lifetime. I think Michael would feel more at ease to tell the truth about how he felt about Joseph in his later years, when Joseph would no longer be amongst us. Unfortunately it happened the other way around. Michael left us first. I guess the only way we might get to know about Michael's true feelings towards Joseph will be if one of his children ever writes a biography. Provided of course he opened himself about him. And I guess we can exclude Blanket as he would be to young to even remember. And this will of course never happen as long as Joseph and Katherine are alive.

I'll change my wording. He might have made his peace with him, but he was still suffering from a bad father figure he was exposed to. And he most definitely didn't feel good about it.
I'm indifferent towards Joe, but I don't wish that anything bad happens to him
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I remember just days after Michael's passing and there was a tonne of press gathered outside the family home waiting for a statement regarding a funeral etc, and Joe came out announcing plans for a new record label. I will never forget that day, what an utterly disgraceful, cold and shameless thing to do. It's hardly surprising his family aren't queueing around the block to visit him in hospital.

One only needs to take a look of this video and you will see the cold man Joseph Jackson really is. This was what, 2 days after Michael's passing? Those days were difficult for me. I was barely able to speak about Michael without choking upp on my words. And here comes Joseph, cold as ice, distant as the north pole.
Well, I don't think that people should be hypocritical and one day hope Joseph goes to hell and next day when he's sick, wish him well.

I also don't think that just because Michael forgave and more importantly understood his dad, I have to. Michael very well may be a saint. I'm not. He forgave laToya too. I won't ever. But I compartmentalize that and enjoy reading about them together in their old days very much. Finally read her book and it was fun.

About Joseph, I feel like I understand him. My family is the same age as the Jacksons and my parents the exact age and generation of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. The times were very different and kids punishment very different.
I remember one particular day where my dad went into an absolute rage and took his belt and practically beat my little brother to death. We girls had pillows over our heads screaming and my mother was banging kicking and trying to beat the bedroom door down. All screaming. I'll never forget it. It was horrible.
My brother adores my dad now.

I just feel a soft spot for Joseph because of all he went thru to support that many kids, keep the family together and his brothers family together and get them out of Gary. Especially at the time of violent race riots in cities too close for comfort. I sincerely believe he loved his family. He just did a lot of thighs I don't particularly approve of.

(And Michael's kids don't seem to be afraid of him or angry with LaToya-and Michael was the kind of parent to talk to his kids probably about everything. )

Edited to add: just watched the clip of Joseph at the BET awards. I remember at the time he promoted the new record company. But I also think he probably wanted to be anywhere than there, having to talk to press that showed nothing but contempt and hate for a son that suddenly act caring and compassionate.
Note the words "I wish he could see this. If only this had happened while he was alive." I remember him saying that on several occasions. He's already shell shocked and his disgust with the hypocrisy of the press really shows.
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Joseph saw his children more as a money making machine than actual children. Michael said himself he didn't have a father, he had a very strict manager and remembering that appearence two days after Michael's passing re instilled on me that thought. How on earth he made that obvious looking for ways to profit off his dead son just two days after he died? That was downright cold and cynical!

Why would I have to have any sort of considerations or sympathy towards him if he didn't do it for the child who gave that family the most?
No one knows Joseph Jackson here, for those who have such ill thought of him have to remember that.. Did he do a lot of wrong in his life that we know of? yes

We know he hurt Michael in many ways and it effected him forever.. But if THAT same person (Michael) could find appreciation for that man despite it all than we at the very least should have the capability not to spread hurtful messages about him during a time like this.. Michael himself would not appreciate it!

Joseph did a lot of good and there is reason that Michael called him "a genius".. and even doing It in very harsh ways I do have a place in my heart for intention.. Josephs intentions were to get his kids away from drugs, gangs, and have them make something of yourself.. Maybe it's because I had a father with SOME similar mentality traits and I come from a different perspective than SOME...
^^I think it is very true that we all have different perspectives since we all come from different generations, religions, genders, etc.

Just FYI. It was posted in the Janet tour thread that she has postponed her rehearsals to be with her father.
I don't think it's justifiable not wanting children to be on drugs, gags, etc to then solely depend on minors to support their parents economically. It's true times were different but exploiting children in any form is wrong and unethical. Did your parent make you work since you were a toddler to support them economically KOPV?

If remember correctly, in the Glenda tapes he told her Joseph was good doing business and managing in the beginning but after the group had some years of success, he stated to have many money problems relying on Michael to pay for his debts. I give him credit for instilling on Michael hard work and perfection, that's he was the best in his field but the way he did it was brutal.
Saying we don't know the private family dynamic doesn't mean we know NOTHING about Joe's relationship with Michael. We have the Oxford speech. Whether Michael forgave Joe in his heart, we don't really know. We have the Glenda tapes, and the Schmuley interviews, where Michael described abuse so horrific, that no child should ever be subjected to it. We have Joe's public statements launching a record label, only two DAYS after Michael died. From these public things, we are perfectly capable of forming our own valid opinions of Joe as a father to Michael. I would not actively wish ill will on Joseph, but also, I would not pray for his recovery. There are others who are more deserving.
I don't think it's justifiable not wanting children to be on drugs, gags, etc to then solely depend on minors to support their parents economically. It's true times were different but exploiting children in any form is wrong and unethical. Did your parent make you work since you were a toddler to support them economically KOPV?

If remember correctly, in the Glenda tapes he told her Joseph was good doing business and managing in the beginning but after the group had some years of success, he stated to have many money problems relying on Michael to pay for his debts. I give him credit for instilling on Michael hard work and perfection, that's he was the best in his field but the way he did it was brutal.

My father was not Joseph and we've all live different lifes..My dad has done some horrible things that (to my knowledge) Joe never did and I still find love in my heart for him.. Love within family is not black and white. It's not like friends or even in many cases marriage where it's conditions that if you do this I cut you out and stop caring for you.

It's father, a father that has worked hard for something good while making many mistakes on the way... That is more than many many fathers who abandon there children.

The Jacksons were not the first family nor the last family with "daddy issues" .. We've learned a lot and have broken many bad trends since Josephs generation.. It was not that different back then. I promise you at the time (as strange as It sounds now) people that knew Joseph back in gary thought he was tough but knew he was going to be the one to have his family make it... Not be just another poor lost family in Gary..

In the end of the day we would not have had Michael *****n (as a mega star or personality)... Of course I wouldn't want the scars Michael carried on him! I wish I could change things and change Joe... I can't, but I can find appreciation for the good..
Of course things are not all black and white. Joseph was a bad father and scarred Michael for the rest of his life. But Joseph did create Michael the artist and that artist had an enormous effect on my life. Had I not had Michael in my life, I don't know where I would have ended.
Now the hard thing about all this evaluation of Joseph the manager and Joseph the father is the fact that I don't think we can limit Joseph's influence on Michael to just Joseph the manager. Had Michael actually had a good father figure in Joseph, then Michael might not have craved for such an enormous perfection in his arts. He might not have pursued his career to such heights and he just as well might have settled down before I had the chance to discover him. This fact is something that makes it very difficult for me to evaluate Joseph as a whole.
My father was not Joseph and we've all live different lifes..My dad has done some horrible things that (to my knowledge) Joe never did and I still find love in my heart for him.. Love within family is not black and white. It's not like friends or even in many cases marriage where it's conditions that if you do this I cut you out and stop caring for you.

It's father, a father that has worked hard for something good while making many mistakes on the way... That is more than many many fathers who abandon there children.

The Jacksons were not the first family nor the last family with "daddy issues" .. We've learned a lot and have broken many bad trends since Josephs generation.. It was not that different back then. I promise you at the time (as strange as It sounds now) people that knew Joseph back in gary thought he was tough but knew he was going to be the one to have his family make it... Not be just another poor lost family in Gary..

In the end of the day we would not have had Michael *****n (as a mega star or personality)... Of course I wouldn't want the scars Michael carried on him! I wish I could change things and change Joe... I can't, but I can find appreciation for the good..

Those words reflect also my sentiments, especially the ending of your message.

I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic experiences. The fact that you were able to forgive your father tells a lot about your strength of character.

All of that notwithstanding, I can see how some people can have a hard time to forgive certain offenses. Trauma has a strange way of sneaking up on you and remind you of things you've thought long passed and overcome. I also know that many fans consider Michael family and his struggles become their own and it doesn't matter if they originated in his childhood or later on in life. However, I think the main point here may be that Michael's relationship with his father may have been much better in later years than people presume based solely on accounts about the distant past.

Interesting what you said about family and marriage and the separation you made between them. I actually think marriage is the most important part of a family. I know that you mean mainly the parent-child bond which is supposed to be unconditional. I believe any genuine, deep and lasting connection between adults must be a bi-directional one where the give & take process goes both ways. Only children should be afforded unconditional support and acceptance, but then again.........children come in all sizes and ages.

Saying we don't know the private family dynamic doesn't mean we know NOTHING about Joe's relationship with Michael.

True, but what me and the rest of the people are trying to say is that not everything is known either.

Well, I don't think that people should be hypocritical and one day hope Joseph goes to hell and next day when he's sick, wish him well.

I also don't think that just because Michael forgave and more importantly understood his dad, I have to. Michael very well may be a saint. I'm not. He forgave laToya too. I won't ever. But I compartmentalize that and enjoy reading about them together in their old days very much. Finally read her book and it was fun.

About Joseph, I feel like I understand him. My family is the same age as the Jacksons and my parents the exact age and generation of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. The times were very different and kids punishment very different.
I remember one particular day where my dad went into an absolute rage and took his belt and practically beat my little brother to death. We girls had pillows over our heads screaming and my mother was banging kicking and trying to beat the bedroom door down. All screaming. I'll never forget it. It was horrible.
My brother adores my dad now.

I just feel a soft spot for Joseph because of all he went thru to support that many kids, keep the family together and his brothers family together and get them out of Gary. Especially at the time of violent race riots in cities too close for comfort. I sincerely believe he loved his family. He just did a lot of thighs I don't particularly approve of.

Sorry to hear about your dreadful memories from childhood, really sorry about that. Good to know that your brother gets so well with father now. Goes to show that even the most dramatic of circumstances can be overcome through love and forgiveness.

I'm not necessarily sure Michael was a saint though. He definitely had a lot of strength to endure all that he did, a great ability to forgive most serious mistakes and a very kind soul which he poured out on the world, but surely he must have had his dark moments as well. I simply think of him as a most wonderful and most real human being.

(And Michael's kids don't seem to be afraid of him or angry with LaToya-and Michael was the kind of parent to talk to his kids probably about everything. )Edited to add: just watched the clip of Joseph at the BET awards. I remember at the time he promoted the new record company. But I also think he probably wanted to be anywhere than there, having to talk to press that showed nothing but contempt and hate for a son that suddenly act caring and compassionate.
Note the words "I wish he could see this. If only this had happened while he was alive." I remember him saying that on several occasions. He's already shell shocked and his disgust with the hypocrisy of the press really shows.

I also remember those words well from back in June/July 2009. They did strike me since he uttered them more than once. If only all of that support and appreciation would have taken place while Michael was alive.......

Some may accuse me of seeing life through rose-tainted glasses, but it is comforting for me to believe that Michael and his dad had a much more positive relationship in recent years. Although I don't always manage, I truly and honestly try to see the good in people and also try to forgive 7 times 77, as requested, but I know how difficult that can be. One cannot possibly forgive everything and everyone all of the time. I'm just glad to think Michael made his peace with his dad and I can only wish him well and hope that he recovers fully soon.
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^^Girl, I also don't think Michael was a saint, but a very real, sensitive person who was able to appreciate and understand his fathers good qualities. I said that mainly bc people are saying if Michael could forgive, we should too. And I don't agree with that. We all can't be Michael. And I think many people do think Michael was a saint.

He says several times throughout the years and in his book he admired certain qualities about his dad and wanted to emulate him by having 12 kids.
Sometimes when you have an awful parent, you turn out to be just the opposite. Michael's kids adore him. So do his nephews, nieces and cousins that he treated as his own kids.

I also don't believe that just bc somebody is your blood, you have to love them no matter what. Sometimes, it's just too many years of trying.

About my own dad, yeah, he practically killed my little brother that day (and a lot of other days) but he was also the same daddy that took his 2 little girls to the outdoor drive-in every single night for 2 weeks so we could see Disney's Sleeping Beauty again and again.
I'll love him forever for that. I appreciate the good stuff.
The title of this thread is misleading. There is no information on this man's health minus less than five posts.
The title of this thread is misleading. There is no information on this man's health minus less than five posts.

True, fair enough. I actually feel a bit guilty about it since I contributed to the side-story, but this is a discussion forum after all and it can easily happen for people to get side-tracked from the main topic. At times that can be quite interesting, but it can also lead to some dangerous things.

Thx for rep point btw :) I do tend to be naive like that. For as long as I can, I shall try to keep on with that silly attitude :girl_glasses:
Girl, even if you did not contribute with your posts, this thread would have descended down the same path.

You are not naive. You actually share the view of many fans and non-fans alike.
^^^ Thx for the kind words. Not exactly sure how many people feel; it's not like we can take a survey or anything. Again, I truly believe discussions are healthy and I'm always game for well-informed, polite and interesting debates. Unfortunately, conversations can degenerate because people tend to have strong feelings about certain topics. I'm a rather passionate, fiery and feisty creature by design, but my current disposition is one of relative relaxation. I can only hope this will continue. Otherwise, I may soon turn into Godzilla and hurl insults left and right lol. Leaving jokes aside, I truly try to see things from all angles and extend courtesy to as many as possible. I also try to give people the benefit of the doubt and understand their mitigating circumstances. Unfortunately, even a silly little girl like me belongs to the human race and I can't do that all the time.

And here I go adding further to the O/T nature of the talk.......betta get goin' now.
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Not exactly sure how many people feel; it's not like we can take a survey or anything.

Girl, Positivity always outweighs negativity. Always without doubt.
I'll just mention a quote my father told me on several occasions.. It's shows a window of the thought process a harsh father, his intention, and what his belief a father supposed to be..

"I don't care if you hate me, as long as you're successful because of it"

Fathers like this have the feeling.. (I'll take the bullet of hate, for your success).. Many fathers (especially old school ones) did not understand that they are to show love, compassion, and softness to children.. That (to them and that generation) was a sign of weakness. (That was the mothers job) they would THINK..

It's WRONG, but as many people are, they are a product of what they are taught.. STOP CRYING/BE A MAN/FIGHT.... That's the way it was and some more than others.. It wasn't a political correct society as it is now.. "give me your tablet and think about what you did."


Yes Joseph has done many bad things, and I'm sure his pride does not allow himself to accept it fully.. But in the end of the day he intended to get his family out of poverty and drugs and he did that... That shows drive and love for his family..
I'll just mention a quote my father told me on several occasions.. It's shows a window of the thought process a harsh father, his intention, and what his belief a father supposed to be..

"I don't care if you hate me, as long as you're successful because of it"

Fathers like this have the feeling.. (I'll take the bullet of hate, for your success).. Many fathers (especially old school ones) did not understand that they are to show love, compassion, and softness to children.. That (to them and that generation) was a sign of weakness. (That was the mothers job) they would THINK..

It's WRONG, but as many people are, they are a product of what they are taught.. STOP CRYING/BE A MAN/FIGHT.... That's the way it was and some more than others.. It wasn't a political correct society as it is now.. "give me your tablet and think about what you did."


Yes Joseph has done many bad things, and I'm sure his pride does not allow himself to accept it fully.. But in the end of the day he intended to get his family out of poverty and drugs and he did that... That shows drive and love for his family..

Wow - thank you. That put things into a whole new perspective for me.
In July 2015, Joe Jackson was rushed into hospital after suffering a stroke and heart arrhythmia while celebrating his birthday in Brazil. The stroke reportedly left him temporarily blind.
Has anybody heard any updates on Joseph's condition? I've been trying to watch the news feed, but I've heard nothing new since the news that Janet's rehearsals were postponed and she was going to Brazil. I know they gave him a pacemaker, but nothing else. My father had horrible irregular heartbeats (same age as Joe) and he was in and out of the hospital for a couple of years and each time they would shock his heart into rhythm, but when they did the open heart surgery/pacemaker, he has been so much better. I hope no news means good news.

I'll just mention a quote my father told me on several occasions.. It's shows a window of the thought process a harsh father, his intention, and what his belief a father supposed to be..

"I don't care if you hate me, as long as you're successful because of it"

Fathers like this have the feeling.. (I'll take the bullet of hate, for your success).. Many fathers (especially old school ones) did not understand that they are to show love, compassion, and softness to children.. That (to them and that generation) was a sign of weakness. (That was the mothers job) they would THINK..

It's WRONG, but as many people are, they are a product of what they are taught.. STOP CRYING/BE A MAN/FIGHT.... That's the way it was and some more than others.. It wasn't a political correct society as it is now.. "give me your tablet and think about what you did."


Yes Joseph has done many bad things, and I'm sure his pride does not allow himself to accept it fully.. But in the end of the day he intended to get his family out of poverty and drugs and he did that... That shows drive and love for his family..

And KOPV-want to tell you that this post was fantastic and you gave a perfect example with your father's quote that helps people to understand the mindset. I think most people in this forum are young and Joseph would be their grandfather's age, and the world has changed so much, and evolved for the better on what a father's role should be now. Compassion and love or demonstrations of love were a sign of weakness-but at the same time, hard work, dedication to work and pride were what were important to pass on to their sons and ALL of the Jackson kids have those traits.
Just want to say thank you for your post. :)
Has anybody heard any updates on Joseph's condition? I've been trying to watch the news feed, but I've heard nothing new since the news that Janet's rehearsals were postponed and she was going to Brazil. I know they gave him a pacemaker, but nothing else.

Most reports have been from local Brazilian media (in Portuguese). They have reported the family prefers not to update the media on Joe's condition. The floor Joe is being cared for is restricted from onlookers, etc. Janet and Randy's daughter, Stevanna are with Joe.

By the way, his birthday party continued without him. Local celebrities were in attendance.
joh'vonnie's daughter tweeted that her mother and rebbie is going to Brazil.