Joe Jackson...Anyone else find him embarrassing?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys,
this thread will probably be deleted but i gotta say this and see how many people will agree with me...again this is just my opinion.

Just after watching the press conference with Joe and Al Sharpton.His son passes away in very tragic circumstances and Joe comes out and announces his future plans for a record label...Disgusting...Michael has 5 brothers and 3 sisters why the hell cant one of them do that stuff cause Joe is cringeworthy.Words fail me here but Joe is not doing a good job continuing Michae's legacy and dare i say it but is actually enjoying the attention...Sorry it had to be said.Am i the only one with these thoughts?
I would be astonished if everyone who watched that, even those who aren't MJ fans, did not agree with you 100%. Even the Sky TV reporters sounded disgusted with him.
Well i guess that's the way he deals with the grief. WE all have a different way of grieving. Lets just not talk about him as the enemy. I know Michael and him didnt have the Greatest relationships, but he's still the father. i think respect is the word i'm looking 4.
I dont find it embarassing. I find it revealing. Very revealing.
I found it weird that he was plugging his record company. If my son died unexpectedly that would be the last thing on my mind. I'm also beyond embarrassed.
joe is the only family member talking to the media constantly.....he has no grief.... the rest of michaels family is too shocked to speak...but not joe
I disagree I believe he should be respected even if you don’t like him, he is his father after all.
On CNN they showed that one reporter going up to Joe to clarify some things. If I heard right Joe said something like "Some people cry with tears but I'm crying inside outside I'm strong." Or something like that. It probably hasn't hit him yet. I know when someone I love had died the next day I had been smiling and laughing but deep down...

Someone else should speak for the family though because it doesn't look good to people.
even those who beat their children? and use their child's death to promote a business?

His cruelty is not acceptable but he deserves respect and even Michael won’t accept someone to talk low about his father.

Also he should be respected for many reasons, he raised a family, worked hard day and night and spent his hard earned money during difficult times when they were children, paid for their education paid for medicine and hospital when they were sick, he didn’t throw them away in the streets, he raised them but even if he was very tuff and disciplinary he must’ve been caring in a different way, perhaps by being responsible and protecting them and giving them the chance on showbiz and a career opportunity, and I think Michael praised him in an interview by saying he was a genius and given him lots of credit! He even said he won’t go back and change anything in his life! It is so hard to raise a family, there are lots of sacrifices, and normally you will have more appreciation for your parents when you have children of your own. Personally I am against beating children and I am totally against disrespecting parents.
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He is getting embarrassing. They should've let Janet take over. She did a great job.
He is getting embarrassing. They should've let Janet take over. She did a great job.

Maybe Janet was too sad to do it, god knows she hardly held it together at the BET awards. The best thing would've probably been to have a proper spokesperson do the talking.
He could hardly understand the questions that were asked i think he is way too old.
I saw some of his interview on CNN before the BET Awards and I was squirming in my chair the whole time! And when he started going on about his new business venture, I had to change the channel or risk throwing up. It was just my feeling that it was just in poor taste; VERY POOR TASTE!
On CNN they showed that one reporter going up to Joe to clarify some things. If I heard right Joe said something like "Some people cry with tears but I'm crying inside outside I'm strong." Or something like that. It probably hasn't hit him yet. I know when someone I love had died the next day I had been smiling and laughing but deep down...

Someone else should speak for the family though because it doesn't look good to people.

Yes. He's the Man of the family and if he isnt strong 4 them then who can be? I guess thats what it is. And The man is Michael's Father and lets not speak Ill of him. He might've broken down if he talked about Michael more on BET, Maybe thats why he switched to other topic. Lets give him a rest. He just Lost his son and what do we do here? we judge his actions. Let him be. This is a tough time for any parent and there are a different way of griving. He might not cry in public, but he's crying at night when he goes to sleep. He's trying to be The strong for the family. Didnt u see Jermaine and Janet breaking down when speaking? So he's gonna be the strong one.

His actions might have been what we didnt expect, but maybe thats the way he deals with it. so lets not Judge his actions. let us let it go.

joe is the only family member talking to the media constantly.....he has no grief.... the rest of michaels family is too shocked to speak...but not joe

Are you sure about that? Do you know what he feels inside? He said to CNN that He doesnt cry on the out side, but in the inside. I dont know why ppl. on this thread try to make Joe as A MONSTER. Yes, He didnt have the greatest releationsip with Michael but c'mon now, He's his father and Of course he's grieving in the inside. Have yall ever thought that he's trying to be the strongest in the family? He's the man in the family and he didnt want to be crying infront of the public.

I just hate how he's talked about as if he's an enemy. Arent we the ones who said judging is not right? or is it only for Michael that judging is not right? Michael wouldnt want this, fans talking Ill of his father.