Jesse Ventura defended Mike on Larry King

I just watched this video on YouTube, not knowing he would mention MJ. I just watched it because I like Jesse Ventura because he's smart and always has something interesting to say about politics and the news. I was so glad he stuck up for Michael. Yet another thing I agree with him about.

"Unless you've got a clean closet, keep your mouth shut", well said. That applies to a lot of people who have talked trash about Michael since his passing. I was fuming watching Bill O'Reilly's rant after Michael's memorial and basically saying people should not be celebrating someone accused of sexual abuse. This coming from a man who's had accusations made about him making sexually harassing phone calls to female staff members of his show. And anybody who's a part of the immoral orgy of low-lifes, perverts, cheats and liars that is government should definitely keep their mouth shut. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
You know, our media's gone far too much to the entertainment side, and to the ratings side, as opposed to the information side and the knowledge side.

true true
I just watched this video on YouTube, not knowing he would mention MJ. I just watched it because I like Jesse Ventura because he's smart and always has something interesting to say about politics and the news. I was so glad he stuck up for Michael. Yet another thing I agree with him about.

"Unless you've got a clean closet, keep your mouth shut", well said. That applies to a lot of people who have talked trash about Michael since his passing. I was fuming watching Bill O'Reilly's rant after Michael's memorial and basically saying people should not be celebrating someone accused of sexual abuse. This coming from a man who's had accusations made about him making sexually harassing phone calls to female staff members of his show. And anybody who's a part of the immoral orgy of low-lifes, perverts, cheats and liars that is government should definitely keep their mouth shut. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

You got that Youtube link? :)