Jesse Ventura defended Mike on Larry King


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Anyone saw it? he said the media is going way too far and they should focus on his legacy and do tributes to him. Larry also read him what that republican said about Michael and his response was something like "was he talking about his republican colleagues?" LMAO! he also said none of them should talk because a lot of them are cheating on their wifes etc.
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Thanx for that cause I missed the end of Larry King's show.
I choose to not watch larry King tonight.......CNN is speedily descending into the tabloid pit!
You guys are very welcome! they repeat the show at 12am :flowers:
I am avoiding LKL for a while but did see his last comment about Peter King... I was truly surprised...

as this non-fan said... the media need to stop with the mud sling...all this crap can't bring him back...

Jessie is right...the media is getting rediculous with the news on Mike and people will tune out
Of all the media shows I have watched, LK still seems to be the one showing Michael the most respect and willingness to wait until the facts come out. LK has had Geragos and others on there who have been very cautious about all the rumors coming out.

Nancy Grace had Ian Halperin on there last night, and to my surprise, he defended Michael vigorously. Especiall when Nancy tried to bring up the child molester angle. This Ian guy might have his problems, but he is on the right side at this point.
While I didn't care for Jesse when he was voted as our Governor (I like in Minnesota and didn't vote for him), I have to admit he didn't do a bad job in office. His problem was he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

But what he's been saying lately is so true...especially with the whole Michael situation.

Way to be brutally honest Jesse!

New Video of Michael Jackson on Fire; Interview With Jesse Ventura

Aired July 15, 2009 - 21:00 ET

KING: You have been a critic of media in your time. What do you make of the media coverage of Michael Jackson?

VENTURA: Well, I think it's over-exposed by far. You know, Michael was a great entertainer, one of the biggest the world's ever seen. But, you know, to me, enough is enough. You know, our media's gone far too much to the entertainment side, and to the ratings side, as opposed to the information side and the knowledge side.

Honor Michael. Do a tribute to him. But it should not last for weeks going into months.

KING: Congressman Peter King of New York, who shared the view of over-coverage, called Michael a low life, a pervert and criticized society for glorifying him.

VENTURA: What was he talking about, a few of his Republican colleagues? You know? Who are they to talk? I mean, you got Republicans cheating on their wives left and right. You got them, you know, in the bathrooms at the airport here in Minnesota. And these are all the people that supposedly run on family values.

You know, unless you got a clean closet, keep your mouth shut.

KING: What part of a politician's private life is our business?

VENTURA: I think none of it, unless they run on a family value platform. If they tell you that they're for this, quote, family values, Larry, then that opens up the box of worms on them on the moral issues.

I liked it better in the days of John F. Kennedy. People talked that he had affairs, this and that. You know what? It wasn't brought out to the public. They stuck to the issues and they stuck to governing.

Look at it this way, Larry. They spent 100 million dollars to discover Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary, when on 9/11 they only allocated four million to find out who killed 3,000 people.

All right Jesse!!! I'm glad he's speaking out about it!
Anyone saw it? he said the media is going way too far and they should focus on his legacy and do tributes to him. Larry also read him what that republican said about Michael and his response was something like "was he talking about his republican colleagues?" LMAO! he also said none of them should talk because a lot of them are cheating on their wifes etc.


How cool! Gonna go watch it!
I choose to not watch larry King tonight.......CNN is speedily descending into the tabloid pit!

To me, they are already at the bottom of the pit. When Michael was at the height of his fame in the 80s, I was far too young to really take in the tabloid drama he was facing. Since his death, I see what a circus it has become. On, they posted the video footage of Michael's Pepsi accident with the title of "Fiery" Jackson video surfaces". This supposedly professional news organization feels much too much like a tabloid.
I saw that and it was very kind of Jesse Ventura to say nice things about Michael and he's right we should continue making tributes for him and the media should just butt out and shut the hell up. Thank you "Body".
I have been feeling the same way too, LK is a little too obsessed for me with Michael.
yes, I think so too... he has had something on Michael every night since 25Jun... going on 3 weeks now...

and when the toxicology report comes out.......oh my... it will continue..
I think LK really liked Michael and want to know what happen. Remember, when mess hit the fan, it was Larry King who would make time on his show for the Jackson family to come on and dismissed the rumors.
Wow. I didn't tune in to Jesse because of all the speculation in the first 10 mins I turned to watch 'I survived a Japanese game show'
I don't think this has anything to do with Larry's like or dislike of the Jackson family. I think he's seeing those ratings and he's trying to continue to ride the wave like everybody else.
I like Larry. He have a special way of interviewing any people. It's very unique.
Jesse Ventura was my dads favourite wrestler haha

Im glad he said what he did.
I try to be positive about people and not let my personal issues influence how I feel about them. But I have to be honest and say that I am soooooooo not feeling Larry King. Thought he was a horrible interviewer before, but did not give him more than a passing thought. But on the night of Michael's death when he said "it was so hard to love him", I was gone.

It may be petty and small minded. Okay, it is petty and small minded but I cannot deal with ANYONE right now who found/finds the beautiful, warm, complicated spirit that was Michael Jackson hard to love. I just dont have the patience.

Sorry for the rant. Had to get it off my chest.
Anyone saw it? he said the media is going way too far and they should focus on his legacy and do tributes to him. Larry also read him what that republican said about Michael and his response was something like "was he talking about his republican colleagues?" LMAO! he also said none of them should talk because a lot of them are cheating on their wifes etc.

i do agree with the anti republican comment. i appreciate Ventura. but i rather pick up this info from other fans, rather than watch cnn for myself cus i also agree with Ventura about the tabloidism attitude cnn and other media is beginning to take as opposed to tributes.
I always respected Mr. Ventura. But now I have even more respect for him. He totally knocked it out of the park here. He's the man.