Jermaine Writing Book On Life With MJ *Book To Be Released Sept 13*

Yes, but is it a disrespectful book? Is it harmful in any way? What exactly is the problem with it if it does not damage Michael's reputation?

Seperate the book from the person who wrote it, in the same way reviewers need to separate Michael's music from his private life. The book itself is positive and defends Michael. I pass no judgment on Jermaine himself, because I don't know him.

The problem is that the book was written by Jermaine and that alone makes it suspicious. He's a jealous man who wanted and wants, but will never have, all the glory his brother achieved through hard work & talent, the talent that Jermaine doesn't have. The book only shows hypocresy doesn't have the flavor of true love. This cub just wrote the book to make money out of Michael and that's a trend in the Jackson family.
But what it does, is explain a little bit more what happened in his final months, and that just doesn't sound all too pretty.

:blink: :scratch:

Jermaine and none of the family knew what was going on in Michael's life in recent months. They do not know anything. :nono: Jermaine is just using his beloved brother for making money. Nothing else. -_-

Jermaine's book is full of bla bla bla.... the funny thing he's not going deep into his book about Tohme. I would like to know more about this subject.
Jermaine's book is filled with thoughts from the follower fans, Michael's hairdresser, and various people. He admitted with the rest of his family that they had not spoken to Michael in a long time and that people kept Michael away, although they did see him briefly for the anniversary when Michael looked well, was happy, and excited. He knows nothing about Michael's life at the end from his own personal experience.

He knows a lot about the early Michael prior to 83, especially during the 70s and about Michael's comments about the trial when they were in the hospital. Anyone who does not know this should read some more facts, read some more threads here, or ask those who were around during and prior to Word to the Badd.

The problem people are having with the book is that Jermaine flip flops several times in his comments about his brother. When he is mad with him, he attacks him publicly by playing into the negative stereotypes and lies the media and public believe about Michael, e.g, Word to the Badd and the contents in the book he wrote with Brown. Further, he does these horrible things for money. Now he writes a more positive book, so someone here feels fans should throw praises all over Jermaine, when based on his history many cannot tell what is truth or lies.

Every person he introduced to Michael was a detriment to Michael's peace of mind, finances, and reputation, e.g, Thome and the Moonies. After Michael's death Jermaine was pushing for burial to be at Neverland, and then we remember that his friend Thome has one of his friends, Barak, as a minor shareholder of the property. The big question is whether Barak promised Jermaine some cash to have the family bury Michael there, so he could make some more money off the property.

Jermaine has a tendency to engage in questionable deals and when it gets too hot he backs out and leaves the others holding the bag, e.g., the book with Brown and running out of the granny snatching coup after things got too hot. Remember the aim of that coup was for all members to gain control of Michael's money. There is no need to thank Jermaine for that book. All the readers have to do is contact the people who told him the information and thank them instead.

How does he reconcile writing this 'positive" book about his brother, and then the next year, tries to take his brother's money which he left for his children?

I for one don't believe Jermaine wrote that trash. "You Are Not Alone" is a positive portrait of Michael, and while Jermaine might not be the most sympathetic guy around, the book itself doesn't deserve this much backlash.

I understand where you coming from. My problem with Jermaine's book is that like someone already said it, you don't know when he is telling the truth. Yes, it is positive book about Michael, but how do you know that what he wrote are true, not made-up stories?
We all know how much Jermaine lies when it suits to his purpose, this time his purpose was to sell his book as many copies as possible. If he had written what he really thinks of Michael, perhaps he wouldn't have sold so many.

If you think Jermaine doesn't lie, may I reming you about the stories he told during the granny-napping episode.

One more thought, why do you think he wrote book about Michael? Money.
I sincerely hope none of Michael's fans spent money on this book. I saw it in the library and read a few pages and it just made me hate Jermaine more than I already did, and that was from about 10 pages. I read how he was "distraught" at Word to the bad being "leaked" (LOL) full of shit. Margaret Maldonaldo gave us the real story about that song, and said he walked around like a peacock, totally proud of himself. I feel sorry for the trees that had to die so his words could be printed on the paper they made.
I sincerely hope none of Michael's fans spent money on this book. I saw it in the library and read a few pages and it just made me hate Jermaine more than I already did, and that was from about 10 pages. I read how he was "distraught" at Word to the bad being "leaked" (LOL) full of shit. Margaret Maldonaldo gave us the real story about that song, and said he walked around like a peacock, totally proud of himself. I feel sorry for the trees that had to die so his words could be printed on the paper they made.

Agree. There were many lies in his book, like he "produced" The Jacksons:An American Dream. Yes, his name is in credits but he did nothing, Margaret did all the work. Same thing when he said they "practiced" safe sex:cheeky: Really Jermaine?:hysterical:
You hope they do?? Could you imaging Michael's reaction at some of his fans putting money in Jermaine's pocket to hear stories about him! I think he'd be mortified.