Jermaine says Michael was wrong about Joe

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According to Frank [Dileo], Michael signed that contract with Leonard Rowe because Joe was in the room, hovering over his shoulder. If a 50-year-old grown man still fears his father, to such a degree that he will sign a contract he doesn't want to sign, there's something wrong there. If Jermaine and the others want to ignore that, so be it.

I know.

If Michael still gets scared of Joe to this day, clearly there is something wrong!

I believe Joe had an emotion hold on his children especially when they were younger. Joe uses the mentality of "we are a family in Gary, and we will always be a family" to pressure his children. Joe wants them to feel as though they owe him as a Father. It's like one of the most classic cases of abuse.
Just like Jermaine is still responsible for his own as well, as in not having a career and being a leech turned vulture.

Of course. It depends on how important his own career is for him. But we don't know it. We don't know what he wants to achieve with these statements. He only says and does what he thinks is right.
oh LOL

woah. k.

it's how MICHAEL feels about Joe.
does he think he's Mike himself? :hysterical:

it's not the cause, it's the effect.
obviously Joe's parenting ways have serious effect on Mike.

it's like when someone called you 'names'.
for some of us we'll really get mad/sad/upset/etc over it.
for some it won't even matter... goes out the other ear.

Jermaine... you have a brain the size of a raisin.
There is truly no hope for those poor kids to see their own inheritance!!!!!..........

The family has taken over!!!!!!!!!
This is Michael's response to Jermaine...


What the heck? You fool!


It's just Jermaine.... :D
You contradicted yourself. Jermaine is absolutely entitled his own opinion about HIS OWN childhood. Just as his brother Michael is entitled to his own opinion about HIS OWN childhood as well. However, Jermaine Jackson IS NOT entitled to decide on his brother's behalf whether the abuse inflicted and perceived as such by Michael is "real" or not. Not his place. We do not have the right to decide for other people how they are "supposed" to feel about their own experiences- Jermaine can only speak on his own behalf.

By the way, I have counseled victims of abuse and the first rule is that YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE ABUSED. Do not ever believe your abuser that ANYTHING you did "provoked" the abuse. No victim of any kind of abuse, whether child or adult "brings on" the abuse. Abusers like to blame their victims in exactly such fashion.

I am assuming you mean something else in that statement because of course every adult, including Michael Jackson, is responsible for their own actions, inactions or mistakes, we all are.
But that has absolutely nothing to do with abuse inflicted on a helpless child.

That's comparing apples and oranges.

I agree with you, of course.
Jermaine also has his own opinion about Michael. And Michael also had an opinion about Jermaine. I just meant that Michael is responsible for his current situation. How far the paternal abuse has had an impact on Michael, I do not know, of course.
this is the reason Jermaine will never be what he so badly wants to be. his entire persona screams his envy and resentment of his brother.

yeah. i agree. and why does the article writer think that Jermaine's statements carry weight, and Michael's statements do not? after all, you can't say that both brothers' statements carry weight. if you think one brother's statement carries weight, then you can't think the other brother's statement carries weight, since they are opposing views. but i do agree with one thing...Jermaine is cowardly to not express his views to the media while MJ is around. it makes Jermaine very suspect.
I agree with you, of course.
Jermaine also has his own opinion about Michael. And Michael also had an opinion about Jermaine. I just meant that Michael is responsible for his current situation. How far the paternal abuse has had an impact on Michael, I do not know, of course.
Pitiful people got nothing better to do than to defend an abusive probable rapist but degrade and belittle the dead man in every way possible. SMDH. Seriously a bunch of nutters on this board. :smilerolleyes: I'm honestly biting my tongue on this remark.
I don't see any reason why Jermaine would want to say these things now.

If Joe hadn't done anything, surely Jermaine would have said so a looong time ago.
I just meant that Michael is responsible for his current situation

What in the hell does Michael's death (a homicide) have to do with Michael being abused as a child by his father? Jermaine cannot possibly know/understand what Michael went through because their experiences were different. How dare Jermaine discount Michael's experiences?

AlvaMJJ, this is a Michael Jackson site. We're not here to trash him and disrespect him. Michael didn't ask to be murdered - no one does. You might need to find another site to post on if you're gonna come to MJJC & basically blame Michael for his death.
I just meant that Michael is responsible for his current situation.

Hmmmm.... May I suggest being careful with this statements?
We all know what is Mike's "current" situation :(
Uh, does Jermaine think that he is Michael’s spokesperson now that Michael is gone? He’s doing a pretty bad job of it so far and what right does he have in the first place to assume or guess what Michael was thinking or feeling? Was he in Michael’s head? Was he actually there when Joe physically hurt Michael when he messed up a dance step or a song lyric? And did Jermaine forget that he was involved in making The Jacksons: An American Dream movie where it showed Joe physically abusing his kids in some scenes? If the abuse was fake, then why did he allow these scenes to be shown in the movie?

As usual, I’ll take what he says with a grain of salt.

Also, Michael should NOT have to take any responsiblity for his father having beaten him up as a child. No child is responsible for such reprehensible acts from a parent. Neither should he be censured for how this abuse ended up affecting him as an adult.
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And yet Jermaine was one of the producers of the television movie "The Jacksons: An American Dream" and Joe's whipping of his children was clearly depicted. It was a part of their upbringing, and I can understand him now downplaying it because of how it is perceived as abuse today.

BUT whether or not Jermaine feels Joe was as abusive as Michael alleges, Michael believed it. And that's the perception that matters. He was a child, getting beat. The damaging affects of that kind of disciplining is still coming to light.
alvamjj, this is a michael jackson site. We're not here to trash him and disrespect him. Michael didn't ask to be murdered - no one does. You might need to find another site to post on if you're gonna come to mjjc & basically blame michael for his death.
thank you!
thanks trish. alot of ppl are in a delicate state for obvious reasons and i for one cant be doing with any nonsense from newbie "fans"
This is beyond outrageous! You have no right to disrespect Michael and blame him. I'm so upset that I can't express it in words. Michael suffered his whole life by people who didn't love him for who he really was. They just wanted him for money, most of them! I'm ashamed that there are people who blame him, HE DOESN'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS! Michael my angel they still disrespect you but WE LOVE YOU!
I think I'm going to close this thread until Gary or a mod decides otherwise. I don't think we should entertain Jermaine's fantasies and theories of who, what, where, when and how....
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