Jermaine says Michael was wrong about Joe

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Jul 25, 2011
A Passenger on MJ Air Seat 1
Jermaine Jackson
December 14, 2009 by rob
Filed under U.S. News
The brother of Michael Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, has made a statement about his father that as seen from the stand point of Michael Jackson he was perceived him as cruel and harsh. Jermaine Jackson is of the firm view that his brother developed the erroneous perception about their father. He told that his father was not like the one his brother portrayed. He told that his brother, when he was alive, made wrong accusations on his father, Joe, according to reports of ContactMusic. Michael Jackson revealed many stories about this father how he used to scold and torture him not only physically but also psychologically.

The pop legend died few months ago due to intake of cocktail of drugs suggested by his doctor which resulted in his death. Many-time plastic surgeries had led to painful complications for which he had to use drugs to mitigate his pain. But excessive and frequent drug use had made him an addict.

Jermaine Jackson is of the view that his father played a vital role in their music endeavors which couldn’t be accomplished without him. Jermaine told that they are having the fruits of his father’s strictness which they hated at an immature age.

The points Jermaine has made carry weight but the timing of the statement seems inappropriate. Jermaine Jackson has come up to expurgate and exonerate his father from the allegations of his deceased brother at a time when he can not come up to counter them. Now a pertinent question arises where Jermaine Jackson was when Michael made these allegations.

this is the reason Jermaine will never be what he so badly wants to be. his entire persona screams his envy and resentment of his brother.
this is the reason Jermaine will never be what he so badly wants to be. his entire persona screams his envy and resentment of his brother.

i think he is bitter over leaving the group and staying with Motown dont think he is bitter with Michael because he was always the lead singer in the group even in the J5 days.
this is the reason Jermaine will never be what he so badly wants to be. his entire persona screams his envy and resentment of his brother.


I despise Jermaine.
We are all different and we perceive things differently, even our childhoods growing up in the same family can be experienced or viewed differently. That does not make one person right and the other one wrong. Some people are more sensitive than others and some just don't know when to shut up about their dead brother!!!
If Michael felt his father was too harsh then that is he how feels. It's not wrong.
jermaine can speak for himself and himself alone.the fact hes even belittling mj by saying this and saying this now. sums him up

We are all different and we perceive things differently, even our childhoods growing up in the same family can be experienced or viewed differently. That does not make one person right and the other one wrong. Some people are more sensitive than others and some just don't know when to shut up about their dead brother!!!
I remember Michael saying he got most of the beatings because he was the lead singer so I guess Jermaine may not have got that and might not have seen it much.
It is incredibly hard to break the mold of co-dependency when you grow up in an abusive situation as evident in Jermaine.

To deny another his reality and perceptions is abuse, it's carrying on the torch of abuse in oneself.

I saw "Take Two" and how Jermaine, Katherine and Joe gathered to deny Michael's reality of having felt lonely. "how could he have been lonely he had all his brothers to play with."
It's just obedient co-dependency, that's all. It's sad to see, very hard to overcome.

There is a wonderful book out there that many people can benefit from. "Toxic Parents" by Susan Forward. Highly recommend it!
Jermaine is Joe's favorite son. 'nuff said. Btw, I despise him also. Oh yah, it's kind of funny that Jermaine is saying all this stuff now that Michael is gone. Why not say it while Michael was alive so that Mike could rebutt?


ITA with Twinklee's post below.
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Is it me, or is this article kind of badly written? It seems grammatically erroneous in some parts; almost like it was translated or something.

Anyway, Jermaine needs to stop speaking for Michael. [Like on The Today Show, where he said Michael was young and didn't understand Joe's discipline]. If he has a different perspective on Joe, fine, then speak on that. But stop disregarding Michael's feelings. You are not the authority on his relationship with Joe.

By the way, in that interview Marlon did with the Daily Mirror [yes, I know it's a tabloid, but he did, indeed, talk to them] a few days before Michael was entombed, he had this to say about Joe:

"My father beat us a lot of times. I felt resentful. That sort of discipline wasn't abnormal in our neighbourhood but it doesn't mean it was right."

And Marlon believes the beatings may have fatally damaged [Jackson's] self-esteem and ability to fend for himself.

"It does a couple of things to you – it forms you into this person who is not able to confront people when they're not satisfied with things. It also makes people able to take advantage of you. I found a lot of my siblings were that way."
Knowing how Joseph was stripping his children down and oiling them up before he'd beat the life out of them, I don't think Michael's perception has anything to do with 'sensitivity'. But of course that's just me. On another note, Jermaine's ex wife Margaret Marlando wrote in her book that Jermaine too, was abusing his boys (Jeremy and Jourydynn), (with his belt) and her, so as an abuser himself of course he is going to defend a fellow abuser.

How am I not surprised by Jermaine's comment? :smilerolleyes:

Jermaine seriously I used to give you the benefit of the doubt. Those days are officially over. Stop runnin' your mofo mouth all the time!!

Fawks wrong with him? Makin comments like this, basically sayin Mike lied!? -_- Well maybe like someone else said in this thread, Jermaine didn't get beat like Mike did. That doesn't mean Mike was lying! omg Jermaine just fknsdkfhasdklf.
Why is he speaking out now? Michael isn't here to defend himself.

This man is making me angry. He clearly has never gotten over the fact that Michael was 17619871 times more successful and loved than he ever was and will be. I just do not understand this family. No wonder Michael stayed far far away from them.
Jermaine looking for his time in the spot light again. He he not happy enough getting money from Move Like..... . Really starting to dislike him now. It's time he shut up and stop using Michael to earn money.
Everyone has their own perspective. One should not condemn/attack people who have a different view as Michael. We were not there. And Michael is still responsible for his own mistakes.
When I listen to little Susie I think Michael knew alot of how it was to be abused.
Everyone has their own perspective. One should not condemn/attack people who have a different view as Michael. We were not there. And Michael is still responsible for his own mistakes.

Well, Jermaine is speaking on behalf of Michael who was there!

We all know Michael was abused in some way! If he wasn't, he would have been the same confident little boy he has been in Gary Indiana. He would have been happy. He would have been able to make friends easier. He wouldn't write songs about lonliness. Lastly, he wouldn't have been so dedicated to recreating his childhood- to make it a happier one.
This isn't the first time Jermaine has disagreed with Michael about how their father used to treat them. Remember that footage you were never ment to see documentary thing that came out after the Bashir one? I'm sure he was asked the question and he basically just gave the same statement again. If it were me though, and Michael had been my brother (I wish), I would be keeping my mouth shut. I don't see why Michael would lie about being abused, his Dad favoured Jermaine anyway.
When I listen to little Susie I think Michael knew alot of how it was to be abused.

Yes! "Neglection can kill, like a knife in your soul, oh it will."
"She was there screaming, beating her voice in her doom, but nobody came to her soon."

It is very lonely for a victim of abuse, to silently scream with nobody coming to your aid.
Everyone has their own perspective. One should not condemn/attack people who have a different view as Michael. We were not there. And Michael is still responsible for his own mistakes.
Just like Jermaine is still responsible for his own as well, as in not having a career and being a leech turned vulture.
Anyway, Jermaine needs to stop speaking for Michael. [Like on The Today Show, where he said Michael was young and didn't understand Joe's discipline]. If he has a different perspective on Joe, fine, then speak on that. But stop disregarding Michael's feelings. You are not the authority on his relationship with Joe.

By the way, in that interview Marlon did with the Daily Mirror [yes, I know it's a tabloid, but he did, indeed, talk to them] a few days before Michael was entombed, he had this to say about Joe:

"My father beat us a lot of times. I felt resentful. That sort of discipline wasn't abnormal in our neighbourhood but it doesn't mean it was right."

And Marlon believes the beatings may have fatally damaged [Jackson's] self-esteem and ability to fend for himself.

"It does a couple of things to you – it forms you into this person who is not able to confront people when they're not satisfied with things. It also makes people able to take advantage of you. I found a lot of my siblings were that way."

Knowing how Joseph was stripping his children down and oiling them up before he'd beat the life out of them, I don't think Michael's perception has anything to do with 'sensitivity'. But of course that's just me. On another note, Jermaine's ex wife Margaret Marlando wrote in her book that Jermaine too, was abusing his boys (Jeremy and Jourydynn), (with his belt) and her, so as an abuser himself of course he is going to defend a fellow abuser.

Jermaine really makes me sick. The jackson's family played the new game: putting all blames on Michael, selling stories to the tabloids, seeking the spot light, grabbing Michael's money, kissing Media's ass.
Everyone has their own perspective. One should not condemn/attack people who have a different view as Michael. We were not there. And Michael is still responsible for his own mistakes.

You contradicted yourself. Jermaine is absolutely entitled his own opinion about HIS OWN childhood. Just as his brother Michael is entitled to his own opinion about HIS OWN childhood as well. However, Jermaine Jackson IS NOT entitled to decide on his brother's behalf whether the abuse inflicted and perceived as such by Michael is "real" or not. Not his place. We do not have the right to decide for other people how they are "supposed" to feel about their own experiences- Jermaine can only speak on his own behalf.

By the way, I have counseled victims of abuse and the first rule is that YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE ABUSED. Do not ever believe your abuser that ANYTHING you did "provoked" the abuse. No victim of any kind of abuse, whether child or adult "brings on" the abuse. Abusers like to blame their victims in exactly such fashion.

I am assuming you mean something else in that statement because of course every adult, including Michael Jackson, is responsible for their own actions, inactions or mistakes, we all are.
But that has absolutely nothing to do with abuse inflicted on a helpless child.

That's comparing apples and oranges.
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We all know Michael was abused in some way! If he wasn't, he would have been the same confident little boy he has been in Gary Indiana. He would have been happy. He would have been able to make friends easier. He wouldn't write songs about lonliness. Lastly, he wouldn't have been so dedicated to recreating his childhood- to make it a happier one.

According to Frank [Dileo], Michael signed that contract with Leonard Rowe because Joe was in the room, hovering over his shoulder. If a 50-year-old grown man still fears his father, to such a degree that he will sign a contract he doesn't want to sign, there's something wrong there. If Jermaine and the others want to ignore that, so be it.
Oh, that really annoys me. Fine if Jermaine and the others had different experiences with their father's methods of "disciplining" his children but why can't he (and some of the other siblings) just say that instead of inferring that Michael was lying? It's also more than just Michael being more "sensitive". Maybe Jermaine never read the Rabbi Shmuley book or bothered to listen to those tapes of Michael describing in his own voice the horrible forms of abuse inflicted on him by his father, both emotional and physical.
Knowing how Joseph was stripping his children down and oiling them up before he'd beat the life out of them, I don't think Michael's perception has anything to do with 'sensitivity'. But of course that's just me. On another note, Jermaine's ex wife Margaret Marlando wrote in her book that Jermaine too, was abusing his boys (Jeremy and Jourydynn), (with his belt) and her, so as an abuser himself of course he is going to defend a fellow abuser.

Twinklee, you are absolutely right. I never meant to imply that the harsh beatings were 'normal' and only difficult to overcome when you are 'sensitive'. My statements were more of a general nature.
It's horrible that it happened and it cannot be justified, ever, but I was referring to how people feel about certain things in their past and I think nobody has the right to say that what someone else feels is wrong. Feelings are very personal and cannot be judged by someone else.
Not trying justify anything at all.
Jermaine Jackson is of the view that his father played a vital role in their music endeavors which couldn’t be accomplished without him. Jermaine told that they are having the fruits of his father’s strictness which they hated at an immature age.

I would guess that Michael Jackson would share that very same view. He has said as much himself many times.

But what I think is going on here is a very conscientious attempt at damage control...and I think MJ might even agree with the need for it and condone it. The media and much of the public can't get past this view of Joseph as having been some monster. It is brought up so much to the point it overrides the more positive things about this family. So I think collectively they have all decided to describe their view of Joseph like what is written above. They are all on board with this.

Unfortunately it does seem to paint MJ's accounts in the past as being exaggerated or that his perception through a young child's eyes as being skewed. Would Michael be okay with that being the affect of this method of damage control, at his expense? It would take a very mature individual and one who takes into consideration the "better good" to be okay with it. MJ did forgive his father and wanted very much a relationship with Joseph as his "dad" in his adult years....he put out the effort and showed Joseph his love for him, and Joseph, I believe, softened. After MJ died, based on a few things Joseph said, I could tell that Joseph finally got what his son, Michael, was all about, and he accepted him and loved him for it. Now THAT would mean more to MJ, I would guess, than even having his stories of Joseph as an abusive father to him as a child discounted.

Michael's all about Love. And forgiveness. And moving forward.

I think he would have wanted the public to forgive his father, too, and move on from it, and to see Joseph now in a better light.

So maybe understanding that this might be coming from a family "group decision" might help us receive what is being said here.
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