Jermaine News from the Swedish MJJ.SE [MJ Related]

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None of us know if this is really true or not, it could be a lot of rubbish made up by someone just to cause trouble. I just kind of think that people should lay off with the comments about Jermaine until we really know whether this is the truth or not.
Jermaine should do a goldie oldies tour, he can still sing I figure and there are people who would go to see him he could play cafeterias and dining halls that hold about 50 people and make some money that way, with all of his legal problems and child support issues no doubt it would be a good honest way of making money and showing people he can rise above leaning on his younger brother.
ur right A lol but it just sounds like something he would do. lol he's been pushing a family tour for so long nowmj makes history w/ the fastest selling shows ever and he's not a part of it.
ur right A lol but it just sounds like something he would do. lol he's been pushing a family tour for so long nowmj makes history w/ the fastest selling shows ever and he's not a part of it.

I can definitely understand where you coming from, Jermaine has wanted a family tour for a long time like you said. I just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt just in case it turns out someone wrote this to try and start some ish because MJ's concerts are a huge success.
but it just sounds so jermaine and randy like! lol it's a big slap in the face to them. but it shows them for mj to do what they want, he'd have to take a huge cut in profits not to mention splitting it 6 ways and for waht? what have they done for him lately?

now having tito as his guitar player would rawk cuz tito is tha maaaaaaaaaan
Honestly, I do not think this is true but you never know with Jermaine. With that said, I am going to take this information as gossip and not even waste any time with it. There are the Jermaine haters on this thread ready to give Jerm a new one, so they can go ahead and trash a man's brother based on something that looks a lot like a lie than a fact.
i wouldn't call anyone a jermaine hater, it's kinda funny tho. saying over and over that he's spoken to mj and they're gonna do a family tour many yrs of that?

so i mean, the fact that mj's doing a sold out performance and threw everyone for a blind one is amazing and can be a bit bitter. people rn't hating, they're being real. there's a BIG difference
Okay, today a swedish insider from Jermaine Jackson's camp posted a few threads over at . He claims to have insight in JJ's business and people, and he has a lot of new info.

This is a rough translation of his first post (in swedish here for those who wanna read it for yourself )

Jermaine, despite his rare talent as a singer and stage personality, has spent a whole life in the shadow of Michael. He has supported his more than lucky brother in the darkest of times. Will Michael return Jermaine's support, now that he has the chance?

The O2 conserts originally came from a 3-4 year old idea in which Jermaine was instrumental to the creation of.

It's no secret that Jermaine - who's always been fighting for the best of the brothers, and never put himself first - for a long time has nurtured a dream to see Jackson 5 reunited on stage, in all their glory. With Michael. (Jermaine is of course the lead singer, but Michael would still have a large role in the stage show.)

According to my sources in the Jermaine-camp, the reason why the 'This Is It' concept have taken so long to realise is because of the discussions of what role Jermaine would have in the concerts.

While the market has had it's say, and the cultural interesses has been cut back, Michael has step by step agreed to more and more compromises regarding the stage show. He was already on an early stage convinced that it would be more economic for him to perform on his own, and not with his brothers. Since then Michael has been torn between economic interests and the large debt of gratitude that he own Jermaine, who's thought him so much artistically and also had a central role in bringing out the concert theme in London.

But it's not too late yet.

Michael still has the chance to make the artistically - and morally - right choice, to incorporate Jermaine in the stage show.

It could mean about six to eight duets per concert.

It could mean that Jermaine get's his own set at the beginning of each concert.

The only thing Michael has to do is to decide what is more important; another 0 at the end of his bank account, or the love and care of his brother.

When someone later in the thread asked the OP for sources, he answered that he can't say who he gets his information from, since people in both the media- and the music industry can get in a lot of trouble if this leak is traced.

He also said that all this info can be found on all the large Jermaine Jackson fanboards.

This Jermaine-fan is also selling t-shirts. Just take a look at some of the designs over at
:rollin: :rollin: :rollin: :rollin: :rollin:

Jerm is soooooooooo full of himself and so desperate :lol: he lives for the J5 reunion so he's trying to emotionally blackmail MJ to have them open the show or something? oh more he prob sees himself as the only other "talented" one and so would have MJ incorporate him in the 02 shows :lol: :lol:
The BIG difference? What makes you assume that it is even true? We do not even know if that is the truth. This could all be a damn lie and maybe some messed up Jermaine fan (I did not even know he had a fan board. Now, that is new.) got jealous and said those things. There are Jermaine haters on here and they are going to have a field day trashing this man over something that could be a lie. When I read this, I was thinking that if it was true, Jermaine needs to move the hell on and focus on his 13th wife and his two youngest children. However, that was too easy to say that. Knowing that a lot of the fans on here really dislike, almost hate Jermaine on here, there was no question that those fans would automatically believe this nonsense and forget all of the things that Jermaine has done for Mike when Mike was at his low point. Now, that is being real.
It is a dumb article but people who hate Jermaine are gonna believe it anyway.
The BIG difference? What makes you assume that it is even true? We do not even know if that is the truth. This could all be a damn lie and maybe some messed up Jermaine fan (I did not even know he had a fan board. Now, that is new.) got jealous and said those things. There are Jermaine haters on here and they are going to have a field day trashing this man over something that could be a lie. When I read this, I was thinking that if it was true, Jermaine needs to move the hell on and focus on his 13th wife and his two youngest children. However, that was too easy to say that. Knowing that a lot of the fans on here really dislike, almost hate Jermaine on here, there was no question that those fans would automatically believe this nonsense and forget all of the things that Jermaine has done for Mike when Mike was at his low point. Now, that is being real.

i see ur point b ut also, some can argue he 'supported' his brother durin ghislow point for his own damn benefit.

some can also argue that he's used mj for self promotion countless times. after all, this is the man who's promised us new jacskon cds and tours for yrs now.

this is also the man who wrote word to da peple can infer what they want. this isn't a jermaine board, it's a michael board and this looks like something jermiane would say and do. so could u blame people for using deductive reasoning?

i say take the high road and see what's to come. some fans went off on annie lennox for something she 'said' and ripped her a new one. isn't that bad as well? if we want others to give someone the benefit of the doubt, maybe we should do it, too.
talk about riding on ur little brothers coattails. for god's sakes, even janet doesn't wanna mooch off of mj like this. i bet jermaine's been mad since mj sang climb every mountain.

i can't believe im reading this

The article is NOT from Jermaine
This articel is BS from some delusional
person who is trying to bash Michael by
Using Lies about Him and Jermaine _

I doubt Jermaine even knows anything about this TRASH
Nothing in that article is true ) Its ridiculas and I am even
flabergasted at some fans here that are saying if its true :LOL:
Did they even read it ............

We should be bashing The article NOT Michaels brother
Did they even read it ............

We should be bashing The article NOT Michaels brother

I agree with you and there are so many GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD things happening
right now... why are we waisting time with this ?????????????????????
The article is NOT from Jermaine
This articel is BS from some delusional
person who is trying to bash Michael by
Using Lies about Him and Jermaine _

I doubt Jermaine even knows anything about this TRASH
Nothing in that article is true ) Its ridiculas and I am even
flabergasted at some fans here that are saying if its true :LOL:
Did they even read it ............

We should be bashing The article NOT Michaels brother
I agree. We get mad when people do this to Michael YEt some of us do this to MJ brothers and others. Hypocrite. I will take this with a grain of salt unless it is proven. I do not care if this does sound "jermainish". Some people say the same about things being "Michaelish" and try to degrade Michael even if it is not true.
Dear Jermaine,

How many people would know who you are right now if Michael Jackson didn't exist?

Objective Reality
is this true. he actually said this ?? cause if so then im LMAO. well i thought the thread was gonna be jerm announcing another J5 reunion tour not knowing what mike has just done lol. IF this is true then jerm this is one of the reasons why mike aint ever gonna do anything with his bros
I think Michael should bring the J-5 along, He said "This Is It" it answers Jermainie question and tells him he's own after this so take the money pay your debts and leave me alone.
talk about riding on ur little brothers coattails. for god's sakes, even janet doesn't wanna mooch off of mj like this. i bet jermaine's been mad since mj sang climb every mountain.

i can't believe im reading this

Michael: "Cliiiiiiiimb everryyyyyyyy moutainnnnnnn"

Jermaine: "Quick, someone gag his little ass before he takes over my spot!"

guys, understand the only reason people are replying is b/c this totally sounds like something he would do or say. not to be mean but it does. lol so until it's confirmed or denied, people will wonder if it's legit.
^ How would people know what he would do or say? We do not know these people personally so..... People are going to believed the BS whether it is true or false. I find it disgusting that some fans waste their time and do this to his family. This ish gets old after a while.
bee the only thing i can suggest to you is to take your own advice. you cannot preach that we remain objective in one thread and then get upset in another.

after all, you were the one who said the low blow then said that's what a hater would say yet the only person who mentioned his family and such was you. the more u make it a non-issue the more it becomes an issue. if it's no big deal, then don't make it one! lol

i didn't say he did it or said it, i said it sounds like something he'd say. after all, he's been sayingfor yrs they were working on a tour and a cd and mj had no idea about it. and this is after jermaine said he spoke to mj about it. so please, he's not the innocent person you're making him out to be.

just wait and see if this is legit or not. how hard is that? but don't get upset that folks want to discuss it. it's their perogative. you've said your piece and they've said theirs. we're beating a dead dog right now, and going around in circles.
but it just sounds so jermaine and randy like! lol it's a big slap in the face to them. but it shows them for mj to do what they want, he'd have to take a huge cut in profits not to mention splitting it 6 ways and for waht? what have they done for him lately?

now having tito as his guitar player would rawk cuz tito is tha maaaaaaaaaan

I herd a rumor that janet suppose to be one of the quest, on and maybe the brother's are the other quest, who ever the surprise quest is mj will have to split the profit with them.
haha i don't even know how an opening act is paid. what woul dthe brothers do tho? maybe tito cuz he was making his first solo album! lol and jan w/ discp but it'd be a very jackson show! haha

that'd be neat but i doubt it.
I'm closing this thread - bickering over it isn't going to get anyone anywhere. When and if a statement is made to clearify this we can re-visit it :yes:
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