Jermaine News from the Swedish MJJ.SE [MJ Related]

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Proud Member
Nov 18, 2006
Okay, today a swedish insider from Jermaine Jackson's camp posted a few threads over at . He claims to have insight in JJ's business and people, and he has a lot of new info.

This is a rough translation of his first post (in swedish here for those who wanna read it for yourself )

Jermaine, despite his rare talent as a singer and stage personality, has spent a whole life in the shadow of Michael. He has supported his more than lucky brother in the darkest of times. Will Michael return Jermaine's support, now that he has the chance?

The O2 conserts originally came from a 3-4 year old idea in which Jermaine was instrumental to the creation of.

It's no secret that Jermaine - who's always been fighting for the best of the brothers, and never put himself first - for a long time has nurtured a dream to see Jackson 5 reunited on stage, in all their glory. With Michael. (Jermaine is of course the lead singer, but Michael would still have a large role in the stage show.)

According to my sources in the Jermaine-camp, the reason why the 'This Is It' concept have taken so long to realise is because of the discussions of what role Jermaine would have in the concerts.

While the market has had it's say, and the cultural interesses has been cut back, Michael has step by step agreed to more and more compromises regarding the stage show. He was already on an early stage convinced that it would be more economic for him to perform on his own, and not with his brothers. Since then Michael has been torn between economic interests and the large debt of gratitude that he own Jermaine, who's thought him so much artistically and also had a central role in bringing out the concert theme in London.

But it's not too late yet.

Michael still has the chance to make the artistically - and morally - right choice, to incorporate Jermaine in the stage show.

It could mean about six to eight duets per concert.

It could mean that Jermaine get's his own set at the beginning of each concert.

The only thing Michael has to do is to decide what is more important; another 0 at the end of his bank account, or the love and care of his brother.

When someone later in the thread asked the OP for sources, he answered that he can't say who he gets his information from, since people in both the media- and the music industry can get in a lot of trouble if this leak is traced.

He also said that all this info can be found on all the large Jermaine Jackson fanboards.

This Jermaine-fan is also selling t-shirts. Just take a look at some of the designs over at
Re: Jermaine News from the Swedish MJJ.SE

sounds like BS:bs:bs:bs:bs.. and someone at Fox will be using this to makeup some story about Michael
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Re: Jermaine News from the Swedish MJJ.SE

So sorry, but this is SO not about Jermaine. This is Michael's moment, and has nothing to do with the rest of the family.

Moving right along, please.
Re: Jermaine News from the Swedish MJJ.SE

This is Michael's time, and he has zero obligation to anyone!
If this is true (which I seriously doubt) then it's simply pathetic.
LOL That is the dumbest shhhyt Ive ever heard :doh:
and certainly all made up _ The more I read it the
funnier it is _ OMG LMAO _ some delusional Jermaine fan
I could tear that whole fabricated story to pieces bit by bit :smilerolleyes:
Why doesn't Jermaine work on his music on his own like Janet, and put on a concert like anyone else. Tito did it, didn't he? Family and business has always been a mistake in my life...I guess they have had better luck with it but I still don't like to mix business with family. There are always hard feelings, however it goes. Fair, no longer exists. Though, I don't think this story has much strength behind it. Who knows what Jermaine even wants. (though I guess he's wanted to bring back everyone for a reunion)
It's just laughable LOL and so not true. Jermaine seems to have had this J5 reunion thing planned for over 20 years now and Michael even denied the rumour last year.
Jermaine should just go independant and stop trying to live of Michael, seriously.

It's not fair on Mike, i can only imagine how much pressure is put on him for this Jacksons Reunion thing.

This is Michael's moment now.
wow, impressive, funny stuff (especially if it was serious)
Paulease, lol. If anyone owes anyone, Jermaine owes Michael. And Michael clearly doesn't want jack to do with his family on a career basis, and he shouldn't. He's always been better on his own. Jermaine needs to give up already and actually do something productive on his own.
I think jermaine needs to...I don't know...get a job?
why does Michael always have to take care of the Jackson clan?
OMG....I used to like Jermaine but reading this I felt pain....pain of sorrow for someone doing this kind of selfpromotion as a last resort..
please get a grip..
So sorry, but this is SO not about Jermaine. This is Michael's moment, and has nothing to do with the rest of the family.

Moving right along, please.

This is Michael's time, and he has zero obligation to anyone!
If this is true (which I seriously doubt) then it's simply pathetic.

Why doesn't Jermaine work on his music on his own like Janet, and put on a concert like anyone else. Tito did it, didn't he? Family and business has always been a mistake in my life...I guess they have had better luck with it but I still don't like to mix business with family. There are always hard feelings, however it goes. Fair, no longer exists. Though, I don't think this story has much strength behind it. Who knows what Jermaine even wants. (though I guess he's wanted to bring back everyone for a reunion)

I think jermaine needs to...I don't know...get a job?
why does Michael always have to take care of the Jackson clan?

OMG....I used to like Jermaine but reading this I felt pain....pain of sorrow for someone doing this kind of selfpromotion as a last resort..
please get a grip..

Well put !! I have never understood, for the last several years (more really), why the Jackson 5 (there are still 5 without Michael) don't just record an album and get out there and tour !!!!
yep cause mike so big i think including him in anything to do with jackson clan artistically would just hinder the rest, it wouldnt be good for them. people would turn up to see mike not them, im sure mike loves them, just he needs to be by himself musically. the rest havent really done much in recent years cept janet.
Well put !! I have never understood, for the last several years (more really), why the Jackson 5 (there are still 5 without Michael) don't just record an album and get out there and tour !!!!
Because the Jacksons know that without MJ, no one wants to see the J5. lol
Its disgusting that jermaine seems to live his life through mike , i think he seriously needs to let go!
He has supported his more than lucky brother in the darkest of times. Will Michael return Jermaine's support, now that he has the chance?[/I]

When exactly was Michael lucky, more than lucky? Michael never asks for more than he deserves and what has Jermaine done (for Michael) lately? If Jermaine wants to work, why doesn't he then? All he does is spending Michael's money and having a good life, I'm sure Jermaine is the last one who would complain about anything. I am sure this comes not from Jermaine.
Honestly, who would want to do Michael's work?
He also said that all this info can be found on all the large Jermaine Jackson fanboards.

I don't meant to sound rude or anything... but which ones are those? :unsure: I can't find any JJ fansite by googling.
I am so done with Jermaine Jackson. And 'there in the darkest of times'??? He is manipulative to say the least, and has tried to force Michael into performing with his brothers for ages. Michael has the moral duty of performing with his brothers again? Give me a break please. If Jermaine wants to step out of the shadows of Michael, then stop talking about him (be it 'word to the bad' or more positive outings) and get your own life. It's about time.
No offence to Jermain, but I dont want to see Jermain in the This is It concerts.. Its all about Michael and thats how it should be.. Jermain should stop trying to hitch a ride on Michael's success and do something himself like Janet. I actualy wouldnt mind seen one duet with Janet. But only one or two duets thats all!!!
Jermaine loves his brother and despite the altercations they have had in the past, they are family.

Also, Jermaine fully knows Michael's influence and that it would be futile for the rest to do anything without Michael.

Of all the brothers, Jermaine has been the most vocal in his support of Michael, and that is well appreciated. I remember in 2002, he's the one who released a statement when the media was ridiculing Michael after he spoke out about Sony. He subsequently appeared on CNN twice, before Mottola was fired and the day Mottola was fired. I believe that Jermaine speaking out helped to get Mottola fired, if you see that CNN interview with Connie Chung at the end of 2002.

2003, he's the one who appeared on Fox after Bashir and spoke in defence of his brother.
Again when Sneddon did his raid in 2003 and the media was all over Michael, Jermaine phoned in to CNN and rebuked the media, which helped to stall the attacks. He then went around speaking in defence of his brother, including the parents, causing Sneddon to seek a gag order.

Throughout that period, and even Michael leaving America after the trial, Jermaine did his best to help his brother.

I know Jermaine seeks to also uphold the family's legacy.

On the other hand, Michael has reasons for not wanting to perform with his brothers as yet. Memories of the victory tour and the chaos over control and the lawyers for each of them.
Michael also loses artistic control but because he's the most famous, he gets blamed lets say for ticket prices.
And doing a tour with his brothers first would be like going back to the past which in a way is like burying any new projects he may want to undertake.

I believe Michael would hold out reunion shows in his last concerts, but the family, including Jermaine must not make their brother feel that because they helped so much, he should be indebted to them, because it just leaves Michael unhappy, the way he did the Victory tour after being persuaded by his mother to do it for his brothers, but was not so happy.

Time will come, especially when Michael tours America, that he may decide to do joint shows with his brothers. After all, AEG has announced guest appearances for the O2 from other superstars.

From this, I see it's very easy for several shows in the US, to have the other Jacksons as "guest appearances" on several shows.

Let them give him some space for now and enjoy what he does, then on the back of this success after Michael releases an album, they can also release a joint album, the way the Victory album was released after Thriller.
Just because you read it in the magazine,
or see it on a computer screen, don't make it factual. ;D

I read it in Swedish and this dude just went up from nowhere, started that thread and in the same time felt if comfortable to start selling Jermaine t-shirts.

I don't judge no one, I don't know that dude, and weired stories have in the past turned out to be true. But I'm not gonna lose too much sleep over this "breaking news".
If this is true, (and it's a big "if"), then I wish that Jermaine would do something on his own if he really wants to work. Michael should not have to shoulder the responsibility of getting him out there. While I am grateful to Jermaine for defending his brother, it is not right for him to hold this over Michael's head. After everything that's happened, Michael has the right to get back on his feet career-wise before anything regarding him performing with anyone else in the family comes into the picture. Jermaine hasn't had a new album out since the '90s to my knowledge. If he wants to do something, he should bring it on. But that is not Michael's job to get him noticed again.
talk about riding on ur little brothers coattails. for god's sakes, even janet doesn't wanna mooch off of mj like this. i bet jermaine's been mad since mj sang climb every mountain.

i can't believe im reading this
everytime something good goes Michael way.. there always seems to be some grass roots sabotage...

We need to stop!!... this info is NOT verified and yet too many are believing it... this to me is un-substantiated gossip...

having opinions about Jermaine based on this is not fair.... this divide and conquer thing with the Jackson family is exasperating my opinion..

I also think this should be in the Tabloid section... without verification of the source....

it just sounds like a bunch of :bs that someone thought up...
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