Jennifer Batten Hopes to Work with MJ For 'This Is It' Shows

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Funny, was just wondering the other day if Jennifer would be back on board, I certainly hope so. And some of the other crew aswell, Greg Phillinganes. Really sad about David Williams, would've liked to see him take his spot next to Michael too.
I hope Jennifer works with Michael again too. She can rip that guitar up. I think she's the best female guitarist out there. I'd love to see her on board again.
She is great. I think Michael should get her for the tour.

Slash would be awesome too. I think for guest spots like on Black or White and Beat It, that would be exceptional....hell I would love to see MJ and Slash perform Give Into Me live...that would blow the roof off the dump! lol
It would be great to have Jennifer back. She's an excellent guitarist by any standard, man or woman. She wasn't liken' that interviewer too much though, haha.
I think Jennnifer is a great musician by all means. But honestly? I hope he picks all new people for his shows. I think he should get fresh meat, new blood, eager pups! Mike used a lot of the same people in all his shows, and they were all great, but I'm sure the new generation has people too that are at least as great as they were then, it's just time to move on, in my opinion. Maybe she could do a guest appearance? Before it was slash doing it, but by now she's earned the right to do them herself :)
I think as far as dancing goes, new, young and hungry people would be better. Also because they are more 'anonymous' in the show. But some of the musicians should be the same. I prefer Jennifer, because she is one of the best. But also because of her stage presence, and the chemistry with Michael when they interact.
I sorta hope mike switchs it up, all new dancers all new band, ther are some verrrry talented younger people out there who should have this chance :)

the old band were top notch tho
ypu gotta have the old crew back !!!! including jennifer batten, seriously like of all the people you have seen michael on stage with. It could only be jennifer !!!! come on i mean working day and night !!!

its like a car .... Original parts, new model.... it will be immense !!!!
ypu gotta have the old crew back !!!! including jennifer batten, seriously like of all the people you have seen michael on stage with. It could only be jennifer !!!! come on i mean working day and night !!!

its like a car .... Original parts, new model.... it will be immense !!!!

I know what you mean. But we never saw anyone else do it, besides her. So we don't really know about other people. I think he should go with a new crew.
It would be great to have Jennifer back. She's an excellent guitarist by any standard, man or woman. She wasn't liken' that interviewer too much though, haha.
Yeah, probably because he was talking more than her and only blabbin' on about Michael! ;)

But yeah, I hope she comes back... and I hope the band consists of people he previously worked with, to give it some continuance and consistency! I would love though if Sam Sims would play the bass... he played with Janet on 2 tours and also MJ & Friends with Michael!

As for dancers, it's been 12 years since the HIStory tour and apart from the Talauega brothers, who are working with Madonna and even though they did choreography don't dance on the current tour, none of the dancers were really young.... they were all around 25 to 30+... by now they are way too old, so he definitely will have new dancers! Even though it would be cool if the Talauega brothers would come back!

And I really hope he has a horn section this time... that would be interesting!
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I always liked Eddie Garcia, on the Bad, and Dangerous tour.
I know what you mean. But we never saw anyone else do it, besides her. So we don't really know about other people. I think he should go with a new crew.

yeah..either way would be good..

MJ has always been about the new..and if he goes totally new, it certainly would not ruin his consistency, any more than if he went back to who he used before.
Yeah, probably because he was talking more than her and only blabbin' on about Michael! ;)

But yeah, I hope she comes back... and I hope the band consists of people he previously worked with, to give it some continuance and consistency! I would love though if Sam Sims would play the bass... he played with Janet on 2 tours and also MJ & Friends with Michael!

As for dancers, it's been 12 years since the HIStory tour and apart from the Talauega brothers, who are working with Madonna and even though they did choreography don't dance on the current tour, none of the dancers were really young.... they were all around 25 to 30+... by now they are way too old, so he definitely will have new dancers! Even though it would be cool if the Talauega brothers would come back!

And I really hope he has a horn section this time... that would be interesting!

the brothers were also in chris browns video. i was like wtf lol now hes stealin mikes dancers hahaha
And I love the Jennifer! I love the look of it and especially the great talent she has. It would be amazing see you again on stage next to Michael.

I am very curious to know who are the dancers who will accompany Michael on stage... much as I like jennifer, I think MJ needs to do what will BEST give him the best band he can have, so he can feed off their palying..
so perhaps like James Brown did in the late 60's and early 70's he needs to bring in talented young hungry players, who totally changed the energy to James Browns live shows and gave him a new energy boost..

I think if MJ uses the 'old' crew it will lack that energy, the HISTory tour was dull becasue of so much palyback, the band seemed pointless at times, and looked like it too. BUT Young hungry TALENTED players who want to build a career have that ENERGY.. Remember all the old players from MJ previous tours have been there and done it a thousand times in the music world...
So my pick would be NEW TALENTED people..

If we miss the old crew we still have tapes of them.. lets see how a new band, will effect MJ. perhaps they will be less likely to sign up to the palyback sound of the HISTory tour.. personally I saw no point in the band during the tour.. just an opinion
^^You make some great points and I like your refreshing optimism. It does sound appealing to have a completely new band behind him to give him a new edge. It could bring out a new side of Michael we haven't seen before. You almost can't ignore the positive possibilities of adding a different musician to a band. It's like adding a new spice to an old recipe only to improve on it.

However, I sill think of the old scenario too. The older band knows all of MJ's tricks. It would be like stepping back into a comfortable shoe.

I guess this just depends on what Michael has planned for us. Honestly, i'm up for anything at this point! New or old, i'll take anything I can get, lol!
I really hope Jennifer is on the Shows!!!

What is an MJ Concert without Jennifer??!??
When Mike said he was doing these shows, one of the first things I thought was whether Jennifer Batten would be in his band. I actually hope so because she has rocked man. She may be slightly older now, but its the same woman. much as I like jennifer, I think MJ needs to do what will BEST give him the best band he can have, so he can feed off their palying..
so perhaps like James Brown did in the late 60's and early 70's he needs to bring in talented young hungry players, who totally changed the energy to James Browns live shows and gave him a new energy boost..

I think if MJ uses the 'old' crew it will lack that energy, the HISTory tour was dull becasue of so much palyback, the band seemed pointless at times, and looked like it too. BUT Young hungry TALENTED players who want to build a career have that ENERGY.. Remember all the old players from MJ previous tours have been there and done it a thousand times in the music world...
So my pick would be NEW TALENTED people..

If we miss the old crew we still have tapes of them.. lets see how a new band, will effect MJ. perhaps they will be less likely to sign up to the palyback sound of the HISTory tour.. personally I saw no point in the band during the tour.. just an opinion

I def feel what your saying. I have also thought that new musicians would be good, but he can have more than one guitarist and incorporating Jennifer would be cool. Despite them noth being older would you not want to see this live (4:42)???
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Still think NEW band means new energy and new show.. if you are gonna come back, come back hard and new.. if anyone misses the old band, watch old concerts :) much as I like jennifer, I think MJ needs to do what will BEST give him the best band he can have, so he can feed off their palying..
so perhaps like James Brown did in the late 60's and early 70's he needs to bring in talented young hungry players, who totally changed the energy to James Browns live shows and gave him a new energy boost..

I think if MJ uses the 'old' crew it will lack that energy, the HISTory tour was dull becasue of so much palyback, the band seemed pointless at times, and looked like it too. BUT Young hungry TALENTED players who want to build a career have that ENERGY.. Remember all the old players from MJ previous tours have been there and done it a thousand times in the music world...
So my pick would be NEW TALENTED people..

If we miss the old crew we still have tapes of them.. lets see how a new band, will effect MJ. perhaps they will be less likely to sign up to the palyback sound of the HISTory tour.. personally I saw no point in the band during the tour.. just an opinion

I never thought of it like that, :clapping: I just thought that because we know they are great it would be cool to see them back but times have changed, and its time to get a new band I think. id still like to see some of the older members put with the new guys to give them the experience and the energy needed to pull off a Michael Jackson show.
jennifer is an excellent guitarist.. BUT remember this important fact...MJ has NEVER used her on one of his albums! Ever.. instead choosing other people.. so he has other preferences it would seem.
But like I said, we have tons' of tapes of her, I just wanna see MJ give this "comeback" a whole new feel, look, and energy.. so I seriously doubt he will pick her.. I reckon he will have somebody damn good, AND very interesting looking! Maybe a younger version.. jennifer 2.0...:)
Thje fact he had female lead guitarist was always of note when anyone saw his tours!
maybe we will get a male guitarist... and female dancers only? ;-) I wish!
I really hope Jennifer is on the Shows!!!

What is an MJ Concert without Jennifer??!??

So true Navi!

You hear that Mike....You gotta have Jennifer at your shows or there willl be a revolt!! lol