Jeffrey Daniel and MJ,similar dancing styles

great music, great dancing
it was nice to watch

thanks for posting this:D
they worked and practiced together often..

Jeffery Daniels was the main popper/hip hop ganre professional dancer that taught MJ..

MJ also used to hire and visit street dancers all the time.. Daniels was the pro hip-hop ganre dancer that MJ was influenced by..

Daniels has said that it's amazing how versitile MJ is.. That while he would be showing Mike something new they are doing on the streets MJ would do it only after seeing Daniels demonstrate it once.. Then after a few times Michael will start incorperating 'Michael' into it.. The little 'gestures' and other additional movements that go with it..

Daniels has always spoke highly of Michael..
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Daniels is also one of the background dancers in Moonwalker (Smooth Criminal) and is the one who conceived 'The Lean'.
^ He did? The lean had been around for along trime, they performed it on Vaudeville perofrmances.
they worked and practiced together often..

Jeffery Daniels was the main popper/hip hop ganre professional dancer that taught MJ..

MJ also used to hire and visit street dancers all the time.. Daniels was the pro hip-hop ganre dancer that MJ was influenced by..

Daniels has said that it's amazing how versitile MJ is.. That while he would be showing Mike something new they are doing on the streets MJ would do it only after seeing Daniels demonstrate it once.. Then after a few times Michael will start incorperating 'Michael' into it.. The little 'gestures' and other additional movements that go with it..

Daniels has always spoke highly of Michael..

That's cool. Thanks for sharing. Daniels is a good dancer. I've heard other dancers say the same thing. That Michael will see someone do a step just once and immidetely duplicate it. He's a genius of dance. That's actually like what he does vocally, where he'll be able to duplicate exactly what a demo singer does, down to phrasing and timing, then after a few times, he'll change it and work his own phrasing and timing in to it.

Michael takes core moves from every genre of dance and combines them in a way that creates a unique and distinct style all his own.
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Michael learned the moonwalk and his popping moves from Jeffery along with Michael "Boogaloo Shrimp" Chambers, Geron "Ghost" Candidate and Cooley Jackson

He learned the robot from Slim The Robot of L.A. group The Lockers.
The Lockers and the Electric Boogaloos laid the foundation. Daniel was just a talented mediator - Michael being an even more naturally talented medium to showcase all these steps wrapped in an awe-inspiring form.
They layed some of the foundation, while they took from tap dancers and pantomimists before them even though, lol. Everyone takes from something or someone. But like you said, Daniles is talented, Michael's even more so. You can see him outdance Daniels in both "Smooth Criminal" and "Bad". All that really counts is being able to take what you learn and create something unique from it. Which is what Michael did. Michael locks and does the robot better then most of those guys from the Lockers. He's cleaner, faster. You can't learn that.
Man, so many of MJs moves arent his......but he makes it look better than the original. But I always thought he was really really original. Ah well....
Man, so many of MJs moves arent his......but he makes it look better than the original. But I always thought he was really really original. Ah well....

Michael's also influenced by dancer.choreographer Bob Fosse. Michael isn't an inventor of dance moves, he's unique style and innovation is that he's able to take a hole bunch of dance moves from different genres and turn them in to new and unique forms. Just look at his famous Motown 25, Billie Jean performance, it's made up of broadway, tap dance, funk/disco and street dance moves. Michael moves fluidly from a broadway kick, Fred Astair spin, to a street style moonwalk, to a James Brown shuffle with ease.

Michael Jackson dances with more style than anyone, and he's given dances moves like the Moonwalk a magic it never had before, because no one could have come up with a dance routine like Billie Jean. Another thing about Michael, is that he brought "Dancing" to the masses in a way not other dancer like Fred Astair, James Brown, John Travolta (in the Saturday Night Fever film) or Jeffery Daniel ever did, because no one dancings with such magic and energy like Michael.

I found this cool link of Jeffery Daniel dancing to Michael's Working Day & Night on Soul Train from 1980.
When talking about Jeffrey Daniel comes up about him allegedly teaching Michael the Moonwalk, and introducing him to the latest street dance moves. What's forgotten is that Michael is still a mainly natural and self taught dancer, and that Michael was doing various street dance and robot moves years before Jeffrey Daniel was on the scene, as this below video of Michael performing Dancing Machine in 1974 shows.
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Man, so many of MJs moves arent his......but he makes it look better than the original. But I always thought he was really really original. Ah well....

Nobodies steps are original. You'll always find someone who did it before them, always. What's original is Michael's style. The way he combines steps makes for a distinct and unique style, and that's all that matters. That and how well you move to begin with. Michael moves faster, cleaner and with more ease then any of these guys, by a country mile. Michael is beautiful when he dances. These guys aren't.
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MJ has been on the scene and dancing way before many of these people have been heard of. He was dancing when he went to Motown. Many people are making claims to teaching MJ dance moves, well Unless MJ says so, I will not believe it. I need to hear it from MJ himself.
Nobodies steps are original. You'll always find someone who did it before them, always. What's original is Michael's style. The way he combines steps makes for a distinct and unique style, and that's all that matters. That and how well you move to begin with. Michael moves faster, cleaner and with more ease then any of these guys, by a country mile. Michael is beautiful when he dances. These guys aren't.

I agree and further more, lots of the break dancers/body poppers talk like they invented dance steps like the Moonwalk, which has been around since the 1940's, or at least the 1950's.
I agree and further more, lots of the break dancers/body poppers talk like they invented dance steps like the Moonwalk, which has been around since the 1940's, or at least the 1950's.
That is what I have been saying in all my arguments with people coming out claiming that they taught MJ to dance. These dances have been around since time. MJ has been dancing since birth., MJ studies the greats, and he is inspired by them, but not even fred Astaire would claim that he taught MJ to dance. Showing someone a dance step doesnt qualify as teaching someone to dance.
When Jeffrey Daniels did his backslide on soul train, every body that watched that show saw him do it, but the world didn't erupt into moonwalking. Only when MJ didn it the world sat up and take notice, just like they did when he did the robot dancing and the pop and lock. I don't understand why people are coming out of the woodwork to claim that they taught MJ to dance. Not even james Brown, who MJ copied as a kid, would even make that claim.
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I agree and further more, lots of the break dancers/body poppers talk like they invented dance steps like the Moonwalk, which has been around since the 1940's, or at least the 1950's.

That's right. I've even heard that the backslide was around as early as the 1930s. These guys didn't invent anything out of thin air. They either took a step that was already being done and modified it or they just took it flat out. Like I always say, the human body can only move in so many directions. And as Datsyamy pointed out, Michael was dancing litterally before a lot of these guys were even born. You can't teach someone how to dance. You either have it in you or you don't.

The bottom line is, Michael is more gifted then these fellas, the proof is in the pudding. I watch a lot of dancers, a whole lot, and Michael's the best I've ever seen. For someone with no training to move like he does is incredible. He is so coordinated that he is able to put all of his strength and energy in to each step, down to the most minute, to the point where, there is so much emphasis and power on each movement, that it looks like a coild spring exploding outwards, with that much force, and then coiling back in, totally controlled. That's how Michael moves, and I don't care if you're Jefferey Daniels or Baryshnikov, I've never seen anyone move with that much intensity combined with that kind of speed and control and clean lines. It's unreal.
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I find Michael to be the MOST original dancer..

For many years 'street' dances were not considered as a true dance form.. (even watch old Making Of's of MJ videos) They say, They hired X amount of proffesional dancers, and an X amount of poppers and lockers..... It was not RESPECTED in that level yet.. Though in my opinion street dances are the MOST true dance form because it comes straight from the heart. There is not really a proper way of doing it, it's just pulling it out of the soul and releasing it..

Now what was thought as 'professional' dance was an orchestrated type movements, where there is a proper way of doing it.. They closer you are to that ideal image while dancing the 'better' you are.. That goes to ALMOST every dance except 'street' dances which were derived from Africa, the middle east and that part of the world.

I find ^^those ^^ types of dances as an art piece, but not artists. the reason I say that is, they are basically TRACING the movemets they supposed to do. it's like painting by numbers..


He first had a love for street dances that he would learn from watching his heros on TV.. Once he was introduced to 'professional' dances, he learned many of the basic movements but brought them out from the same part of the soul as street dances.. He does not do them the 'proper' technical way.. But he interperates it to how his body would naturally pull them off..

Then when he was able to learn more street styles that were not on TV and in public eye, he was able to learn them, incorperate it in his own dance.. Basically he took many other styles and flavors and made it all ONE.. That in itself is the most original thing you can do in DANCE..

You will hear people say about others..

"She's the best Ballet dancer"

"he's the best popper"

" locker"

"... Best tapper."

But what makes the BEST DANCER???

It's taking the basics of majority of the dances and putting them into one, and executing them according to that persons natural body instincts..

That's true KOPV. But Michael also is technically perfect, according to foundations in professional dance. He has perfect lines. His extention, his ability to hold it long enough for it to be seen, the straightness of his lines, etc... He's just perfect. And then he combines that with the most explosive and powerful movement, along with blinding speed, and he's just unmatched technically, not just versatility wise, but in terms of how good his form is, how good his over all movement looks. He's just the best.
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I really, really do not understand why some fans are still debating regarding to Jeffrey versus Michael.

Why couldn't we just appreciate it that both of these lads are very talented in dancing and choreography? Both have different styles but in the end, shared their skills to create something innovative in choreography. Therefore you can see 'Jeffrey' in Michael and 'Michael' in Jeffrey.

Do people expect to only have one choreographer to create everything in major productions such as Smooth Criminal and Ghosts?

Both short films required a lot of backup dancers to manage and coordinate, many scenes that required a lot of choreographies etc. Therefore more than one choreographer was needed. So it shouldn't be a surprise to know that several choreographers (including Michael and Jeffrey) combined and shared their 'brain powers' to create, coordinate, consult etc dances and dancers.

One thing that I really dislike is how people will try to shred Michael's skills as a dancer and choreographer completely and credit completely to Jeffrey etc. Michael has his own style and know how to dance even before he was introduced to Jeffrey. At the same time I also really dislike on how people discredit other choreographers that assisted Michael Jackson. They helped and learned from each other to elevate and to create a perfection in choreography.

Regarding to who influenced who. Original who. Good God.
  • Fred Astaire was influenced by Vernon and Irene Castle to name a few. Speaking of Fred Astaire, he was also assisted by other choreographers mainly Hermes Pan.
  • Bob Fosse was influenced by Fred Astaire. He was also influenced by Jack Cole and Jerome Robbins.
I don't see Michael and Jeffrey tearing each other's head regarding to this matter but some of their fans themselves.
ya Wannabe...

but when I said he does not do them the proper tecnical way..

this is what I ment..

While he does the ideal lines, and the proper movements.. sometimes his positionings in somethings were not perfect.. meaning if he were to be critiqued in that ganre, he would not get a great score.. But to me that 'score' is pointless and not even good to do in dance because that means the dance is not coming from YOU..

Michael stays true to himself no matter what ganre he interperates into his dance. He pulls off the lines and positionings from his soul.. Not by the book..

To me that is the 'proper' way.. But in the 'professional' dance world it's not.. I think it's B.S. it is one of the biggest issues I have with the dance industry but wutever..

U know take tap for instance.. Often while MJ did tap, his hits on the floor were not perfect to hte recorded taps that they played.. He made it look real and right.. But if a tap instructor were to inspect him, it's different..

To me that 'technical' 'proper' mambo jumbo is all crap.. Unimportant..

what MICHAEL does is the TRUEST dance form.. It's not A style.. It's just HIS style..

He has a strong street influence, and incorperates a lot of Jazz.. And he takes fundimentals of tap, ballet, and others to create a dance form.. THEN on top of all that, he keeps it true to his natural movements..

That is the only way to be great at it..

U know I have danced since I was 3 years old.. primarily trying to dance like Michael.. Over time many of my natural movements became like his..Simular to when your around ur family so much, your physical movements are simular.. U gesture and move simularly often..

When it comes to dance, there is a deffinate simularity.. BUT if I never danced like MJ from that young of an age.. it could have NEVER been pulled off right..

Now if Michael were to (at the age of 25) or something to learn specific dances.. It would not be as great as his dance now, because his natural body movements have all ready been istablished over the years.. Starting at a young age.

He is the GREATEST, most INNOVATIVE, most UNIQUE dancer
I know what you mean KOPV. Michael has no technical understanding of what it is he's doing since he's never recieved any kind of formal, or even informal training. He's a natural dancer through and through. But his lines are perfect, and his combination of those straight, extended lines with his speed, fludity and grace makes him the best on even a technical level. Like you said, if judged solely on tap, then one might critic him for not having perfect form within that particular genre of dance. Or any other form. But overall, as a general dancer, as you pointed out, Michael moves better and has better form, overall, just in terms of his general line, speed and grace, then anyone.
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Jeffrey was a good pop locker and dancer, but Boogalooshrimp from the movie Breaking is 10 times better.
When talking about Jeffrey Daniel comes up about him allegedly teaching Michael the Moonwalk, and introducing him to the latest street dance moves. What's forgotten is that Michael is still a mainly natural and self taught dancer, and that Michael was doing various street dance and robot moves years before Jeffrey Daniel was on the scene, as this below video of Michael performing Dancing Machine in 1974 shows.
Slim The Robot taught Mike the moonwalk

The Electric Boogaloos worked with Michael, but their claims are pretty much exaggerated.

Popping started in the late 1960s in Northern California and was originally called "Boogaloo"

The Electric Boogaloos took popping and boogaloo, introduced to the Los Angeles area and took credit saying they invented it, never really giving credit to the originators.

The people who taught Michael how to pop and other moves are

Jeffery Daniels
Robot Dane
Slim The Robot
Geron Candidate
Cooley Jackson
and most notably, Michael "Boogaloo Shrimp" Chambers who starred as Turbo in the 80s movie "Breakin". He was the dance instructor for the Victory Tour

here's a pic:

guess who it is in the shades and bow tie LOL

here's some clips of Boogaloo Shrimp:
I was wondering, sometimes I think that people dont realise how good michael is simply because he is so good that what he does just seems so easy, I think I myself at times dont full appreciate what I'm watching when I see any one of his performances and in a way I kinda take what Im seeing for granted until I see someone else move, I saw this video of where they showed people like JT doing an MJ move and then showing MJ doing that same move side by side (I think it was that motown 25 foot shuffle he does from side to side) and I realised wow, when MJ does it it just seems so easy to the point where you think "o thats nuffin I could probably do that"

if you can make something thats difficult look easy to others then I reckon that says alot about MJ as a dancer....
Well that's the point. That's what makes Michael so good. He makes it look as easy as breathing, as though he isn't putting any effort in to it, but that some outside force is moving him on its own. Fred Astaire had the same thing. That's the dancer Michael is most similar too, if people want to talk, just physically. And style wise, he's most similar to Bob Fosse. Michael does some hip hop steps, he does more pantomime to be honest, which hip hop popping and/or locking is largely derived from anyway. And jazz steps.