'Jealous' of peope who still can enjoy their hero?

i know exactly what u mean i work at a concerts and just got asked to work the u2 show in sheffield in a couple of weeks. its at the same venue as where i saw mj on the history tour in 97. no way do i wanna work. it was bad enough b4 working shows knowing that mj wasnt doing anything and there i was working a bands concert who id alredy done once already that year. but now its gonna be even worse.i dontthik ill ever do a big stadium/arena gig again.
For me there was only ONE Michael who was just this one of a kind human being and artist......so no, no jealousy from this end.
I'm not jealous although I know where you're coming from.
When I see these other artists, it actually makes me feel prouder that Michael was MY hero and that of all the celebrities/people out there, he was the one who connected to me. Also it does help that so many of these artists also call themselves fans of his.
no cuz honestly, i'll go w/ the nicole version on this one...they're all subpar compared to thekop

so while they're awesome to them, they missed on the best.
I know what u all mean with 'not jealous', ofcourse nooooo artist can EVER compare to MJ! :bugeyed
That's not what I was saying, ofcourse, his concerts were lifechanging and indeed a lot of artists who are bringing tributes are fans too. A lot of people missed on the best indeed. And ofcourse he was way more than just an artist.
I totally agree on that!

But what I was saying, is that it's just weird to be in a concert-vibe and see people love their hero in their own way.
It just hurts... :(
I am not jealous, we were so lucky to have an idol that gave so much to us, and the relationship he allowed us to have.

We still have him in his music and our memories.
I am not jealous, we were so lucky to have an idol that gave so much to us, and the relationship he allowed us to have.

We still have him in his music and our memories.
Ofcourse ofcourse ofcourse!

I think I'm being misunderstood here...I'm sorry if I offended anyone, think I couldn't exactly explain my feeling.:no:
Although it hurts like hell, instead of being jealous we should be grateful Michael gave us 40 years of musical memories. To put that in perspective, Elvis passed at 42, Marilyn Monroe at 36, Heath Ledger at 29, and James Dean at 24. Obviously Michael had more to offer the world but we should remember he had already given so much as well.
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I don't know whether I'm actually jealous or just angry. As far as I'm concerned Michael was the greatest performer out there, so no matter how excited, how crazy fans of other artists may be when they get to see their idol, they'll never feel the level of satisfaction or magic that we felt to see Michael. Everyone else is out of Michael's league, it's as simple as that, therefore I don't believe I'm jealous of their fans. What I'm most mad about (amongst everything else) is that we're now left with mediocrity to utter rubbish all over the show (as far as all-round showmanship goes at least). Nobody else has that spark, that unique package of talents on stage. When I saw Madonna's tribute on the news the other day, the first thought that hit me was "Crap... All we have left by way of great big superstar performers is... HER?!" It's just really depressing. Such a horrible waste.
I agree

Ofcourse ofcourse ofcourse!

I think I'm being misunderstood here...I'm sorry if I offended anyone, think I couldn't exactly explain my feeling.:no:
I'm not offended I completely understand you. Not jealous, but its like they still get to enjoy the artist they like (even if its a crappy artist). The point is they get new pics and things to talk about other then, how did michael pass away, who gets the kids etc. :( But there is consolation in that these ppl are still missing out whether they know it or not because michael is the greatest.
I agree

I'm not offended I completely understand you. Not jealous, but its like they still get to enjoy the artist they like (even if its a crappy artist). The point is they get new pics and things to talk about other then, how did michael pass away, who gets the kids etc. :( But there is consolation in that these ppl are still missing out whether they know it or not because michael is the greatest.
Thankyou, that is exactly what I was trying to say.:)
Last year or so, I use to sit up and feel sorry for Lisa Left eye, allayah, etc fans. I even said thank goodness my man is living (Michael); now look. Life is so funny.
I feel the same way...
I wanted to see Micheal for my first (real) concert, and I was so proud and excited to be able to say "I'm going to be there with Michael."
I don't think I'll ever attend one now, just the thought of it makes my heart ache... No one is as good as him, I wish I could have met him and hugged him. :cry:
I don't feel jealousy, more like heartbreak
I see other artists going on tour and stuff like that I'm thinking Michael should be doing the same thing right now it makes me feel so heartbroken and empty

and when other people are glad they can still enjoy their idol and they then criticize and laugh at our Michael even now after such a tragedy - no consideration for Michael or his children or us his fans and the pain we're going through :cry: it's a cruel world
well i have been jealous of Prince and Madonna fans. im a fan of Prince, but not as much as Michael.
since all 3 are the same age ,born the same year , all during the summer months. i could not help but think why michael was the first to go, and hes also the youngest out of the pack. i guess its normal to feel that way.

but reading some of the responses i feel lucky enough that i became a huge michael jackson fan. i have great taste :-D
I know. Maybe I should've picked anoter hero. I've experienced much pain as a MJ fan.
I agree with this. Seeing other people happy about their heroes or whatever doesn't even make me think of Michael. That's probably weird. He was so much more to me, if that makes sense. *sigh*

It makes perfect sense to me.
Not really, because people will never have the connection we had and have with Michael, he was truly special, but i do feel mad as hell and depressed that he is gone.
Not jealous, but its like they still get to enjoy the artist they like (even if its a crappy artist). The point is they get new pics and things to talk about other then, how did michael pass away, who gets the kids etc. :( But there is consolation in that these ppl are still missing out whether they know it or not because michael is the greatest.

Geez... why the need to put other artists down? It's not like all artists, who are not called Michael Jackson, are crap! There are plenty of great artists out there, but my personal favourite is gone and things won't be the same again!

And yes, I'm in a way jealous that all those people are still able to enjoy they're favourite artist live, while we can't!

And to say that "music died" is bs too... there are still great musicians out there!
I know. Maybe I should've picked anoter hero. I've experienced much pain as a MJ fan.

See, as far as I am concerned, I always felt that it had not been me who picked Michael as an idol.

I always felt like I couldn't help but love and admire him because he was so f***ing great and anyone who didn't feel this way was a complete idiot and blind!

But you're right. I am only 24 and I've been a fan for almost 2 decades and I always had to defend him. Imagine being a kid and you have to tell other people that NO, he is not a (you know what) and YES, he does have a skin disorder etc.

Having been and always staying a fan of Michael Jackson was/ is taking a lot of one's energy but on the other hand I always felt so passionate about him and defending him and even though I often felt like I was the only sane person on the planet I have always at the same time been soooo proud to be a fan of Michael Jackson!!
Yesterday I had to work at the U2 concert at the ArenA in Amsterdam (I work at the same venue where MJ did his concerts in 1996 & 1997..to bad I was just a little kid at that time:smilerolleyes:).
From my place I was in the middle of the crowd and could watch the whole show, lovely!

But when U2 started, this crazy feeling came up...I saw all these people screaming, loving, singing...and I just felt sooo jealous and sad that they are still able to do these kind of things and don't have worries or anything.:(
I almost wanted to say to them: 'enjoy it to the fullest, before you know your hero is gone...'

Although, U2 did a great tribute! They played a song I think called 'Angel' or something, and Bono said they actually wrote it for Billie Holiday, but he had think of MJ these past weeks. He ended the song singing 'keep on, with the force don't stop, don't stop till you get enough', luckily the crowd loved it!:yes:
And ofcourse they gave attention for charities, very good.
I woulda felt the same if I had been in the situation. I can totally understand your feelings. Overall, I feel sad and angry rather than jealous, tho. Michael was about to open a new chapter of his career and maybe his life after the trial and many other things he went through...Remember he said he wanted to show his kids himself doin his thing on stage?:(
I know. Maybe I should've picked anoter hero. I've experienced much pain as a MJ fan.

I don't feel this way. The love I felt from Michael and for him was worth all the pain.
I feel like others do, wondering why it had to be him, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone else. I just wish he was still here.
I am jealous. I can't deny it. It was all sooooo good a month ago. Even a day before there were more tickets being sold on ticketmaster.
And another thing MTV Awards best of do a big tribute, cause what they did to him was way wrong.:mat:
we don't have to be jealous. MJ died knowing he was going to live on forever as the best musical artist of all time, and the world's not really disputing that fact either. He went down in history as the best.

I'm sure MJ takes pride in that fact. Nobody else can touch him.
Why is this thread even in the General News section? How does going to a U2 concert and feeling jealous have to do w/ news? This thread should have been placed in the "Forever Michael" section, under the sub-thread of your feelings or the sub-thread of tributes.

I feel bad for the site staff for what seems like having to remind users to post new threads in the correct forum constantly. I wouldn't be surprised to see major ramifications soon.
Why is this thread even in the General News section? How does going to a U2 concert and feeling jealous have to do w/ news? This thread should have been placed in the "Forever Michael" section, under the sub-thread of your feelings or the sub-thread of tributes.

I feel bad for the site staff for what seems like having to remind users to post new threads in the correct forum constantly. I wouldn't be surprised to see major ramifications soon.
Uhm...you could say that a bit nicer I think.
I placed this thread a couple of days ago already and I've searched for the best place which I thought at that moment was this! I know what's going on with the misplaced threads, and I did what I thought was best.
I don't know about the word jealous, but I've really felt the past week or so like... well, like how the heck is it that Iggy Pop is on my TV doing commercials and Keith Richards is out there somewhere still, as are so many others... Madonna, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, on and on. They're all out there. And Michael isn't. :cry: It seems so wrong. Like something went horribly wrong with the universe.

In regard to another comment about having had so much pain as a fan... A couple of weeks ago I thought of the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (one of my favs) and how all this pain could be gone if I could go to Lacuna (the company in the movie that erases the memories associated with a particular person, so people won't feel the pain of a breakup or death or whatever any longer). And I immediately thought, "Hell no!" I would never for one second want to miss a moment of loving Michael. The joy from all these years, despite the pain, cannot be eclipsed even by death. Even though this pain has been the worst I have ever felt, to not have "known" him, to not have loved him all these years... I would never trade that for anything. (Well, except maybe some magical ability to make the Pepsi accident, the Chandlers and the Arvizos never to have happened...)