Jay Leno’s Last The Tonight Show Coming May 2009

I wish he was leaving before May 2009.. It feels so far away!!
Well yeah that's the bad news but the good news is is that it won't be in the fall as I had once heard reported.
1) No, people can do what they want with that 'news'. I'm just explaining why I don't like him.

2) Whether he writes it or not, he doesn't have to speak it. If it was written that he had to say he supported the KKK would that be ok? He didn't write it so it must be! It's about decency and knowing what is tasteful. Paedophilia, in my opinion, isn't something people should joke about or brand someone as, either directly or through insinuation.

3) My world isn't Michael Jackson. However, I treat others the way I would like to be treated and I expect other people, such as O'Brien, to follow the same path. If I was Michael Jackson, I wouldn't appreciate the jokes made by Leno, O'Brien, or any other ignorant person that is using someone else's misery to make themselves look big.

You may find it 'pathetic' that I stand up and address the bullies but I take great pride in defending those who are being victimised. My opinion shall change of Mr O'Brien when he apologises for his misdemeanors, until then he shall remain very low in my estimations.