Jay Leno’s Last The Tonight Show Coming May 2009


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Jul 25, 2011
Jay Leno’s Last The Tonight Show Coming May 2009
July 21, 2008

Jay Leno is leaving his show — but the late night host has nearly a year to pack.

During a Television Critics Association panel in L.A. Monday, Leno announced he would leave The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on May 29, 2009.

His successor, as previously announced, will be Conan O’Brien, whose first night as Tonight Show host will be the following Monday, June 1.

But if Leno’s leaving under less-than-amicable terms, he’s not showing it. The talk show host arrived a the panel sporting a bald cap and fake goatee, posing as a reporter to ask questions of NBC co-chairmen Ben Silverman and Marc Graboff.

Foremost on his mind? “Will [Leno] be paid for the entire year?”

The execs, who seemed to be in on the joke, replied, “yes.” – Brian Orloff and Mark Dagostino

Jay made another joke tonight about MJ's skin but as you read the title of this thread you can rejoice.
Ugh, replacing one idiot for another! This Conan idiot was being equally rude about Michael during his trial.
you guys have to excuse me but I happen to like Leno. I've seen the Tonight Show for some years now and find it quite sad to see him leave soon...
it was sad to see Carson leave ... leno is a tool that merely fit in at the time... he has done nothing to earn any respect from me. He slipped into a number one spot and did not have the staying power to last like his predecessor. Dude earned enough money, he can live without our praise ... the chinster will look way better gone :chichi:
Jay Leno is a nobody. He did nothing that changed that show. He just took over and ran with it. He is not funny, he is a big time hater and he is full of ish. Conan did bash MJ on his show many times. I personally could care less about the Tonight Show. I prefer Letterman. I am very happy that Leno is leavin THANK GOD!
you guys have to excuse me but I happen to like Leno. I've seen the Tonight Show for some years now and find it quite sad to see him leave soon...

You can like Leno no one is saying you can't I have chosen not to like him not for the jokes but for getting on the witness stand and telling a lie.
Ugh, replacing one idiot for another! This Conan idiot was being equally rude about Michael during his trial.

Is that bit of news supposed to make the people who find Conan O' Brien funny change their mind? Chances are he doesn't even write that material. It's rather pathetic that your opinion on Conan O' Brien is seemingly compromised of Michael Jackson jokes, or even if that's not true, it's at least the indication you've given in this post. Sort of a, "No, no you guys! It's not okay for us to like him either!"

I and many others happen to find Conan funny, and about a million times funnier than Leno. It would be ridiculous to throw that entertainment aside because he makes MJ jokes. At least it's not like Katt Williams, who just stood up on stage and gave us his honest, stupid opinion. Conan is all jokes and an equal opportunist. He has no vendetta against Michael Jackson individually that I can see. And while it's misguided and idiotic to malign someone with unproven child molestation charges in the form of jokes broadcast to millions, he has never truly come off as an evil person. Maybe if he flat out states, "I'm pretty sure Michael Jackson is a pedophile," then I'll have found some grievance with him on a personal level, but professionally it would be hard to deny that he's one hell of a host.

Or maybe he HAS come off evil to you, because your world is MJ, and if one MJ joke is made in the course of his program, it's all you can think about for that entire hour. If that's the case, then it sounds like something you should work on.
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I love Conan and can't wait for him to take over. He's actually funny.
CO-SIGN. Seriously, Conan's awesome and I can't wait to see him take over for that annoying, squinty, NOT funny (though usually more than Letterman, sorry to say) Leno.

i always thought letterman was a hell of a lot funnier than leno.

but hey...that which is not creme of the crop drops to the bottom. the end of the leno era is GREAT news!!
Is that bit of news supposed to make the people who find Conan O' Brien funny change their mind? Chances are he doesn't even write that material. It's rather pathetic that your opinion on Conan O' Brien is seemingly compromised of Michael Jackson jokes, or even if that's not true, it's at least the indication you've given in this post. Sort of a, "No, no you guys! It's not okay for us to like him either!"

I and many others happen to find Conan funny, and about a million times funnier than Leno. It would be ridiculous to throw that entertainment aside because he makes MJ jokes. At least it's not like Katt Williams, who just stood up on stage and gave us his honest, stupid opinion. Conan is all jokes and an equal opportunist. He has no vendetta against Michael Jackson individually that I can see. And while it's misguided and idiotic to malign someone with unproven child molestation charges in the form of jokes broadcast to millions, he has never truly come off as an evil person. Maybe if he flat out states, "I'm pretty sure Michael Jackson is a pedophile," then I'll have found some grievance with him on a personal level, but professionally it would be hard to deny that he's one hell of a host.

Or maybe he HAS come off evil to you, because your world is MJ, and if one MJ joke is made in the course of his program, it's all you can think about for that entire hour. If that's the case, then it sounds like something you should work on.

lol..whatever ur opinion is of an MJ fans's fandom, i don't think u have the degree in psychology to suggest what a person should work on. people have a right to defend MJ, personally however they want, as long as they don't kill anybody.
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Conan will be great... Leno is not talented.. He relies on his joke writters too much... He's just pure script.. Anything else is just boring.
lol..whatever ur opinion is of an MJ fans's fandom, i don't think u have the degree in psychology to suggest what a person should work on. people have a right to defend MJ, personally however they want, as long as they don't kill anybody.

Once again vncwilliam talking about people's rights to say and believe things while undermining my right to offer a conflicting viewpoint in response. I don't think you have the authority to suggest when and where I should be arguing people's opinions. Thanks.
who is anyone to say they don't have the 'degree of psychology' a person is capable of?? That is be-littleing someone, telling them they are not able..

I nor you know Grand Masters mental capacity, and could be a genius for all we know...
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Regardless of the comediane I've never understood what's so funny about making jokes about a supposed child molester? plastic surgery fine, other dumb stuff no big deal but joking about the alledged abuse of children I will never understand that ever.
1) Is that bit of news supposed to make the people who find Conan O' Brien funny change their mind? 2) Chances are he doesn't even write that material. It's rather pathetic that your opinion on Conan O' Brien is seemingly compromised of Michael Jackson jokes, or even if that's not true, it's at least the indication you've given in this post. Sort of a, "No, no you guys! It's not okay for us to like him either!"

I and many others happen to find Conan funny, and about a million times funnier than Leno. It would be ridiculous to throw that entertainment aside because he makes MJ jokes. At least it's not like Katt Williams, who just stood up on stage and gave us his honest, stupid opinion. Conan is all jokes and an equal opportunist. He has no vendetta against Michael Jackson individually that I can see. And while it's misguided and idiotic to malign someone with unproven child molestation charges in the form of jokes broadcast to millions, he has never truly come off as an evil person. Maybe if he flat out states, "I'm pretty sure Michael Jackson is a pedophile," then I'll have found some grievance with him on a personal level, but professionally it would be hard to deny that he's one hell of a host.

3) Or maybe he HAS come off evil to you, because your world is MJ, and if one MJ joke is made in the course of his program, it's all you can think about for that entire hour. If that's the case, then it sounds like something you should work on.

1) No, people can do what they want with that 'news'. I'm just explaining why I don't like him.

2) Whether he writes it or not, he doesn't have to speak it. If it was written that he had to say he supported the KKK would that be ok? He didn't write it so it must be! It's about decency and knowing what is tasteful. Paedophilia, in my opinion, isn't something people should joke about or brand someone as, either directly or through insinuation.

3) My world isn't Michael Jackson. However, I treat others the way I would like to be treated and I expect other people, such as O'Brien, to follow the same path. If I was Michael Jackson, I wouldn't appreciate the jokes made by Leno, O'Brien, or any other ignorant person that is using someone else's misery to make themselves look big.

You may find it 'pathetic' that I stand up and address the bullies but I take great pride in defending those who are being victimised. My opinion shall change of Mr O'Brien when he apologises for his misdemeanors, until then he shall remain very low in my estimations.
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Bunch of fanatic drivel...

Good for you. However, you described this as "one idiot replacing another," inferring that he is inadequate to be host. You described said idiocy by pointing to MJ jokes he has made, inferring that making Michael Jackson jokes renders O' Brien inadequate to be the host of the Tonight Show. You wouldn't even so much as address the subject, unless you believe MJ jokes are all that matter, and whatever merit he has as a performer is meaningless. Making you one dimensional, and incapable of thought beyond Michael Jackson. Making me victor.

Either you are off topic, or you truly believe that MJ jokes cancel Conan O' Brien's hosting abilities. Either way, you would be incorrect.
Good for you. However, you described this as "one idiot replacing another," inferring that he is inadequate to be host. You described said idiocy by pointing to MJ jokes he has made, inferring that making Michael Jackson jokes renders O' Brien inadequate to be the host of the Tonight Show. You wouldn't even so much as address the subject, unless you believe MJ jokes are all that matter, and whatever merit he has as a performer is meaningless. Making you one dimensional, and incapable of thought beyond Michael Jackson. Making me victor.

Either you are off topic, or you truly believe that MJ jokes cancel Conan O' Brien's hosting abilities. Either way, you would be incorrect.

I don't understand why you have quoted me as saying 'bunch of fanatic drivel', when I have made no such remark. I never inferred that he was inadequate for the job. Seeing as his soon-to-be predecessor also makes anti-Jackson jokes and the show gains ratings by being disrespectful towards Michael Jackson, Conan O'Brien may well be the best man for the job!

In my opinion, a person who discriminates and mocks other people is an idiot. You may find that sort of behaviour acceptable and deserving of being rewarded with a top TV slot, but I set my standards a little bit higher. Making me victor!
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I completely agree with your posts MJJHistory even if someone occasionally says something that find funny like for example Chris Rock, I can't ignore his pedophilia jokes about Michael. Having known people who have been through molestation on a personal level there is nothing funny or laughable about that.
In my opinion, a person who discriminates and mocks other people is an idiot. You may find that sort of behaviour acceptable and deserving of being rewarded with a top TV slot, but I set my standards a little bit higher.

I already mentioned in my earlier post that I didn't agree with it either, but unlike many others, I am not biased enough to discredit his entire merit as a late night host because of it. The point is, people were discussing how it will be cool when Conan replaces Leno, by virtue of the fact that they found Conan to be a talented and funny comedian host. You come in out of nowhere and state that "one idiot is replacing another" solely because of Michael Jackson. Making you off topic, fanatical, and in need of some broader outlook in life.

Making me victor!

Victor is a man's name, sorry.
I already mentioned in my earlier post that I didn't agree with it either, but unlike many others, I am not biased enough to discredit his entire merit as a late night host because of it. The point is, people were discussing how it will be cool when Conan replaces Leno, by virtue of the fact that they found Conan to be a talented and funny comedian host. You come in out of nowhere and state that "one idiot is replacing another" solely because of Michael Jackson. Making you off topic, fanatical, and in need of some broader outlook in life.

Victor is a man's name, sorry.

If you read my post, you will see that I have not discredited his merit as host of the Tonight Show. I said he was 'the best man for the job'. Others are entitled to say that they find Conan O'Brien funny, just as much as I am entitled to say that the way he behaves on the show is biased and ignorant.

And for your information, I am not a woman, I am a 16 year old male with a thorough understanding of the word 'victor'.
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If you read my post, you will see that I have not discredited his merit as host of the Tonight Show. I said he was 'the best man for the job'.

Obviously in a sarcastic and catty fashion.

Others are entitled to say that they find Conan O'Brien funny, just as much as I am entitled to say that the way he behaves on the show is biased and ignorant.

The main point which I have repeated a few times is that you seem to have a one track mind. It's not the same as saying he's funny or un-funny and basing your thoughts on the switch off that. What I find annoying is fans whose entire opinion on a performer is seemingly compromised by some joke(s) they made about Michael Jackson, without a shred of commentary on their talents or merit in the midst of their opportunity to whine about Michael Jackson some more.

And for your information, I am not a women, I am a 16 year old male with a thorough understanding of the word 'victor'.

I apologize. It's just that you sort of radiated that embittered scorned woman vibe.

No offense, of course.
Obviously in a sarcastic and catty fashion.

The main point which I have repeated a few times is that you seem to have a one track mind. It's not the same as saying he's funny or un-funny and basing your thoughts on the switch off that. What I find annoying is fans whose entire opinion on a performer is seemingly compromised by some joke(s) they made about Michael Jackson, without a shred of commentary on their talents or merit in the midst of their opportunity to whine about Michael Jackson some more.

I apologize. It's just that you sort of radiated that embittered scorned woman vibe.

No offense, of course.

There was no sarcasm, I truly believe that if a grown men wants to insinuate, in a childish fashion, that an innocent person is a pedophile then let them host the Tonight Show. That's their platform.

I just don't think that it is acceptable to allow viewers to be brainwashed, because of ignorant producers and an ignorant host. That is why I don't think people like Leno or O'Brien should be on TV. They spew their false discriminatory beliefs onto mainstream television for the world to be brainwashed.

Forgive me if I am disgusted by that and want to change the channel.
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Forgive me if I am disgusted by that and want to change the channel.

I wish vncwilliam were here to tell you that I don't have to forgive you for anything. Freakin' pro at pointing stuff like that out uselessly.

Anyway, I am done here, since we're basically in a circle and all of it has already been said.
I completely agree with your posts MJJHistory even if someone occasionally says something that find funny like for example Chris Rock, I can't ignore his pedophilia jokes about Michael. Having known people who have been through molestation on a personal level there is nothing funny or laughable about that.

Thank you. Nothing funny about it at all :cheers:

I wish vncwilliam were here to tell you that I don't have to forgive you for anything. Freakin' pro at pointing stuff like that out uselessly.

Anyway, I am done here, since we're basically in a circle and all of it has already been said.

In the UK, we call that 'clamped' :D