janet giving new interview on how's she coping with Michael's passing

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Lord.. I think we know Janet's answers already. she's said the same thing for the past 14 months.. Remember to her life goes on and her brother was a drug addict.. Isn't that her favorite line?

You are all a bit daft aren't you?

This interview is part of a sequence of interviews she did at the same time, in which the topic of Michaels death was very likely and apparent. Its also in relation to her filming her movie (which she is now promoting) after the death of her brother.

Seriously, you'd think being Michael fans you would understand more than anyone how the media works and how it grabs on to the most likely to sell headline.
Thank You.
Whatever Janet has to say about Michael or anything else for that matter is of no consequence to me anymore, she showed us all her "True You'. Can't be bothered in getting agitated over anything she has to say, the veil has now been lifted.
A valid theory but I don't buy it. Mom saw Michael all of the time, Mom talked to Michael saw her grandchildren and was at Michael's house so she knew there was nothing wrong with Michael. They pushing that angle for other reasons financial ones I believe

True and thats important to know and be told over and over. This is what Katherine had to say about Michaels "condition". If it was anyone in the family that saw and spoke to Michael regularly I bet it was Katherine.

"The last time I saw Michael before he passed away was about a week and a half… and I had gone to visit him. The children were there, we talked, we played around and had fun together. And Michael even showed me a movie, cause he had a new instrument there. It was really nice, he just played on the bedroom wall. And that was the last time I can remember seeing my son alive." (Dateline NBC interview)

One year on, with Michael's doctor Conrad Murray facing charges of involuntary manslaughter, Katherine also says she has never accepted that her son died of natural causes. "He was too young for that. I heard from people that he was taking prescription drugs but I never saw my son in any way drugged... even talking to him on the phone, he was always himself".

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Whatever Janet has to say about Michael or anything else for that matter is of no consequence to me anymore, she showed us all her "True You'. Can't be bothered in getting agitated over anything she has to say, the veil has now been lifted.
Whatever Janet has to say about Michael or anything else for that matter is of no consequence to me anymore, she showed us all her "True You'. Can't be bothered in getting agitated over anything she has to say, the veil has now been lifted.

exactly.. she showed her true colors and they aren't pretty.
I am more interested in knowing how MJ's 3 babies are coping.
This thread is just a rehash. There's nothing new here, just another thread dedicated to the downfalls of Janet lately. I think we've discussed this to the very core and this is just encouraging the very thing we are trying to eliminate here in this section. For that reason, I'm closing this. PM me with any problems.
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