janet giving new interview on how's she coping with Michael's passing

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Lord.. I think we know Janet's answers already. she's said the same thing for the past 14 months.. Remember to her life goes on and her brother was a drug addict.. Isn't that her favorite line?
Lord.. I think we know Janet's answers already. she's said the same thing for the past 14 months.. Remember to her life goes on and her brother was a drug addict.. Isn't that her favorite line?

How can she have aline she never said? FYI life does go on "you don't have to hold to the pain to hold on to the memories."
How can she have aline she never said? FYI life does go on "you don't have to hold to the pain to hold on to the memories."

which of those didn't she say? what about you can't lead a horse to water etc?

anyway I don't believe this interview is new.. It's probably a collection of what she's said over the past year. I can't see her giving a new interview to talk about MJ

so now, all her interviews are about how she is coping with MJ's death? Didn't she say months ago life goes on....?

That girl bores me to death...how come no on is asking her about her wardrobe malfunction anymore???
which of those didn't she say? what about you can't lead a horse to water etc?

anyway I don't believe this interview is new.. It's probably a collection of what she's said over the past year. I can't see her giving a new interview to talk about MJ

Hopefully its not a new interview about Michael. She was on the right path when she wasn't answering any questions about him.
Yes i understand how everyone feels at this point about her pass interviews i just wish her the best with everything that she does. But i will say when that question comes up about MJ so called habbit she needs to not even waste anytime to answer that question anymore that's doesn't need to be address because his kids doesn't even need to see or read interviews about what their aunt had to say on that level.
again another interview on how she is copin?, do they plan to spend theirs lives on giving interviews about how they r doing, and how they have moved on? (if thats the case why give interviews and repeat urself over and over again?, when u have moved u have moved on, there aint much gonna change is there?) and downing their deceased junkie relative (according to THEm) ? how abou talking about something else, or isnt there any interest.. hmmm
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I don't think this is legit tbh. Janet is STILL mourning for Michael.

who told you she is still mourning? I thought right after the funeral she had moved on from her junkie brother as she's claimed.. I don't think she's mourning anyone at this point but just trying to get her career back on track.
What she said on the Oprah and Robin's interview is a defamation of medicine.

Janet claimed Michael was a drug addict due to, according to her, being addicted to Propofol. Now: it's IMPOSSIBLE for Michael to have been addicted to it. A person addicted to such a powerful sedative can't even walk, has difficulty even opening the eyes! Yet, there are over 100 hours of taped rehearsals. This, automatically, kills ANY theory on being addicted to Propofol. ANY person with little Medicine knowledge knows this. I'm a Medicine student but even my mother, who has never studied it, knows this! So, if Michael wasn't addicted to Propofol and related anesthetics, which were the only drugs he was taking (due to the fact that he had insomnia and wanted to sleep), he was addicted to what, exactly?

And it's obvious that the only reason the Jacksons think Michael was a drug addict is because he kept a distance from them. He wanted nothing to do with them so, even when they went to see him, he wouldn't even open the door to them. He wanted them AWAY! But the Jacksons, incapable of looking at themselves, saw this as Michael "hiding something" from them. They conjectured his distance was due to something "obscure" and that's when the druggie thoughts first appeared. So, they went to his house to try talking to him but he wouldn't even let them near it! Therefore, they jumped through gates, tried everything to reach him but he wouldn't have it. So, they saw Michael's death as a confirmation of what they suspected/guessed/conjectured and, now, dismiss the times they would try to reach him as interventions. And, of course, Oxman, Joe and Rowe started filling their heads with druggie thoughts. Tito admitted, in his Mirror interview, that the Jacksons never saw Michael doing drugs or under their effect but they think he was a druggie due to the fact that he kept a distance from them and because of what they "were hearing he had a drug habbit" from "some people". So, because of it, they think Michael "did drugs deliberately away from the family" to avoid letting them know about "his darkside": they justify the distance he kept from them by calling him a druggie. That's, along with what they "had been hearing", the only reason the Jacksons think Michael was a junkie.

That is why you can't believe ONE word of what Janet told Robin or whatever the woman's name was.

"They all loved him. They reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllyyyy triiiiiiiiiiiiiied."- There's no evidence that the likes of Randy and Joe loved Michael. Tried what? Ridiculous.
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What she said on the Oprah and Robin's interview is a defamation of medicine.

Janet claimed Michael was a drug addict due to, according to her, being addicted to Propofol. Now: it's IMPOSSIBLE for Michael to have been addicted to it. A person addicted to such a powerful sedative can't even walk, has difficulty even opening the eyes! Yet, there are over 100 hours of taped rehearsals. This, automatically, kills ANY theory on being addicted to Propofol. ANY person with little Medicine knowledge knows this. I'm a Medicine student but even my mother, who has never studied it, knows this! So, if Michael wasn't addicted to Propofol and related anesthetics, which were the only drugs he was taking (due to the fact that he had insomnia and wanted to sleep), he was addicted to what, exactly?

And it's obvious that the only reason the Jacksons think Michael was a drug addict is because he kept a distance from them. He wanted nothing to do with them so, even when they went to see him, he wouldn't even open the door to them. He wanted them AWAY! But the Jacksons, incapable of looking at themselves, saw this as Michael "hiding something" from them. They conjectured his distance was due to something "obscure" and that's when the druggie thoughts first appeared. So, they went to his house to try talking to him but he wouldn't even let them near it! Therefore, they jumped through gates, tried everything to reach him but he wouldn't have it. So, they saw Michael's death as a confirmation of what they suspected/guessed/conjectured and, now, dismiss the times they would try to reach him as interventions. And, of course, Oxman, Joe and Rowe started filling their heads with druggie thoughts. Tito admitted, in his Mirror interview, that the Jacksons never saw Michael doing drugs or under their effect but they think he was a druggie due to the fact that he kept a distance from them and because of what they "were hearing he had a drug habbit" from "some people". So, because of it, they think Michael "did drugs deliberately away from the family" to avoid letting them know about "his darkside": they justify the distance he kept from them by calling him a druggie. That's, along with what they "had been hearing", the only reason the Jacksons think Michael was a junkie.

That is why you can't believe ONE word of what Janet told Robin or whatever the woman's name was.

"They all loved him. They reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllyyyy triiiiiiiiiiiiiied."- There's no evidence that the likes of Randy and Joe loved Michael. Tried what? Ridiculous.

A valid theory but I don't buy it. Mom saw Michael all of the time, Mom talked to Michael saw her grandchildren and was at Michael's house so she knew there was nothing wrong with Michael. They pushing that angle for other reasons financial ones I believe
exactly.. Janet said herself she hadn't seen MJ in years and she finds out about him from her mother.. Katherine had seen MJ a week before he was killed. She obviously wasn't worried. Did the siblings talk to their mother?

I've just lost all respect for Janet. She has really shown her true colors since MJ's death. A man has been charged with her brother's death, yet she and her siblings don't blame him.

I would be up in arms that a medical professional played russian roulette with my brother's life. I definitely would not be blaming my brother
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A valid theory but I don't buy it. Mom saw Michael all of the time, Mom talked to Michael saw her grandchildren and was at Michael's house so she knew there was nothing wrong with Michael. They pushing that angle for other reasons financial ones I believe

Well, It's slightly obvious that the family is pushing for the drug addict angle also to save face in many topics and also to sue AEG and get MILLIONS AND MILLIONS.
Well, It's slightly obvious that the family is pushing for the drug addict angle also to save face in many topics and also to sue AEG and get MILLIONS AND MILLIONS.

I agree.. They don't care what they do to MJ's legacy in the process of trying to get paid.. Like I've stated several times over the entire family saw MJ in May 2009. Mike was there with his kids. If the family thought he was in danger/trouble why didn't they save him then?
I agree.. They don't care what they do to MJ's legacy in the process of trying to get paid.. Like I've stated several times over the entire family saw MJ in May 2009. Mike was there with his kids. If the family thought he was in danger/trouble why didn't they save him then?


If he was so "weak and frenzy", so "frail and drug addled", so afraid and scared of "them" and so "in denial", why didn't the family do anything during the meeting? Why did they hound and hunt him to tour with them? Why were they suing him?

If Michael refused to see his family because he was an addict and if he was being controlled by "higher forces"...why did he accepted to go to the meeting, in the first place? Why did the "higher forces", who so viciously controlled him, allowed Michael to see his savior like family that day?

I'll answer: all the family is saying is BS. BULLSHIT! This entire Michael was a "weak, frail, unhealthy and addicted" argument was invented by Rowe and Joe the moment they realized they would not be in AEG's payroll. The rumors about him being "weak, frail, unhealthy and addicted" started popping up the day after Joe and Rowe realized they would NOT be making money directly off of AEG and TII.

The moment Michael announced the TII tour, the family smelled money. Joe and Rowe salivated for it and were, from day one, in cahoots to make money off of AEG. First, they tried to be in AEG's payroll. The two tried to worm their way into the shows. That was their first strategy to make money. This didn't work out so, the day after they realized it the two came up with yet another strategy to make money off of AEG and the shows: sue AEG. So, they invented the whole "Michael is weak, unhealthy, drugged and blah blah blah" hoping something bad would happen so they could create a lawsuit against AEG in order to get a payday. Then Michael, out of pure coincidence, dies and they put the second strategy in practice.

I hate to say this: Michael's family were FROM DAY ONE his biggest enemies. We love pointing the fingers at the media, at vulture journalists but we forget his biggest enemies; his own family members. But I won't continue to talk abut this: Williamorange, ML2009, Lol007, Snowhite, Shimar, Oceangirl and many more have been banned due to knowing Michael's family too well. I know a user who got banned for calling Joe "a leech". Hell, if Joe isn't a leech, who is? If that man isn't an outright monster, who is? But here is the family destroying Michael's legacy and, if anyone dares to point the finger at them, gets banned. Let's all pretend Joe was just "old school", OK? Let's all be in denial like Michael's own family members in regards to...themselves.

If he was so "weak and frenzy", so "frail and drug addled", so afraid and scared of "them" and so "in denial", why didn't the family do anything during the meeting? Why did they hound and hunt him to tour with them? Why were they suing him?

If Michael refused to see his family because he was an addict and if he was being controlled by "higher forces"...why did he accepted to go to the meeting, in the first place? Why did the "higher forces", who so viciously controlled him, allowed Michael to see his savior like family that day?

I'll answer: all the family is saying is BS. BULLSHIT! This entire Michael was a "weak, frail, unhealthy and addicted" argument was invented by Rowe and Joe the moment they realized they would not be in AEG's payroll. The rumors about him being "weak, frail, unhealthy and addicted" started popping up the day after Joe and Rowe realized they would NOT be making money directly off of AEG and TII.

The moment Michael announced the TII tour, the family smelled money. Joe and Rowe salivated for it and were, from day one, in cahoots to make money off of AEG. First, they tried to be in AEG's payroll. The two tried to worm their way into the shows. That was their first strategy to make money. This didn't work out so, the day after they realized it the two came up with yet another strategy to make money off of AEG and the shows: sue AEG. So, they invented the whole "Michael is weak, unhealthy, drugged and blah blah blah" hoping something bad would happen so they could create a lawsuit against AEG in order to get a payday. Then Michael, out of pure coincidence, dies and they put the second strategy in practice.

I hate to say this: Michael's family were FROM DAY ONE his biggest enemies. We love pointing the fingers at the media, at vulture journalists but we forget his biggest enemies; his own family members. But I won't continue to talk abut this: Williamorange, ML2009, Lol007, Snowhite, Shimar, Oceangirl and many more have been banned due to knowing Michael's family too well. I know a user who got banned for calling Joe "a leech". Hell, if Joe isn't a leech, who is? If that man isn't an outright monster, who is? But here is the family destroying Michael's legacy and, if anyone dares to point the finger at them, gets banned. Let's all pretend Joe was just "old school", OK? Let's all be in denial like Michael's own family members in regards to...themselves.
:clapping:Well said. I agree with you. :clapping:
pride is a UK magaize, in may she gave a bunch of interviews over in the UK ROMOTING Why did I get married too, and alot of them are just not getting pubilshed because the movie is just now coming out over there, so technically it's not a "new" interview.
and yeah as repeative as is it the press is going to ask how you are doing, heck I am not even famous but when my grandmother passed people kept asking me over and over again how was I doing, I know people do it I guess to be courteous , but I don't think people realize how annoying it can be, espically when your trying to get your life back to normacy. yes Janet said she moved on, and like she said that doesn't mean , she forgets about Michael or doesn't think about him, but it's just about trying to get your life back to noraml and I think most people go throught that.
well since it's from the UK, more than likely its' old interviews from when she was promoting that movie.. same ol' same ol'..
i have a feeling that new fans are going to keep coming in and, unaware of what controversy this subject brings in threads, they're going to post it, and bam...more closed threads. something may have to be done about it..

If he was so "weak and frenzy", so "frail and drug addled", so afraid and scared of "them" and so "in denial", why didn't the family do anything during the meeting? Why did they hound and hunt him to tour with them? Why were they suing him?

If Michael refused to see his family because he was an addict and if he was being controlled by "higher forces"...why did he accepted to go to the meeting, in the first place? Why did the "higher forces", who so viciously controlled him, allowed Michael to see his savior like family that day?

I'll answer: all the family is saying is BS. BULLSHIT! This entire Michael was a "weak, frail, unhealthy and addicted" argument was invented by Rowe and Joe the moment they realized they would not be in AEG's payroll. The rumors about him being "weak, frail, unhealthy and addicted" started popping up the day after Joe and Rowe realized they would NOT be making money directly off of AEG and TII.

The moment Michael announced the TII tour, the family smelled money. Joe and Rowe salivated for it and were, from day one, in cahoots to make money off of AEG. First, they tried to be in AEG's payroll. The two tried to worm their way into the shows. That was their first strategy to make money. This didn't work out so, the day after they realized it the two came up with yet another strategy to make money off of AEG and the shows: sue AEG. So, they invented the whole "Michael is weak, unhealthy, drugged and blah blah blah" hoping something bad would happen so they could create a lawsuit against AEG in order to get a payday. Then Michael, out of pure coincidence, dies and they put the second strategy in practice.

I hate to say this: Michael's family were FROM DAY ONE his biggest enemies. We love pointing the fingers at the media, at vulture journalists but we forget his biggest enemies; his own family members. But I won't continue to talk abut this: Williamorange, ML2009, Lol007, Snowhite, Shimar, Oceangirl and many more have been banned due to knowing Michael's family too well. I know a user who got banned for calling Joe "a leech". Hell, if Joe isn't a leech, who is? If that man isn't an outright monster, who is? But here is the family destroying Michael's legacy and, if anyone dares to point the finger at them, gets banned. Let's all pretend Joe was just "old school", OK? Let's all be in denial like Michael's own family members in regards to...themselves.

biggest enemies?? i think thats a little bit too strong of a label. yes people in his family have done/said some questionable things but you never once hear michael spewing hateful things about his own family. michael like alot of us had issues with his family, but he LOVED his family. of course they had arguments and didnt talk as much as they used to, but that happens in alot of families. im sure his fame/constant traveling and everyones busy schedules got in the way of everyone seeing eachother on a regular basis but that doesnt mean they didnt know what was going on. we all love michael and hate to see his name tarnished. but soiling the name of his family doesnt help. thats not what he was about when he was here, personally i dont think he'd like that his fans are blaming his family :(
i have a feeling that new fans are going to keep coming in and, unaware of what controversy this subject brings in threads, they're going to post it, and bam...more closed threads. something may have to be done about it..

In case you're referring to me, I must tell you that I'm not a new fan and it's not the first time I'm in this forum.

What controversy? The fact that some fans are telling the truth about the family? What exactly should be done? Shut those fans up by banning them? Close threads to avoid having fans attacking the family?

Don't you there is a reason as to why those fans react the way they do? Don't you think that it's the family's actions that cause this backlash? Don't you think that fans only react this way because the Jacksons give us ammunition to do so? If they had other behaviors we wouldn't be doing this.
I want to quote the rules about this section as a reminder to all members - please especially pay attention to the bolded parts in this case.

  • Disrespecting Michael as a way to 'big up' or defend other family members. This happens, whether subtly, or quite overtly and it will NOT be tolerated. This is a MICHAEL JACKSON board, and he will remain the number 1 priority here. There are other places on the web where you can do this, but not here please.
  • Over the top name calling of Jackson family members. We understand there are a lot of issues with the Jackson family, concerning their actions. We are not saying you cannot criticise and question this, but please do it in a way that doesn't resort to excessive and nasty name calling. In other words, tone it down.
  • Constant derailing of threads about certain family members. If a thread is about say, Janet on a magazine cover, please keep it to that topic. There is no need to take that thread back to what Janet said/did who knows when. If we don't enforce this, the board becomes a free for all and if not for anything other than organisational purposes, a nightmare.
  • Drug addict claims about Michael Jackson in the final stages are not welcome here, or in any other part of MJJC. The autopsy report refutes this, there is NO proof that this is the case, so please do not bring that false information here claiming it to be true.

I hate to say this: Michael's family were FROM DAY ONE his biggest enemies. We love pointing the fingers at the media, at vulture journalists but we forget his biggest enemies; his own family members. But I won't continue to talk abut this: Williamorange, ML2009, Lol007, Snowhite, Shimar, Oceangirl and many more have been banned due to knowing Michael's family too well. I know a user who got banned for calling Joe "a leech". Hell, if Joe isn't a leech, who is? If that man isn't an outright monster, who is? But here is the family destroying Michael's legacy and, if anyone dares to point the finger at them, gets banned. Let's all pretend Joe was just "old school", OK? Let's all be in denial like Michael's own family members in regards to...themselves.

You can Joe a leech whatever... Janet said this and that, well I leave it for her but there are other member of the family? Why it is OK to call family leaches destroying MJ legacy?
Family did absolutely nothing to destroy MJ legacy! I do not think it is proper statement. Who are these ppl who were not leaches around Michael? Branca and McClain or maybe Frank? Give me a break! I have my own point of view on this situation.
You can Joe a leech whatever... Janet said this and that, well I leave it for her but there are other member of the family? Why it is OK to call family leaches destroying MJ legacy?
Family did absolutely nothing to destroy MJ legacy! I do not think it is proper statement. Who are these ppl who were not leaches around Michael? Branca and McClain or maybe Frank? Give me a break! I have my own point of view on this situation.


Step out of Never Neverland... or buy a clue.
You are all a bit daft aren't you?

This interview is part of a sequence of interviews she did at the same time, in which the topic of Michaels death was very likely and apparent. Its also in relation to her filming her movie (which she is now promoting) after the death of her brother.

Seriously, you'd think being Michael fans you would understand more than anyone how the media works and how it grabs on to the most likely to sell headline.
biggest enemies?? i think thats a little bit too strong of a label. yes people in his family have done/said some questionable things but you never once hear michael spewing hateful things about his own family. michael like alot of us had issues with his family, but he LOVED his family. of course they had arguments and didnt talk as much as they used to, but that happens in alot of families. im sure his fame/constant traveling and everyones busy schedules got in the way of everyone seeing eachother on a regular basis but that doesnt mean they didnt know what was going on. we all love michael and hate to see his name tarnished. but soiling the name of his family doesnt help. thats not what he was about when he was here, personally i dont think he'd like that his fans are blaming his family :(
Its obvious they didn't know what was going on with him, but they are hardly his biggest enemies.
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