Jade Goody talks about MJ in "New" magazine

what im saying is that so many hatedher. now she's sick so let's all pitty her. i understand she's ill and it's a horrible way to go out but faux sympathy and compassion is worse than saying nothing at all.

especially when a lot of americans dont even know who she is.
what im saying is that so many hatedher. now she's sick so let's all pitty her. i understand she's ill and it's a horrible way to go out but faux sympathy and compassion is worse than saying nothing at all.

especially when a lot of americans dont even know who she is.

I can totally understand what you mean my friend, but Im British, Ive seen the coverage and stuff and it breaks my heart to see her two little boys being left without their mum, no matter what she has done or said, it means nothing when something like that happens. I think Jade found a new found perspective in her life when she found out about her illness, my only issue is that it seems to be too little too late, but she will be judged by a higher source, dont see why we should just because she made some ignorant comments bout Michael in the past, I honestly cant remember hearing anything, was it bad?
so if it were anyone else, if it were diane dimond or sneddon or someone u guys detest? i've seen u guys slag off on others (who talk about mj) for far less than what jade said and did. so i find it a bit comical that compassion is brimming.

yes she is very sick and yes she's dying but if mj didn't call her, most of u wouldn't know about her. take a look via google at her headlines two yrs ago and how hated she was. it's not just the media that's a hypocrite.

im not being heartless, i just don't like faux compassion. and as a matter of fact, some key people related to the mj drama have either passed or gotten sick and i recall a lot of fans being very celebratory...so like i said, it's not just th emedia being hypocrites

That hurts my heart that you cant grasp this :( please take a moment

Do You think Michael is setting a bad example for the fans by being
compassionate toward her _maybe fans are trying to follow his example
and realise they shouldnt judge her _ That doesnt make them hypocrits
It means some may have had a change of heart for a fellow human being.
Do you think it is Faux compassion on MJ's part ? Do you unterstand he really
does feel true compassion for Jade _ and do you know WHY

Becuase she is human and makes mistakes like we all do _
Because Michael understands this and holds no animosity toward her.
She didnt hurt him _ I m sure you have said worse things than Jade in your life _ Hmmmm :) ... like maybe RIGHT now _ people could take what you are saying as
heartless and lacking Human compassion_ So Would you like people to hold that against
you when you are dying of a Terminal disease _ Im just trying to put this in perspective
for you so you can put yourself in her place (shoes)

Jade is not a monster _ she is a human being she is a mother of 2 children _
she is not a devil and she is not an angel _ Just like you _ we shouldnt judge
she is not even to be compared to Tom Sneddon or Diane Dimond or Bashir_
She did nothing to hurt Michael _ she asked some silly questions becuase she
didnt know or understand the facts like most of the general public _ all she knew
about Mike was what she was fed by the media. She made some mistakes but
she is not an evil person .. anymore than YOU are. Please understand this :better:

I do have to add and agree that there are hypocrits who just
say what ever to go with the flow _ but I was never comfortable
myself with any HATING or celebrating over a fellow humans suffering
sickness or death .. Hate is NEVER a GOOD thing _ I hope fans
will realise this and follow Michael's example of forgivness and compassion
when it is needed _ We can learn so much from him

I love him so much for who he is and what he stands for in this world
beyond his awesome Talent _ he has a godly heart _ He inspired me
to be a better person _ and I think he inspires other fans the same way
It is GOOD thing to be forgiving and have compassion for one another
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so if it were anyone else, if it were diane dimond or sneddon or someone u guys detest? i've seen u guys slag off on others (who talk about mj) for far less than what jade said and did. so i find it a bit comical that compassion is brimming.

yes she is very sick and yes she's dying but if mj didn't call her, most of u wouldn't know about her. take a look via google at her headlines two yrs ago and how hated she was. it's not just the media that's a hypocrite.

im not being heartless, i just don't like faux compassion. and as a matter of fact, some key people related to the mj drama have either passed or gotten sick and i recall a lot of fans being very celebratory...so like i said, it's not just th emedia being hypocrites

I agree. I haven't seen anyone in this thread say that they are glad she's dying or has cancer. I think that everyone knows how horrible of a disease it is, and most of us have known someone who had it and possibly even died because of it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone at all, even if I don't like them. That is horrible. I have compassion for her and for her family. However, I do agree that it is stupid for the media to all of a sudden change what they say about her and start praising someone just BECAUSE of it. Is it her fault? No, it's not. People are blaming the ones who are doing it. It's something I wouldn't even want. If people had treated my friends and family badly and hurt them, then one of them got cancer, and the same people decided to change their tune, I wouldn't even want them to. Screw them.
As for her, I've never even heard of her or anything about her. I'm sorry to hear that she's got cancer, and that's very sad. I think Michael was the usual compassionate and kind person he always is.
Tbh, Jermaine was the one who couldn't even remember the name of the skin order that Michael has! It was Jade who was able to recall it (iirc :p) why is everyone being so mean about her? :puppeyes: The poor woman's only 29 and has 2 children!! Atleast she showed some interest in michael and wasn't like shilpa who thought that Blanket was Lisa Preley's child :doh:

And also.. Lmao at the beef between SosoDeaf and Big DB :laugh::angel:
LMAO! :devil: yea lets take this outside soso!


Lolz, I was only joking but now that you've mentioned taking it outside, maybe you should :) That would be a laugh; 2 mjjc mods battling it out over Jade Goody. Oh what a winner.
It's not about fake sympathy, it's about a recognition of how serious cancer is and how it causes whoever has it to suffer. I wouldn't wish it on anybody and I see nothing wrong with taking a moment to reflect on how horrific it is, even for somebody less then perfect. She deserves at least some understanding for what she's going through, even if she's been a bitch. And last time I checked, she never actually did anything to actually hurt anybody. If I hear about somebody suffering from something like this, I feel bad for them, even if I've never heard of or seen them before. I never wish death on anybody, even the worse people, and I never celebrate anyones death. I may be indifferent towards certain people who have passed away, but I never celebrate or find pleasure in their dying.
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Lolz, I was only joking but now that you've mentioned taking it outside, maybe you should :) That would be a laugh; 2 mjjc mods battling it out over Jade Goody. Oh what a winner.

dont be so sure, it would be a laugh seeing me get my ass handed to me by soso deaf! :yes: lol
It's not about fake sympathy, it's about a recognition of how serious cancer is and how it causes whoever has it to suffer. I wouldn't wish it on anybody and I see nothing wrong with taking a moment to reflect on how horrific it is, even for somebody less then perfect. She deserves at least some understanding for what she's going through, even if she's been a bitch. And last time I checked, she never actually did anything to actually hurt anybody. If I hear about somebody suffering from something like this, I feel bad for them, even if I've never heard of or seen them before. I never wish death on anybody, even the worse people, and I never celebrate anyones death. I may be indifferent towards certain people who have passed away, but I never celebrate or find pleasure in their dying.

i agree. having lost my father to it, i hear you loud and clear.
my uncle JUST died of cancer in january so i know how horrible this disease is. what im saying is that the concern from the media is fake and so is that of a lot of 'mourners' cuz she was the person they lovedto hate. now they love her cuz she's ill...

its fake, it's not real. it's all a game to the media and like os many, the media tells us who to like and who to hate. it happens all the time. love timberlake, hate janet, love madge, hate madge, lol it's easy to be manipulated, even unknowingly, by the media.

jade goody was public enemy number one in the razzies...now she's the hero. that's all that im saying.

and me and dom already fought behind the cafeteria and no one won. we knocked each other out! lol

and qbee u r taking everything im saying out of context. im also saying it's highly funny to read how so many HERE have compassion b/c, like i said before, there have been people in mj's life who've suffered and so many fans have celebrated that. so it's funny that now there's compassion....like maybe, i dunno, a newscaster who did a documentary who know has a brain tumor. that thread had to be cleaned then closed b/c so many were happy.....just odd cuz mj reached out to her that it's sad. he prolly didn't even know what she said. it's just that it's big news there that he called
I'm not a "grief groupie" I really do feel sorry for her as I experienced terminal cancer first hand, and not everybody can be brainwashed by the media some people do have a mind of their own. Michael chose to call her and I appreciate his gesture
Coming from the media, it's fake, but coming from some people here, it's not. I'm not being told to feel sorry for her. I just do. Vince and Snowwhite know what I'm saying, because they've seen this up close.
qbee u r taking everything im saying out of context. im also saying it's highly funny to read how so many HERE have compassion b/c, like i said before, there have been people in mj's life who've suffered and so many fans have celebrated that. so it's funny that now there's compassion....like maybe, i dunno, a newscaster who did a documentary who know has a brain tumor. that thread had to be cleaned then closed b/c so many were happy.....just odd cuz mj reached out to her that it's sad. he prolly didn't even know what she said. it's just that it's big news there that he called

Yes I understand better what you were trying to say :)
I agree that there were some celebrating over MB's
brain tumour and others who have fallen to misfortune
but Im just saying it shouldnt be condoned plus you are
right we shouldnt follow the medias lead in how we should feel
but use our own minds. I think many feel guilty for hatin when
things like this happen so they try and comensate with faux compassion.
If they had forgivness and compassion to begin with they wouldnt have to
look like hypocrits when they change there tune

Thank for replying so graciously :)
haha and then i tied dom's shoelaces together!

nic i get it but honestly, the grief from many, maybe not u, but many is fake. and qbee i don't think anyone would feel guilty hating on her just b/c she got sick b/c if she wasn't sick right now, the tabby's would be slagging on her for saying or doing something else controversial.

that's what she was and is. a controversial reality 'star' and now she's trying to make as much money for her sons before she passes BUT she's exploiting the media now for a diff reason. she knows the game, they hate u, they love u,but either way ur still getting press.

but let us all remember how we reacted to people who've treated the man this board is about...and when tehy've fallen on misfortune like tim russert, orth's husband. or bashiir or jack gordon and ernie rizzo....compassion and empathy is a blanket emotion. if being sick grants u a pass then people who commentednegatively on the passings or the illnesses of those i just mentioned, didn't get the memo.
Well yeah, you're right about it being fake on the part of the media and even some fans. I'm sympathetic towards her condition and since she's never maliciously hurt anybody that I know of, I've got no reason to judge her. I just see a woman whoes very ill and I feel for her. She's said some sweet things about Michael, which is nice, but it's not why I feel for her. Like I've said, I've never wished ill on anyone in any extreme form, not even Michael's worst enemys, like Bashir or Dimond or whoever. If something bad happens to them, I feel indifferent because they're bad people. I still don't want them to die. Jade doesn't appeare to me to be a bad person. So I feel bad for her.
That is such a 'Michael' thing to do. Take time out to do something for someone he doesn't even know, to make them feel happy in hard times. Seriously, this man amazes me, he inspires me to be a better person. I don't care what people have had to say in this thread, I'm just focussing on Michael and how thoughtful he is.

RIP Jade. :(