Jade Goody talks about MJ in "New" magazine


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
Jade on her final days with family

1 hour ago

Jade Goody has said she hopes she has left people with lots of laughs to remember her by.
The terminally ill star also apologised if she made people cry over her wedding, which was screened on Living last week.
Jade told New! magazine: "Sorry if it made you cry! I absolutely loved making every single one of my TV shows and I hope I've given you lots of laughs to remember me by."
Speaking about her message from Michael Jackson and other goodwill gestures, Jade said: "Can you believe I got a message from Michael Jackson? The king of pop! I've always been a massive fan. I love him.
"He got his people to call the hospital because he wanted to speak to me and wish me well.
"But I was asleep! What am I like? So he recorded a little answerphone message and Jack (husband Jack Tweed) played it to me.
"He said: 'Hi Jade, I'm thinking of you and hoping everything goes as well as it can. I want you to come and see me when I'm over. My brother keeps asking me about you.'
"I still can't get over it. I should have tried to blag a ticket for his tour!
"I've also had a gorgeous bunch of flowers from Amy Winehouse and another from Robbie Williams. It's so sweet of all these people to take the time to show they're thinking of me."
:: Read the full story in this week's New! magazine out today (Tuesday).


But poor Jade... :(
Wow, Michael's so sweet. :wub: Poor Jade though. I am glad people are showing her support- cervical cancer is a horrible thing :(
I feel sorry for Jade and her kids. Particularly her kids.
BUT she has, through her own ignorance, poor upbringing and nature been a horrible person since she’s been on TV. I don’t think it’s right that all of a sudden people (and the media) are changing the way they think of her because of what she is going through now, and I hope they don’t turn her into some kind of saint. To do that would just undermine all the tragic deaths of truly good people in this world.
Corr isn't Michael sweet for doing that :love:

I so wish if Jade had the chance for her to go to the concert!!
the girl is dying does it matter if she's a real fan or not?
Jade has not behaved well on reality shows, and I have never been a fan, but that doesn't stop me for feeling terribly sorry for her and her loved ones. I have shed more than one tear for her, and she has been incredibly brave in the way she has handled her illness, at least in public. God knows what despair she has been through when the cameras are off.

I am glad Michael was thoughtful enough to call her, he didn't have to and it is typical of his compassionate nature.
poor jade, I hope her final days with her family are peaceful and she is in no pain, the courage she has shown thus far is amazing! she is an inspiration.
well she asked some pretty rude questions about michael on celebrity big brother...

but other than that she is now a very sick woman who deserves to have a happy few last days...

so i wish she makes it until the concerts to get a glimpse of the show :)

i wish her all the best!
yeah slagged him off enough times and when she was in the original BB didnt even know he was an american
she isnt really anyone. years ago she was on the uk version of big brother and became famouse because of how stupid and ignorant she was. when jermaine went in the celebrity version she was placed in the house aswell with other family members aswell. she then caused a storm being making racist comments to shilpa shetty who won the show. since then she has being doing pr campaigns to take away the bad publicty. then she was diagnosed with cancer and thanks to her famous P.R manager max clifford its being all over the press ever since. bascially a countdown to her death which is incredibly tacky and OTT
back what does matter is how against her the media was until she revealed she had terminal cancer. now she's a hero in their eyes while not retracking what she said. so it's quite a turn of events. those who hated her now love her only b/c she's sick and not b/c of anything else.
he cares so much about people with illness.........such a good guy fair play. they (the press) just dont focus on his charity side enough. top man mike
it's all media's fault for her being a "hero" all of a sudden they always exagerate things but with most people it's just about compassion - a basic human quality which not everybody possesses
yeah slagged him off enough times and when she was in the original BB didnt even know he was an american

I dont remember that. When talking to Jermaine about him in CBB she seemed quite understanding of Michael.
guys, the coverage may have been over the top but at the end of the day, she is dying and every penny she makes is for her children, she is mustering up the strength for photoshoots, a wedding, christening all for her children, i cant judge her for that and I dont think Jade has ever hated Michael, it was just ignorance.
Whatever. Look how mny people are dying from cancer, 2 years ago, the world hated this woman and all of a sudden she gets cancer and everyone loves her. Bull shit. Shes already made a shit load of money for her kids, and chances her husbands gonna get a piece of that cake while the kids Dad has to look after them (even though he'll still have the money she mad too). If anything her money should be going to cancer research or something. I don't see how no one finds it weird to be following someones death. I know shes a reality TV star and I use the term star loosely but this is beyond ridiculous. I dread to see what happens when she actually does die.

That is all.
^ cynical much?

her husband isnt getting anything, its all been put into a trust fund for her children, their education is being paid for, as well as their 18th and 21st parties. I respect her for doing that when she barely has the energy to get out of bed. Whether its fair she is getting all this treatment when thousands are dying too and she isnt special...its irrelevant! if they had the opportunity to do it for their families, no doubt they would. Jade is capatialising on her fame to make her children money, dont see anything wrong with that.
It's just classless and ignorant to critisize someone who's dying of cancer. If you want to critisize that her illness is being publisized and made in to a circus, blame soceity and it's tool the media. That's who's at fault. So alright if Jade Goody was rotten in a lot of ways, she's suffering from something now that, it's obvious from some of the replys in this thread, very few here have an understanding of. Unless you've witnessed what she's got up close, you have no idea how horrible it actually is. She can't help if the media is latching on to her now and milking her illness, but to critsize her on this point and during this time is wrong. She's dying. A lot of people clearly don't know what that looks like, what that is like. Show a little more class maybe and maybe a little intelligence by not commenting on things you can't possibly understand.
It's just classless and ignorant to critisize someone who's dying of cancer. If you want to critisize that her illness is being publisized and made in to a circus, blame soceity and it's tool the media. That's who's at fault. So alright if Jade Goody was rotten in a lot of ways, she's suffering from something now that, it's obvious from some of the replys in this thread, very few here have an understanding of. Unless you've witnessed what she's got up close, you have no idea how horrible it actually is. She can't help if the media is latching on to her now and milking her illness, but to critsize her on this point and during this time is wrong. She's dying. A lot of people clearly don't know what that looks like, what that is like. Show a little more class maybe and maybe a little intelligence by not commenting on things you can't possibly understand.

Exactly, the negative and judgemental stance of some comments on this thread completley lack class and basic human sympathy...
ppl should really think about what they say before they say it...
That is just wrong
so if it were anyone else, if it were diane dimond or sneddon or someone u guys detest? i've seen u guys slag off on others (who talk about mj) for far less than what jade said and did. so i find it a bit comical that compassion is brimming.

yes she is very sick and yes she's dying but if mj didn't call her, most of u wouldn't know about her. take a look via google at her headlines two yrs ago and how hated she was. it's not just the media that's a hypocrite.

im not being heartless, i just don't like faux compassion. and as a matter of fact, some key people related to the mj drama have either passed or gotten sick and i recall a lot of fans being very celebratory...so like i said, it's not just th emedia being hypocrites
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what does this have to do with Michael? what did she say?

as far as I was concerned, Michael called her showing he harbours no ill will and she got on with his brother in Big Brother too, I dont get it.

I was referring to having compassion for the children who are about to lose their mum. I wouldnt wish that on anyone, even people who have done wrong to Michael, i think using Michael as a measuring stick for your human decency is OTT imo, especially when we are talking about someone is ignorant, not malicious like Sneddon or Dimond. not directing this at you just to clarify ;)
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