I think abuse depends on the child. For one child spanking may be considered torture, for another it is no big deal. We were spanked all the time growing (It was 6 of us and we were very active). We would get spankings til we had welts on our arms and legs. I don't think it was abuse. However, it didn't always work. So my mother would start taking things away, like the TV or our art supplies and books.
Now having to sit in a room while you hear your bros and sisters really enjoying something on TV is terrible. That is abuse to me. Just a different kind. For someone as sensitive, though, as Michael seemed to be, the whippings probably scarred him in a way it would not have to the other familiy members.
So the abuse may not be the whippings, but not knowing your children enough to know how to discipline them to the proper degree and not knowing how to temper the beatings with affection. For MJ, a stern talking to would probably have been enough.
Regardless, I will watch at least the first episode.