Jackson with new single before first concert

I hate to throw shit into your pudding, but I don't think there wil be an album or single. We would've heard about it by now, so close to the 02 shows. I heard somewhere else that it was confirmed that there will not be a new album. So which is the truth?

Who has stated there will be no album?
MJ and Randy have both said there will be new material
I hate to throw shit into your pudding, but I don't think there wil be an album or single. We would've heard about it by now, so close to the 02 shows. I heard somewhere else that it was confirmed that there will not be a new album. So which is the truth?

As far as I know no-one who is in the loop has said that Michael will not be releasing a new album. It's obvious MJ has been recording new music because Michael has said so himself and we've had various other people who have worked on songs with him or have submitted them for consideration. There might be a new single before the concerts, there might not we are just going on what was told by Randy Philips. Plus it isn't too late for a single, its 2 months until the concerts begin so it could be possible for the single to be released to the radio sometime this month or perhaps next month. What I found interesting is Randy saying MJ is looking for a way to disseminate the song to his fans and Will I Am spoke about MJ discussing with him releasing music in a new way or form/avenue so it could be that MJ releases his song in a way that we haven't seen him do before.
I hate to throw shit into your pudding
thats a new one lol

I heard somewhere else that it was confirmed that there will not be a new album. So which is the truth?
philips said in interview with a german paper that there would be no new album. but possibly a digital single release

i hope im wrong but it seems it as all about the tour and how much money can be made. theres no money for AEG from album sales etc so they arent intrested and mj has enough on his hands now. i just hope mj does release new things and it doesnt end with vince. as i dont want him to become no better then the rollingstones etc who just tour off past glories like all the old acts and make moeny that way. mj needs to be relevent today and that means releasing new material and having hits with it. not singing 25 year old songs for the next 3 years.
You people who are saying Michael wont release new music before the concerts are probably the same people who said Michael wont be performing at the 02 this year ;)

No reason at all why there wont be a new song
It is possible that a new single could be released before the concerts so don't rule it out entirely. A lot of people didn't think the O2 concerts would happen then out of nowhere we had Christian Audigier saying MJ was going to London for a conference and then BAM! the following week he was there announcing the concerts, it all happened so quickly and it was so unexpected. This is the same way a new single could happen.
I think it's more than likely there will be new music coming from Michael this year. It makes no sense to come back to the music business from such a long hiatus and have no will to release ANY new music with the best circumstances possible.

MJ gave all the opportunities given to him up (like performances for Thriller 25th, award shows etc.) just to wait for the best timing and follow his plan. Now comes the time to turn his long term plans into life. And I have NO doubt he's doing his thing.

We can expect a summer release of a new single IMO - maybe digital release, maybe the MJs old fashioned way with a music video - if not a proper one could be some concert footage.
Gah, so hope this is true! :D
I'm dying to hear new music from Michael!
I think it's more than likely there will be new music coming from Michael this year. It makes no sense to come back to the music business from such a long hiatus and have no will to release ANY new music with the best circumstances possible.
but thats what im wondering. is he coming back or is this really it? ie farewell tour of G.hits and thats it
but thats what im wondering. is he coming back or is this really it? ie farewell tour of G.hits and thats it

It could really be 'it' and I don't blame him if it is because he probably wants to enjoy his life with his kids. However, I do think there will be new music *crossing my fingers* because of him working with a number of artists etc and going into the studio, how we could get it though is interesting though, it might be a series of singles with a few tracks on them or it could be a new album.
but thats what im wondering. is he coming back or is this really it? ie farewell tour of G.hits and thats it

Yeah obviously there are two possibilities.
One is that Michael wants to do it like he always did in the past. That's why he prepared everything in advance and waited for the best timing. The concerts are just a start of a 2-3 year comeback, a platform to launch new album, new singles and music videos. Michael would be at the top of the world again. And I'm sure He is able to do that. But the question is: does he want to?

The other one is just the concerts. This is it. He does them for the fans, because he thinks he owes them a lot after all we've been through. Than he retires and moves out of the spotlight. Moves on. Becomes a full-time father. He has the money to do that and he doesn't have to work anymore in his life, that's obvious.

We don't know what he really thinks - he's always been a perfectionist, wanted to achieve the unachieved. Do things people didn't even dream of. But is he still the same person? People change when they get older. He's been through so much in the last few years that I doubt his priorities remain unchanged. Maybe he just thinks it's not worth it? It's his life, let him do what he thinks is best.

But frankly I don't see any reason why he wouldn't want to release music... it's his passion. And it has never stopped.
You can tell that some fans just don't have faith in Michael anymore. This is why I am glad that he is going to be with his fans at the O2. The fans need this more than Michael does, I believe.
I think it's more than likely there will be new music coming from Michael this year. It makes no sense to come back to the music business from such a long hiatus and have no will to release ANY new music with the best circumstances possible.

MJ gave all the opportunities given to him up (like performances for Thriller 25th, award shows etc.) just to wait for the best timing and follow his plan. Now comes the time to turn his long term plans into life. And I have NO doubt he's doing his thing.

We can expect a summer release of a new single IMO - maybe digital release, maybe the MJs old fashioned way with a music video - if not a proper one could be some concert footage.
I once thought about the underlined part. If the new single is not released before the concert begins, then maybe he will premier it at the first day of the shows and the video that goes with it will be filmed then and there, hence a video of him peforming the song at the O2. I think it would be a great idea if he puts out a music video of concert footage for the single or any one or two of other future ones.

As for him waiting for the right timing,... I think, besides taking a much needed rest after the trial, he enjoyed raising his kids so much. Randy Phillips said Mike said that now the kids are grown when asked why he finally give the O2 deal greenlight after having refused a few times. So, the trial, the kids, and the right timing (including his perfectionist work ethic)-these 3 factors have made his hiatus this long.
i believe it is true now its the perfect time to promote new music and sell albums if not now with the concerts am wondering when?am waiting for new album not just a single
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WOW:woohoo:! A single at this point would be GREAT! :jump:
All the very best to you Michael :flowers:
If Michael is looking for new ways to present his music to his fans, then why are we looking for the new single to come down the traditional way? What if he is planning on doing something different? What if he is planning on performing the song at the O2, having it filmed for a video and then somehow, giving the single to the concert goers for free via a single or some sort of MP3 or something? What if all the people who attend the concert leave with the new single in their hands? How cool would that be?
Michael has monkeys running his business affairs....dont expect to see anything like you did when Michael had a major recording label somewhat in control of him and promoting him. There is no organization. When it happens is when you'll know...until then...dont expect a planned roll-out of ANYTHING
I hope that things will workout in time.I hope the new song and The Album will be slammin Jammin so it could take him to the top of the charts knocking out JT,BS, BK, BSp.It's been a long time for Mike and it's understandable why so I'm patient and Hopeful this will happen and that he can get to promote his stuff before he goes to London....
This is 3 months old news, and you can tell by their opening 'Last week he announced dates'. That was months ago in itself. Also their source is bloody contactmusic, lol