Jackson Probe Coming In For a Landing

I caught the live chat - I sign in under another name there and he curiously always answers my questions.

YES, Harvey Levin said that the LAPD hired medical experts to corroborate what they found to be HOMICIDE.

THe medical experts said they need at least 2 weeks to conduct their tests to prove their point.

Arrests should happen within 2-3 weeks.

Levin said it's a very, very complicated case.
Time for all of the scum who murdered Michael to pay, i hope this TMZ story is true and we get some real charges and justice for Michael and his children.

I hope it's true, too. And it definitely looks like this is going to be a scientific case that will rely heavily on medical expertise. Translation: Lots of medical and scientific mumbo jumbo. There's 2 big questions I hope they are able to determine. 1) Time of death (based on lividity, etc.) and 2) what the concentration of propofol found in MJ's blood suggests as far as Murray's administration.

It takes months for someone to be charged - if they are. And it only took a day for them to arrest Michael :)

I don't even care about reasons anymore, this is already laughable...

Totally agree about the unfairness. Perhaps they learned their lesson? In any case, I'm hoping Murray is subjected to the unnecessary "perp walk" they put Michael thru. He willingly turned himself in and they still forced him to do the perp walk into the police station. Seeing Michael cuffed like that has been burned in my brain for life. So angry and heartbroken. They better parade Murray's Sasquatch butt for the cameras, too. Why should he get total privacy and have his dignity preserved? ugh!

I still can't believe somebody killed Michael

Same. For me, the realization comes and it goes at different times. :(

I caught the live chat - I sign in under another name there and he curiously always answers my questions.

YES, Harvey Levin said that the LAPD hired medical experts to corroborate what they found to be HOMICIDE.

THe medical experts said they need at least 2 weeks to conduct their tests to prove their point.

Arrests should happen within 2-3 weeks.

Levin said it's a very, very complicated case.

Thanks for this!!!

And for those who may not already know, Harvey Levin is also an attorney. I just betcha he has legal sources all over the place on this.

He'd be somebody we'll need to pay close attention too for any clues or hints to be dropped!
i made it breaking news. tmz been right thus far. no reason for me to doubt them now. just hope they would shut up a bit

Ditto! No pushing anymore buttons.
I caught the live chat - I sign in under another name there and he curiously always answers my questions.

YES, Harvey Levin said that the LAPD hired medical experts to corroborate what they found to be HOMICIDE.

THe medical experts said they need at least 2 weeks to conduct their tests to prove their point.

Arrests should happen within 2-3 weeks.

Levin said it's a very, very complicated case.

Thanks for the info. Man... I have a feeling the shit is gonna hit the fan.
EXCLUSIVE: D.A. Likely To Send Case Against Dr. Murray To Grand JuryEXCLUSIVE: D.A. Likely To Send Case Against Dr. Murray To Grand Jury

Posted on Sep 16, 2009 @ 07:05PM
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Houston Chronicle

Law enforcement sources close to the ongoing investigation into Michael Jackson's death tell RadarOnline.com that the Los Angeles District Attorney's [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]Office[/COLOR][/COLOR] are "extremely likely to have a [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]grand [COLOR=blue! important]jury[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

inpaneled to seek an indictment against Dr. Conrad Murray.
Click here to watch video of Dr Jack Kevorkian defend Dr Conrad Murray
“This option is being heavily weighed by [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]the [COLOR=blue! important]office[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] for several reasons. The grand jury meets in secret, and no one associated with the proceedings, including witnesses can discuss anything outside of the grand jury room.
“More importantly, if Dr. Conrad Murray is indicted, there will be no preliminary hearing, and this is often done in high profile cases in Los Angeles. If an indictment is handed down, it goes straight to arraignment, and then to trial. The potential jury pool couldn't be tainted by saturated media coverage of a preliminary hearing."
Click here to see court documents stating Michael Jackson died from propofol
If the district attorney does seek a grand jury for Dr. Murray, his lawyer, Ed Chernoff would receive a letter notifying him that a grand jury has been convened and invite Dr. Murray to testify, which he would most likely be advised not to attend.
Grand juries could indict Dr. Murray on charges from second [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]degree[/COLOR][/COLOR] murder to involuntary manslaughter, or reject charges all together, although in Los Angeles, "grand juries are known to indict ham sandwiches" the law enforcement source says.
EXCLUSIVE:D.A.LikelyToSendCaseAgainstDr.MurrayToGrandJuryEXCLUSIVE: D.A. Likely To Send Case Against Dr. Murray To Grand Jury

Posted on Sep 16, 2009 @ 07:05PM
print it send it
Houston Chronicle

Law enforcement sources close to the ongoing investigation into Michael Jackson's death tell RadarOnline.com that the Los Angeles District Attorney's [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]Office[/color][/color] are "extremely likely to have a [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]grand [COLOR=blue! important]jury[/color][/color][/color]

inpaneled to seek an indictment against Dr. Conrad Murray.
Click here to watch video of Dr Jack Kevorkian defend Dr Conrad Murray
“This option is being heavily weighed by [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]the [COLOR=blue! important]office[/color][/color][/color] for several reasons. The grand jury meets in secret, and no one associated with the proceedings, including witnesses can discuss anything outside of the grand jury room.
“More importantly, if Dr. Conrad Murray is indicted, there will be no preliminary hearing, and this is often done in high profile cases in Los Angeles. If an indictment is handed down, it goes straight to arraignment, and then to trial. The potential jury pool couldn't be tainted by saturated media coverage of a preliminary hearing."
Click here to see court documents stating Michael Jackson died from propofol
If the district attorney does seek a grand jury for Dr. Murray, his lawyer, Ed Chernoff would receive a letter notifying him that a grand jury has been convened and invite Dr. Murray to testify, which he would most likely be advised not to attend.
Grand juries could indict Dr. Murray on charges from second [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]degree[/color][/color] murder to involuntary manslaughter, or reject charges all together, although in Los Angeles, "grand juries are known to indict ham sandwiches" the law enforcement source says.

DEAD@"grand juries are known to indict ham sandwiches"

I hope the grand jury is presented this case and does indict!!!

Damn sure didn't take no time for them to indict MJ, time to pay it forward
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what took them so long?
and to ask other docs about their #opinions# is really silly. since when would they say something against their colegues? i know every doctor wants to safe his butt and the majority is able to get away with everything
what took them so long?
and to ask other docs about their #opinions# is really silly. since when would they say something against their colegues? i know every doctor wants to safe his butt and the majority is able to get away with everything
Consulting medical experts is a good thing. They will know if any misconduct was done. They will not defend that.
what took them so long?
and to ask other docs about their #opinions# is really silly. since when would they say something against their colegues? i know every doctor wants to safe his butt and the majority is able to get away with everything
cuz mj had other doctors and was using other meds. so they need to include that and show that it doesn'tmatter. that's not what killed him
It takes months for someone to be charged - if they are. And it only took a day for them to arrest Michael :)

I don't even care about reasons anymore, this is already laughable...

yeah..that's why i take no comfort in anything anyone, in law enforcement and media, says, anymore. and i believe it to be lies..including MJ taking 'various medications'.
It takes months for someone to be charged - if they are. And it only took a day for them to arrest Michael :)

I don't even care about reasons anymore, this is already laughable...
it did NOT take them a day to arrest mj. they were investigating for MONTHS and MONTHS. so it didn't just happen, gavin says something on monday and tuesday mj was arrested.

it just seems like ti did b/c we didn' tknow about it. much like we don't know about what's going on now. chillax
My only problem with this is that I think this case is faaaar more involved than anyone realizes. I just wanna make sure they get *everyone* who is responsible, even if it takes more time. I don't want them to rush in putting it together. =/
My only problem with this is that I think this case is faaaar more involved than anyone realizes. I just wanna make sure they get *everyone* who is responsible, even if it takes more time. I don't want them to rush in putting it together. =/

I agree with you...Myself and many others have been saying this ...also. ...so lets hope they cross all their T's and dot all the I's....and get it right.