Jackson Probe Coming In For a Landing


House Moonwalker
Jul 13, 2009
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. If it isn't, I apologize and do move it to it's rightful place.

Jackson Probe Coming in for a Landing

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the Michael Jackson homicide case will be presented to the L.A. County District Attorney in 3 to 4 weeks.

We're told the lion's share of the investigation has been completed and Dr. Conrad Murray remains the singular target. Our sources say LAPD detectives have requested opinions from several medical experts who will analyze the evidence and offer their opinions on Dr. Murray's conduct.

The medical experts are supposed to submit their finding in 2 to 3 weeks and we're told detectives need an additional week to assemble their evidence before they make a formal presentation to the D.A.

Law enforcement sources also say an arrest will not be made before Dr. Murray is charged with a crime -- of course that assumes he will be charged.

The case is complicated by the fact that Jackson had been taking various medications, even though the evidence is compelling that Propofol was the direct cause of Jackson's death.


I found this interesting, but, then again, this is TMZ.
Wow thats all i can say this man needs to go down for what he did MJ shouldn't be dead right now this doctor didn't know what he was doing talking bout his case breaks my heart thanks for posting
i made it breaking news. tmz been right thus far. no reason for me to doubt them now. just hope they would shut up a bit
Thanks for posting it.

The various medications were for Lupus, if I'm not mistaken.

But again, TMZ. ¬¬
I don't like the fact that this tabloidish website gains credit day after day.
I get the feeling it's going nowhere...
Are those doctors gonna say the truth or stay safe to save one of them 'doctors'.
I'm, really smelling crapy injustice here... Have a bad feeling about this.
I get the feeling it's going nowhere...
Are those doctors gonna say the truth or stay safe to save one of them 'doctors'.
I'm, really smelling crapy injustice here... Have a bad feeling about this.
It doesn't just matter what they say. It's about the evidence.
It takes months for someone to be charged - if they are. And it only took a day for them to arrest Michael :)

I don't even care about reasons anymore, this is already laughable...
Regardless of who says what - there should be Justice for Michael. He had as much right to life as any one of us and he's children had a right to their father for many more years.
It takes months for someone to be charged - if they are. And it only took a day for them to arrest Michael :)

I don't even care about reasons anymore, this is already laughable...

True, but which side ended up looking foolish after Michael got acquitted? Yep you guessed it! :rolleyes: :glare:
Hope they arrest Murray soon, he does not feel any remorse for what he did to Mike.
It takes months for someone to be charged - if they are. And it only took a day for them to arrest Michael :)

I don't even care about reasons anymore, this is already laughable...

Exactly. Meanwhile whoever stole MJ's hard drive and erase the surveillance tape is still on the loose and nobody's even looking for it. Unless Latoya hired some privates dicks to find them, justice will never be done. Murray's only the little pion, the fall guy, the manchurian candidate (maybe).

Ho Why Ho Whyyy
I gotta tell you - the ONLY investigative journalism on Michael's death with a vigilant duty has been TMZ.

Are they mean? Yes.

Are they Tabloid? Yes.

But have they spit the truth? YES.

And Harvey Levin said it Monday in his live chat at 6pm : he expects the case to make arrests in a few weeks from now.

And there it is.


I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. If it isn't, I apologize and do move it to it's rightful place.


I found this interesting, but, then again, this is TMZ.
True, but which side ended up looking foolish after Michael got acquitted? Yep you guessed it! :rolleyes: :glare:

True, but look at what it did to Michael emotionally and finacially, and for his credibility in the eyes of naive human beings. Not a win for either side, if anything the media got the W in that case.

I pray every night that justice is served, but deep down inside of me, I sadly believe that the justice system and this case is a load of crock.
TMZ........That's all MJ can get? F*cked up JUSTICE!

Like Stevie Wonder sings: Don't you worry 'bout a thng!!!!

It's coming! God's Divine Justice is coming for Michael!

We just need to keep PRAYING.

Please. Pray for God's Divine Justice - all of them, not just Dr. Murray, will all go to jail and pay for the murder of one of God's biggest gifts to the world: Michael Joseph Jackson Scruse.

Harvey Levin was the one who talked about Evan drugging jordan to accuse MJ in 1993 , he was the source for that story.
And Harvey Levin said it Monday in his live chat at 6pm : he expects the case to make arrests in a few weeks from now.

And there it is.


Man, i hope Harvey is right on this one. Fo' real imma be pretty pissed if nothing comes of the investigation!