Jackson Pharmacy Search Records to be Unsealed

The info in this document is really not that different from the previously released warrant. The narrative is the same. It only mentions the receipts so this is no smoking gun. It looks like the detective just copied and pasted the synopsis he gave in the other warrant.
Yeah she was fired, Michael didn't hire her back in 2009. She wasn't around anymore, something doesn't add up in here.. Murray's ass needs to be in prison, instead is roaming around all over the US, particularly LA, Vegas, and Houston.

Yet she knew enuff to provide info.?:scratch: I knwo she has ties to the family and all, but was his business that out in the open?
That judge should put the investigation ahead of keeping the media happy, all can be revealed after the investigation is completed, this way any other doctors involved will find out they are being investigated and be able to destroy evidence.
The info in this document is really not that different from the previously released warrant. The narrative is the same. It only mentions the receipts so this is no smoking gun. It looks like the detective just copied and pasted the synopsis he gave in the other warrant.
yeah i agree cause im getting serious deja vu here. ive read that vertually world for word b4.theres nothing new in that at all.so i guess thats whythe judge unsealed it. the only thing is th mention of receipts which i guess we didnt hear about b4? if we ahdnt heard about that b4 i guessthats what the detective is talking abut cause he didnt want murray knowing that info? but im sure its been mentioned b4 anyway?
nothing new at all except for that tiny piece of extra information..I'm beginning to think that nothing's ever gonna happen to Murderer Murray.
this makes me wonder why Jackson was going to Dr. Klein office so much in May.

He was going to be doing concerts that summer and Klein is the one who injected his face with 'fillers' and could make him look his absolute best.

I don't personally like Klein from what I have seen, but I must say that Michaels face did look wonderful for a 50 year old man.
nothing new at all except for that tiny piece of extra information..I'm beginning to think that nothing's ever gonna happen to Murderer Murray.

I think it just takes time for the police to get all their ducks in a row and have a solid case. It takes time to gather all the information and piece it all together. I am anxious about this too but I do know that it is VERY hard to convict a doctor. If they simply go for negligence thats a very small charge and the doctor could walk away. If the LAPD bungles this one up, there will be a lot of unhappy people out there.
If they simply go for negligence
at this stage they are looking at manslaughter and pretty much have been from the get go. the very first warrants stated murder
I think it just takes time for the police to get all their ducks in a row and have a solid case. It takes time to gather all the information and piece it all together. I am anxious about this too but I do know that it is VERY hard to convict a doctor. If they simply go for negligence thats a very small charge and the doctor could walk away. If the LAPD bungles this one up, there will be a lot of unhappy people out there.
I hope you're right..
i think they could not trace all the propofol recovered from the house , one important thing the number of bottles suggest a serious problem with "six weeks of propofol "
i think they could not trace all the propofol recovered from the house , one important thing the number of bottles suggest a serious problem with "six weeks of propofol "
My guess is that Michael didn't take propofol every night, but instead only when he was truly desperate to sleep. Not all insomniacs have a problem every night.

Or...Murray could've gotten it from other sources besides Applied Pharmacy. (Or whatever it's called.)
We wont hear anything until 2010. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long after. If it gets to April and I hear on the news that Dr Murray has finally been arrested that would be the best birthday present ever. Well, second best present. The best present would be Michael coming back :cry:
I think it just takes time for the police to get all their ducks in a row and have a solid case. It takes time to gather all the information and piece it all together. I am anxious about this too but I do know that it is VERY hard to convict a doctor. If they simply go for negligence thats a very small charge and the doctor could walk away. If the LAPD bungles this one up, there will be a lot of unhappy people out there.

I agree. I rather they take their time and GET IT RIGHT rather than rush the case, screw up, and have Murray walk away free.
who are this people:

Jimmy Nicholas
Blanca Nicholas
Roselyn Muhammad (probably a Faheem's wife)

and Prince Jackson - is same Prince? listed as closest associates?
they are people working at the house , prince's name was for the shock value .
yeh legal documents , you don't think they expected to find evidence mj was obtaing propofol or versed using prince's name .

read LEGAL DOCUMENTS written by sneddon filled with lies and twists FOR THE SHOCK VALUE .

did they find anything in prince name ? NO , but mj's name was everywhere in the news and it was presented as fact to the public , the investigators knew exactly what kind of frenzy naming his son would cause .
yeh legal documents , you don't think they expected to find evidence mj was obtaing propofol or versed using prince's name .

read LEGAL DOCUMENTS written by sneddon filled with lies and twists FOR THE SHOCK VALUE .

did they find anything in prince name ? NO , but mj's name was everywhere in the news and it was presented as fact to the public , the investigators knew exactly what kind of frenzy naming his son would cause .

Oh. I thought you were referring to his closest friends or confidants as Prince was listed there.

Sneddon is still involved now?