Jackson Pharmacy Search Records to be Unsealed


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Jul 25, 2011
Jackson (i.e. Murray) Pharmacy Search Records to be Unsealed

By KEN RITTER, Associated Press Writer
Thursday, November 19, 2009
(11-19) 17:56 PST LAS VEGAS, (AP) --
A Nevada judge decided Thursday to unseal records of a warrant served at a pharmacy where authorities believe Michael Jackson's doctor bought the drug blamed in the pop star's death.
The documents will be available Friday, after Clark County District Court Judge Valerie Adair signs a court order being drafted to make the ruling official, said Adair's clerk, Penny Wisner.

"The court finds there is not a sufficient basis to keep the affidavit sealed," Adair said in a written order after speaking privately by telephone with a Los Angeles County prosecutor seeking to keep a seal on the warrant documents.

A day earlier, a Los Angeles police detective asked the judge by phone to keep the records of the Aug. 11 police raid at Applied Pharmacy Services sealed until Jan. 18. He argued releasing them would jeopardize the investigation.

Attorney Colby Williams, representing The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, TMZ Productions Inc. of Los Angeles and Stephens Media LLC, the parent company of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, argued there was no reason for the documents to remain secret.

"We consider this to be an important investigation into the death of one of the world's most well-known entertainers," Williams said. "The public has a right how these investigations are conducted."

A law enforcement source told AP after the raids that investigators believed Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, bought the powerful sedative propofol from the Las Vegas pharmacy on May 12, and administered doses from that purchase to Jackson in the hours before he died June 25.

Murray is the focus of a homicide investigation, but has not been charged with a crime.

Affidavits already made public show that Murray told investigators he gave Jackson propofol and other sedatives to help the 50-year-old singer sleep in the hours before he died in a rented Los Angeles mansion.
Murray, through a spokeswoman, maintains he neither prescribed nor administered anything to Jackson that should have killed him.

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That judge better not jeopardize the investigation. Who cares what the media wants...?
That judge better not jeopardize the investigation. Who cares what the media wants...?

I agree. As much as I am 'nosy' myself and want to read it all and figure out what happened, the most important thing is for the LAPD to get this right.
Attorney Colby Williams, representing The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, TMZ Productions Inc. of Los Angeles and Stephens Media LLC, the parent company of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, argued there was no reason for the documents to remain secret.

Hmm...so TMZ, AP and the LA Times are all owned by Stephens Media LLC.

Thanks for the update. I really hope the reason they are being unsealed is because the judge saw that there was nothing in them that knowledge of could to jeopardize the investigation. You know the media only want to be fed so they can twist it into salacious garbage and spew it out.

Stephens Media LLC is the parent company of the Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ah. :doh: I don't know what the heck I was thinking. That lawyer is representing all of them. Anyways...:blush:
I admit I do wanna know the investigating progress. But if it will jeopardize the investigation, I'd rather they keep it sealed now.
^^^ OMFG!! Veromca, I L.O.V.E your sig!!!

And yes, if the LAPD fears it will jeopardize the investigation, then don't even dare to unseal the records.

The judge can't wait three or four more weeks?? Seriously...

"We consider this to be an important investigation into the death of one of the world's most well-known entertainers," Williams said. "The public has a right how these investigations are conducted."

If the investigation is so important, why risk jeopardizing it?
^^^ OMFG!! Veromca, I L.O.V.E your sig!!!

And yes, if the LAPD fears it will jeopardize the investigation, then don't even dare to unseal the records.

The judge can't wait three or four more weeks?? Seriously...

If the investigation is so important, why risk jeopardizing it?

Because they do not really care if the case is jeopardize. The news people had not have any big Michael Jackson's news since the leak autopsy report and they are going through withdrawals. They want something to report and they do not really care about the case.

TII does not really count since it was positive and showed no signs of him being at deathbed or about to pass out from being high.
I have a bad feeling about this too. I hope I'm wrong. But I just don't think this is going to go over well.
If they jeopardize this investigation im gonna be SOOOO ANGRY!!!!! How could they risk it!?? GRRR!
If its going to jepoardise the investigation KEEP THEM SEALED. Who cares about the media? We have a homicide investigation here-screw the media.
Eugh...this could be a really bad move. Why do the media even come into the decision?! Surely its the least important thing here.
not good imo in the scheme of things. if the D.A had something important to keep quiet becasue arrests were coming then the judge would support them. u could go with the theory that the police have jack so the judge says theres no reason to keep them sealed. i guess wewill know more when we read the documents. they might not really be anything of great importance but the police just want to keep everything sealed anyway
Again the media gets their way.......none of them care if it jeapordizes the case.
And it's unsealed ... *sigh* Couldn't they wait until the LAPD did theirs? It's their case!!!

Dr. Murray Search Warrant in Jackson Case

Posted Nov 20th 2009 1:09PM by TMZ Staff
The judge has unsealed the search warrant issued against Applied Pharmacy Services in Las Vegas ... where authorities believe Dr. Conrad Murray obtained the Propofol that ultimately killed Michael Jackson.

According to the affidavit, during the search of Dr. Murray's home and office, cops recovered a sales receipt from Applied Pharmacy. The receipt showed that on May 12, 2009, Dr. Murray purchased 4 100 ml vials of Propofol. He also purchased 3 vials of benzos. One of the drugs Murray purchased -- Flumazenil -- is actually an antidote to a benzo, used to counteract the effects of benzos.

The receipt for the drugs totaled $853, with a $65 FedEx fee to overnight the drugs.

The affidavit states that cops were on the hunt for Visa and FedEx information linking Dr. Murray to the sale of Propofol by Applied Pharmacy.

The affidavit says at the scene of Michael Jackson's death at his home, Propofol was recovered "in Dr. Murray's doctor's bag and on the bedside table." The Propofol was in 20 ml and 100 ml bottles.

According to the affidavit, Dr. Murray told cops he was not the first doc to introduce Jackson to Propofol. Dr. Murray stated Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger had given Jackson medicine that was not working.

And there's this ... according to the docs, "Detectives interviewed Grace Owanda (sic), Jackson's children's nanny. Owanda stated that Jackson was currently being treated by Dr. [Arnold] Klein and the last physician to treat Jackson was Dr. Larry Koplin."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0XQexMx3f
this makes me wonder why Jackson was going to Dr. Klein office so much in May.
Yeah, but none of their drugs were found in his body Murray and someone drug history can be read for weeks, months, sometimes an entire year.

So, this attempt to shift blame is stupid since only your drugs were found in his body. Also, so you weren't the first to give him Propofol. Well Dr. Murry, you were the last, you said yes, and you completed screwed it up.

Now because of your greed, your butt is in the fire. I hope the money was worth it.
...wasn't Grace fired a couple of months before? Or was she already back with them in June?
pill bottles of CLONAZEPAM (KLONOPIN) and TRAZODONE (DESYRL), prescribed to JACKSONby DR. METZGER and a prescription pill bottle of TIZANIDINE (ZANAFLEX), prescribed toJACKSON by DR. KLEIN were also found at JACKSON's bedside.

sleep aids , what the big deal , they were found beside mj's bed, if they prove something, mj tried everything to sleep , and when nothing worked he used propofol.

so much for he insisted and begged for propofol
...wasn't Grace fired a couple of months before? Or was she already back with them in June?
Yeah she was fired, Michael didn't hire her back in 2009. She wasn't around anymore, something doesn't add up in here.. Murray's ass needs to be in prison, instead is roaming around all over the US, particularly LA, Vegas, and Houston.
Media couldn't wait three or four weeks???? DAMN!!!

If the fans can, they sure could've...

I guess money is more important to them than MJ is to us... (shakes head)
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is anything new in the documents ?

I can't access them , i don't know why i can't acess any documents posted on tmz.