Jackson had long history with estate executor

Thanks RSW22 for your informative posts:flowers: I really appreciate it.

The transcripts just...wow...Mike had alot to deal with...:(
So, if my understanding is correct, then as third executor Katherine (or someone appointed) will only be like an overseer, right? To make sure nothing screwy is going on? Cuz as Rasta said Mike always had different ideas from his family.

(potential)Hidden agenda aside, Branca has been doing a good job in reaping in the millions for the estate.

I dunno, the thing about death is that it seems like the time all the skeletons come out of the closet. But also, that's when people show their real colors: some come with regrets and become the most loyal. Hopefully thats the case with Branca.:angel:
branca is undervaluing the estate or the assets only b/c of the debt. once that is clear, then the true value will shine. he's talking about LIQUID assets. there wasn't much compared to actual assets that could be sold.

he's made almost $100M for the estate in less than two months. not bad, right?

Why does this "undervaluing" prevent him from being HONEST with Katherine Jackson (in private)??? Or is this about also keeping the family away from the actual value aswell? Think about it if I am working for your interest should I lie about your assets actual value you?

That 100 million was made by the unmatched power and popularity of Michael Jackson not Branca. If the UK concerts were to have happened the $$$$ would be pouring in anyway; Branca is merely the operative who is stealing credit. Why is he a "Media darling."

Yet when MJ was alive the Media for 20 years wrote article after article all saying "more financial problems for J****; "Michael Jackson must sell the catalog!" Or "MJ sued again" where was the "wonderful business partner" then?
Thanks for posting the article & very very informative transcripts from rsw22 (Thanks for posting those as well). This was especially interesting to read:

"THE WITNESS: I’m not sure that I would
22 include Al Malnik in that group, but I certainly was
23 concerned that Branca and Motolla, in particular,
24 had set the stage, so to speak, for Sony to be able
25 to obtain Michael’s interest in the Sony/ATV joint
26 venture."

@Hemlock, what is it that makes you think he's being dishonest with Katherine in private? Do you think he hasn't said to her for example 'Once we get rid of the debts, the estate's value will look better, be great or whatever...' Just curious.
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John Branca is robbing the Jackson family. He offers them $500 million; while he and the other parties(you know what they did) will steal the other 2 billion.
That's completely untrue. They submitted court papers a while ago indicating that the estate was worth more than $500 million - not '$500 million', more than $500 million - and was definitely solvent.

And they're not 'offering' the family anything. Everything goes into the trust.

And the idea they could steal the other 2 billion? Seriously? Like no-one would notice if the Sony/ATV catalogue vanished? Come on.

Finally, the value of the catalogue is debatable - it's unique, it doesn't have a fixed determined value, there's just estimates. It is in the estate's interests for that estimate to be low, not high - they have to pay estate tax.
The investigator, Interfor's report indicated that Branca was involved in the account even though he wasn't a signatory
Interfor's report indicated that Sony had transfered money into the account for the benefit of Michael's lawyer - Branca.

Though Legrand tries to cover for himself by saying he has no proof of this statements.
He wouldn't need to cover himself if he had proof. He said he had no proof, because he had no proof. If he had had proof, or as he puts it, if the information had been verified to a reasonable degree of certainty, he'd have acted on it. It wasn't, and he didn't.

LeGrand also stated under cross-examination that 'his investigation of John Branca and Tommy Motolla had yielded no evidence of wrongdoing at that time.'

Here's what we've got: a vague concern that Branca might have been involved in shenanigans to let Sony get control of Sony/ATV. And seperately an off-shore account associated with Branca's firm that Sony paid money into. The two aren't necessarily linked. We already know Branca's firm did some work for Sony. Taking the fact that Sony paid money to Branca's firm and suggesting that was for those particular shenanigans instead of for the rather more obvious purpose of paying them for legitimate work, or transferring money for the purpose of doing that work, is a bit weak to say the least.

And looking at that testimony, no, Branca couldn't have sued for slander. What could he have sued for? Because someone said under oath they had concerns? Not strong enough to be grounds for slander.

What we really know from all that is that this investigation didn't find any evidence that Branca was involved in shenanigans to let Sony get MJ's share of Sony/ATV.

Everything else is all innuendo and speculation. Generally, some people seem to be interpreting 'indicated' as if it means 'proved', and 'concerned' as if it means 'knowing'. People did (and still do) the same thing to MJ. I hate to see it, whoever it's targeted at.
He wouldn't need to cover himself if he had proof. He said he had no proof, because he had no proof. If he had had proof, or as he puts it, if the information had been verified to a reasonable degree of certainty, he'd have acted on it. It wasn't, and he didn't.

LeGrand also stated under cross-examination that 'his investigation of John Branca and Tommy Motolla had yielded no evidence of wrongdoing at that time.'

Here's what we've got: a vague concern that Branca might have been involved in shenanigans to let Sony get control of Sony/ATV. And seperately an off-shore account associated with Branca's firm that Sony paid money into. The two aren't necessarily linked. We already know Branca's firm did some work for Sony. Taking the fact that Sony paid money to Branca's firm and suggesting that was for those particular shenanigans instead of for the rather more obvious purpose of paying them for legitimate work, or transferring money for the purpose of doing that work, is a bit weak to say the least.

And looking at that testimony, no, Branca couldn't have sued for slander. What could he have sued for? Because someone said under oath they had concerns? Not strong enough to be grounds for slander.

What we really know from all that is that this investigation didn't find any evidence that Branca was involved in shenanigans to let Sony get MJ's share of Sony/ATV.

Everything else is all innuendo and speculation. Generally, some people seem to be interpreting 'indicated' as if it means 'proved', and 'concerned' as if it means 'knowing'. People did (and still do) the same thing to MJ. I hate to see it, whoever it's targeted at.

Okay, this is what happened

Someone, possibly in Sony, tipped Michael and his lawyers that Sony had set up an offshore account for the benefit of Branca

Michael expresses concern and Konitzer discusses this with LeGranda.

Legrand check out the source and the source seems credible, because you don't waste money digging more if the source is not credible

LeGrand and his lawfirm partners meet, discuss and decide to investigate this further AND also everyone around Michael

LeGRand hires a very reputable and able investigative organization INTERFOR, whose employees have been members of British secret service, CIA, FBI, DEA and Israel intelligence services
The employees are specialists in different fields that clients may need to investigate, domestically and internationally.
They use their knowledge, experience in investigating and also connections, to obtain info.

The company investigates and even though LeGrand had not asked them to investigate Mottola, the company comes back with a report, which is what they are employed to do. The report indicates that Branca and Mottola are involved in an offshore account. They also trace a wire transfer by Sony to that account

Of course it would be silly for Branca to be a signatory to such an account. But the investigation uncovers that he is a beneficiary.

Around teh same time or before the report, Konitzer and his colleague happen to find out that they are being investigated and the manipulate Michael into signing a document terminating LeGrand's services.

So LeGrand never gets to present this report to Michael, till the trial when defence subpoena records from him concerning the whole Bashir thing as he was in charge of coordinating the lawsuit against Granada and had aslo been in contact with Dickerman till July 2003.
When they subpoena Michael's file, of course the report from INTERFOR is in there.

Now, interfor were not enagaging in innuendo and speculation. The reason LeGrand says he has no proof is that he only has the report from INTERFOR

But INTERFOR drew up the report based on their tracing a wire transfer and possible money movement to beneficiaries

Just like an intelligence organization, some things are sensitive and as you see CIA, FBI and others often fight to prevent disclosure of certain classified information in court as it would compromise their sources.

INTERFOR has sources and contacts i believe in several of this offshore banks and all other levels in government and corporate companies. They can access records without authorisation, or cleverly circumventing processes and see what is happening.

When they draw up such a report, you are then informed and it's upto you to take measures. For instance, you could sue Sony and subpoena wire transfers to offshore accounts and VOILA! there will be your evidence.
What this people give you is backdoor information to work with so that you don't go out on one foot if you choose to confront someone or a company over fraud, dealing and so forth.

The thing is we all know Michael was not into confrontational lawsuits but if this was another businessman with this report in their hand and knowing a business partner and his lawyer were colluding against him, he would have sued Sony, subpoenaed documents, depositioned those involved and won the lawsuit.
But Michael may have felt that since Mottola was fired, all was well. It was not. Mottola was CEO but still working for his bosses' interests who wanted the catalogue.

INTERFOR can provide proof of the wire transfer and everything else they based the report on, but it would be up to them to decide whether such action would compromise their sources.

Think of interfor's work in this matter like this. Police want to raid someone they think is dealing drugs as they have been tipped off by a credible source but they do not want to go and hit a miss. So they get an informer who is able to access info that they would not be able to legally access. The informer tells them about drugs, where they are stored, and cash transfers done by the dealers, the beneficiaries.
The informer has done his job and is reliable. Now all the police have to do is use legal means to storm the place, seize the drugs and cash and secure a conviction.

Police can turn around and do nothing based on the informer's report or even say they have no concrete proof, just an informer's report.
Well, the informer has his paperwork that he based the report on and he may wish to protect fellow informers, that doesn't reduce his credibility as an informer because the police choose not to take action based on his findings and report.
I agree..to me Branca was so pivotal in making Michael Jackson..the super-mega start he was..

-Beatles Catalog
-master recordings
-1991 Sony record deal

and who knows what else...

and I too believe Michael did not want his family managing his estate...
he vision was bigger and greater... to sustain his iconic/legendary status... he want his estate to run like a well oil corporation...

I think Mrs Jackson legal team is going about this regarding the estate all wrong...........


Motown deal - was done by Joe and Beery Gordy
Las Vegas deal - Joe and Las Vegas promoters
Epic Deal - Joe and Epic

Branca was brought in by Joe, i think around 1977 to represent Michael
Branca then muscled Joe out to take control of Michael
Branca then began keeping Joe away from Michael the way Jack Gordon did with Latoya
Joe spoke out about Branca in 1984 and Branca passed it on to Michael in a way that made Joe appear racist and Michael release a statement saying he detests racism

Branca did the ATV deal for Michael

Michael searched for a ranch, found it, called his mum and Branca simply did the legal paperwork. Now, for them to say the ranch was $60million in 1987 is questionable. I don't see someone selling a ranch for a third of teh original asking price. and anyway MJ bought it for $20million

Bert Fields did the 1991 Sony deal for Michael. Don't forget that in 1993, it was Bert Fields a well known entertainment lawyer who oversaw and murked up the Chandler issue because he was not a criminal lawyer.

Thomas Mesereau cleared out all the trash in Michael's life in the 2005 trial

AEG and Michael did a deal for a tour at the O2 and signed the contract. Michael dances and works hard to create a million dollar show. RED cameras are also used to create 3D video

AEG puts up footage to highest bidder after Michael dies, and also seeks a merchandising deal that was already in the works for the tour.

Branca comes in, takes credit that he sold footage for $60million and that he is raising $100million

Well, most of that $100 million was already done by Michael and AEG and the new idea so far from Branca is the Moonwalker book and getting Jermaine to release a song "Smile".

I await to see what other creative ideas he comes up with that are originally his, not stuff MJ had already done and simply taking credit.
Thank you for the transcript posts with LeGrande. Seems like Michael would have changed the trust/will after these Branca trust issues came up at the trial. Or does this tie in with their being another will someplace out there?
Michael searched for a ranch, found it, called his mum and Branca simply did the legal paperwork. Now, for them to say the ranch was $60million in 1987 is questionable. I don't see someone selling a ranch for a third of teh original asking price. and anyway MJ bought it for $20million

Housing market and stock market crashed in 1987, but not sure if this was related to the $60M home selling for $17K
Okay, this is what happened

Well... I don't mean to be rude, but all that appeared to be your rather subjective interpretation of what happened based largely off LeGrand's testimony. Which isn't necessarily 'what happened'. Some of what you say appears to have no substance, like 'knowing a business partner and his lawyer were colluding against him' - what? There wasn't any evidence of that. LeGrand stated as much - that investigation found no evidence of wrongdoing. Everything is placed in context by that fact.

Like I said, even if you accept that there was an offshore account that Sony paid money into, even if you take it as certain that the money paid into it was for the benefit of Branca personally, that still doesn't show you that Branca was being paid to sell MJ out. And those things are questionable to start off with.

What you've actually got is questionable evidence to show that Sony might have paid money to Branca. But then again, they may not have. That's it. There's nothing that actually indicates what the money was for, if it was even for Branca at all. That's a rather crucial link you need to justify stating that this shows that Mottola and Branca were conspiring against MJ.

Here's a question for you: what has Branca actually done that wasn't in MJ's interests? What deals were negotiated badly for example? Specifics, that might actually show that Branca wasn't acting in MJ's best interests. Anything?
Well... I don't mean to be rude, but all that appeared to be your rather subjective interpretation of what happened based largely off LeGrand's testimony. Which isn't necessarily 'what happened'. Some of what you say appears to have no substance, like 'knowing a business partner and his lawyer were colluding against him' - what? There wasn't any evidence of that. LeGrand stated as much - that investigation found no evidence of wrongdoing. Everything is placed in context by that fact.

Like I said, even if you accept that there was an offshore account that Sony paid money into, even if you take it as certain that the money paid into it was for the benefit of Branca personally, that still doesn't show you that Branca was being paid to sell MJ out. And those things are questionable to start off with.

What you've actually got is questionable evidence to show that Sony might have paid money to Branca. But then again, they may not have. That's it. There's nothing that actually indicates what the money was for, if it was even for Branca at all. That's a rather crucial link you need to justify stating that this shows that Mottola and Branca were conspiring against MJ.

Here's a question for you: what has Branca actually done that wasn't in MJ's interests? What deals were negotiated badly for example? Specifics, that might actually show that Branca wasn't acting in MJ's best interests. Anything?

Michael Jackson came out in July 2002, in a move uncharacteristic of him, and lashed out at Sony, specifically Mottola, saying "THEY REALLY DO CONSPIRE" and calling Mottola "VERY VERY VERY DEVILISH"

Those were Michael's words, not my words.
What i would ask you, what was he talking about when he said that they really do conspire?

Branca does not need to do anything overtly that you can see, otherwise he would be disbarred.

If Sony created a set of circumstances "setting the stage" (1993 reloaded) to make things difficult for MJ, then Branca advised Michael to sell the catalogue to get rid of the debt, it would have achieved what Sony wanted, which was to acquire the catalogue. You wouldn't see signs of "not in best interests", but in reality, he would have worked in "the best interests of Sony", who wanted the catalogue, and not Michael, who was a victim of a set of circumstances

But things didn't go according to plan when MJ refused to budge and sell, despite pressure from all directions, charges, Bank Of America foreclosing, and lots of drama. He refused to sell to Sony and even offered that billionaire friend the option to buy it rather than sell to Sony, and Branca's ability to influence MJ, which may have been plotted to be so during the trial, failed when that report by INTERFOR came to light, Michael was not listening to him at that point

Michael forgot or overlooked that Branca was an executor in his will as he had no plans of dying.

Now, since a lot of focus is on the estate, Branca can say for now, the SonyATV share is not for sale, while re-assuring Sony to chill till the focus subsides.
As executor, he can fashion a set of circumstances that then make it inevitable to sell SonyATV share. In 3 to 5 years time, he may say we want the Jackson estate to be focussed solely about Jacksons music and material and not on external stuff, and the media will support him saying "it's a sensible decision, business focus" something that companies do all the time and sell off other branches or business interests.

Then Sony gets what they have always wanted and services they have paid for

By then, you will also be saying, Nah! this has nothing to do with Sony and Michael, it's just smart business decision by Branca

All i say is this, they started this and they will see it to the end. Their only stumbling block now is Katherine

But now, Sony effectively controls everything Jackson
His music is selling heavily worldwide - raking in millions for Sony than any other artist on their books
His back catalogue till 2011 - which Branca will inevitably renew with them for another 10 to 15 years
His new music - which Branca controls as executor and will have Sony release
His rehearsals video - a deal that is already done
SonyATV via Branca, their agent - in a few years time

All against the backdrop of MJ's words in June 2002 saying he is done with Sony and is a free agent

But with a Judge who is Branca's friend, as Geragos mentioned, they hope to have Branca keep Katherine at bay
And in a few years time, Sony will have what they always wanted, 100% ownership of SonyATV and the added bonus of controllng all MJ's music and material, while Michael is in the grave.

If you cannot see that, then you won't see anything.


Not a free agent
Sony controlling all his works
His mother kept at bay

A tree is known by the fruit it produces, and right now, the fruits being produced show that Sony's best interests are coming out on top, with one fruit only left, the SonyATV.

Sony's Christmases came at once all in a row
While Michael's children and mother are in mourning
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This is a very complex thread, and nobody can be objective, but there are some issues that can not be ignored or accept as facts!

But Michael was easy to manipulate, especially by people who knew him well over so many years. Even LeGrand mentions it. That was an eternal weakness of Michael when in the hands of those who knew him well. Even Debbie Rowe said Michael is easy to manipulate especially when he is afraid. ...


Once Frank is comfortable, he manages to convince Michael that Branca is the guy. We don't even know waht sweet-talking Frank did

Then when Michael listens to Frank who then calls Branca over, they meet and Branca gets Michael to sign a legal document handing all control of his business over to him

Frank gets Michael to appoint him on the board of SonyATV

A week later, Michael is dead

Branca bids his time, doesn't rush back to LA yet when someone dies, people drop whatever they are doing to rush back. Especially for someone who knows he is "in charge of all Michael affairs"

He then presents the will. Katherine raises concern about how Branca and Michael parted

Lo and behold, Branca's lawyer produced the signed document

This is your very subjective point of view, and dangerous...
If it fits, Michael was a great and rational businessman, and if it does not fit, Michael was manipulated???

About what Michael we are talking about?... if people like Debbie Rowe or Dileo had almost no contact with MJ, especially in business matters...

Michaels death has nothing to do with Branca, it was cause because of MJs inability to undergo a right treatment!!! And it was the fault of those who doped and druged him - consciously throughout the years....!

Cant you see the conflict of interests???

Mr. McMillan is a recent co-owner and Executive Publisher of the new and re-focused legendary Source Magazine. McMillan is also one of the co-owners and partners with real-estate developer Bruce Ratner and Jay-Z in the New Jersey Nets NBA team they intend to bring the sports franchise to his hometown of Brooklyn, New York, as part of a major 4.5 billion dollar mixed-use commercial, retail and residential development project known as the Atlantic Yards among other landmark real-estate development projects with affiliation to the arts, entertainment or sports world.
How could administrators of Sony/ATV (Branca, McClain) let somebody (Londell McMillan) know so sensitive info about business matters in/from Sony/ATV????!
McMillan is the straight rival from a rival company!!!:wild:

I think part of the problem is Katherine is one of the main beneficiaries so there some sort of conflict with her being an executor....

as far as just having a seat at the table............I don't know???

but just like there is a hold up with a few deals........I think if Katherine does get a seat at the table....her lawyer will be trying to flex some influence on everything... which does not necessary benefit Michael's children....

glad they are being represented...becuz them being representing is like Michael being represented...

I like Katherine.. BUT Michael's view on business was different from his families..

Thats that, also with the BIO of McMillan.... who he is and where he comes from...:smilerolleyes:

Why is the Media so eager to "report" how "good of a friend" John Branca was to Michael Jackson? is?

Where is the same media interest in Katherine Jackson wanting his gone as "executor of the 2002 will"?

Michael Jackson fired John Branca because criminality and conflict of interest in working for SONY MUSIC USA against his "good friend".

John Branca is robbing the Jackson family. He offers them $500 million; while he and the other parties(you know what they did) will steal the other 2 billion.

If John is "some one who knows the indutry and so trust worthy; why is he lying to the KatherineJackson & family about the value of the 50% of 750,000 song SONY/ATV???

It is not 500 million but more like 2.5 billion!
What a "good friend" Branca is to LIE to Michael's Mother.

You like numbers :fortuneteller:, but you are so overzealous that you can not see a rational level... of these matters! (thats my perspective of you...)
This must not be quarreling about numbers....:evil:

Well... I don't mean to be rude, but all that appeared to be your rather subjective interpretation of what happened based largely off LeGrand's testimony. Which isn't necessarily 'what happened'. Some of what you say appears to have no substance, like 'knowing a business partner and his lawyer were colluding against him' - what? There wasn't any evidence of that. LeGrand stated as much - that investigation found no evidence of wrongdoing. Everything is placed in context by that fact.

Like I said, even if you accept that there was an offshore account that Sony paid money into, even if you take it as certain that the money paid into it was for the benefit of Branca personally, that still doesn't show you that Branca was being paid to sell MJ out. And those things are questionable to start off with.

What you've actually got is questionable evidence to show that Sony might have paid money to Branca. But then again, they may not have. That's it. There's nothing that actually indicates what the money was for, if it was even for Branca at all. That's a rather crucial link you need to justify stating that this shows that Mottola and Branca were conspiring against MJ.

Here's a question for you: what has Branca actually done that wasn't in MJ's interests? What deals were negotiated badly for example? Specifics, that might actually show that Branca wasn't acting in MJ's best interests. Anything?


Michael Jackson came out in July 2002, in a move uncharacteristic of him, and lashed out at Sony, specifically Mottola, saying "THEY REALLY DO CONSPIRE" and calling Mottola "VERY VERY VERY DEVILISH"

Those were Michael's words, not my words.
What i would ask you, what was he talking about when he said that they really do conspire?

Branca does not need to do anything overtly that you can see, otherwise he would be disbarred.

If Sony created a set of circumstances "setting the stage" (1993 reloaded) to make things difficult for MJ, then Branca advised Michael to sell the catalogue to get rid of the debt, it would have achieved what Sony wanted, which was to acquire the catalogue. You wouldn't see signs of "not in best interests", but in reality, he would have worked in "the best interests of Sony", who wanted the catalogue, and not Michael, who was a victim of a set of circumstances

But things didn't go according to plan when MJ refused to budge and sell, despite pressure from all directions, charges, Bank Of America foreclosing, and lots of drama. He refused to sell to Sony and even offered that billionaire friend the option to buy it rather than sell to Sony, and Branca's ability to influence MJ, which may have been plotted to be so during the trial, failed when that report by INTERFOR came to light, Michael was not listening to him at that point

Michael forgot or overlooked that Branca was an executor in his will as he had no plans of dying.

Now, since a lot of focus is on the estate, Branca can say for now, the SonyATV share is not for sale, while re-assuring Sony to chill till the focus subsides.
As executor, he can fashion a set of circumstances that then make it inevitable to sell SonyATV share. In 3 to 5 years time, he may say we want the Jackson estate to be focussed solely about Jacksons music and material and not on external stuff, and the media will support him saying "it's a sensible decision, business focus" something that companies do all the time and sell off other branches or business interests.

Then Sony gets what they have always wanted and services they have paid for

By then, you will also be saying, Nah! this has nothing to do with Sony and Michael, it's just smart business decision by Branca

All i say is this, they started this and they will see it to the end. Their only stumbling block now is Katherine

But now, Sony effectively controls everything Jackson
His music is selling heavily worldwide - raking in millions for Sony than any other artist on their books
His back catalogue till 2011 - which Branca will inevitably renew with them for another 10 to 15 years
His new music - which Branca controls as executor and will have Sony release
His rehearsals video - a deal that is already done
SonyATV via Branca, their agent - in a few years time

All against the backdrop of MJ's words in June 2002 saying he is done with Sony and is a free agent

But with a Judge who is Branca's friend, as Geragos mentioned, they hope to have Branca keep Katherine at bay
And in a few years time, Sony will have what they always wanted, 100% ownership of SonyATV and the added bonus of controllng all MJ's music and material, while Michael is in the grave.

If you cannot see that, then you won't see anything.


Not a free agent
Sony controlling all his works
His mother kept at bay

A tree is known by the fruit it produces, and right now, the fruits being produced show that Sony's best interests are coming out on top, with one fruit only left, the SonyATV.

Sony's Christmases came at once all in a row
While Michael's children and mother are in mourning

Michael vs Mottola - was (imo) just a delusion of Michael because of (imo) the negative influence of Al Sharpton!!!! Michael made so many "inaccurate" statements that its obvious that he wasnt able to distinguish whats true and who was right!

After 2003-2005 Michael could change his will, but he didint, but nothing upgraded exists (so far...), or there is another upgraded will, but maybe somebody has got a real reason not to let it be presented!!!!

Besides our fan "discussion", there is the interest of the Kids and Katherine.
The most important is the Trust and Estate, if it runs Branca or Londell, it doesnt really matter..., the result of it has to be only to increase the value of the Estate, and secure the future for the MJs kids....!!!
Yeesh. So much circular reasoning. "Branca is working for Sony, so he'll sell the Sony/ATV share in a few years and make sure Sony get everything they wanted regardless of what's good for the estate, so Branca is working for Sony."

And yes, rsw22, MJ lashed out at Mottola and Sony in 2002. Specifically, he said, '"The recording companies really, really do conspire against the artists. They steal, they cheat, they do everything they can, especially [against] the black artists." Apparently you read that and see MJ saying "Mottola was conspiring with Branca!" I don't. I see MJ stating that artists, particularly black artists, get a raw deal from the record companies, which they do.

MJ was specifically unhappy with Sony's promotion - or rather lack of promotion - of Invincible, after MJ told Mottola he was leaving Sony. There was speculation that Sony were deliberately trying to have Invincible flop in order to put MJ into financial difficulties which would force him to sell his share in Sony/ATV.

That's what MJ was talking about.

But that wouldn't mean Branca was involved.

For all you've said, rsw22, there's nothing that indicates that Branca actually was working against MJ's best interests. Important point in general here: just because something is theoretically possible doesn't mean it is probable, and it certainly doesn't mean it is. You wouldn't apply that kind of logic ("it could be, so it is") to MJ. It shouldn't be applied to someone else.

Also, the idea that MJ forgot, for seven years, that Branca was executor of his will and trustee of the associated trust is stretching, to say the least.

It's far more likely that MJ didn't completely forget about his will and trust for seven years and left Branca as executor and trustee because he wanted him to be. Which in turn suggests MJ didn't think Branca was conspiring against him.
i just wanna say - if Branca was really that BAD, why Michael didNOT change the will? Michael had 7 years to do so...
And yes, rsw22, MJ lashed out at Mottola and Sony in 2002. Specifically, he said, '"The recording companies really, really do conspire against the artists. They steal, they cheat, they do everything they can, especially [against] the black artists." Apparently you read that and see MJ saying "Mottola was conspiring with Branca!" I don't. I see MJ stating that artists, particularly black artists, get a raw deal from the record companies, which they do.

MJ was specifically unhappy with Sony's promotion - or rather lack of promotion - of Invincible, after MJ told Mottola he was leaving Sony. There was speculation that Sony were deliberately trying to have Invincible flop in order to put MJ into financial difficulties which would force him to sell his share in Sony/ATV.

That's what MJ was talking about.

But that wouldn't mean Branca was involved.

For all you've said, rsw22, there's nothing that indicates that Branca actually was working against MJ's best interests. Important point in general here: just because something is theoretically possible doesn't mean it is probable, and it certainly doesn't mean it is. You wouldn't apply that kind of logic ("it could be, so it is") to MJ. It shouldn't be applied to someone else.

Also, the idea that MJ forgot, for seven years, that Branca was executor of his will and trustee of the associated trust is stretching, to say the least.

It's far more likely that MJ didn't completely forget about his will and trust for seven years and left Branca as executor and trustee because he wanted him to be. Which in turn suggests MJ didn't think Branca was conspiring against him.

I think that the Invincible Era was a huge mistake!
Financially, musically, artistically!

Invincible album was not worth the 30 mill. dollars, spent on recording!

It was the weakest MJ album, and it was (imo) a rational step not to put more money on promotion if there was no interest in buying it and possible losses.

Most of the fans bought the album, just because it was Michaels album, not because of the cool songs - because there was not a single song with any potential to be a HIT ( but, lets say - Butterflies is really good, but average, it reached 15th place on Billboard single chart, without a promotion)!!!!....(of the rest, only a few are fine for me), the album didnt reach the quality of HIStory or Dangerous..., and it cost 20-30 mill.???

Come on..., if you were a CEO or president of a recording company, you would have to make some decisions about the money spent on recording and promotion!
Just because it was Michael Jackson - the King of Pop - you would not be crazy to spent more money then any possible profit!
In Invincible case, there was needed to sell at least 8 mill. to compensate the expenses!

In the end of 2002 it was sold only 7 mill., in US only 2 mill.... :doh:
Michael vs Mottola - was (imo) just a delusion of Michael because of (imo) the negative influence of Al Sharpton!!!! Michael made so many "inaccurate" statements that its obvious that he wasnt able to distinguish whats true and who was right!

After 2003-2005 Michael could change his will, but he didint, but nothing upgraded exists (so far...), or there is another upgraded will, but maybe somebody has got a real reason not to let it be presented!!!!

Besides our fan "discussion", there is the interest of the Kids and Katherine.
The most important is the Trust and Estate, if it runs Branca or Londell, it doesnt really matter..., the result of it has to be only to increase the value of the Estate, and secure the future for the MJs kids....!!!

By the way, if you look at 2002, when Michael lashed out at Mottola, AlSharpton came to the defence of Mottola instead of Michael.

Also, calling MJ delusional is a bit like how the media calls names to mask the truth. MJ was not delusional, he was being threatened directly by Mottola

You know what, if Pellicano never had a tape of Chandler, people would have called MJ fans delusional for saying Chandler engineered the whole thing to use his son and make allegations

Let's take a look at 2002

J. JACKSON: OK, I'll finish.

Irv Gotti was referred to as a fat black nigger, Irv Gotti. And these are things that go on. I mean, we look at the Enron situation. The record industry is the same way. And then there was something about his album and he's blaming Sony for the sales. But there are a lot of other artists complaining about sales. It was just in the trades in the last three months, there's $45 million to $50 million being lost at Sony. So, who's to blame?

CHUNG: Well, Jermaine, I know. Just so that we can clarify for our viewers, he did say that this record executive named Tommy Mottola was racist. But that's a different subject.

I'm just talking about your brother's behavior, which has been -- don't you think it's kind of strange?

J. JACKSON: But, Connie, when you show a clip and you say that he's accusing someone else of racism, then I have to defend that, because my brother wasn't brought up to be racist. He wasn't brought up to accuse anybody that way. But when someone refers to someone else that way, you have to depict that.

I mean, Michael's behavior is no different from -- there's the Einsteins, who were considered as brilliant minds. But they consider him as to be weird. They never spoke about Michelangelo's looks. And he's changed his looks many, many times, but he's gone on to do some incredible works.

There's William Shakespeare, who is never talked about, the way he looked. And I think this is just -- leave him alone. Leave him alone. Yes, we're a family. We're a family. And he's a family member.


Mottola was a powerful CEO and was using his contacts in the media to generate negative publicity against Michael. You can see how Connie tries to shift topic to "Michael's bizzarre behaviour"

And somewhere else, there was an article about a meeting involving Michael where Mottola was on the phone, Michael was at Neverland with one of his managers and Mottola made direct threats on the phone saying "I will ruin you".

If someone can trace that article.

Now, why is Irv Gotti's name brought up? In 2001, Michael met with Irv Gotti and was working on projects with him. Sony did not like it as it seems Irv Gotti had discussed with Michael a possible move to a label he was oversseing at the time. It seems that's when Mottola insults Gotti by calling him a "big fat nigger" as Jermaine quotes in the CNN interview.

There were serious issues going on behind the scenes.

I think some fans will only believe if they listen to tapes of such meetings.

Michael even walked out of some meetings because things were becoming bad.

Tell me, when the "Cry" music video was produced, what is the last time you saw such a substandard music video from Michael? People just standing there holding hands. No dancing, no singing
Mottola gave the go-ahead for it to be done. Michael only did one music video for Invincible. Do you know what went on during those meetings that led to this?

Now, Mesereau asked Ann Gabriel about information that Sony was trying to isolate Michael from the music industry and was planting people in his camp to do so.

Well, if all that was hearsay and speculation, then let it be. There are a lot of people with first-hand information of what Sony was trying to do to MJ. Unfortunately, they never get given airtime, just like you never saw Geraldine Hughes and this other lady's book "Conspiracy", being given any air time.

It's a collusion of silence by suppressing the truth

Could i bring you a tape showing Branca chatting with Mottola about Michael and helping Sony gain the catalogue? NO.

Could i bring you a tape showing Mottola chatting with Branca about an offshore account? NO.

Just like i couldn't bring you a tape of Evan Chandler drugging his son Jordy in his dental surgery

Does that render information to be speculation and innuendo just because of the absence of a tape?

Well, we have audio of Chandler making threats to destroy Michael. It's never played by the media and people find ways to justify what Chandler did to Michael

Just as people will find ways to justify what Branca and Sony will do to Michael's estate.

And by the way, Branca's lawfirm, Zimmer, still represents Sony, so there is a conflict of interest issue, regardless of all this issues discussed.

I know some will say the conflict existed while michael was alive, well that does not negate teh conflict of interest simply because you never raised the issue before. When the issue gets raised, then it has to be resolved.

You can't have the dealmaker (executor) representing the deal recipient (Sony)
A conflict of interest arises in that the best deals may not be attained in negotiations
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual or organization (such as a policeman, lawyer, insurance adjuster, politician, engineer, executive, director of a corporation, medical research scientist, physician, writer, editor, or any other entrusted individual or organization) has an interest that might compromise their actions. The presence of a conflict of interest is independent from the execution of impropriety.

In the legal profession, the duty of loyalty owed to a client prohibits an attorney (or a law firm) from representing any other party with interests adverse to those of a current client. The few exceptions to this rule require informed written consent from all affected clients. In some circumstances, a conflict of interest can never be waived by a client. In perhaps the most common example encountered by the general public, the same firm will not represent both parties in a divorce or child custody case.

A prohibited or undisclosed representation involving a conflict of interests can subject an attorney to disciplinary hearings, the denial or disgorge of legal fees, or in some cases (such as the failure to make mandatory disclosure) criminal proceedings. In the United States, possible conflicting clients of a single attorney are deemed as possible conflicts for all lawyers associated with a law firm. Law firms often employ software in conjunction with their case management and accounting systems in order to meet their duties to monitor their conflict of interest exposure, and obtain waivers when necessary or appropriate.


The few exceptions to this rule require informed written consent from all affected clients

Michael may have written a waiver, but as Katherine is now a beneficiary, she can object to this conflict of interest

Responsible Advice for Ethical Issues in Legal Practice

In some cases, it is easy to recognize a conflict of interest with a potential or current client. In other cases, attorneys may run across issues in their practice that they may be unsure about and may or may not be an actual conflict of interest. At Century Law Group located in Los Angeles, California, we provide advice and counseling for attorneys who have questions about these issues and the ethical issues involved in their legal practice.


So there are law firms that even deal specifically with this on behalf of other lawyers

Lawyer Disqualification: Conflicts of Interest and other Biases

Provided By: Center for Continuing Education (CCE)
Approved for CLE credit in: AK, AZ, CA, CO, FL, ME, MO, ND, NV, NY, OR, TX, VA, WA
As speaker Richard E. Flamm states, "the Number One basis for legal malpractice cases in the U.S. is conflicts of interest; and every judge is totally conversant in disqualification motions. They happen every day." Mr. Flamm discusses the Rules governing conflicts of interest (including California and ABA ), the possible severe consequences of conflicts of interest, disqualification for conflicts of interest in numerous practice areas, motions to disqualify by former clients, defenses to motions and vicarious disqualification.

Defining the Term "Conflict of Interest:" No way to define: Fact-specific
Multiple representation (Entertainment Law example)


That's why Katherine's lawyer wanted to question Branca extensively about conflict of interest, yet his lawyers tried to block this by saying that questions are too broad.

But they have to, as he has been representing Michael since 1980. That is spanning 29 years or so.
Let us remember that Branca et al will only be executors for a few months.

My question is, who will continue to be in charge of the Sony/ATV catalogue?? Will it also be Branca?
Could i bring you a tape showing Branca chatting with Mottola about Michael and helping Sony gain the catalogue? NO.

Could i bring you a tape showing Mottola chatting with Branca about an offshore account? NO.

Just like i couldn't bring you a tape of Evan Chandler drugging his son Jordy in his dental surgery

Does that render information to be speculation and innuendo just because of the absence of a tape?
The third is not 'just like' the first two. What makes the third one not speculation and innuendo is Chandler admitting he administered sodium amytal.

For the first two, it's not the 'absence of a tape' that renders them speculation. It's the absence of any real evidence whatsoever.

But you know what is like the first two? Unsubstantiated accusations made, without a tape or other real evidence? The allegations made against MJ.

No-one should be judged based solely on rumour and speculation.

Motown deal - was done by Joe and Beery Gordy
Las Vegas deal - Joe and Las Vegas promoters
Epic Deal - Joe and Epic

Branca was brought in by Joe, i think around 1977 to represent Michael
Branca then muscled Joe out to take control of Michael
Branca then began keeping Joe away from Michael the way Jack Gordon did with Latoya
Joe spoke out about Branca in 1984 and Branca passed it on to Michael in a way that made Joe appear racist and Michael release a statement saying he detests racism

Branca did the ATV deal for Michael

Michael searched for a ranch, found it, called his mum and Branca simply did the legal paperwork. Now, for them to say the ranch was $60million in 1987 is questionable. I don't see someone selling a ranch for a third of teh original asking price. and anyway MJ bought it for $20million

Bert Fields did the 1991 Sony deal for Michael. Don't forget that in 1993, it was Bert Fields a well known entertainment lawyer who oversaw and murked up the Chandler issue because he was not a criminal lawyer.

Thomas Mesereau cleared out all the trash in Michael's life in the 2005 trial

AEG and Michael did a deal for a tour at the O2 and signed the contract. Michael dances and works hard to create a million dollar show. RED cameras are also used to create 3D video

AEG puts up footage to highest bidder after Michael dies, and also seeks a merchandising deal that was already in the works for the tour.

Branca comes in, takes credit that he sold footage for $60million and that he is raising $100million

Well, most of that $100 million was already done by Michael and AEG and the new idea so far from Branca is the Moonwalker book and getting Jermaine to release a song "Smile".

I await to see what other creative ideas he comes up with that are originally his, not stuff MJ had already done and simply taking credit.

Thank you
Why does this "undervaluing" prevent him from being HONEST with Katherine Jackson (in private)??? Or is this about also keeping the family away from the actual value aswell? Think about it if I am working for your interest should I lie about your assets actual value you?

That 100 million was made by the unmatched power and popularity of Michael Jackson not Branca. If the UK concerts were to have happened the $$$$ would be pouring in anyway; Branca is merely the operative who is stealing credit. Why is he a "Media darling."

Yet when MJ was alive the Media for 20 years wrote article after article all saying "more financial problems for J****; "Michael Jackson must sell the catalog!" Or "MJ sued again" where was the "wonderful business partner" then?

his wonderful business partner was fired each time slime came into mj'slife and told him to get rid of branca. it happened a few times.

sure the money was made b/c of mj but it was all in how branca and mcclain structured deals and got unheard of profit shares from aeg. they'repicking the projects they know will sell, will benefit the estate, and help carry on mj's legacy. nothing frivolous or damaging to his rep.

and we don' tknow what he's telling katherine in private. for all we know, he has and she'sjust say ing this to appease the family. they've done ok so far
his wonderful business partner was fired each time slime came into mj'slife and told him to get rid of branca. it happened a few times.

sure the money was made b/c of mj but it was all in how branca and mcclain structured deals and got unheard of profit shares from aeg. they'repicking the projects they know will sell, will benefit the estate, and help carry on mj's legacy. nothing frivolous or damaging to his rep.

and we don' tknow what he's telling katherine in private. for all we know, he has and she'sjust say ing this to appease the family. they've done ok so far

If he is working with her she would not wish him removed as executor. Yet once again the Jackson's must be in the wrong. Some how what the Media tells you must be believed.

Jackson's own words( Is he wrong too)

Then Sony gets what they have always wanted and services they have paid for

by then, you will also be saying, Nah! This has nothing to do with Sony and Michael, it's just smart business decision by Branca

All I say is this, they started this and they will see it to the end. Their only stumbling block now is Katherine

But now, Sony effectively controls everything Jackson
His music is selling heavily worldwide - raking in millions for Sony than any other artist on their books
His back catalogue till 2011 - which Branca will inevitably renew with them for another 10 to 15 years
His new music - which Branca controls as executor and will have Sony release
His rehearsals video - a deal that is already done
SonyATV via Branca, their agent - in a few years time

All against the backdrop of MJ's words in June 2002 saying he is done with Sony and is a free agent

Katherine better hire a food taster ASAP. Hopefully she will note have a "cardiac arrest" or sudden "drug overdose" from the "stress".
Part of me wishes Michael never even bought this catalogue, I mean look what's happened with it. It scares me that his children are probably gonna be preyed upon just as bad for what? A catalogue. It's madness.
If he is working with her she would not wish him removed as executor. Yet once again the Jackson's must be in the wrong. Some how what the Media tells you must be believed.

Jackson's own words( Is he wrong too)

Watching this video again is amazing.

Atleast Michael got to achieve something he strived for, and that was to get Tommy Mottola terminated.

Michael must have been on cloud 9 on 9 January 2003 when news came in that Tommy Mottola was out.

That was some powerful CEO but Michael and fan efforts finally bore fruit

And partly that is why Mariah Carey was so emotional while singing at Michael's funeral.

But Michael was so right about record labels trying to take advantage of stars
He outsmarted them
They were angry
He owned half of Sony publishing - just forget the ATV part for a moment
And he was leaving Sony

Then what do we get? An entire decade in which every move is taken to cripple Michael and hardly any new material for him for a whole decade

Only a person choosing to look the other way can suppose Sony sat there saying , "Oh, Jackson is leaving? ow, too bad, we will just move on".

Not when the guy owns half of Sony publishing and has been raking in billions for them.

And after Michael has been through the storm and still alive ready to storm the stage in a deal that does not involve them, they sit down and say, man, if this guy has a succesful tour, we are done for. He will make money and then demand the right to walk off, not with 50% but can buy us out at 100%

What do we do? What do we do?


And after that, a nice statement from Sony about the long history of working with Michael and how they will carry on working with the Michael Jackson Estate

The world is back to a bed of roses for Sony.
Watching this video again is amazing.

Atleast Michael got to achieve something he strived for, and that was to get Tommy Mottola terminated.

Michael must have been on cloud 9 on 9 January 2003 when news came in that Tommy Mottola was out.

That was some powerful CEO but Michael and fan efforts finally bore fruit

And partly that is why Mariah Carey was so emotional while singing at Michael's funeral.

But Michael was so right about record labels trying to take advantage of stars
He outsmarted them
They were angry
He owned half of Sony publishing - just forget the ATV part for a moment
And he was leaving Sony

Then what do we get? An entire decade in which every move is taken to cripple Michael and hardly any new material for him for a whole decade

Only a person choosing to look the other way can suppose Sony sat there saying , "Oh, Jackson is leaving? ow, too bad, we will just move on".

Not when the guy owns half of Sony publishing and has been raking in billions for them.

And after Michael has been through the storm and still alive ready to storm the stage in a deal that does not involve them, they sit down and say, man, if this guy has a succesful tour, we are done for. He will make money and then demand the right to walk off, not with 50% but can buy us out at 100%

What do we do? What do we do?


And after that, a nice statement from Sony about the long history of working with Michael and how they will carry on working with the Michael Jackson Estate

The world is back to a bed of roses for Sony.

So sad and so so true. Rsw22 your post are actually more informative than the Media article that started this thread. These trial transcipts are things they and other would like to forget.

I also believe there is another fight with the Family, especially Jermain, Branca, Thome & Colony to have Michael's body buried at Neverland. Personally I agree with Latoya that He no longer wished to live(or buried) there. I hope this does not happen.