Jackson gig lawsuit will go ahead

Frank said he is going to try and get mj within 4 months of signing the papers with them which was in october . Frank became mj's manager only a month or so before his death , mj signed the deal already with AEG then Frank became his manager so no way mj agreed to do the reunion concert .

again the family will soon change their story and they will say they had access to mj during that time and mj agreed to do the show with them . Randy , Rowe, joe and probably jermaine will testify against the estate , watch and see. someone might say but randy is looking to be hired as an executor . Randy knows he is not going to get near the estate , and no one else from the family will be allowed to take decisions not even become a trustee , so he is already looking for other sources of income and this is another opportunity .
Where are you getting this information from? what makes you think that rowe, randy, joe and jermaine, will join allgood?