Jackson gig lawsuit will go ahead


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Last updated: 11:19 am
August 21, 2009
Posted: 3:04 am
August 21, 2009

Michael Jackson might be gone, but a New Jersey company's lawsuit against the late King of Pop lives on.

A federal judge gave the green light yesterday for a civil action against Jackson, his manager and concert promoter over The Gloved One's alleged double-dealing against his own family.

AllGood Entertainment filed a $40 million lawsuit accusing Jackson of agreeing to do reunion concerts with his family before reneging and signing another deal for London concerts.

Manhattan federal Judge Harold Baer set an October 2010 trial date, as long as AllGood amends its lawsuit to name Jackson's estate as a defendant.

AllGood's lawyer, Ira Meyerowitz, said his side wants a chunk of the $60 million the estate made by selling rehearsal footage for the London concerts to Columbia Pictures.

Jackson would have turned 51 a week from tomorrow.

The vultures are still circling....
i'm sure the one who are going to testify for allgood will be Rowe, joe , Randy and Jermaine . watch and see.
i have a thousand and one things floating around in my head right now and i cant say a damn one of them.

But what i will say is that even in death people still have their hands in his pockets.
Greed... I would imagine that Michael would be out of the lawsuit now since he's passed. But apparently not...

Aha! Just noticed the Jackson estate will need to be named as a defendant. Makes more sense now but it still boils down to greed...
Wow. Just, wow. They want a cut of the money made from selling the rehearsal footage. SMDH.
Is it weird that Katherine's newly appointed financial adviser (Rowe) is suing her dead son?

Theres a riddle for ya.
Wow.. ok, I don't get it.... whatever decision he took during his life, and nobody said he agreed to do a reunion show..(no?) what's the point with that since he cannot resign anymore for a contract nor do a reunion show... :doh:

I really don't get it, this is ridiculous. I bet in 20 years we'll be in the same situation, this will never end, I assure you! We'll always have something like that to talk about!
Frank said he is going to try and get mj within 4 months of signing the papers with them which was in october . Frank became mj's manager only a month or so before his death , mj signed the deal already with AEG then Frank became his manager so no way mj agreed to do the reunion concert .

again the family will soon change their story and they will say they had access to mj during that time and mj agreed to do the show with them . Randy , Rowe, joe and probably jermaine will testify against the estate , watch and see. someone might say but randy is looking to be hired as an executor . Randy knows he is not going to get near the estate , and no one else from the family will be allowed to take decisions not even become a trustee , so he is already looking for other sources of income and this is another opportunity .
Wow.. ok, I don't get it.... whatever decision he took during his life, and nobody said he agreed to do a reunion show..(no?) what's the point with that since he cannot resign anymore for a contract nor do a reunion show... :doh:

They can still get the estate to pay up...
yeah Katie's attorney wanted him to testify as an advisor and Randy as an expert . what a fucking joke , indeed.
Lets hope the estate don't settle, they need to get this into a court and then countersue.

I hope Rowe and Co. are ok with taking money from 3 bereaved children and charities. No wonder Michael didn't want him around.
For a judge to allow this to proceed sounds fishy to me. This another dimension of greed.
This is insane!I can't even articulate everything that's wrong with this. Just wow.
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Is it weird that Katherine's newly appointed financial adviser (Rowe) is suing her dead son?

Theres a riddle for ya.

Where are you getting that from? The article only mentions AllGood & their lawyer.
All I know is that somebody better have some signed contracts and not a bunch of "well he TOLD me he would." And as per TSCM, AGE does not have the goods.

As a reminder: All AGE has is a contract between themselves and FRANK DILEO. Wherein DiLeo was given a certain amount of time to get the ENTIRE family on board with this project. That time period lapsed before any family member signed. So in my opinion, there was no contract for the family members to sign.

I believe that AGE was hoping that Michael would throw them a few dollars in order for them to go away. I could be wrong, but somehow, I don't see John Branca playing that game.

Also keeing in mind that AllGood Entertainment stated that Frank DiLeo signed an agreement on behalf of the ENTIRE family, including Rebbie. I seriously doubt that DiLeo had the power nor the authorization to sign on behalf of the ENTIRE Jackson family, and that includes Rebbie. (Does anybody on this board really think that Rebbie Jackson is interested in going on stage in order to re-create her hit "Centerpide." I sure don't. LOL!)
Oh and one more thing.

Tito is planning on joining Glayds Knight on the road very shortly. So does that mean he is also in breach of the "supposed" Jackson Family Reunion Concert contract?
This is outrageous and SICK SICK. Who are these people? It's ridiculous. Suing over a concert that never happened? BASTARDS. How much shit can we take? Are we ever going to recover from this nightmare?
When did Rowe sue?

Leonard Rowe is behind the Allgood entertainment deal.

Also in court last week Rowe was supposed to appear as a financial adviser to the family.

It seems like a conflict of interest, doesnt it?

Where are you getting that from? The article only mentions AllGood & their lawyer.

Unless I'm mistaken, Rowe is involved in this lawsuit. Am I wrong?
The family had already released a statement that they did not agree to do any concerts with AGE.

Rowe was supposed to be some kind of witness for Katherine in the AEG hearing (I don't see how Katherine could use a man that tells the world that 'everybody knew MJ was a drug addict)

But Rowe is expected to be a witness for AGE according to the NYPost. But maybe he has no choice, maybe AGE is bluffing, and/or maybe the Post is just missing the mark.....again.
frank dileo promised that the family would do this. he was in a consultant position w/ mj at the time, not a manager. so if anything, frank shouldhave to pay this.

frank would've taken a cut from age for getting teh family to do this, as well as a cut from what mj made if he was his manager at the time of the shows. that's illegal