Jackson Family TV - Updated information including Michaels involvement

I really think that The whole are the family are going to be huge again, its all coming together now..

Watch this space.

I hope so. I really love to see them together. There is no family like them when there are united. I love them all. May god bless them, all of them.:D
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personally i dont believe this or as per normal its been taken outof context just like all the family moving to devon. when all that happened was a few of them stayed there in a rented house while they finished off recording the channel 4 prog
I think MJ will make cameo appearances on show and album if that's true. He may do one special with the brothers but not a tour. I think people ARE respecting the fact that MJ loves his family and I think FULL HEARTEDLY that MJ loves his family...howEVER...his professional interests are different. MJ is working hard on his solo carreer as Janet said. MJ wants to bring his solo career back up and running. That's probably his TOP priority considering he is in the studio on his own for the most part everyday. Maybe when his plans for that are done, we can talk about jackson family stuff.
Very interesting...Although I doubt MJ will re-unite with the J-5. He is a huge solo artist and can sell out as a solo act. I agree with Damien about a one time concert re-union thing and maybe a collaboration for Michael's new album. There are so many rumors and apparent "facts" coming out..I really dont know what to believe. Im just hoping over time things will become more clear and we will all know what direction Michael is taking.
Yes, indeed. And mJ loves his family and fans need to respect that. Sometimes I get the feeling that they think he is superior to them and that, to me is wrong.:no:

yeh i agree..i can't stand out how some fans make it out like the brothers are using mj or that mj dosen't need to waste his time with his brothers coz he is far more superior..ect ect..i also think it is wrong
oh and i hope the rumours about mj working with his brothers and this reality tv show is true..i think it would be very interesting...can't wait to hear what they have come up with :D