Jackson Family TV - Updated information including Michaels involvement


Proud Member
Feb 3, 2006
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
This is some updated information regarding the speculation around the new Jackson Family reality TV show which is apparently in the production works

"'The show will follow the lives of the brothers as they move back into the old Jackson family home in the L.A. suburb of Encino and live and perform together again' an insider claims.

'They feel the timing is right - because Michael is becoming professionally active again, and they believe fans are ready to find out what the family is doing,' said the mole.

'Although Michael will stop in and oversee some of the recording with The Jacksons, he'll be doing most of his singing from his private studio in Las Vegas and then have the tapes transferred to where his brothers are laying down tracks in L.A..'

Former Celebrity Big Brother contestant Jermaine, 53, will reportedly run the show, but Michael 'wants the last say on the music.'"

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Sounds plausible to me.. especially the part about MJ not showing up and doing recordings in Vegas, its typically the way he would do things as of late, So I believe this report
if michael appears on the album i think he'll only be on one or two tracks, in the same vein of victory and 2300 jackson street.
like he did in 2001 and never released anything. they have been claiming a new album for decades. i dont see it happening. michael has been working so long on his SOLO album, i dont see him throwing that away to try relive the 70's again.
like he did in 2001 and never released anything. they have been claiming a new album for decades. i dont see it happening. michael has been working so long on his SOLO album, i dont see him throwing that away to try relive the 70's again.
Well the jacksons are actually filming with ch 4. We saw them. I never expected MJ to take part in that, but he did when he made that phonecall. I think MJ is very much on board this time. The brothers did say he was on board. It is obvious that he is communicating with them:D
Well the jacksons are actually filming with ch 4. We saw them. I never expected MJ to take part in that, but he did when he made that phonecall. I think MJ is very much on board this time. The brothers did say he was on board. It is obvious that he is communicating with them:D
^^^true....and COOL!
I guess time will tell :yes: Whoever is in it, I'll watch it!
Well the jacksons are actually filming with ch 4. We saw them. I never expected MJ to take part in that, but he did when he made that phonecall. I think MJ is very much on board this time. The brothers did say he was on board. It is obvious that he is communicating with them:D

i know about that but like i said, these talks of jacksons music have been going forever. they have been wanting a reunion since victory tour ended. they begged to be on bad tour. rejected, and have beeen ever since. they talked about a new album being "baking in the oven, almost done" in an interview before 30th anniversary and have ALWAYS talked about a reunion tour. Howeve, Janet has said MJ aint up for it now coz he is concentrating on his "SOLO career" (her words not mine) and a couple of the Jacksons have even said that they have NO idea what Michael is doing. Jackie and Jermaine have said new album and tour recently, but other have contradicted that. From my feeling and personal opinion i think that it will never be RELEASED... music may be being made, but releasing it is a whole other thing. I reckon MJ will fly solo for a good deal of time at least. He has the potential to be BIG, AND RELIVANT and AHEAD of the times once more... rejoining the brother would only take him backwards in my opinion. Its time to move forward:) (in my opinion)
i know about that but like i said, these talks of jacksons music have been going forever. they have been wanting a reunion since victory tour ended. they begged to be on bad tour. rejected, and have beeen ever since. they talked about a new album being "baking in the oven, almost done" in an interview before 30th anniversary and have ALWAYS talked about a reunion tour. Howeve, Janet has said MJ aint up for it now coz he is concentrating on his "SOLO career" (her words not mine) and a couple of the Jacksons have even said that they have NO idea what Michael is doing. Jackie and Jermaine have said new album and tour recently, but other have contradicted that. From my feeling and personal opinion i think that it will never be RELEASED... music may be being made, but releasing it is a whole other thing. I reckon MJ will fly solo for a good deal of time at least. He has the potential to be BIG, AND RELIVANT and AHEAD of the times once more... rejoining the brother would only take him backwards in my opinion. Its time to move forward:) (in my opinion)

Agreed 100%.
Well, I don't agree. I think it is time for the jackson family to come together again and bring the world with them like they did when they first started. MJ said he started with them and he will end with them. There will still be room for him to do his thing, but he needs to do it for the J5 fans and for his parents too. I believe he will.
i know about that but like i said, these talks of jacksons music have been going forever. they have been wanting a reunion since victory tour ended. they begged to be on bad tour. rejected, and have beeen ever since. they talked about a new album being "baking in the oven, almost done" in an interview before 30th anniversary and have ALWAYS talked about a reunion tour. Howeve, Janet has said MJ aint up for it now coz he is concentrating on his "SOLO career" (her words not mine) and a couple of the Jacksons have even said that they have NO idea what Michael is doing. Jackie and Jermaine have said new album and tour recently, but other have contradicted that. From my feeling and personal opinion i think that it will never be RELEASED... music may be being made, but releasing it is a whole other thing. I reckon MJ will fly solo for a good deal of time at least. He has the potential to be BIG, AND RELIVANT and AHEAD of the times once more... rejoining the brother would only take him backwards in my opinion. Its time to move forward:) (in my opinion)
To be honest, this is a bit dated. While I don't see this big reunion, I think that MJ is game to play a role -- however limited in scope. That's his family and while people looking from the outside may not understand the reasons why, MJ knows the deal with them.

He knows that they stood by his side when no one else other than the fans did. He cares for them deeply and he will do something with them. It just may not be all that they want though...:2cents:
This is some updated information regarding the speculation around the new Jackson Family reality TV show which is apparently in the production works

"'The show will follow the lives of the brothers as they move back into the old Jackson family home in the L.A. suburb of Encino and live and perform together again' an insider claims.

'They feel the timing is right - because Michael is becoming professionally active again, and they believe fans are ready to find out what the family is doing,' said the mole.

'Although Michael will stop in and oversee some of the recording with The Jacksons, he'll be doing most of his singing from his private studio in Las Vegas and then have the tapes transferred to where his brothers are laying down tracks in L.A..'

Former Celebrity Big Brother contestant Jermaine, 53, will reportedly run the show, but Michael 'wants the last say on the music.'"


this kinda follows what LaToya and Jackie said on Access Hollywood.

good one, Jacksons...I think the public will be pleasantly surprised...
well if so... cool!!

U know, if this is true this is making me think that MJ's 'goals' are not the same as they were years ago...

what I mean by that is, before he tried to get away from doing Jacksons stuff because it held him back... Focusing on his solo career.. Now if he does a Jacksons album, his own album, and is guest appearing on Akons album.. It makes me believe he is looking for EXPOSER more than sales and awards...

him taking time doing stuff with his brothers will lesson his time to promote his OWN album.. so!!!!!!!!!!! maybe he's looking for major OVERALL EXPOSER of himself, over his ALBUM...

^ ya.. I mean when it comes down to it.. unless you are going to break major records through SALES.. in the end it's about EXPOSER..

I mean outside of MJ fans.. no1 knows what any other albums sales were aside from. "Thriller the best selling." and "Invincible selling bad"... All that middle stuff, no matter how LARGE, people don't care..

So as long as he sells a good number... all that will truely matter is EXPOSER.. I mean look at todays artists.. It's not about who's album sold better, it's about how often you see and hear them.. Why you think we hear Akon and neyo on everyones songs?? it's exposer..

could you picture quincy trying to be on every MJ song in the 80's?? lol!

Before the industry was different.. Sales mattered.. but since the industry does not sell well in general, he'll never top his best selling albums.. At it's highest hopes Michaels album will reach into the 15-20 million mark.. and even that is freaking HUGE in todays standards.. But still 10 million less than BAD and DANGEROUS.. roughly HIStory sales..

sales are not important anymore, aside from making money FROM sales..

To me it is.. Simply because I want Michael to PROVE everyone wrong and outsell his last album by a long shot.. just to shut people up.. but really.. people wont care.. lol!
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:eek: Almost missed this as I thought it was a repeat of the other reality thingy.

Wow umm.... sounds good. :) Should be interesting to see/hear the final product when it's completed. As for how this fits in with Michael's solo work, I don't think doing a little something with his family would hold him back. Instead of seeing it as a step backward, I see it as them (MJ and Jacksons) all moving forward together...yet still very separate?

Thanks for posting. :flowers:
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I agree with many of your comments. The brothers should be embarrassed to ever ask Michael to do a tour with them again after what he did for them during the Victory tour. At the time when he was the hottest thing going he agreed to do a tour that he would only get 1/6 of the proceeds from. Thats pretty darn charitable.

Thin of Justin Timberlake right now with all his solo success going on tour with NSYNC and agreeing to just 1/5 of the take.

Of course the fam did stand by Mike during his trials, but I still say Mike should go for self unless he really just wants to do one last tour or show for the sentimental value.
I agree with many of your comments. The brothers should be embarrassed to ever ask Michael to do a tour with them again after what he did for them during the Victory tour. At the time when he was the hottest thing going he agreed to do a tour that he would only get 1/6 of the proceeds from. Thats pretty darn charitable.

Thin of Justin Timberlake right now with all his solo success going on tour with NSYNC and agreeing to just 1/5 of the take.

Of course the fam did stand by Mike during his trials, but I still say Mike should go for self unless he really just wants to do one last tour or show for the sentimental value.
Life and love is worth more than money. The Jackson motto when they started out was never about money. It was to showcase their talent as a family group. that is why we frst loved them and why we have stayed with them. There is more to life than selfishness and greed. When Michael goes home to glory, his family will be the last ones there to HOLD HIS HAND,:D That is priceless.
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This may or may not be true. It does sound plausible though.

In regards to the brothers talking about new stuff for years, well... it's going to happen eventually. All the brothers are alive and, as far as I know, well. That's rare these days. They have been inactive for a while, but they are respected and enjoyed around the globe. If MJ were to do just one or two songs with his brothers, it would help infinitely and also be good for his own solo work.

I can see this happening.
Life and love is worth more than money. The Jackson motto when they started out was never about money. It was to showcase their talent as a family group. that is why we frst loved them and why we have stayed with them. There is more to life than selfishness and greed. When Michael goes home to glory, his family will be the last ones there to HOLD HIS HAND,:D That is priceless.
Well, I don't know about the money part Dat. The parents wanted to get their family out of Gary IN and Joe didn't want his kids in the mills...

I think they view their act as a family one and the siblings were raised to view their act in that way.

While there is no denying the stand out talent of MJ, he is still beholden to his blood. It's just that he probably won't do what they would prefer him do with them, that's all.
Well, I don't know about the money part Dat. The parents wanted to get their family out of Gary IN and Joe didn't want his kids in the mills...

I think they view their act as a family one and the siblings were raised to view their act in that way.

While there is no denying the stand out talent of MJ, he is still beholden to his blood. It's just that he probably won't do what they would prefer him do with them, that's all.
Yes, indeed. And mJ loves his family and fans need to respect that. Sometimes I get the feeling that they think he is superior to them and that, to me is wrong.:no:
my love for MJ is not based on my expectations of him. and i don't pretend to know or demand what or who he is beholden to, because i am on the outside looking in. and i would not want somebody to do that to me, and that is why.
I think that they will PERFORM as a group once more, but I dont think there will be a CD full of new songs. Someone said The Jackson brothers might feature on a song or 2 on MJ's new album.. yeah, that I can imagine, but a whole album, think about it, theyre all over the place, doing their own things.. Tito said in Devon he has no idea what MJ is doing. The brothers semi-united for a few weeks for a reality TV show. One will be in UK while the other is in Vegas while the other is in California while Janet is saying its not happening coz Mike is focussing on solo career and LaToya is running her mouth and praying the powers of the universe will allign and the brothers will come back together. As much as a lot of people would like it, I cant see it happening. But like I said, a Reunion concert i CAN see happening, like 30th from MSG where the brothers feature with a 20minute set of old classics. Thats about as far as I can visulaize.

I just wanna say that if MJ did a mini tour or concert, i think it would be BETTER to include the brothers.. Imagine DANGEROUS or HISTORY Tour, but having the REAL J5 onstage for the J5 medley. It would have been incredible... So im not hatin on them, I just cant see new studio work coming out. If it was going to, it would have in the past 2 decades.
^That'd be the ultimate tour :) Live instruments, no miming, solo set by michael, plus Jackson 5 set. Old and new material. In my dreams, haha.
I'm sorry but I really dislike tv shows like this. Glad michael isn't gonna partake in it to much. Anyway if it does happen I will look at michael's parts. I guess.
Michael did many shows like this in the past. That is how the making of Thriller was made amd many other "The making of.." which actually started with Michael.
oh ok then. I thought this was a reality tv show where the camera follows the jackson family around to see how they live everyday life. But if it's a music show "the making of____" then that's cool.
I won't believe any of this until I see it happen. Michael, from what we've seen, is very much doing his OWN thing right now.

And Michael is a superior talent to anyone in his family, brother's included, far superior. That cannot be denied. Fans pointing that out isn't meant as disrespect towards Michael's brother's, it's simply the stating of a fact.
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I really think that The whole are the family are going to be huge again, its all coming together now..

Watch this space.
