Jackson family issues statement to fans!!

Such a beautiful statement.

Joseph can rest assure that we will love, respect and look after the kids just as we did for Michael.
They are now without father, but they can always count on us.
for Michael and Joseph

That is one of the most beautiful statements ever. Very compassionate family.

I am sure the children will be well taken care of. They in time, will realize the impact Michael had on us.
Thank you so much for that. I'm praying for the family. Michael has and always will be the biggest influence in my life, God bless you all.
Thank you Joseph for that message. No matter how much the fans are all hurting right now, it is nothing like the pain that your family must be enduring. It was very kind to think of us.
its so sweet of them to even think of us during this tough time. it means so much to me and has made me stronger :) he gave us some good advice and i feel like i have some direction on where to go from here
I'm gonna cry again.

This is so bloody unfair!!! This should have never happened!!! I'm angry beyond words, I've never been so angry in my whole life!!!
Michael deserved to live forever, he is the world's Peter Pan and no one had the right to take that away from him!!

Thank you for posting, and thank you to the Jackson family. You will always have our support, and the children our love. Please raise them as Michael would have, for he was the best father one could have.

God bless those children.
That statement is just so sad :(
Yet it is also so beautiful, it gives me the strength to realize that we the fans need to keep his legacy and thoughts about the world alive!
My heart goes out to the family :(
Thank you SO much for that message, all of our hearts go out to YOU Joseph and your amazing family.

Your son's legacy and his beautiful kids will be safe with us. Thank you for thinking of us xxxx
Thank you so much for posting this. The news only gave us a few lines of this, and it's wonderful to have fans like you who can give us the whole thing.

There's nothing I can say about it, really. Thank you Jackson family for coming out and talking to us, and our support will never stop. xxx
Thinking of the family and what they are going through now breaks my heart. Im so glad they are a close knit, loving and strong family unit. Thanks to them for taking to the time to think of us. They will always have my support.
My heart is breaking...its impossible to imagine how Michael's children and his family are feeling right now.
Such a beautiful statement....its started me crying again....
Thank you for these beautiful words! Thank you, that you gave the world such a wonderful singer. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!
This is such a tragic loss, but i will forever love Michael, he will always be in my heart! A legend cannot be forgoten.
I feel like just as we always stood by Michael and defended his honor and loved and supported him, we were his soldiers you know? Now we're these childrens soilders. We need to do what he can no longer physically do. Defend these beautiful childrens honor just as we did their father.
we will always love Michael and his children and we will make him proud by continue his good work here on earth!
The only thing I could say is a few words that I think Michael himself would say to us fans:

All Is Well

I am the wind,
I am the rain,
I am the sunlight through your windowpane.

I am the leaf turning brown in the fall,
I'm the faintest whisper on the breeze when you call,
I am the snoflake that kisses your cheek,
I'm the child in the park playing hide and go seek.

I'm the scent of the flowers that fills the spring air,
I am all around you,
I'm everywhere.

I will always be with you from this moment on,
In your every dance, your every song.

You see when we move on we never truly die,
We become one with nature,
We unify.

Take care my precious ones on my passing don't dwell,
Remember the love we share together,

See you again someday,
All is well.