Jackson Estate Calls La Toya's Murder Accusation "Outrageous"

Personally, I'd like it BETTER if rougher music were released, like "works-in-progress." Rather than over-produced music where authenticity is questionable. There is NO need for controversy. With "works-in-progress," we'd get to hear Michael's work-process, and that, in itself, would be a joy!

In terms of the thread topic? LaToya had a CHANCE to say what she knew, in her book. But didn't. Not really. I doubt there will be any help coming from HER. If the Jackson family have questions, the thing to do is hire a TEAM of private investigators, and a GOOD attorney. It's been two YEARS, so either do that, or sit down and be very very quiet?
Actually, I agree with you. There remain so many QUESTIONS!

To me the LaToya/Carter fiascoes were quite telling. LaToya is claiming "conspiracy," and they jumped all over it. . . .

But, this really isn't true. They didn't "jump all over it" in any stretch to what that phrase means and implies. They made a statement in response to the media contacting them. We have heard nothing since about it just like we have heard no reaction from them about Randy's recent tweets.

I remember many times when fans were upset that Michael wasn't making a statement about this or that or suing this person or that person; people complained how he was allowing his name and legacy to be damaged. If honest, people will admit this. This has been happening when he was alive and it is still happening. Everyone that loved Michael did not make a statement about this; that doesn't mean they didn't love him or don't fully believe in his innocence and integrity. In the same manner, people can't say that fans participating in this campaign or wrong or overzealous. Sometimes, it comes down to how people handle things, particularly things that they don't like. Just because it is not your way or on your timetable, does not make it the wrong.

I'm sure there are some that would have said why bother with the prank phone call tape. For their reasons, the Estate felt it needed its attention. I'm sure the same will come with this Carter interview. But, there are ramifications to their statements that fans don't have responsibilities for whether fans think they do or not. I'm sure they probably hear way more crap than we could even imagine while dealing with all this stuff.
The only thing "outrageous" about Latoya stating what she did is the fact that she's in position to say it.. What I mean by that is Michael is gone and she has a legitimate reason to say what she says..

That's OUTRAGOUS to me..
I too think The Estate should've by now said something on this matter to the media, but as far as I am concerned its Michael's own family who should've already taken the stand publically about this and not just issuing twitter comments!
Fans, family, and the estate should have lined up long ago in putting together a crisis team to deal with those issues.
Michael deserves no less. We are all aware of the extents to which people can go to exploit him for money and I would expect the estate to be a pioneer in this effort as they have the means and the power to shut these people up.
There is considerable damage done to the MJ brand even if that's all that matters to them.
So... the Estate can react properly and strictly and quickly if they want to...., They have to react to the OKs cocaine drama... the same way.
Seriously....absolutely disgusted with how they clearly only care about their own names being cleared ASAP, yet do absolutely nothing on behalf of Michael's.

Whatever, man.
Wholeheartedly agreed.

The outrageous and obviously false statements made this morning by Latoya Jackson are further examples of her willingness to say anything involving her brother for attention or money. The truth is Michael appointed John Branca and John McClain as his Executors. Their success in generating unprecedented revenues for Michael's Estate coupled with their preserving, protecting and enhancing Michael Jackson's legacy speaks for itself."
OK, whatever, they're busy defending themselves :smilerolleyes:
But the underlined part gets me, yall :angry:
"Enhancing Michael Jackson's legacy"??
He did all the work, he gets the credit.
They do business, that's all.
Them trying to put themselves on a pedestal like that, that type of sh*t gets on my damn nerves.
Of course they're going to go after LaToya because what she's been saying is stepping on a few toes that don't want to be revealed. She's getting more and more bolder with her words and with names!

Why so bold with LaToya but silent with Aaron Carter? Is LaToya's words more of a threat to Michael's legacy or is the words of Aaron Carter?

But, this really isn't true. They didn't "jump all over it" in any stretch to what that phrase means and implies. They made a statement in response to the media contacting them. We have heard nothing since about it just like we have heard no reaction from them about Randy's recent tweets.

we need to be correct here. they didn't jump to answer latoya - her book had been out, she had written michael said negative things about branca and was making the interview rounds - we heard nothing from the executors.

then 1-2 weeks after her book release in on tv show she named branca and that channel asked for a comment - that's what they responded to. they didn't release a statement to all media channels.

why this happened? media cannot air such serious claims - claims of criminal activity or murder- they have to ask the opposite side for comment. that was all.

Personally, I'd like it BETTER if rougher music were released, like "works-in-progress." Rather than over-produced music where authenticity is questionable. There is NO need for controversy. With "works-in-progress," we'd get to hear Michael's work-process, and that, in itself, would be a joy!

such albums do not sell well in regard to the general public.


btw I heard from the online team in regards to their silence about Aaron Carter simply put they told me that they didn't want to give importance to what Carter was saying by responding to him.

look to it from the outside : Carter is a washed up pop star who is trying to attract attention by talking about Michael so that his new album would sell. Barak is a highly questionable reporter. if the Estate responded to them it would be like giving them what they wanted, making them "important" and bring more attention to them.
if the Estate responded to them it would be like giving them what they wanted, making them "important" and bring more attention to them.

...And others wanting the same would follow, most likely, imo.
The media reported Carter's denial, so there was no need for the Estate to bring any more attention to it. It was better they didn't respond. Let the story die now.
This is the Estate response:
The Estate of Michael Jackson Message to Fans - RE: Aaron Carter & Latoya Jackson
Fans have asked the Estate to elaborate on its decision to respond to some of LaToya Jackson’s comments as she promoted her new book, as well as its decision not to respond formally to a false and erroneous report out of Australia that allegedly quoted Aaron Carter as saying he and Michael used drugs together.

If someone severely misrepresents the facts surrounding Michael’s Estate and makes serious, reckless and false accusations that go unanswered, it demeans and maligns Michael’s memory and legacy, and may also potentially hurt the business of the Estate, thereby affecting the future earnings that benefit Michael’s beneficiaries.

When a tabloid report like the Aaron Carter story occurs, involving claims made by people who knew Michael during his life, the Estate always must ask the same questions: how credible is the source; can it be verified; and would issuing a public response only put an unwarranted spotlight on a questionable, negative story about Michael the Estate has no desire to publicize?

In this case, the Executors knew the account came from a marginal celebrity gossip site, and was conducted by a journalist with a long history of controversy involving Michael and his family. Furthermore, the Executors also knew Aaron Carter had previously denied the allegations to Peoplemagazine, something that was noted to any media who asked the Estate about the report. In the end, the Estate believes the story took care of itself: Aaron Carter’s decision to refute it himself was the best solution, in that it called the most attention possible to the credibility of this story. Any benefit from the Estate calling out irresponsible media reportage could then possibly be outweighed by the detriment of even more media spotlight on a bogus story.

As for LaToya Jackson, the Estate felt compelled to respond to irresponsible and untruthful statements that were defamatory, and which grossly misrepresented facts that are in the public court record. LaToya was going on many television shows, repeating some of the same bogus info, and the Estate felt it important to try and contain any additional/future damage beyond that which had already been done, and, sadly, which had already started to be repeated as fact by other media to promote their sites or sell their news reports.

It’s probably an impossible task to make decisions that everyone likes. Some will agree, some will disagree, but in the end, it is the ultimate responsibility of the Co-Executors to fulfill their obligations per Michael’s wishes by doing what they think best in each and every instance, to protect, preserve, and grow Michael’s legacy and memory for Michael and his fans, and to protect, preserve and grow the Estate for its beneficiaries.
Source: Michael- News - **MJ4JUSTICE