Jackson estate administrators seek payment

Well, well, well...............

It was Michael Jackson that earned this not crooks Branca and his henchmen.

Let the robbery begin. This is what they are working and waiting for. These crooks will be leeching off of Michael Jackson for the rest of there lives. I see a good forgery can earn big money.

I knew this would happen.
Wake up they have already been taking millions under the table.

That is ridiculous. They are entitled to this as executors of the will. If it isn't this will it is the previous will and they are still executors.
I hate to point this out but Michael has been known not to pay his business associates and has had many cancellations of things and people should be paid for their work.

When Michael had a problem with Sony he sure made it known.

We all loved Michael, but that doesn't give him the right not to pay for services rendered. I am sure there are some who are just out to get what they can get and are dishonest, but there have been too many stories of Michael not paying for things. I am sure it was a cash flow problem and he juggled money around a lot and this is the end result of that.

no one of those who sued MJ with the exception of those who were not paid by Randy's team got in court what they originally claimed MJ owed them .

Schaffel asked for 5 or eight millions , he was awarded $900.000 by a jury .

Raymone asked for 40 millions , later we knew she got paid and signed papers releasing MJ of any financial obligations to her .

the company which claimed they refinanced MJ's loan asked originally for $ 48 millions , Randy was the one who signed the deal with them without mj's knowledge , they were rewarded $ 5 millions only , simply because mj did not want to go after his own brother .

as elusive said all the lawsuits brought in 2007 AND 2008 regarding payments not met in 2004 , 2005 and 2006 were caused by Randy and his team's shady behavior , and even many of the creditors claims filed against the estate now that came from that period are also a result of the same individuals . before that MJ never failed to pay any one .

as for Landis , it is not like MJ would tell people don't pay him , he would not have been able to know what that man was owed, his managers, accountants had to sort these things out , Konitzer and weizner were the managers before Randy , they were more shady than him , there were documents presented at the trial proved these two men at one occasion stole $960.000 from a bank account and the money disappeared .
you can't blame Michael for his managers and accountants' lack of work ethics, they were stealing from him , the man was himself a victim of their greed before anyone else .
It's fair. They deserve it as long as they keep MJ's legacy ALIVE which I concern most.
^^ It's required, They can't work for free. :no: So they have to be paid for thier work and 5% seems fair, if they were asking for a very large amount then I would worry.
Well, well, well...............

It was Michael Jackson that earned this not crooks Branca and his henchmen.

Let the robbery begin. This is what they are working and waiting for. These crooks will be leeching off of Michael Jackson for the rest of there lives. I see a good forgery can earn big money.

I knew this would happen.
Wake up they have already been taking millions under the table.

Money hungry heffas, the robbery has just begun.

There is no Robbery they are just asking for the pay that is due them
and they are not even asking the full amount only 70% of what is
already owed to them for the outstanding work they have done for
the estate _

Anyone working as executer of the the estate would get the same.
They have to be paid _ they only get paid 5% of what they make for
Michael's estate _ if they dont make money for the estate there pay
also is penalised ... They are not being greedy, just getting what was
offered to them through the estate.

I really dont think your usumptions have any merit
Its all fair, square and legal - nothing outrageous or under-handed in thi sparticular matter
Might be best to wait for something sinister to comment on if you want to be taken seriously.
One can only cry wolf so many times before they are considered Unbelivable.
Just my humble opinion
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Ironically, they are probably some of the only people who've earnt an MJ salary in recent times....
Unless I'm grossly misinformed, wouldn't make any difference who the estate administrators would be, they still are entitled to payment for their services.

Am I missing something here?
Well, well, well...............

It was Michael Jackson that earned this not crooks Branca and his henchmen.

Let the robbery begin. This is what they are working and waiting for. These crooks will be leeching off of Michael Jackson for the rest of there lives. I see a good forgery can earn big money.

I knew this would happen.
Wake up they have already been taking millions under the table.
im sorry but these sort of statements are ridiculous. dont pl even bother to read the articles or just go with anything that suports their consipracy theories. mj hired these ppl and set the amount they would be paid in his will. all administrators get paid. its a job. they are running a billion $ empire. do you work for free. things like this just feed the haters who think mj fans are crazy

Might be best to wait for something sinister to comment on if you want to be taken seriously.
One can only cry wolf so many times before they are considered Unbelivable.
Just my humble opinion
exactly well said
Executors of a will need to be paid. When my grandfather died the fees for the lawyers had to be taken out, which worked out about 5%. McClain and Branca are perfectly in their rights to be paid. They're not stealing from he estate or are charlatans after MJ's money. They are providing a service which needs paying. None of us work for free, why should they?
no one of those who sued MJ with the exception of those who were not paid by Randy's team got in court what they originally claimed MJ owed them .

Schaffel asked for 5 or eight millions , he was awarded $900.000 by a jury .

Raymone asked for 40 millions , later we knew she got paid and signed papers releasing MJ of any financial obligations to her .

the company which claimed they refinanced MJ's loan asked originally for $ 48 millions , Randy was the one who signed the deal with them without mj's knowledge , they were rewarded $ 5 millions only , simply because mj did not want to go after his own brother .

as elusive said all the lawsuits brought in 2007 AND 2008 regarding payments not met in 2004 , 2005 and 2006 were caused by Randy and his team's shady behavior , and even many of the creditors claims filed against the estate now that came from that period are also a result of the same individuals . before that MJ never failed to pay any one .

as for Landis , it is not like MJ would tell people don't pay him , he would not have been able to know what that man was owed, his managers, accountants had to sort these things out , Konitzer and weizner were the managers before Randy , they were more shady than him , there were documents presented at the trial proved these two men at one occasion stole $960.000 from a bank account and the money disappeared .
you can't blame Michael for his managers and accountants' lack of work ethics, they were stealing from him , the man was himself a victim of their greed before anyone else .
This problem did not start with randy team, its obvious the thriller situation, raymone bain, neverland employees, the pharmacy, the department stores, previous lawyers, I dont blame michael directly for not making sure his team had paid those bills, michael trusted the people that worked for him.
Executors of a will need to be paid. When my grandfather died the fees for the lawyers had to be taken out, which worked out about 5%. McClain and Branca are perfectly in their rights to be paid. They're not stealing from he estate or are charlatans after MJ's money. They are providing a service which needs paying. None of us work for free, why should they?
I dont trust branca dont know much about mcclain, I believe branca is up to no good he was investigated along with other lawyers that worked for michael about there offshore accounts, when working for michael in the past, the updated will in my book needs to be look into, and yes it is the same as the first will, after michael did not trust branca and did not take his advise during the trial and then another lawyer mention michael had made a second will and he sign the pappers where is this will this man said exsist? if this man is speaking the truth all this should be told in court.
and yes it is the same as the first will, after michael did not trust branca and did not take his advise during the trial and then another lawyer mention michael had made a second will and he sign the pappers where is this will this man said exsist? if this man is speaking the truth all this should be told in court.
what other lawyer.
This problem did not start with randy team,
tbh it did. mj did not have huge lawsuits and issues b5 randy came in and brought in his accountants.

its obvious the thriller situation, raymone bain, neverland employees, the pharmacy, the department stores, previous lawyers,
u have proved my point all those issues bar raymone (which is nothing to do with unpaid bills and she has been shown to be in the wrong due to the documents she signed) happened when randy was paying mjs bills. thriller situation ie john landis? that was for payments not made after 2005 neverland staff was on randys shift pharmacy was on randys shift lawyers who were brought in by randy lol was on his shift lol
im sorry but these sort of statements are ridiculous. dont pl even bother to read the articles or just go with anything that suports their consipracy theories. mj hired these ppl and set the amount they would be paid in his will. all administrators get paid. its a job. they are running a billion $ empire. do you work for free. things like this just feed the haters who think mj fans are crazy
Absolutely! Of course there were corrupt people who surrounded MJ, but Branca and McClain weren't corrupt. They deserve to get paid a fair amount, especially if they are doing a good job, which by all accounts, they are. :yes:
according to TMZ Weizman company is asking for almost half a million as fees , they were hired to solve the matter with the family, there are two other law firms asking for fees also , it is fair to assume katherine's legal fees are up to almost half a million now .

so that one million dollar wasted by Randy and joe.

Are they charging regular fees or Michael Jackson fees. Just Asking. Branca and Co have done a good job overall marketing and recouping funds for the estate.
Absolutely! Of course there were corrupt people who surrounded MJ, but Branca and McClain weren't corrupt. They deserve to get paid a fair amount, especially if they are doing a good job, which by all accounts, they are. :yes:

I agree they are doing a very good job they have stopped certain people from claming Michaels money and I think it is better that they look after it. :yes:
Are they charging regular fees or Michael Jackson fees. Just Asking. Branca and Co have done a good job overall marketing and recouping funds for the estate.

they are getting paid normal fees and what mj stated they should be paid.
dunno couldnt say inregards to weitzman and what lawyers charge. unfortunalty most of that work was caused by the jacksons themsleves
Jackson Executors -- Beyond the Call of Duty

Posted Dec 17th 2009 2:49PM by TMZ Staff
The executors of Michael Jackson's estate have filed documents, explaining why they should be entitled to more than the statutory fee most executors get -- a big reason ... Joe Jackson.

According to legal docs filed with the court, co-executors John Branca and John McClain had to defend the estate from a steady barrage of attacks by Joe Jackson and, until recently, by Katherine Jackson.

They also claim they've been working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week since they were appointed. And, they claim, their "business reputations and the character and reputation of Michael Jackson were repeatedly assaulted by personal and unfounded attacks" which they were forced to correct publicly in order to protect the Michael Jackson brand.

Branca and McClain say at the time Michael Jackson died ... Michael and his businesses were defendants in 11 separate lawsuits and it only got worse after his death.

Branca and McClain want more than the statutory fee -- which is a percentage of the value of the estate. They're asking for "extraordinary compensation" for the work most executors never have to do.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0ZyxGEG9i

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0ZyxGEG9i
unfortunalty most of that work was caused by the jacksons themsleves


And that's probably one of the reasons that Mrs. Jackson changed her mind about pursuing that "other" path with Oxman and Company.

I'm sure her new attorney told her that it was not a fruitful path and it would eat away at the estate.

Everytime somebody files something regarding the executors, the exeuctors have to answer. All of those different motions, answers, and/or replys, on behalf of the executors, are costly to prepare.
according to reports, MJ has been in debt for ten thousand years. and it's a sesnsationalist report, making two questionable and some frivolous lawsuits(Bain's going defunct) sound legit, and numerous.

he shouldn't have an estate, the way those reports have been going off. so, they don't know the meaning of debt.
Just read the TMZ article on another site. All I can say is that I hope the judge is going to make a fair ruling to both the estate and the executors. Branca and McClain have done a good job so far, but it now looks like they are primarily motivated by money than by the fact that they have a long history with Michael. I mean, I knew it was always about money, but I was also hoping that they were doing it for other reasons too. I know that Michael is considered a multi-million dollar brand now and that the estate is going to be run like a corporation. I just hope to God there is some kind of checks and balances system put into place to watch what is going on.

IDK. . . it's just sad that this is even happening. That there is even a need for executors and stuff.
It's only fair to be paid for the services you offer.

But I have a question:
Why did Michael fire Branca if he was the person he trusted more to handle his estate? Why didn't he change his 2002 will accordingly?

If you made a will and afterwards discovered that the executor you had appointed does not deserve to be trusted, wouldn't you have changed your will?
It's only fair to be paid for the services you offer.

But I have a question:
Why did Michael fire Branca if he was the person he trusted more to handle his estate? Why didn't he change his 2002 will accordingly?

If you made a will and afterwards discovered that the executor you had appointed does not deserve to be trusted, wouldn't you have changed your will?
Michael firing Branca hasn't got anything to do with Michael believing in his abilities that he is the right man to run his multi -billion dollar empire instead of money hungry lunatics. He didn't change it b/c he didn't WANT TO change it.
Michael fired Branca a dozen times over the past 25 years and always re-hired him
branca came back after 2002. like twinkle said mj and branca worked on and off for years. mj wanted him to be executor even if they werent working together. mj was getting his old team back together,ppl he trusted