Jackie a true brother

Furthermore, this thread title is an outrageous insult.

It appears motivated in part by a sick fetish.

If you dish it,..............."

Keep WATCHIN'.......

Here, here! I've had so many arguments with people over this. I cannot get my head round the fact that 'fans' actually think it's okay to accuse/speculate about Michael's own family at a time when they need our support. Michael would be so dissapointed, he spent his life being hounded by the tabloids yet certain fans would rather believe these articles than the words from MJ's own family. *LISTEN TO HIS SONGS* read his beautiful poetry and remember what he taught us! Certain members on this forum need to drop their own egos for a moment and think about how Michael would want them to treat his family. L.O.V.E
yeah jackie and rebbie out of the siblings are the only ones who havnt sold mj down the river yet.
Here, here! I've had so many arguments with people over this. I cannot get my head round the fact that 'fans' actually think it's okay to accuse/speculate about Michael's own family at a time when they need our support. Michael would be so dissapointed, he spent his life being hounded by the tabloids yet certain fans would rather believe these articles than the words from MJ's own family. *LISTEN TO HIS SONGS* read his beautiful poetry and remember what he taught us! Certain members on this forum need to drop their own egos for a moment and think about how Michael would want them to treat his family. L.O.V.E

sadley they bring it on themselves.if htey didnt do anything to hurt mj then fans would have nothing to say about them

Michael would be so dissapointed, he spent his life being hounded by the tabloids yet certain fans would rather believe these articles than the words from MJ's own family.

his own siblings have sold stories to those very tabloids. i think mj would be more disapointed in that. when latoyas talking about prince and his vitiligo but in another interview saying the kids arent his to talk about drug interventions and on and on.
Well he can't be a false/fake brother.......with them both being the sons of Joe and Katherine Jackson.
sadley they bring it on themselves.if htey didnt do anything to hurt mj then fans would have nothing to say about them

his own siblings have sold stories to those very tabloids. i think mj would be more disapointed in that. when latoyas talking about prince and his vitiligo but in another interview saying the kids arent his to talk about drug interventions and on and on.

The Jackson's aren't running Michael or his kids down in any of these interviews. They're trying to get information they believe to be true out to the public. If they shut up and said nothing there would still be people complaining about the fact that "us fans are all grieving and the Jackson's aren't saying or doing anything about his murder because they don't really care" or "because they're all in on it for the money" etc... I can see it now! They're in a no win situation. I admit it wouldn't be my way of doing things but I am open minded enough to put myself in their shoes for a second and realise that not everything is that cut and dry and people will find fault no matter what.

I really don't think Michael would be more disappointed in his own family than the people who are judging them at a time when they need our support! Michael wasn't judgemental like that at all. For the record, if I was murdered, I certainly wouldn't hold it against my family if they went to the tabloids or did interviews - because I love them and that's all that matters in the end.
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some Jacksons will tell the press what $$$$$ sells more:if saying that Omer is Michael son then let it be, if the press do not want the kids to be his they will say this without hisetation..if saying that MJ was druggie will revive someone's career then MJ was an addict and a hopeless case..and so on .

it is business hun, it is business.