Jackie a true brother


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
:yes:Jackson Family Member: Movie Is 'Riveting'

Posted Oct 25th 2009 3:29PM by TMZ Staff

Finally a member of the Jackson family is speaking out about the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" -- up to now the family has either been silent or negative about the flick.

But Jackie Jackson -- who saw the movie on Thursday night -- liked it a lot, telling TMZ:

"My brother's movie 'This Is It' is truly riveting. Michael is electrifying! We get a glimpse of a true genius at work. His passionate message for healing the world, saving the planet and our children's futures is something he was always striving for in his lifetime."

So far Katherine Jackson is unmoved -- we hear she will not see the movie.
Awww...and Michael called him old :\ haha jk

Its nice to here one of them speak out and say something positibve about it :0

A Jackson sibling that doesn't take advantage of the MJ3 or Michael!

I've always liked Jackie. Glad to know that Jackie is coming forth instead of the other media-ho siblings.
I like Jackie.... :wub:

He has always been very protective of Michael ever since he was little....
TMZ IS tabloid with a slick tongued unethical owner who likes to profess his "lawyer" background repeatedly. Well LEVIN, pimping GARBAGE should be against the law. Perhaps you need to revisit ethics 101 before spouting off credentials that actually showcase a flawed, money hungry media whore. Hypocrite! You and your cohorts have my permission to use that as a sensationalized headline.

I hasten to predict that if something isn't done to contain this effort, fireworks will fly.

We're watching

Keep WATCHIN'.......

ha ha ha...drama much?

They are tabloids, but that hasn't stop the Jacksons from using them as their mouthpiece. Both Katherine, Randy and now Jackie have used TMZ to put their message out there.

TMZ is the least of our worry when it comes to tabloids. Latoya is still earning a steady income with the British tabloids (the worst of the worsts), so is Joe...

This is a fractured family...if you can't see it...well that is your problem.
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the jacksons are very smart they are using the media as a weapon against all MJ's enemies....the same weapon his enemies used against him for along time.

but i do not like the title !

i'm sure that Jackie is a good guy but let's not make quick judgments when it comes to the Jacksons with MJs legacy, we've thought of them so highly but they proved us to be wrong on many levels.

anyway, i still love the the Jacksons more than the so called MJ's inner circle and wish them the best in the world .

I can't wait to see the movies,because i still believe in MJ's power . His soul must be around us while celebrating his message.
I think, in time, all the members of the Jackson family will be able to accept the movie, "This Is It", as
a visual record of some of the MAGIC THAT IS, MICHAEL JACKSON.
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You talk about "garbage" being thrown by tabloids - then every Jackson living inside or outside Havenhurst need to do the following:

1) There shall be NO dissemination or comment about the children's ill or well being to ANYONE (including friends, employees and the MEDIA) without written consent of Katherine & ad-litem lawyer for the children.

2) By speaking about the children to (friends, employees and the MEDIA), the Jacksons acknowledge that by doing so endangers the well being of the children.

3) They WON"T exchange money for information or silence. (Yeah, right)

It is of the utmost urgency for those of us who sincerely care about protecting Mr. Jackson's legacy to not allow the "stealth" campaign underway in this and other threads, boards,or forums to reap the world-winds of success in their divide and conquer strategy. Some are being naively misled into joining the bandwagon without any inclination of ulterior motives by moles. I've observed and reflected from afar on a number of occassions, watching those intent on mischief, try to derail mjjcommunity into an unrecognizable state. A state where disrespect towards Mr. Jackson and his family is to some degree entertained, even in his Earthly abscense.

I reitterate, it is very important to not allow this to continue. I'm embarking on this diligent effort to slow a tide that's swelling into a potential tsunami. Please reflect on this. It won't go unappreciated. We're sick of this tactic and it MUST stop. I'm being principled in leaving warnings where necessary. That too shall stop.

Keep WATCHIN'.......
You talk about "garbage" being thrown by tabloids - then every Jackson living inside or outside Havenhurst need to do the following:

1) There shall be NO dissemination or comment about the children's ill or well being to ANYONE (including friends, employees and the MEDIA) without written consent of Katherine & ad-litem lawyer for the children.

2) By speaking about the children to (friends, employees and the MEDIA), the Jacksons acknowledge that by doing so endangers the well being of the children.

3) They WON"T exchange money for information or silence. (Yeah, right)

:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:.......couldn't of said it better my self..
This obvious "stealth" campaign of around the clock attacks on Mr. Jackson's family, especially through the posting of self absorbant drivel from that "rinse and repeat rag" will eventually cause major contentions that some don't see coming.

The final potshot quoted in that write-up should serve notice to authority here. That single line was implanted only to further push their agenda. Whether it's the work of staff from that cesspool of an organization who're masquerading as principled observer here remains to be seen. But whatever the case, it's sick and below the gutter to keep using a Wonderful Mother as the lynchpin to progress a divide and conquer narrative against certain members. It is done with hopes that many will take the bait and support their effort.

TMZ IS tabloid with a slick tongued unethical owner who likes to profess his "lawyer" background repeatedly. Well LEVIN, pimping GARBAGE should be against the law. Perhaps you need to revisit ethics 101 before spouting off credentials that actually showcase a flawed, money hungry media whore. Hypocrite! You and your cohorts have my permission to use that as a sensationalized headline.

I hasten to predict that if something isn't done to contain this effort, fireworks will fly.

We're watching

Keep WATCHIN'.......

I feel ya...

not tryin' to discourage you, however, already been down the road you're on...and it's pretty much a dead end, but you do what you feel you must do.

You might wanna check this thread out if you haven't already:


a couple of others I commented in were lost due to technical difficulties a couple a weeks or so ago.

Just so you know You Are Not Alone... Holla @ me PM if ya wanna.
Jackie, Rebbie, and Janet are the best/smartest of all the Jackson's.
I am gonna get beat up for this one but.. I happen to have a great respect for all the Jacksons. That family has come under such scrutiny especially since the passing of Michael. We don't really know that family to be treating them with such disrespect. There may be some behavior that is weird or odd to us, but it doesn't make them wrong or bad for having said or done any of it.

We are grieving along with each of them and we all do it in our own ways. We may do some things differently, but I know that they love Michael and want the best for those children. My pc keeps blinking out so I had to type really fast before I lost connection.. Hope this makes sense.
Back, there is a difference between media propaganda and what we're seeing with our own eyes. I frankly don't need the media to tell me that certain family members' actions are disgusting when I can read the interviews myself and notice it.

Sorry to say but the people you are defending are the same people selling their stories to the same tabloids that you detest. Telling personal stories about the children's pain, giving vague answers about their paternity, talking about how each child is coping and what each child has said about their father.. is this acceptable?

When we speak about the Jacksons, we don't mean all of them, we mean a select few.... Joe, Randy, Latoya, Marlon (somewhat) and Jermaine to be precise. Their actions speak much louder than any words the media have to say about them.
I didn't want to comment on this subject but I just can't hold back my opinion any longer. Whatever you may think of Michael's family, he loved them, even Latoya, who who I always thought was a total nut case. Imagine how you would feel if people were bashing your family. It is one thing for you to complain about your family, totally another for some else to do it.

And the low life that wrote this article implies that Katherine isn't willing to see the film because she doesn't support the film or Michael. She has stated in an interview that it is too soon for her to see Michael in the film. She is emotionally distraught over her sons death. Katherine is a sweet woman who loved her son. Leave her the f**k alone!

Michael's family isn't perfect. Some of them do things I wouldn't do. But don't paint them all with a broad brush and talk about "the Jacksons" like they were a street gang. They are individuals who act individually. And to keep things in perspective, all of those boys pretty much go the same treatment as Michael. I think maybe they deserve a little empathy as well.
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Jackie has always been handsome.. His abs during the Victory tour, SICK!!!

OK back OT,lol.. Good to know Jackie enjoyed the movie..
I didn't want to comment on this subject but I just can't hold back my opinion any longer. Whatever you may think of Michael's family, he loved them, even Latoya, who who I always thought was a total nut case. Imagine how you would feel if people were bashing your family. It is one thing for you to complain about your family, totally another for some else to do it.

And the low life that wrote this article implies that Katherine isn't willing to see the film because she doesn't support the film or Michael. She has stated in an interview that it is too soon for her to see Michael in the film. She is emotionally distraught over her sons death. Katherine is a sweet woman who loved her son. Leave her the f**k alone!

Michael's family isn't perfect. Some of them do things I wouldn't do. But don't paint them all with a broad brush and talk about "the Jacksons" like they were a street gang. They are individuals who act individually. And to keep things in perspective, all of those boys pretty much go the same treatment as Michael. I think maybe they deserve a little empathy as well.

THank you so much for saying this, especially the part about the reason Katherine is not seeing the film.
Back, there is a difference between media propaganda and what we're seeing with our own eyes. I frankly don't need the media to tell me that certain family members' actions are disgusting when I can read the interviews myself and notice it.

Sorry to say but the people you are defending are the same people selling their stories to the same tabloids that you detest. Telling personal stories about the children's pain, giving vague answers about their paternity, talking about how each child is coping and what each child has said about their father.. is this acceptable?

When we speak about the Jacksons, we don't mean all of them, we mean a select few.... Joe, Randy, Latoya, Marlon (somewhat) and Jermaine to be precise. Their actions speak much louder than any words the media have to say about them.

I didn't want to comment on this subject but I just can't hold back my opinion any longer. Whatever you may think of Michael's family, he loved them, even Latoya, who who I always thought was a total nut case. Imagine how you would feel if people were bashing your family. It is one thing for you to complain about your family, totally another for some else to do it.

And the low life that wrote this article implies that Katherine isn't willing to see the film because she doesn't support the film or Michael. She has stated in an interview that it is too soon for her to see Michael in the film. She is emotionally distraught over her sons death. Katherine is a sweet woman who loved her son. Leave her the f**k alone!

Michael's family isn't perfect. Some of them do things I wouldn't do. But don't paint them all with a broad brush and talk about "the Jacksons" like they were a street gang. They are individuals who act individually. And to keep things in perspective, all of those boys pretty much go the same treatment as Michael. I think maybe they deserve a little empathy as well.

:yes: REAL Talk! :clapping:
I have always liked Jackie and Tito.

Me too, Jackie, Tito and also Marlon have never done anything thing live off Michael's fame and keep most of their thoughts about Michael to themselves. Because they love him so much. I remember how sad and protective Jackie looked at Michael when he was with him on during his trial.

I still want to meet members of the Jackson family, and Jackie, Tito and Marlon are the ones I want to meet the most because I think they are the nicest and most like Michael as they have no ego.

I think the Jackson family are spilt on how they feel about the This Is It movie, and issues such as Michael's will.
Jackie will be on Oprah tomorrow.

That should be really good...the only brother that has supported MJ. And God bless him for going on Oprah instead of the tabloids. Oprah has a lot more credibility...and she used to have a crush on Jackie.
Jackie will be on Oprah tomorrow.

That should be really good...the only brother that has supported MJ. And God bless him for going on Oprah instead of the tabloids. Oprah has a lot more credibility...and she used to have a crush on Jackie.

Just Jackie? Ohh that should be good. Pretty funny though considering Oprah wanted to marry him when she was younger. I wonder if she'll go all fan-girly :lol:
:yes:Jackson Family Member: Movie Is 'Riveting'

Posted Oct 25th 2009 3:29PM by TMZ Staff

Finally a member of the Jackson family is speaking out about the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" -- up to now the family has either been silent or negative about the flick.

But Jackie Jackson -- who saw the movie on Thursday night -- liked it a lot, telling TMZ:

"My brother's movie 'This Is It' is truly riveting. Michael is electrifying! We get a glimpse of a true genius at work. His passionate message for healing the world, saving the planet and our children's futures is something he was always striving for in his lifetime."

So far Katherine Jackson is unmoved -- we hear she will not see the movie.

Hmm... im sorry to say it... But i dont believe one word of what TMZ or any tabloids are telling.... If i here things from the owner of the mouth - in this case MJ´s family then fine.. i believe !! Otherwise i dont..
I dont understand why ppl need to digg in MJ´s family... leave them alone ?
Is it really so important to know what,when, why or were they do or mean whatever ? :)
Maybe im on wrong track? This is just what i feel. *s
Well for one thing, Joe and Katherine are never seen together. Their kids are also never seen with Joe. And the siblings also keep away from LaToya.

So its not just us who don't like Joe or LaToya
Well for one thing, Joe and Katherine are never seen together. Their kids are also never seen with Joe. And the siblings also keep away from LaToya.

That's actually not accurate. There are many photos of them together as well as video throughout the years. Katherine has been pretty secluded since the death but she and Joe were spotted at dinner in late July.

Also, everyone except Rebbie, Katherine and Michael were at Latoya's b'day party in June. She and Jackie spend a lot of time together as well. Most of them live in close proximity to one another. According to both Latoya and Janet when Janet is in town they hang out.

There are more than enough photos of them all interacting but they are all adults who have their own lives. I doubt most adults hang out with their parents and siblings a lot since their spouses and children become their new priority.